17 research outputs found

    Social impact assessment on a hydrocarbon proyect using triangular whitenization weight functions

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    [EN] Social impact assessment (SIA) has become an important factor for social conflicts prevention. In this study, we conducted SIA using the center-point triangular whitenization weight functions (CTWF) method, which is based on grey systems theory. A case study was conducted on a hydrocarbon exploration project located in the Gulf of Valencia, Spain. Two stakeholder groups and four evaluation criteria were identified. The results revealed that for the group of the directly linked population, the project would have very negative social impact; and for the group of indirectly linked citizens, the project would have negative social impact. The results could help central and community governments to make the best decision on the project. The method showed interesting results and could be apply to SIA of other projects or programs.Delgado-Villanueva, KA.; Romero Gil, I. (2016). Social impact assessment on a hydrocarbon proyect using triangular whitenization weight functions. IEEE. 118-123. https://doi.org/10.1109/CACIDI.2016.7785998S11812

    Integrating Social Impact Assessment and Environmental Conflict Analysis on a Hydrocarbon Exploration Project in Spain

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    [EN] Social impact assessment (SIA) has become a key factor for environmental conflicts prevention, which makes necessary to integrate SIA and environmental conflict analysis (ECA). In this article, we integrate SIA and ECA using a method based on grey systems and Shannon entropy. A case study was conducted on a hydrocarbon exploration project located in the Sea of the Gulf of Valencia, Spain. Four stakeholder groups and four evaluation criteria were identified. The results revealed that for group of specialists the project would have negative social impact; and contrary perceptions were found between the group ofprimary activities populationand the group of retirees. It was also noted that the criteria most likely to generate environmental conflicts were the percentage of unemployment and the GDP per capita. These results could help central and community governments to make the best decision on the project. The method showed interesting results and could be apply to manage other projects or programs from point of view of social factors.Delgado-Villanueva, KA.; Romero Gil, I. (2016). Integrating Social Impact Assessment and Environmental Conflict Analysis on a Hydrocarbon Exploration Project in Spain. International Journal of Engineering and Technology (Online). 8(6):2403-2417. doi:10.21817/ijet/2016/v8i6/160806402S240324178

    Methodological proposal for social impact assessment and environmental conflict analysis

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    Tesis por compendio[EN] Social impact assessment (SIA) is a part of environmental impact assessment (EIA), which is characterized by a high level of uncertainty and the subjective aspects that are presents in the methods used during its conduction. In addition, environmental conflict analysis (ECA) has become a key factor for the viability of projects and welfare of affected populations. In this thesis, an integrated method for SIA and ECA is proposed, by the combination of the grey clustering method and the entropy-weight method. SIA was performed using the grey clustering method, which enables qualitative information coming from a stakeholder group to be quantified. In turn, ECA was performed using the entropy-weight method, which identifies the criteria in which there is greater divergence between stakeholder groups, thus enabling to establish measures to prevent potential environmental conflicts. Then, in order to apply and test the proposed integrated method, two case studies were conducted. The first case study was a mining project in northern Peru. In this study, three stakeholder groups and seven criteria were identified. The results revealed that for the urban population group and the rural population group, the project would have a positive and negative social impact, respectively. For the group of specialists the project would have a normal social impact. It was also noted that the criteria most likely to generate environmental conflicts in order of importance were: access to drinking water, poverty, GDP per capita, and employment. The second case study considered was a hydrocarbon exploration project located in the Gulf of Valencia, Spain. In this study, four stakeholder groups and four criteria were identified. The results revealed that for the group of specialists the project would have a negative social impact, and contrary perceptions were shown between the group of those directly affected by the project and the group of citizens in favour. It was also noted that the criteria most likely to generate environmental conflict were the percentage of unemployment and GDP per capita. The proposed integrated method in this thesis showed great potential on the studied cases, and could be applied to other contexts and other projects, such as water resources management, industrial projects, construction projects, and to measure social impact and prevent conflicts during the implementation of government policies and programs.[ES] La evaluación del impacto social (SIA) forma parte de la evaluación de impacto ambiental (EIA), y está caracterizada por su alto nivel de incertidumbre, y por los aspectos subjetivos presentes en los métodos usados para su realización. Por otro lado, el análisis del conflicto ambiental (ECA) se ha convertido en un factor clave para la viabilidad de los proyectos y el bienestar de la población afectada. En esta tesis, se propone un método integrado para la SIA y el ECA, mediante la combinación de los métodos grey clustering y entropy-weight. La SIA fue desarrollada usando el método grey clustering, el cual permite cuantificar la información cualitativa recogida de los grupos de interés o stakeholders. Sucesivamente, el ECA fue realizado usando el método entropy-weight, el cual identifica los criterios en los cuales existe gran divergencia entre los grupos de interés, permitiendo así establecer medidas para prevenir potenciales conflictos ambientales. Luego, con el fin de aplicar y testear el método integrado propuesto fueron realizados dos casos de estudio. El primer caso de estudio fue un proyecto minero ubicado en el norte de Perú. En este estudio se identificaron tres grupos de interés y siete criterios. Los resultados revelaron que para el grupo población urbana y el grupo población rural, el proyecto tendría un impacto social positivo y negativo, respectivamente. Para el grupo de los especialistas el proyecto tendría un impacto social normal. También fue notado que los criterios más probables de generar conflicto ambiental en orden de importancia fueron: acceso al agua potable, pobreza, PIB per cápita, y empleo. El segundo caso de estudio considerado fue un proyecto de exploración de hidrocarburos ubicado en el Golfo de Valencia, España. En este estudio se identificaron cuatro grupos de interés y cuatro criterios. Los resultados revelaron que para el grupo de los especialistas el proyecto tendría un impacto social negativo, y contrarias percepciones se encontraron entre el grupo de los directamente afectados y el grupo de los ciudadanos a favor. También fue notado que los criterios más probables de generar conflicto ambiental fueron el porcentaje de desempleo y el PIB per cápita. El método integrado propuesto en esta tesis mostró un gran potencial sobre los casos estudiados, y podría ser aplicado a otros contextos y otros tipos de proyectos, tales como gestión de recursos hídricos, proyectos industriales, proyectos de construcción de obras públicas, y para medir el impacto social y prevenir conflictos durante la aplicación de políticas y programas gubernamentales.[CA] L'avaluació de l'impacte social (SIA) és una part de l'avaluació de l'impacte ambiental (EIA), la qual està caracteritzada pel seu alt nivell d'incertitud i els aspectes subjectius presents en els mètodes amprats durant la seua conducció. A més, la anàlisis del conflicte ambiental (ECA) s'ha convertit en un factor clau per a la viabilitat dels projectes i el benestar de la població afectada. En esta tesis es proposa un mètode integrat per a l'avaluació de l'impacte social i la anàlisis del conflicte ambiental, mitjançant la combinació del mètode grey clustering i el mètode entropy-weight. L'avaluació de l'impacte social ha segut realitzada usant el mètode grey clustering, el qual permet que la informació qualitativa arreplegada dels grups d'interès siga quantificada. Successivament, la anàlisis del conflicte ambiental ha segut realitzada usant el mètode entropy-weight, el qual identifica els criteris en els quals existeix gran divergència entre els grups d'interès, la qual cosa permet establir mides per a prevenir conflictes ambientals potencials. Després, amb la finalitat d'aplicar i testejar el mètode integrat proposat han segut realitzats dos casos d'estudi. El primer d'ells ha segut un projecte miner al nord de Perú. En aquest estudi, tres grups d'interès i set criteris foren identificats. Els resultats revelaren que per al grup població-urbana i el grup població-rural, el projecte experimentaria un positiu i un negatiu impacte social respectivament. Per al grup dels especialistes el projecte tindria un impacte social normal. Per altra banda també va ser reconegut que els criteris més probables de generar conflicte ambiental en orde d'importància foren: accés a l'aigua potable, pobresa, PIB per càpita, i ofici. El segon cas d'estudi considerat va ser un projecte d'exploració d'hidrocarburs ubicat al Golf de València, Espanya. En este estudi, quatre grups d'interès i quatre criteris foren identificats. Els resultats revelaren que per al grup dels especialistes el projecte tindria un impacte social negatiu, mentre que entre el grup dels directament afectats i el grup dels ciutadans a favor es mostraren percepcions contraries. Va ser també reconegut que els criteris més probables de generar conflicte ambiental foren el percentatge de desocupació i el PIB per càpita. El mètode integrat proposat en aquesta tesis mostra un gran potencial sobre els casos estudiats, i pot ser aplicat a altres contexts i altres tipus de projectes com gestió de recursos hídrics, projectes industrials i projectes de construcció d'obres públiques. A més pot fer-se servir per mesurar l'impacte social i prevenir conflictes durant l'aplicació de polítiques i programes governamentals.Delgado Villanueva, KA. (2016). Methodological proposal for social impact assessment and environmental conflict analysis [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/64063TESISCompendi

    Efficiency in BRICS banking under data vagueness:a two-stage fuzzy approach

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    This study analyzes the efficiency levels of the banking industry in the BRICS countries (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa) from 2010 to 2014, using an integrated two-stage fuzzy approach. Very often the reliability of data collected from BRICS is questionable. In this research, we first use fuzzy TOPSIS to capture vagueness in the relative efficiency of BRICS banking over time. In the second stage, we adopt fuzzy regressions based on different rule-based systems to enhance the power of significant socioeconomic, regulatory, and demographic variables to predict banking efficiency. These variables are previously identified by using bootstrapped truncated regressions with conditional α-levels, as proposed by Wanke, Barros, and Emrouznejad (2015a). The results reveal that efficiency in the banking industry is positively associated with country gross savings and the GINI index ratio, but negatively associated with relatively high inflation ratios. Fuzzy regressions proved far more accurate than bootstrapped truncated regressions with conditional α-levels. We derive policy implications

    Environmental conflict analysis using an integrated grey clustering and entropy-weight method: A case study of a mining project in Peru

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    [EN] Environmental conflict analysis (henceforth ECA) has become a key factor for the viability of projects and welfare of affected populations. In this study, we propose an approach for ECA using an integrated grey clustering and entropy-weight method (The IGCEW method). The case study considered a mining project in northern Peru. Three stakeholder groups and seven criteria were identified. The data were gathered by conducting field interviews. The results revealed that for the groups urban population, rural population and specialists, the project would have a positive, negative and normal social impact, respectively. We also noted that the criteria most likely to generate environmental conflicts in order of importance were: access to drinking water, poverty, GDP per capita and employment. These results could help regional and central governments to seek appropriate measures to prevent environmental conflicts. The proposed method showed practical results and a potential for application to other types of projects.Delgado-Villanueva, KA.; Romero Gil, I. (2016). Environmental conflict analysis using an integrated grey clustering and entropy-weight method: A case study of a mining project in Peru. Environmental Modelling & Software. 77:108-121. doi:10.1016/j.envsoft.2015.12.011S1081217

    Barriers to circular food supply chains in China

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    Purpose: This paper aims to identify and systematically analyze the causal-effect relationships among barriers to circular food supply chains in China. Design/methodology/approach: Grounded in multiple organizational theories, this paper develops a theoretical framework for identifying relevant barriers to integrating circular economy philosophy in food supply chain management. The study uses 105 responses from Chinese food supply chain stakeholders including food processors, sales and distribution channels, consumers and government officials. It applies a fuzzy decision-making trial and evaluation laboratory (DEMATEL) method to examine the causal-effect relationships among the identified barriers. Findings: Overall, the results suggest two key cause barriers: first, weak environmental regulations and enforcement, and second, lack of market preference/pressure. Meanwhile, lack of collaboration/support from supply chain actors is the most prominent barrier. The key cause and prominent barriers are also identified for each of the supply chain stakeholder involved. Research implications: The study offers practical insights for overcoming barriers to integrating circular economy philosophy in the management of supply chains in the Chinese food sector, as well as in other contexts where similar challenges are faced. It also sheds light on which organizational theories are most suitable for guiding similar studies. Originality/value: To the best of the authors’ knowledge, this is the first barrier study on circular food supply chains. The use of multiple organizational theories for the development of the theoretical framework is unique in barrier studies. The study offers insights from multiple stakeholders in the Chinese food supply chains

    Relato integrado: evidenciação de riscos relacionais pelas empresas participantes do projeto piloto no Brasil

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    O Relato Integrado deve prover uma visão da qualidade das relações que a organização mantém com as partes interessadas e evidenciar os riscos que afetam a capacidade de gerar valor no curto, médio e longo prazo. Assim, este estudo tem o objetivo de investigar como os riscos relacionais são evidenciados pelas empresas participantes do projeto piloto no Brasil. Realizou-se análise de conteúdo dos RIs de 11 empresas participantes do projeto piloto. Os resultados evidenciam que apesar dos riscos relacionais possuírem representatividade na relação entre organizações, estes são divulgados de forma não padronizada, implícita e dispersa ao longo dos documentos. Ao classificar os riscos evidenciados nas categorias de riscos relacionais, observou-se predominância da evidenciação de riscos de potencial conflito e de não aprendizagem. Por outro lado, o risco de invasão não foi divulgado por nenhuma empresa. Para atender ao propósito do Relato Integrado, as organizações devem torná-lo mais compreensível quanto a riscos relacionais e formas de mitigá-los. Uma orientação por parte do International Integrated Reporting Council quanto à evidenciação de riscos relacionais pode melhorar a padronização das informações divulgadas e o poder informativo do Relato Integrado para os usuários externos

    A Learning Fuzzy Cognitive Map (LFCM) approach to predict student performance

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    Aim/Purpose: This research aims to present a brand-new approach for student performance prediction using the Learning Fuzzy Cognitive Map (LFCM) approach. Background: Predicting student academic performance has long been an important research topic in many academic disciplines. Different mathematical models have been employed to predict student performance. Although the available sets of common prediction approaches, such as Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) and regression, work well with large datasets, they face challenges dealing with small sample sizes, limiting their practical applications in real practices. Methodology: Six distinct categories of performance antecedents are adopted here as course characteristics, LMS characteristics, student characteristics, student engagement, student support, and institutional factors, along with measurement items within each category. Furthermore, we assessed the student’s overall performance using three items of student satisfaction score, knowledge construction level, and student GPA. We have collected longitudinal data from 30 postgraduates in four subsequent semesters and analyzed data using the Learning Fuzzy Cognitive Map (LFCM) technique. Contribution: This research proposes a brand new approach, Learning Fuzzy Cognitive Map (LFCM), to predict student performance. Using this approach, we identified the most influential determinants of student performance, such as student engagement. Besides, this research depicts a model of interrelations among the student performance determinants. Findings: The results suggest that the model reasonably predicts the incoming sequence when there is a limited sample size. The results also reveal that students’ total online time and the regularity of learning interval in LMS have the largest effect on overall performance. The student engagement category also has the highest direct effect on student’s overall performance. Recommendations for Practitioners: Academic institutions can use the results and approach developed in this paper to identify students’ performance antecedents, predict the performance, and establish action plans to resolve the shortcomings in the long term. Instructors can adjust their learning methods based on the feedback from students in the short run on the operational level. Recommendation for Researchers: Researchers can use the proposed approach in this research to deal with the problems in other domains, such as using LMS for organizational/institutional education. Besides, they can focus on specific dimensions of the proposed model, such as exploring ways to boost student engagement in the learning process. Impact on Society: Our results revealed that students are at the center of the learning process. The degree to which they are dedicated to learning is the most crucial determinant of the learning outcome. Therefore, learners should consider this finding in order the gain value from the learning process. Future Research: As a potential for future works, the proposed approach could be used in other contexts to test its applicability. Future studies could also improve the performance level of the proposed LFMC model by tuning the model’s elements

    Estado de humor e a tolerância ao risco em decisões organizacionais

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    Objective of the study: This study aims to identify the relationship between an individual's mood and risk tolerance in organizational decisions.Methodology/approach: It is an applied, quantitative, descriptive and survey research. For data collection, a questionnaire was applied to a sample of 90 academics from higher education courses in the area of management at a Higher Education Institution in the State of Santa Catarina. Data were categorized and analyzed quantitatively using descriptive statistics, correlation analysis and logistic regression analysis.Originality/relevance: Researches relate positive mood and increased risk-taking, however, the results are fragmented and inconclusive as to the influence of negative mood on the tendency to take risks. Thus, this research focuses attention on the asymmetry of influence of both positive and negative mood on risk preferences.Main results: We found that in decisions involving gains, respondents have less tolerance than when they involve losses. Although mood is not related to risk tolerance, when analyzed separately, a relationship was found between the dimensions of mood and the individuals' risk tolerance.Theoretical/methodological contributions: This research adds to the literature, by exploring decision-making and the behavioral line simultaneously, as well as contributing to represent a more comprehensive description regarding the decision process regarding the Prospect Theory, by demonstrating which dimensions of mood have an influence on the risk tolerance of respondents.Social/management contributions: The study contributes to the improvement of decision-making processes in the context of aspects related to risk tolerance. The practical implications refer to the construction of a decision-making process designed in a more assertive way and in line with the losses and gains arising from the inherent risk of this decision-making process. Objetivo del estudio: Este estudio tiene como objetivo identificar la relación entre el estado de ánimo de un individuo y la tolerancia al riesgo en las decisiones organizacionales.Metodología/enfoque: Es una investigación aplicada, cuantitativa, descriptiva y por encuestas. Para la recolección de datos, se aplicó un cuestionario a una muestra de 90 académicos de cursos de educación superior en el área de gestión en una Institución de Educación Superior del Estado de Santa Catarina. Los datos se categorizaron y analizaron cuantitativamente utilizando estadística descriptiva, análisis de correlación y análisis de regresión logística.Originalidad/relevancia: Las investigaciones relacionan un estado de ánimo positivo y una mayor asunción de riesgos, sin embargo, los resultados son fragmentados y no concluyentes en cuanto a la influencia del estado de ánimo negativo en la tendencia a asumir riesgos. Por lo tanto, esta investigación centra la atención en la asimetría de la influencia del estado de ánimo tanto positivo como negativo en las preferencias de riesgo.Resultados principales: Se encontró que en las decisiones que involucran ganancias, los encuestados tienen menos tolerancia que cuando estas involucran pérdidas. Aunque el estado de ánimo no está relacionado con la tolerancia al riesgo, cuando se analiza por separado, se encontró una relación entre las dimensiones del estado de ánimo y la tolerancia al riesgo de los individuos.Contribuciones teóricas/metodológicas: Esta investigación se suma a la literatura, al explorar la toma de decisiones y la línea conductual simultáneamente, además de contribuir al representar una descripción más completa del proceso de decisión sobre la Teoría del Prospecto, al demostrar qué dimensiones del estado de ánimo influyen en la tolerancia al riesgo de encuestados.Contribuciones sociales/de gestión: El estudio contribuye a la mejora de los procesos de toma de decisiones en el contexto de aspectos relacionados con la tolerancia al riesgo. Las implicaciones prácticas se refieren a la construcción de un proceso de toma de decisiones diseñado de manera más asertiva y acorde con las pérdidas y ganancias derivadas del riesgo inherente a este proceso de toma de decisiones.Objetivo do estudo: Este estudo possui o objetivo de identificar a relação entre o estado de humor do indivíduo e sua tolerância ao risco em decisões organizacionais.Metodologia/abordagem: Trata-se de uma pesquisa de natureza aplicada, quantitativa, descritiva e survey. Para a coleta de dados foi aplicado um questionário em uma amostra de 90 acadêmicos dos cursos superiores da área de gestão em uma Instituição de Ensino Superior no Estado de Santa Catarina. Os dados foram categorizados e analisados quantitativamente por meio de estatísticas descritivas, análise de correlação e análise de regressão logística.Originalidade/relevância: Pesquisas relacionam o humor positivo e o aumento na propensão de correr riscos, entretanto, os resultados são fragmentados e não conclusivos quanto a influência do humor negativo na tendência a assumir riscos. Assim, esta pesquisa foca sua atenção a respeito da assimetria de influência tanto do humor positivo quanto negativo nas preferências por risco.Principais resultados: Verificou-se que em decisões que envolvem ganhos, os respondentes apresentam menos tolerância do que quando estas envolviam perdas. Apesar de o humor não apresentar relação com a tolerância ao risco, quando analisadas separadamente, encontrou-se relação das dimensões do humor com a tolerância ao risco dos indivíduos.Contribuições teórico-metodológicas: Esta pesquisa agrega à literatura, ao explorar a tomada de decisões e a linha comportamental de forma simultânea, assim como contribui por representar uma descrição mais abrangente no tocante ao processo de decisão acerca da Teoria do Prospecto, por demonstrar que dimensões do humor apresentam influência sobre a tolerância ao risco dos respondentes.Contribuições sociais/gerenciais: O estudo contribui para o aperfeiçoamento dos processos decisórios no âmbito de aspectos relacionados à tolerância ao risco. As implicações práticas remetem à construção de um processo decisório desenhado de forma mais assertiva e em consonância com as perdas e ganhos decorrentes do risco inerentes desse processo decisório.