2,226 research outputs found

    Design, construction and commissioning of the Thermal Screen Control System for the CMS Tracker detector at CERN

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    The CERN (European Organization for Nuclear Research) laboratory is currently building the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). Four international collaborations have designed (and are now constructing) detectors able to exploit the physics potential of this collider. Among them is the Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS), a general purpose detector optimized for the search of Higgs boson and for physics beyond the Standard Model of fundamental interactions between elementary particles. This thesis presents, in particular, the design, construction, commissioning and test of the control system for a screen that provides a thermal separation between the Tracker and ECAL (Electromagnetic CALorimeter) detector of CMS (Compact Muon Solenoid experiment). Chapter 1 introduces the new challenges posed by these installations and deals, more in detail, with the Tracker detector of CMS. The size of current experiments for high energy physics is comparable to that of a small industrial plant: therefore, the techniques used for controls and regulations, although highly customized, must adopt Commercial Off The Shelf (COTS) hardare and software. The âワslow controlâ systems for the experiments at CERN make extensive use of PLCs (Programmable Logic Controllers) and SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition) to provide safety levels (namely interlocks), regulations, remote control of high and low voltages distributions, as well as archiving and trending facilities. The system described in this thesis must follow the same philosophy and, at the same time, comply with international engineering standards. While the interlocks applications belong straightforwardly to the category of DES (Discrete Event System), and are therefore treated with a Finite State Machine approach, other controls are more strictly related to the regulation problem. Chapter 2 will focus on various aspects of modern process control and on the tools used to design the control system for the thermal screen: the principles upon which the controller is designed and tuned, and the model validated, including the Multiple Input-Multiple Output (MIMO) problematics are explained. The thermal screen itself, the constraints and the basis of its functioning are described in Chapter 3, where the thermodynamical design is discussed as well. For the LHC experiments, the aim of a control system is also to provide a well defined SIL (Safety Interlock Level) to keep the system in a safe condition; yet, in this case, it is necessary to regulate the temperature of the system within certain values and respect the constraints arising from the specific needs of the above mentioned subsystems. The most natural choice for a PLC-based controller is a PID (Proportional Integral Derivative) controller. This kind of controller is widely used in many industrial process, from batch production in the pharmaceutics or automotive field to chemical plants, distillation columns and, in general, wherever a reliable and robust control is needed. In order to design and tune PID controllers, many techniques are in use; the approach followed in this thesis is that of black-box modeling: the system is modeled in the time domain, a transfer function is inferred and a controller is designed. Then, a system identification procedure allows for a more thorough study and validation of the model, and for the controller tuning. Project of the thermal screen control including system modeling, controller design and MIMO implementation issues are entirely covered in Chapter 4. A systems engineering methodology has been followed all along to adequately manage and document every phase of the project, complying with time and budget constraints. A risk analysis has been performed, using Layer of Protection Analysis (LOPA) and Hazard and Operability Studies (HAZOP), to understand the level of protection assured by the thermal screen and its control components. Tests planned and then performed to validate the model and for quality assurance purposes are described in Chapter 5. A climatic chamber has been designed and built at CERN, where the real operating conditions of the thermal screen are simulated. Detailed test procedures have been defined, following IEEE standards, in order to completely check every single thermal screen panel. This installation allows for a comparison of different controller tuning approaches, including IAE minimization, Skogestad tuning rules, Internal Model Control (IMC), and a technique based upon the MatLab Optimization toolbox. This installation is also used for system identification purposes and for the acceptance tests of every thermal screen panel (allowing for both electrical and hydraulic checks). Also, tests have been performed on the West Hall CERN experimental area , where a full control system has been set up, for interlock high- and low- voltage lines. The interlock system operating procedures and behaviour have been validated during real operating conditions of the detector esposed to a particle beam. The satisfactory results of tests take the project to full completion, allowing the plan to reach the âワexitâ stage, when the thermal screen is ready to be installed in the Tracker and ready to be operational

    Distribution automation applications of fiber optics

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    Motivations for interest and research in distribution automation are discussed. The communication requirements of distribution automation are examined and shown to exceed the capabilities of power line carrier, radio, and telephone systems. A fiber optic based communication system is described that is co-located with the distribution system and that could satisfy the data rate and reliability requirements. A cost comparison shows that it could be constructed at a cost that is similar to that of a power line carrier system. The requirements for fiber optic sensors for distribution automation are discussed. The design of a data link suitable for optically-powered electronic sensing is presented. Empirical results are given. A modeling technique that was used to understand the reflections of guided light from a variety of surfaces is described. An optical position-indicator design is discussed. Systems aspects of distribution automation are discussed, in particular, the lack of interface, communications, and data standards. The economics of distribution automation are examined

    Alternative Fuels Research Laboratory

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    NASA Glenn has invested over $1.5 million in engineering, and infrastructure upgrades to renovate an existing test facility at the NASA Glenn Research Center (GRC), which is now being used as an Alternative Fuels Laboratory. Facility systems have demonstrated reliability and consistency for continuous and safe operations in Fischer-Tropsch (F-T) synthesis and thermal stability testing. This effort is supported by the NASA Fundamental Aeronautics Subsonic Fixed Wing project. The purpose of this test facility is to conduct bench scale F-T catalyst screening experiments. These experiments require the use of a synthesis gas feedstock, which will enable the investigation of F-T reaction kinetics, product yields and hydrocarbon distributions. Currently the facility has the capability of performing three simultaneous reactor screening tests, along with a fourth fixed-bed reactor for catalyst activation studies. Product gas composition and performance data can be continuously obtained with an automated gas sampling system, which directly connects the reactors to a micro-gas chromatograph (micro GC). Liquid and molten product samples are collected intermittently and are analyzed by injecting as a diluted sample into designated gas chromatograph units. The test facility also has the capability of performing thermal stability experiments of alternative aviation fuels with the use of a Hot Liquid Process Simulator (HLPS) (Ref. 1) in accordance to ASTM D 3241 "Thermal Oxidation Stability of Aviation Fuels" (JFTOT method) (Ref. 2). An Ellipsometer will be used to study fuel fouling thicknesses on heated tubes from the HLPS experiments. A detailed overview of the test facility systems and capabilities are described in this paper

    BS News November/December

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    Space station definition and preliminary design, WP-01. Volume 2: Results

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    The basis for the studies and analyses which led to the results and conclusions documented and summarized, was the Engineering Master Schedule (EMS) generated by NASA and used as the controlling set of milestones and associated activities required to produce in a timely manner those products needed by all program participants in the establishment of an approved program baseline. The EMS consisted of twenty themes grouped into categories covering requirements, configurations, and strategies. A number of studies and analyses that were coordinated with the MSFC program and technical personnel as being needed to provide the requisite back-up material to satify the EMS were identified. These studies and analyses provided the data sufficient to support the conclusions and recommendations given to the MSFC in response to their EMS activity and to support the system level and conceptual design level approaches developed and reflected in the detailed sections of this document

    Supervisory Control System Architecture for Advanced Small Modular Reactors

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    This technical report was generated as a product of the Supervisory Control for Multi-Modular SMR Plants project within the Instrumentation, Control and Human-Machine Interface technology area under the Advanced Small Modular Reactor (SMR) Research and Development Program of the U.S. Department of Energy. The report documents the definition of strategies, functional elements, and the structural architecture of a supervisory control system for multi-modular advanced SMR (AdvSMR) plants. This research activity advances the state-of-the art by incorporating decision making into the supervisory control system architectural layers through the introduction of a tiered-plant system approach. The report provides a brief history of hierarchical functional architectures and the current state-of-the-art, describes a reference AdvSMR to show the dependencies between systems, presents a hierarchical structure for supervisory control, indicates the importance of understanding trip setpoints, applies a new theoretic approach for comparing architectures, identifies cyber security controls that should be addressed early in system design, and describes ongoing work to develop system requirements and hardware/software configurations

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    Temperature Control Using an Air Handling Unit Installed with Carel pCO5+ Controller

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    This dissertation reports the project work developed in the Thesis/Dissertation course during the 2nd year of the Master of Electrical and Computer Engineering in the field of Automation and Systems, Department of Electrical Engineering (DEE) at Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto (ISEP). The installation of an Air Handling Unit (AHU) in a work place or a hospital plays an important role in the treatment and maintaining the purity of air. The temperature control is focused in this dissertation. The AHU maintains the temperature of the room or office at a set temperature. The heating and cooling function are done automatically by taking in the reference temperature of the room also depending on the outdoor climate. The main purpose of the AHU is to ensure comfort to the patients, staffs and the employees. In case of the hospitals, the main function of AHU is air cleanliness in hygiene applications. It also includes supplying a sufficient amount of oxygen and removing the carbon dioxide and maintaining a comfortable room climate. They help protect patients and staff from infections. This dissertation will focus on the study of wide range of technologies which will work on the AHU with the Carel electronic controller whose main function is to control the temperature of an office. The unit was installed at Farfetch, Barco, Portugal. The study includes the working of selection criteria of the supply and return fans, inverters, recovery unit, probes, dampers and the controller

    Analysis and implementation of EN ISO 15883 technical standard: execution of type tests on medical devices for thermal-disinfection and development of a prototype

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    openAnalisi e applicazione della norma tecnica EN ISO 15883: esecuzione di prove interne su dispositivi medici per la termo-disinfezione e sviluppo di un progetto prototipaleAnalysis and implementation of EN ISO 15883 technical standard: execution of type tests on medical devices for thermal-disinfection and development of a prototyp

    Design and Construction of a Liquid-Cooled Solid-State Digital Television Transmitter

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    With the advent of terrestrial digital broadcasting, new and improved digital transmitter technologies are required since existing analog transmitter technology is, for the most part, unable to adequately transmit a decodable digital television signal. This study focuses on the design and construction of a solid-state, liquid-cooled UHF digital television transmitter. Emphasis is placed on the design of the amplifier module including the amplifier card, Wilkinson splitter and combiner, input and output matching circuits, DC bias network and the system mask filter. The results of this research are also presented for two television transmitters that are installed and continue to be in use today, including analyses of specific failures that have occurred while in the field. The overall objective of this study is not only to document the research that is behind the design of this system, but also to document the construction of the transmitter for reference in system maintenance and repair as well as a basis for future design