702 research outputs found

    Durus Al-Lughah Gontory: Interactive Arabic Mobile Learning for Beginners

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    The goal of the Android mobile application for Arabic learning is to help students who are not alumni of Muslim boarding school in everyday interaction using the Arabic language at Universitas Darussalam Gontor and to function as a medium to introduce Arabic of Pondok Modern Darussalam Gontor version to beginners. The contents come from the book of the first edition of chapter 1 to 12 written by KH. Imam Zarkasyi and KH. Imam Syubani. These books are studied by santri of KMI PMDG of class one. This application applies grammar translation and audiolingual method to learn Arabic for beginners and is developed using ADDIE (analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation) approach model. The test was done in six ways: its compatibility with any android device at least 4.5 inchi with the type of android mimimum version of 4.0.4 (Ice Cream Sandwich), an expert material of Arabic language learning give rate score 95%, an expert of media learning give rate score 88.9%, 7 of 11 lecturers of Arabic language give an average score of 81.4%, 6 of 30 students from non-alumni muslim boarding school at this campus give 91.6% and 373 general users via playstore from February 1, 2017, to November 18, 2017, rated 4.9. The result of the overall evaluation of all the tests on this apps shows that this application is relevant to beginner users because of its ease. However, it cannot replace the role of teacher, class, and situation of real Muslim boarding school

    The use of smartphone applications for students to learn ESL grammar and vocabulary

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    The primary goal of this project is to provide numerous grammar and vocabulary apps, as well as to explore and assess various approaches for teaching English to non-English speaking students, as well as to evaluate efficient ESL teaching applications for these students. This research may serve as a foundation for the development of new applications for firms operating in the sector. Additionally, teachers may use new tactics in the classroom and online classrooms by utilizing more effective ways and methodologies, as well as the new apps or technologies discussed in this article. Additionally, students are exposed to a variety of applications and their associated possibilities, and the analysis findings might be beneficial in inspiring English as a Foreign Language (EFL) students. Suggestions are presented in this paper for all three groups of stakeholders: teachers, students, and developers. Recommendations for future research topics are provided as a way to develop new strategies and methodologies to create interest in students and to make learning more effective

    The ICT Business: smartphones and the integration of refugees in Europe

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    This dissertation focuses on the issue of refugees’ integration in Europe, taking into account new forms of humanitarian support related to Information and Communication Technologies. Although the number of refugees in Europe is negligible in comparison with the rest of the European population, their arrival has led, in a society that is increasingly technological and networked, to the creation of a great number of new technologies in order to support the integration of refugees in resettlement countries. Among these, applications for smartphones created with this specific purpose stand out. Through 12 interviews to refugees resettled in eight European countries, and complemented by three interviews with privileged informants and a survey of five apps for refugees, this thesis aims to understand if ICT is important in their integration and if, in fact, they use the platforms created to help them with this process.A presente dissertação foca-se na questão da integração dos refugiados na Europa, tendo em vista novas formas de apoio humanitário relacionadas com a área das Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação. Apesar do número de refugiados na Europa ser um valor irrisório em comparação com o resto da população Europeia, a sua chegada levou a que, numa sociedade cada vez mais tecnológica e em rede, se criassem diversas tecnologias para apoiar a integração de refugiados nos países de acolhimento. Destas destaca-se o aparecimento de aplicações para "smartphones" criadas com este propósito específico. Através de 12 entrevistas a refugiados residentes em oito países europeus, complementadas por três entrevistas a informantes privilegiados e recolha de informação acerca de cinco apps criadas para refugiados, esta tese pretende verificar se as novas tecnologias são importantes na integração destes e se, de facto, eles recorrem às plataformas criadas com o objetivo de os ajudar neste processo

    Fitting in Versus Learning: A Challenge for Migrants Learning Languages Using Smartphones

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    There is great interest in the potential of smartphones to enable language learning during daily activities. However, this overlooks the paradox faced by migrant learners that while they have the educational goal of seeking to improve their language skills, they also have the cultural goal of fitting into the host society. Inappropriate use of smartphones as learning aids makes learners stand out as outsiders. Here, we investigate the use of smartphones by migrants for Mobile Assisted Language Learning (MALL) in their daily lives. We report on their participation in the trial of a system that coupled a custom smartphone app with location-based hardware triggers. This presented learning activities based on scenarios from everyday life that were prompted when approaching relevant locations around a UK town. Analysis of pre- and post- interviews indicates that social and cultural influences affect the location, timing and type of learning undertaken using the system. Participants preferred to learn in ways that were unobtrusive, and deferred engagement with content if social context inhibited use of the phone. For example, playing audio in public was seen as inappropriate. Although the app was designed with location-specific content, many participants chose to study elsewhere and at other times, in addition to accessing content from the phone at the time and place that the activity was triggered. We conclude that social context and wanting to belong are important influences for migrant learners, and emphasise the potential of MALL systems in encouraging engagement with physical and digital spaces and reflections about citizenship

    Developing English Vocabulary Through The Busuu App

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the improvement of English learning using the Busuu application. This study used a quantitative method and the design used in this quantitative method was pre-experimental using one group pre-test and post-test. The samples in this study were 31 students of class 10th Ipa SMA Al-Mukhlisin Ciseeng Bogor in the academic year 2019-2020. The mean value of the pre-test results was 43.39 and the post-test 89.19. The results of the t-test calculation can be concluded that the Busuu application has a significant effect on students' vocabulary skills. Evidenced by getting 1.345 for the Pre-test and 2.765 for Post-test. The means for the pre-test were 43.39 and 89.19 for the post-tests. The result of the t.calculation score of 12,492 was higher than the t.table score of 2,042 at the 5% significance level. This means that the Busuu application improves the vocabulary skills of grade X SMA Al-Mukhlisin students

    Android Mobile Application for Slow Learner Children With Tactile Learning Style

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    This paper is on android mobile application for slow learner children with tactile learning style. The purpose of this report is to record all the data gathered throughout author’s study and research for this project. This project is a mobile application based project and the targeted users are slow learners in Year 2 that uses the official Malaysian Ministry of Education mathematics syllabus. The objective of this mobile application are to study how android mobile application can be used to enhance slow learner children with tactile learning style learning process and to implement and develop android mobile application that can be used by slow learner children with tactile learning style. Slow learners cannot focus for a long time and process information slower than average kids. Based on research and observation, each slow learner children have different learning style and knowing the correct children learning style can help them to excel better and absorb knowledge faster. Hence, this project will help children’s learning process for difficult subject to be easier, more effective and enjoyable. The scope of this study is to focus on the content of syllabus to mathematics syllabus for slow learners in Year 2. Students can use this application to know numbers and learn mathematical addition and subtraction operation and at the same time fulfil the needs of tactile learners by providing few methods in order to make it comprehensive for them to process information better. Project will be developed based on System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) of Rapid Application Development model. Each phases will be perform concurrently and on each cycle resulting in a system prototype that will be reviewed by the students and teachers of SK Seri Tronoh in order to measure the effectiveness of the prototype model. The experimental result of the android application is takes as the reference summaries of the evaluation. The evaluation of experimental results shows satisfactory result where out of 6 children tested, 5 children shown a good respond to the mobile application

    mPeer: A Mobile Health Approach to Monitoring PTSD in Veterans

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    More than 2.2 million US service members have seen deployment to Iraq and Afghanistan over the past decade. As the number of veterans returning home has increased, the need for new and innovative approaches to the variety and severity of mental health issues experienced after deployment remains a national priority. Affecting between 15-20\% of the veteran population and largely treatment resistant, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) poses a challenging problem for the mental health community. Recent veteran related studies have suggested a paradigm shift in conceptualizing PTSD in terms of specific high-risk behaviors rather than traditional symptoms. Young and technology savvy, many veteran populations are uniquely poised to embrace mobile health (mHealth) approaches to monitoring and addressing health related issues. In this thesis, we document the design and implementation of a smartphone-based system that coordinates the collection of data potentially relevant for monitoring high-risk behavior in veterans. We describe the details of an unobtrusive smartphone application for the Android platform that collects data from a variety of smartphone sensors and administers daily self-report questionnaires. Finally, we confirm system performance with data from student volunteers

    TewaTalk: Preserving the Tewa Language through Mobile Technology

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    The societal push for universal languages, known as a language shift, causes countries to rely on universal languages for communication over indigenous languages. As a result, the Tewa language, spoken by six Native American Pueblos in New Mexico, has been slowly declining over the last century. The goal of this project was to contribute to the preservation of Tewa by designing a mobile application and a supplementary website that would aid in language education. Detailed interactive mockups were first designed to help visualize the final products. The application was then programmed for the Android platform, and the website was created with Google Sites. After extensive prototyping, we created a functional application and an interactive website design with learning tools

    Implementing Augmented Reality (AR) on Phonics-based Literacy among Children with Autism

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    The implementation of Augmented Reality (AR) technology in education has created an interesting approach to enhance the effectiveness and attractiveness of teaching and learning for students in real-life scenarios. This medium offers unique affordances, combining physical and virtual worlds, with continuous and implicit user control of the point of view and interactivity. This paper introduces the technology of augmented reality and its capabilities in facilitating children with autism. AR is a technology that overlays digital information on a live view of the physical world to create a blended experience. AR provides unique experiences and opportunities to learn and interact with information in the physical world. Hence, AR can be one of the effective technologies available in developing tools for teaching and learning with the combination of the virtual world and real objects such as transportation, fruits, numbers, and alphabets. This will facilitate the autistic child to recognize the abstract concepts of the real objects and their descriptions. The purpose of this paper was to investigate the use of AR on mobile devices in fostering literacy in academic and learning skills for children with autism using the phonics learning method. This prototype helps the autistic child to capture and associate the graphics or pictures of the surrounding objects so as improving the literacy and learning skills of the children. The results show that the children can pronounce and to distinguish between vowels “a”, “i” and “u”. The children are also able to answer most of the questions in the exercises provided. The interactivity between the children and the application raises their attention and focus mainly in literacy and learning skills


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    The aim of this thesis is to investigate mobile guides for use with smartphones. Mobile guides have been successfully used to provide information, personalisation and navigation for the user. The researcher also wanted to ascertain how and in what ways mobile guides can enhance users' experience. This research involved designing and developing web based applications to run on smartphones. Four studies were conducted, two of which involved testing of the particular application. The applications tested were a museum mobile guide application and a university mobile guide mapping application. Initial testing examined the prototype work for the ‘Chronology of His Majesty Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah’ application. The results were used to assess the potential of using similar mobile guides in Brunei Darussalam’s museums. The second study involved testing of the ‘Kent LiveMap’ application for use at the University of Kent. Students at the university tested this mapping application, which uses crowdsourcing of information to provide live data. The results were promising and indicate that users' experience was enhanced when using the application. Overall results from testing and using the two applications that were developed as part of this thesis show that mobile guides have the potential to be implemented in Brunei Darussalam’s museums and on campus at the University of Kent. However, modifications to both applications are required to fulfil their potential and take them beyond the prototype stage in order to be fully functioning and commercially viable