123 research outputs found

    Wearable exoskeleton systems based-on pneumatic soft actuators and controlled by parallel processing

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    Human assistance innovation is essential in an increasingly aging society and one technology that may be applicable is exoskeletons. However, traditional rigid exoskeletons have many drawbacks. This research includes the design and implementation of upper-limb power assist and rehabilitation exoskeletons based on pneumatic soft actuators. A novel extensor-contractor pneumatic muscle has been designed and constructed. This new actuator has bidirectional action, allowing it to both extend and contract, as well as create force in both directions. A mathematical model has been developed for the new novel actuator which depicts the output force of the actuator. Another new design has been used to create a novel bending pneumatic muscle, based on an extending McKibben muscle and modelled mathematically according to its geometric parameters. This novel bending muscle design has been used to create two versions of power augmentation gloves. These exoskeletons are controlled by adaptive controllers using human intention. For finger rehabilitation a glove has been developed to bend the fingers (full bending) by using our novel bending muscles. Inspired by the zero position (straight fingers) problem for post-stroke patients, a new controllable stiffness bending actuator has been developed with a novel prototype. To control this new rehabilitation exoskeleton, online and offline controller systems have been designed for the hand exoskeleton and the results have been assessed experimentally. Another new design of variable stiffness actuator, which controls the bending segment, has been developed to create a new version of hand exoskeletons in order to achieve more rehabilitation movements in the same single glove. For Forearm rehabilitation, a rehabilitation exoskeleton has been developed for pronation and supination movements by using the novel extensor-contractor pneumatic muscle. For the Elbow rehabilitation an elbow rehabilitation exoskeleton was designed which relies on novel two-directional bending actuators with online and offline feedback controllers. Lastly for upper-limb joint is the wrist, we designed a novel all-directional bending actuator by using the moulding bladder to develop the wrist rehabilitation exoskeleton by a single all-directional bending muscle. Finally, a totally portable, power assistive and rehabilitative prototype has been developed using a parallel processing intelligent control chip

    Actuation Technologies for Soft Robot Grippers and Manipulators: A Review

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    Purpose of Review The new paradigm of soft robotics has been widely developed in the international robotics community. These robots being soft can be used in applications where delicate yet effective interaction is necessary. Soft grippers and manipulators are important, and their actuation is a fundamental area of study. The main purpose of this work is to provide readers with fast references to actuation technologies for soft robotic grippers in relation to their intended application. Recent Findings The authors have surveyed recent findings on actuation technologies for soft grippers. They presented six major kinds of technologies which are either used independently for actuation or in combination, e.g., pneumatic actuation combined with electro-adhesion, for certain applications. Summary A review on the latest actuation technologies for soft grippers and manipulators is presented. Readers will get a guide on the various methods of technology utilization based on the application

    Continuum Mechanical Models for Design and Characterization of Soft Robots

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    The emergence of ``soft'' robots, whose bodies are made from stretchable materials, has fundamentally changed the way we design and construct robotic systems. Demonstrations and research show that soft robotic systems can be useful in rehabilitation, medical devices, agriculture, manufacturing and home assistance. Increasing need for collaborative, safe robotic devices have combined with technological advances to create a compelling development landscape for soft robots. However, soft robots are not yet present in medical and rehabilitative devices, agriculture, our homes, and many other human-collaborative and human-interactive applications. This gap between promise and practical implementation exists because foundational theories and techniques that exist in rigid robotics have not yet been developed for soft robots. Theories in traditional robotics rely on rigid body displacements via discrete joints and discrete actuators, while in soft robots, kinematic and actuation functions are blended, leading to nonlinear, continuous deformations rather than rigid body motion. This dissertation addresses the need for foundational techniques using continuum mechanics. Three core questions regarding the use of continuum mechanical models in soft robotics are explored: (1) whether or not continuum mechanical models can describe existing soft actuators, (2) which physical phenomena need to be incorporated into continuum mechanical models for their use in a soft robotics context, and (3) how understanding on continuum mechanical phenomena may form bases for novel soft robot architectures. Theoretical modeling, experimentation, and design prototyping tools are used to explore Fiber-Reinforced Elastomeric Enclosures (FREEs), an often-used soft actuator, and to develop novel soft robot architectures based on auxetic behavior. This dissertation develops a continuum mechanical model for end loading on FREEs. This model connects a FREE’s actuation pressure and kinematic configuration to its end loads by considering stiffness of its elastomer and fiber reinforcement. The model is validated against a large experimental data set and compared to other FREE models used by roboticists. It is shown that the model can describe the FREE’s loading in a generalizable manner, but that it is bounded in its peak performance. Such a model can provide the novel function of evaluating the performance of FREE designs under high loading without the costs of building and testing prototypes. This dissertation further explores the influence viscoelasticity, an inherent property of soft polymers, on end loading of FREEs. The viscoelastic model developed can inform soft roboticists wishing to exploit or avoid hysteresis and force reversal. The final section of the dissertations explores two contrasting styles of auxetic metamaterials for their uses in soft robotic actuation. The first metamaterial architecture is composed of beams with distributed compliance, which are placed antagonistic configurations on a variety of surfaces, giving ride to shape morphing behavior. The second metamaterial architecture studied is a ``kirigami’’ sheet with an orthogonal cut pattern, utilizing lumped compliance and strain hardening to permanently deploy from a compact shape to a functional one. This dissertation lays the foundation for design of soft robots by robust physical models, reducing the need for physical prototypes and trial-and-error approaches. The work presented provides tools for systematic exploration of FREEs under loading in a wide range of configurations. The work further develops new concepts for soft actuators based on continuum mechanical modeling of auxetic metamaterials. The work presented expands the available tools for design and development of soft robotic systems, and the available architectures for soft robot actuation.PHDMechanical EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/163236/1/asedal_1.pd

    Soft Gloves: A Review on Recent Developments in Actuation, Sensing, Control and Applications

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    Interest in soft gloves, both robotic and haptic, has enormously grown over the past decade, due to their inherent compliance, which makes them particularly suitable for direct interaction with the human hand. Robotic soft gloves have been developed for hand rehabilitation, for ADLs assistance, or sometimes for both. Haptic soft gloves may be applied in virtual reality (VR) applications or to give sensory feedback in combination with prostheses or to control robots. This paper presents an updated review of the state of the art of soft gloves, with a particular focus on actuation, sensing, and control, combined with a detailed analysis of the devices according to their application field. The review is organized on two levels: a prospective review allows the highlighting of the main trends in soft gloves development and applications, and an analytical review performs an in-depth analysis of the technical solutions developed and implemented in the revised scientific research. Additional minor evaluations integrate the analysis, such as a synthetic investigation of the main results in the clinical studies and trials referred in literature which involve soft gloves

    A Helping Hand: Design process of a soft anthropomorphic end-effector for the construction industry.

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    This thesis conducts design-led research to develop a soft anthropomorphic end-effector that is specifically designed for use with a collaborative robot on a construction site. As the construction industry changes to meet the demands of increasing populations and lack of skilled trades workers, new approaches are needed. This research explores the possibilities of a collaborative robot working on a construction site to help workers complete tasks deemed unsafe or detrimental to their health. The study acknowledges the different requirements of human-robot collaboration. However, it focuses on designing a hybrid end-effector that allows a collaborative robot to carry out more than a singular task on a construction site to increase productivity through all construction stages. The research conducts an iterative design process using soft robot techniques to replicate human hand elements, such as muscles and ligaments and currently available sensor technologies to create a hybrid end-effector. This end-effector is tested for grip strength and the ability to use both power and precision grasp functions to pick up a paintbrush, screwdriver, and a screw

    Investigations into the design of a wheelchair-mounted rehabilitation robotic manipulator

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    This research describes the steps towards the development of a low-cost wheelchair-mounted manipulator for use by the physically disabled and elderly. A detailed review of world rehabilitation robotics research has been conducted, covering fifty-six projects. This identified the main areas of research, their scope and results. From this review, a critical investigation of past and present wheelchair-mounted robotic arm projects was undertaken. This led to the formulation of the key design parameters in a final design specification. The results of a questionnaire survey of fifty electric wheelchair users is presented, which has for the first time established the needs and abilities of this disability group. An analysis of muscle type actuators, which mimic human muscle, is presented and their application to robotics, orthotics and prosthetics is given. A new type of rotary pneumatic muscle actuator, the flexator, is introduced and through extensive testing its performance characteristics elucidated. A review of direct-drive rotary pneumatic, hydraulic and electrical actuators has highlighted their relative performance characteristics and has rated their efficiency in terms of their peak torque to motor mass ratio, Tp/MM. From this, the flexator actuator has been shown to have a higher Tp/MM ratio than most conventional actuators. A novel kinematic arrangement is presented which combines the best features of the SCARA and vertically articulated industrial robot geometries, to form the 'Scariculated' arm design. The most appropriate actuator for each joint of this hybrid manipulator was selected, based on the criteria of high Tp/MM ratio, low cost, safety and compatibility. The final design incorporates conventional pneumatic linear double-acting cylinders, a vane type rotary actuator, two dual flexator actuators, and stepping motors for the fme control of the wrist/end effector. An ACSL simulation program has been developed which uses mass flow rate equations, based on one-dimensional compressible flow theory and suppressed critical pressure ratios, to simulate the dual flexator actuator. Theoretical and empirical data is compared and shows a high degree of correlation between results. Finally, the design and development work on two prototypes is discussed. The latest prototype consists of a five-axis manipulator whose pneumatic joints are driven by pulse width modulated solenoid valves. An 8051 microprocessor with proportional error feedback modilles the mark to space ratio of the PWM signal in proportion to the angular error of the joints. This enables control over individual joint speeds, reprogrammable memory locations and position monitoring of each joint. The integration of rehabilitation robotic manipulators into the daily lives of the physically disabled and elderly will significantly influence the role of personal rehabilitation in the next century

    Investigation and development of a flexible gripper with adaptable finger geometry

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    Das zuverlässige und schonende Greifen ist ein Hauptanliegen bei der Entwicklung von neuartigen Greifvorrichtungen. Je größer die Kontaktfläche zwischen dem Greifer und dem Greifobjekt ist, desto schonender und zuverlässiger ist der Greifvorgang. Um dieses Ziel zu erreichen wurden in den letzten Jahrzehnten zahlreiche Untersuchungen zu adaptiven passiven Greifern durchgeführt. Ein neuer Forschungszweig im Bereich selbstadaptiver Greifer sind Greifer mit nachgiebigen blattfederartigen Greifelementen (Greiferfinger) Die Funktionsweise basiert auf dem elastischen Ausknicken der Greifelemente infolge einer translatorische Antriebsbewegung Die vorliegende Arbeit konzentriert sich auf die Verbesserung des Greifvorgangs, indem die Kontaktlänge zwischen den blattfederartigen Greiferfingern und dem zu greifenden Objekt deutlich erhöht wird. Um diese Aufgabenstellung zu lösen, muss eine geeignete Greifergeometrie für ein gegebenes Greifobjekt berechnet werden. Die gezielte Berechnung der erfoderlichen Greifergeometrie für ein bekanntes Greifobjekt ist nicht möglich. Daher wurde als Lösungsansatz die umkehrte Richtung gewählt. Für eine definierte Greifgeometrie wird die Gestalt des dazu passenden “idealen” Greifobjektes ermittelt und anschließend mit der Gestalt zu greifenden Objektes verglichen. Bei Gestaltabweichungen wird die Greifergeometrie iterative verändert, bis seine geeignete Greifergeometrie gefunden wurde. Im Rahmen der vorliegenden Arbeit wird zunächst die Ermittlung des “idealen” Greifobjektes behandelt. Es wurde ein Algorithmus entwickelt, der für eine vorgegebene Greifergeometrie die Gestalt eines runden bzw. elliptischen Objektes ermittelt. Der Algorithmus verwendet als Eingabedaten die Biegelinien der elastisch ausgeknickten Greiffinger unter Berücksichtigung unterschiedlicher Randbedingungen. Als Ausgabedaten liefert der Algorithmus die Gestalt des passenden Greifobjektes zurück. Für quadratische bzw. rechteckige sowie für dreieckige Objekte wurden unterschiedliche Greifgeometrien untersucht. Außerdem wird für quadratische und rechteckige Objekte das Lösungskonzept für die Entwicklung eines weiteren Algorithmus beschrieben. In Kapitel 1 wird eine Klassifizierung von Greifern basierend auf der Anpassungsfähigkeit vorgestellt. In Kapitel 2 werden Lösungskonzepte, Modelle und Theorien vorgestellt. In Kapitel 3 werden Ablaufdiagramme der Algorithmen dargestellt. In Kapitel 4 wird die Entwicklung des Algorithmus für elliptische Objekte und deren Betriebsmodi beschrieben. In Kapitel 5 werden Greifgeometrien für quadratische bzw. Rechteckige sowie für dreieckige Objekte analysiert und die Ideen eines Algorithmus für quadratisch bzw. rechteckige Objekte beschrieben. In Kapitel 6 wird ein kurzer Überblick über die zukünftige Arbeiten.Reliable and gentle gripping is a major concern in the development of new gripping devices. The larger contact surface between the gripper and the gripping object, the gentler and more reliable the gripping process. In order to achieve this goal, further investigations on adaptive passive grippers have been carried out in the recent decades. A new branch of research in the field of self-adaptive grippers are compliant leaf-spring-like gripping elements (gripper fingers). Its mode of operation is based on the elastic buckling of the gripping elements as a result of a translatory drive movement. The present work focuses on improving the gripping process by increasing significantly the contact length between the compliant leaf-spring-like gripper fingers and the object to be gripped. In order to solve this task, a suitable gripper geometry for a given gripping object should be calculated The specific calculation of the required gripper geometry for a known gripping object is not possible; therefore, this work aims in the opposite direction. For a defined gripping geometry, the shape of the matching “ideal” gripping object is determined and then compared with the desired object to be gripped. In case of a deviation in the size, the gripper geometry is iteratively changed until its suitable gripper geometry has been found. In the present work, the determination of the “ideal” gripping object is the first task to deal with. An algorithm has been developed to determine the shape of a round-elliptical object for a given gripper geometry. The algorithm uses as data input the bend lines of the compliant twogripper finger under different boundary conditions. As data output, the algorithm returns the shape of the matching gripping object. For square-rectangular and triangular objects, different gripping geometries have been investigated. Furthermore, for square-rectangular objects, solution concepts for the development of an algorithm is described. In chapter 1, a classification based on adaptability is presented. In chapter 2, solution concepts, models and theories involved are introduced. In chapter 3, process flow diagrams of the algorithms are presented. In chapter 4, the development of the algorithm for elliptical objects and its operation modes are described. In chapter 5, gripping geometries for square-rectangular and triangular objects are analysed and the ideas of an algorithm for square-rectangular objects are described. In chapter 6, a brief overview of the futur work is commented.Tesi

    A Soft touch: wearable dielectric elastomer actuated multi-finger soft tactile displays

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    PhDThe haptic modality in human-computer interfaces is significantly underutilised when compared to that of vision and sound. A potential reason for this is the difficulty in turning computer-generated signals into realistic sensations of touch. Moreover, wearable solutions that can be mounted onto multiple fingertips whilst still allowing for the free dexterous movements of the user’s hand, brings an even higher level of complexity. In order to be wearable, such devices should not only be compact, lightweight and energy efficient; but also, be able to render compelling tactile sensations. Current solutions are unable to meet these criteria, typically due to the actuation mechanisms employed. Aimed at addressing these needs, this work presents research into non-vibratory multi-finger wearable tactile displays, through the use of an improved configuration of a dielectric elastomer actuator. The described displays render forces through a soft bubble-like interface worn on the fingertip. Due to the improved design, forces of up to 1N can be generated in a form factor of 20 x 12 x 23 mm, with a weight of only 6g, demonstrating a significant performance increase in force output and wearability over existing tactile rendering systems. Furthermore, it is shown how these compact wearable devices can be used in conjunction with low-cost commercial optical hand tracking sensors, to cater for simple although accurate tactile interactions within virtual environments, using affordable instrumentation. The whole system makes it possible for users to interact with virtually generated soft body objects with programmable tactile properties. Through a 15-participant study, the system has been validated for three distinct types of touch interaction, including palpation and pinching of virtual deformable objects. Through this investigation, it is believed that this approach could have a significant impact within virtual and augmented reality interaction for purposes of medical simulation, professional training and improved tactile feedback in telerobotic control systems.Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) Doctoral Training Centre EP/G03723X/

    Glove Exoskeleton for Extra-Vehicular Activities: Analysis of Requirements and Prototype Design

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    The objective of the thesis is the development of a prototype of a lightweight hand exoskeleton designed to be embedded in the gloved hand of an astronaut and to overcome the stiffness of the pressurized space suit. The system should be able to provide force and precision to the hand grip. The project involves various elements, in particular the analysis of the characteristics of the hand and of the EVA glove. Moreover solutions related to sensor and actuator should be investigated. Finally the study and the design of an appropriate robotic structure able to fullfit the requirements have to be performed
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