RSS-Based Indoor Localization System with Single Base Station


The paper proposes an Indoor Localization System (ILS) which uses only one fixed Base Station (BS) with simple non-reconfigurable antennas. The proposed algorithm measures Received Signal Strength (RSS) and maps it to the location in the room by estimating signal strength of a direct line of sight (LOS) signal and signal of the first order reflection from the wall. The algorithm is evaluated through both simulations and empirical measurements in a furnished open space office, sampling 21 different locations in the room. It is demonstrated the system can identify user’s real-time location with a maximum estimation error below 0.7 m for 80% confidence Cumulative Distribution Function (CDF) user level, demonstrating the ability to accurately estimate the receiver’s location within the room. The system is intended as a cost-efficient indoor localization technique, offering simplicity and easy integration with existing wireless communication systems. Unlike comparable single base station localization techniques, the proposed system does not require beam scanning, offering stable communication capacity while performing the localization process

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