119 research outputs found

    J Inherit Metab Dis

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    Analysis of blood phenylalanine is central to the monitoring of patients with phenylketonuria (PKU) and age-related phenylalanine target treatment-ranges (0-12\u2009years; 120-360\u2009\u3bcmol/L, and\u2009>12\u2009years; 120-600\u2009\u3bcmol/L) are recommended in order to prevent adverse neurological outcomes. These target treatment-ranges are based upon plasma phenylalanine concentrations. However, patients are routinely monitored using dried bloodspot (DBS) specimens due to the convenience of collection. Significant differences exist between phenylalanine concentrations in plasma and DBS, with phenylalanine concentrations in DBS specimens analyzed by flow-injection analysis tandem mass spectrometry reported to be 18% to 28% lower than paired plasma concentrations analyzed using ion-exchange chromatography. DBS specimens with phenylalanine concentrations of 360 and 600\u2009\u3bcmol/L, at the critical upper-target treatment-range thresholds would be plasma equivalents of 461 and 768\u2009\u3bcmol/L, respectively, when a reported difference of 28% is taken into account. Furthermore, analytical test imprecision and bias in conjunction with pre-analytical factors such as volume and quality of blood applied to filter paper collection devices to produce DBS specimens affect the final test results. Reporting of inaccurate patient results when comparing DBS results to target treatment-ranges based on plasma concentrations, together with inter-laboratory imprecision could have a significant impact on patient management resulting in inappropriate dietary change and potentially adverse patient outcomes. This review is intended to provide perspective on the issues related to the measurement of phenylalanine in blood specimens and to provide direction for the future needs of PKU patients to ensure reliable monitoring of metabolic control using the target treatment-ranges.CC999999/ImCDC/Intramural CDC HHS/United States2021-03-15T00:00:00Z31433494PMC7957320930

    HĂŒperfenĂŒĂŒlalanineemiad ja seotud neurofĂŒsioloogilised hĂ€ired

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    VĂ€itekirja elektrooniline versioon ei sisalda publikatsiooneÜks sagedasemaid ainevahetushaigusi on fenĂŒĂŒlketonuuria (FKU), mille puhul muutuvad toksiliseks toiduvalgust saadav aminohappe fenĂŒĂŒlalaniini (Phe) ĂŒlehulk ja selle lagundamise kĂ”rvalsaadused. FKU tĂ”ttu tekkivad vaimsed ja fĂŒĂŒsilised puudused on vĂ€lditavad, kui sellega patsient saab varakult valguvaesele dieetravile koos Phe-vaba asendusseguga. VastsĂŒndinuid sĂ”eluuritakse FKU suhtes Eestis alates 1993. aastast. Selgus, et 94 Eesti PKU patsiendi seas on vĂ€ga kĂ”rge geneetiline homogeensus: tervelt 80,4% kĂ”igist haigusega alleelidest on PAH geeni variandiga Arg408Trp; kokku leidus Eestis 17 erinevat patogeenset varianti. Nii kĂ”rge homogeensus kajastub ka fenotĂŒĂŒbis: 87%-l on klassikaline FKU madala Phe taluvusega. FKU sagedus Eestis on 1 : 6700 sĂŒnni kohta. Paljude Eesti FKU patsientide suguvĂ”sa pĂ€rineb LĂ”una- ja Kagu-Eestist. Eesti rahvusgruppide seas ei erine FKU sagedus ega alleelne jaotus. Eesti PKU patsientide dieetravi on jĂ€lgitav vereanalĂŒĂŒside kaudu, mille vastused talletatakse SA TÜK laboriinfosĂŒsteemis. Varases lapseeas FKU patsientidel suudab enamus perekondi hoida Phe taset dieedi abil ettenĂ€htud piirides, kuid algkoolieas on juba ĂŒle poolte patsientide analĂŒĂŒside mediaanvÀÀrtus soovituslikust kĂ”rgem. Murdeeas olukord veidi paraneb ja jÀÀb sarnaseks ka tĂ€iskasvanutel. Ka teistes riikides on tĂ€heldatud sellist tendentsi. KĂ”rge Phe tase vĂ”ib tuleneda ka Phe lagundamise kofaktori tetrahĂŒdrobiopteriini (BH4) puudulikkusest. BH4 hĂ€ired on PKU-st palju haruldasemad ja enamasti raskema kuluga ja keerulisemad ravida. Eestis sĂŒndis 1991. aastal BH4 taastamise hĂ€irega laps, kellel diagnoositi DHPR puudulikkus, kuid seni ei Ă”nnestunud tsĂŒtogeneetiliselt ega Sanger sekveneerimisega leida haiguse molekulaarset pĂ”hjust. Lahenduseni viis genoomi sekveneerimine, mis vĂ”imaldas leida senitundmatu 9,1 Mb suuruse inversiooni 4. kromosoomis, mis katkestas DHPR ensĂŒĂŒmi tootva geeni. Teadaolevalt pole seni leitud nii suurt haigusseoselist struktuurset varianti genoomis.One of the most common inherited metabolic disorders is phenylketonuria (PKU), a condition where excess phenylalanine (Phe) contained in dietary protein, and its metabolites, become toxic. Mental and physical disabilities can be avoided by early low-protein dietary treatment with Phe-free protein substitution. In Estonia, newborns are screened for PKU since 1993. Very high homogeneity among 94 Estonian PKU patients was revealed: 80.4% of all the affected alleles carry the Arg408Trp variation in the PAH gene; 17 different pathogenic alleles were found. This homogeneity is reflected in phenotype: 87% of the patients have classical PKU with low Phe tolerance. The incidence of PKU in Estonia is 1 in 6700 newborns. The pedigree of many Estonian PKU patients can be traced to South or South-East Estonia. The incidence and allelic distribution of PKU does not differ among ethnic groups in Estonia. The treatment of Estonian PKU patients can be traced by the records of the blood sample analyses in the LIMS of Tartu University Hospital. In early childhood, most of the families manage to keep the Phe levels in recommended range with diet. In elementary school, the median results of more than half of the patients’ analyses exceed the recommended level. In adolescence, the situation somewhat improves and remains similar in adulthood. The tendency has been observed also in other countries. High levels of Phe may be caused also by the deficiency of tetrahydrobiopterin (BH4), a cofactor in Phe metabolism. The disorders of BH4 are rare, usually more complicated, and more difficult to treat. In 1991, a child with a disorder in BH4 regeneration was born, who was diagnosed with DHPR deficiency, but neither cytogenetic methods, nor Sanger sequencing could reveal the molecular cause. Now, by genome sequencing, an unknown inversion of 9.1 Mb in chromosome 4 was revealed, which interrupted the gene coding the DHPR enzyme. No so large pathogenic structural variant in genome has been reported.https://www.ester.ee/record=b533139

    Performance of laboratory tests used to measure blood phenylalanine for the monitoring of patients with phenylketonuria

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    Analysis of blood phenylalanine is central to the monitoring of patients with phenylketonuria (PKU) and age‐related phenylalanine target treatment‐ranges (0‐12 years; 120‐360 Όmol/L, and >12 years; 120‐600 Όmol/L) are recommended in order to prevent adverse neurological outcomes. These target treatment‐ranges are based upon plasma phenylalanine concentrations. However, patients are routinely monitored using dried bloodspot (DBS) specimens due to the convenience of collection. Significant differences exist between phenylalanine concentrations in plasma and DBS, with phenylalanine concentrations in DBS specimens analyzed by flow‐injection analysis tandem mass spectrometry reported to be 18% to 28% lower than paired plasma concentrations analyzed using ion‐exchange chromatography. DBS specimens with phenylalanine concentrations of 360 and 600 Όmol/L, at the critical upper‐target treatment‐range thresholds would be plasma equivalents of 461 and 768 Όmol/L, respectively, when a reported difference of 28% is taken into account. Furthermore, analytical test imprecision and bias in conjunction with pre‐analytical factors such as volume and quality of blood applied to filter paper collection devices to produce DBS specimens affect the final test results. Reporting of inaccurate patient results when comparing DBS results to target treatment‐ranges based on plasma concentrations, together with inter‐laboratory imprecision could have a significant impact on patient management resulting in inappropriate dietary change and potentially adverse patient outcomes. This review is intended to provide perspective on the issues related to the measurement of phenylalanine in blood specimens and to provide direction for the future needs of PKU patients to ensure reliable monitoring of metabolic control using the target treatment‐ranges

    Biochemical Testing

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    Clinical Correlation and Diagnosis highlights the improvements in methodological approaches for the purposes of disease diagnosis and health research. Chapters cover such topics as serum protein electrophoresis, urinary iodine measurement, blood collection tubes, semi-solid phase assay and advancement in analytical and bioanalytical techniques, and serological diagnostic tools for Zika virus, among other subjects. All these will not be possible without a proper laboratory management where this book also includes the Tissue Bank ATMP Production as a model. The chapters are expected to provide a new perspective in health science which may trigger a further exploration into the diagnostic and research field

    Molecular mechanisms of PAH function in response to phenylalanine and tetrahydrobiopterin binding

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    Phenylketonuria (PKU) is an autosomal recessive inborn error of metabolism (IEM) caused by mutations in the phenylalanine hydroxylase (PAH) gene. The molecular mechanism underlying deficiency of the PAH protein is, in most of the cases, loss of function due to protein misfolding. PAH mutations induce disturbed oligomerisation, decreased stability and accelerated degradation of hepatic PAH, a key enzyme in phenylalanine metabolism. Since the development of a phenylalanine-restricted diet in the 1950ies, PKU is a prototype for treatable inherited diseases. About 60 years later, the natural PAH cofactor tetrahydrobiopterin (BH4) was shown to act as a pharmacological chaperone stabilising the misfolded PAH protein. In consequence, BH4 (KUVAN¼) was introduced to the pharmaceutical market as an alternative treatment for BH4-responsive PAH deficiency. Therefore, PKU is also regarded as a prototype for a pharmacologically treatable protein misfolding disease. Despite the progress in PKU therapy, knowledge on the molecular basis of PKU and the BH4 mode of action was still incomplete. Biochemical and biophysical characterisation of purified variant PAH proteins, which were derived from patient’s mutations, aimed at a better understanding of the molecular mechanisms of PAH loss of function. We showed that local side-chain replacements induce global conformational changes with negative impact on molecular motions that are essential for physiological enzyme function. The development of a continuous real-time fluorescence-based assay of PAH activity allowed for robust analysis of steady state kinetics and allosteric behaviour of recombinantly expressed PAH proteins. We identified positive cooperativity of the PAH enzyme towards BH4, where cooperativity does not rely on the presence of phenylalanine but is determined by activating conformational rearrangements. In vivo investigations on the mode-of-action of BH4 revealed differences in pharmacodynamics but not in pharmacokinetics between different strains of PAH-deficient mice (wild-type, Pahenu1/1 and Pahenu1/2). These observations pointed to a significant impact of the genotype on responsiveness to BH4. The available database information on PAH function associated with PAH mutations was based on non-standardised enzyme activity assays performed in different cellular systems and under different conditions usually focusing on single PAH mutations. These inconsistent data on PAH enzyme activity hindered robust prediction of the patient’s phenotype. Furthermore, assays on single PAH mutations do not reflect the high allelic and phenotypic heterogeneity of PKU with 89 % of patients being compound heterozygotes. In addition, the knowledge on enzyme function and regulation in the therapeutic and pathologic metabolic context was still scarce. In order to get more insight into the interplay of the PAH genotype, the phenylalanine concentration and BH4 treatment, we performed functional analyses of both, single, purified PAH variants as well as PAH full genotypes in the physiological, pathological and therapeutic context. The analysis of PAH activity as a function of phenylalanine and BH4 concentrations enabled determination of the optimal working ranges of the enzyme and visualisation of differences in the regulation of PAH activity by BH4 and phenylalanine depending on the underlying genotype. Moreover, these PAH activity landscapes allowed for setting rules for dietary regimens and pharmacological treatment based on the genotype of the patient. Taken together, precise knowledge on the mechanism of the misfolding-induced loss of function in PAH deficiency enabled a better understanding of the molecular mode of action of pharmacological rescue of enzyme function by BH4. We implemented the combination of genotype-specific functional analyses together with biochemical, clinical and therapeutic data of individual patients as a powerful tool for phenotype prediction and paved the way for personalised medicine strategies in phenylketonuria
