127 research outputs found

    Medical robots with potential applications in participatory and opportunistic remote sensing: A review

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    Among numerous applications of medical robotics, this paper concentrates on the design, optimal use and maintenance of the related technologies in the context of healthcare, rehabilitation and assistive robotics, and provides a comprehensive review of the latest advancements in the foregoing field of science and technology, while extensively dealing with the possible applications of participatory and opportunistic mobile sensing in the aforementioned domains. The main motivation for the latter choice is the variety of such applications in the settings having partial contributions to functionalities such as artery, radiosurgery, neurosurgery and vascular intervention. From a broad perspective, the aforementioned applications can be realized via various strategies and devices benefiting from detachable drives, intelligent robots, human-centric sensing and computing, miniature and micro-robots. Throughout the paper tens of subjects, including sensor-fusion, kinematic, dynamic and 3D tissue models are discussed based on the existing literature on the state-of-the-art technologies. In addition, from a managerial perspective, topics such as safety monitoring, security, privacy and evolutionary optimization of the operational efficiency are reviewed

    A Cognitive Robot Control Architecture for Autonomous Execution of Surgical Tasks

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    The research on medical robotics is starting to address the autonomous execution of surgical tasks, without effective intervention of humans apart from supervision and task configuration. This paper addresses the complete automation of a surgical robot by combining advanced sensing, cognition and control capabilities, developed according to rigorous assessment of surgical require- ments, formal specification of robotic system behavior and software design and implementation based on solid tools and frame- works. In particular, the paper focuses on the cognitive control architecture and its development process, based on formal modeling and verification methods as best practices to ensure safe and reliable behavior. Full implementation of the proposed architecture has been tested on an experimental setup including a novel robot specifically designed for surgical applications, but adaptable to different selected tasks (i.e. needle insertion, wound suturing)

    Development of a cognitive robotic system for simple surgical tasks

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    The introduction of robotic surgery within the operating rooms has significantly improved the quality of many surgical procedures. Recently, the research on medical robotic systems focused on increasing the level of autonomy in order to give them the possibility to carry out simple surgical actions autonomously. This paper reports on the development of technologies for introducing automation within the surgical workflow. The results have been obtained during the ongoing FP7 European funded project Intelligent Surgical Robotics (I-SUR). The main goal of the project is to demonstrate that autonomous robotic surgical systems can carry out simple surgical tasks effectively and without major intervention by surgeons. To fulfil this goal, we have developed innovative solutions (both in terms of technologies and algorithms) for the following aspects: fabrication of soft organ models starting from CT images, surgical planning and execution of movement of robot arms in contact with a deformable environment, designing a surgical interface minimizing the cognitive load of the surgeon supervising the actions, intra-operative sensing and reasoning to detect normal transitions and unexpected events. All these technologies have been integrated using a component-based software architecture to control a novel robot designed to perform the surgical actions under study. In this work we provide an overview of our system and report on preliminary results of the automatic execution of needle insertion for the cryoablation of kidney tumours

    Development of an expert system for supporting the selection of robot grippers

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    The aim of this thesis is to lay the basis for the development of an expert system for the selection of robot grippers. This work has started with a review of the literature of the grasping principles, of releasing strategies and of the main problems concerning the automatic assembly or, more in general, the handling. Later, we have studied a set of parameters constituting the input of the expert system, together with a set of rules aimed at choosing the appropriate gripper. The work ends with a series of tests, with a focus on the food industry, reporting the results and discussing the possibility of future developments

    Control techniques for mechatronic assisted surgery

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    The treatment response for traumatic head injured patients can be improved by using an autonomous robotic system to perform basic, time-critical emergency neurosurgery, reducing costs and saving lives. In this thesis, a concept for a neurosurgical robotic system is proposed to perform three specific emergency neurosurgical procedures; they are the placement of an intracranial pressure monitor, external ventricular drainage, and the evacuation of chronic subdural haematoma. The control methods for this system are investigated following a curiosity led approach. Individual problems are interpreted in the widest sense and solutions posed that are general in nature. Three main contributions result from this approach: 1) a clinical evidence based review of surgical robotics and a methodology to assist in their evaluation, 2) a new controller for soft-grasping of objects, and 3) new propositions and theorems for chatter suppression sliding mode controllers. These contributions directly assist in the design of the control system of the neurosurgical robot and, more broadly, impact other areas outside the narrow con nes of the target application. A methodology for applied research in surgical robotics is proposed. The methodology sets out a hierarchy of criteria consisting of three tiers, with the most important being the bottom tier and the least being the top tier. It is argued that a robotic system must adhere to these criteria in order to achieve acceptability. Recent commercial systems are reviewed against these criteria, and are found to conform up to at least the bottom and intermediate tiers. However, the lack of conformity to the criteria in the top tier, combined with the inability to conclusively prove increased clinical benefit, particularly symptomatic benefit, is shown to be hampering the potential of surgical robotics in gaining wide establishment. A control scheme for soft-grasping objects is presented. Grasping a soft or fragile object requires the use of minimum contact force to prevent damage or deformation. Without precise knowledge of object parameters, real-time feedback control must be used to regulate the contact force and prevent slip. Moreover, the controller must be designed to have good performance characteristics to rapidly modulate the fingertip contact force in response to a slip event. A fuzzy sliding mode controller combined with a disturbance observer is proposed for contact force control and slip prevention. The robustness of the controller is evaluated through both simulation and experiment. The control scheme was found to be effective and robust to parameter uncertainty. When tested on a real system, however, chattering phenomena, well known to sliding mode research, was induced by the unmodelled suboptimal components of the system (filtering, backlash, and time delays). This reduced the controller performance. The problem of chattering and potential solutions are explored. Real systems using sliding mode controllers, such as the control scheme for soft-grasping, have a tendency to chatter at high frequencies. This is caused by the sliding mode controller interacting with un-modelled parasitic dynamics at the actuator-input and sensor-output of the plant. As a result, new chatter-suppression sliding mode controllers have been developed, which introduce new parameters into the system. However, the effect any particular choice of parameters has on system performance is unclear, and this can make tuning the parameters to meet a set of performance criteria di cult. In this thesis, common chatter-suppression sliding mode control strategies are surveyed and simple design and estimation methods are proposed. The estimation methods predict convergence, chattering amplitude, settling time, and maximum output bounds (overshoot) using harmonic linearizations and invariant ellipsoid sets

    Robotic control of deformable continua and objects therein

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    Multi-objective particle swarm optimization for the structural design of concentric tube continuum robots for medical applications

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    Concentric tube robots belong to the class of continuum robotic systems whose morphology is described by continuous tangent curvature vectors. They are composed of multiple, interacting tubes nested inside one another and are characterized by their inherent flexibility. Concentric tube continuum robots equipped with tools at their distal end have high potential in minimally invasive surgery. Their morphology enables them to reach sites within the body that are inaccessible with commercial tools or that require large incisions. Further, they can be deployed through a tight lumen or follow a nonlinear path. Fundamental research has been the focus during the last years bringing them closer to the operating room. However, there remain challenges that require attention. The structural synthesis of concentric tube continuum robots is one of these challenges, as these types of robots are characterized by their large parameter space. On the one hand, this is advantageous, as they can be deployed in different patients, anatomies, or medical applications. On the other hand, the composition of the tubes and their design is not a straightforward task but one that requires intensive knowledge of anatomy and structural behavior. Prior to the utilization of such robots, the composition of tubes (i.e. the selection of design parameters and application-specific constraints) must be solved to determine a robotic design that is specifically targeted towards an application or patient. Kinematic models that describe the change in morphology and complex motion increase the complexity of this synthesis, as their mathematical description is highly nonlinear. Thus, the state of the art is concerned with the structural design of these types of robots and proposes optimization algorithms to solve for a composition of tubes for a specific patient case or application. However, existing approaches do not consider the overall parameter space, cannot handle the nonlinearity of the model, or multiple objectives that describe most medical applications and tasks. This work aims to solve these fundamental challenges by solving the parameter optimization problem by utilizing a multi-objective optimization algorithm. The main concern of this thesis is the general methodology to solve for patient- and application-specific design of concentric tube continuum robots and presents key parameters, objectives, and constraints. The proposed optimization method is based on evolutionary concepts that can handle multiple objectives, where the set of parameters is represented by a decision vector that can be of variable dimension in multidimensional space. Global optimization algorithms specifically target the constrained search space of concentric tube continuum robots and nonlinear optimization enables to handle the highly nonlinear elasticity modeling. The proposed methodology is then evaluated based on three examples that include cooperative task deployment of two robotic arms, structural stiffness optimization under the consideration of workspace constraints and external forces, and laser-induced thermal therapy in the brain using a concentric tube continuum robot. In summary, the main contributions are 1) the development of an optimization methodology that describes the key parameters, objectives, and constraints of the parameter optimization problem of concentric tube continuum robots, 2) the selection of an appropriate optimization algorithm that can handle the multidimensional search space and diversity of the optimization problem with multiple objectives, and 3) the evaluation of the proposed optimization methodology and structural synthesis based on three real applications

    Vision-Based Autonomous Control in Robotic Surgery

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    Robotic Surgery has completely changed surgical procedures. Enhanced dexterity, ergonomics, motion scaling, and tremor filtering, are well-known advantages introduced with respect to classical laparoscopy. In the past decade, robotic plays a fundamental role in Minimally Invasive Surgery (MIS) in which the da Vinci robotic system (Intuitive Surgical Inc., Sunnyvale, CA) is the most widely used system for robot-assisted laparoscopic procedures. Robots also have great potentiality in Microsurgical applications, where human limits are crucial and surgical sub-millimetric gestures could have enormous benefits with motion scaling and tremor compensation. However, surgical robots still lack advanced assistive control methods that could notably support surgeon's activity and perform surgical tasks in autonomy for a high quality of intervention. In this scenario, images are the main feedback the surgeon can use to correctly operate in the surgical site. Therefore, in view of the increasing autonomy in surgical robotics, vision-based techniques play an important role and can arise by extending computer vision algorithms to surgical scenarios. Moreover, many surgical tasks could benefit from the application of advanced control techniques, allowing the surgeon to work under less stressful conditions and performing the surgical procedures with more accuracy and safety. The thesis starts from these topics, providing surgical robots the ability to perform complex tasks helping the surgeon to skillfully manipulate the robotic system to accomplish the above requirements. An increase in safety and a reduction in mental workload is achieved through the introduction of active constraints, that can prevent the surgical tool from crossing a forbidden region and similarly generate constrained motion to guide the surgeon on a specific path, or to accomplish robotic autonomous tasks. This leads to the development of a vision-based method for robot-aided dissection procedure allowing the control algorithm to autonomously adapt to environmental changes during the surgical intervention using stereo images elaboration. Computer vision is exploited to define a surgical tools collision avoidance method that uses Forbidden Region Virtual Fixtures by rendering a repulsive force to the surgeon. Advanced control techniques based on an optimization approach are developed, allowing multiple tasks execution with task definition encoded through Control Barrier Functions (CBFs) and enhancing haptic-guided teleoperation system during suturing procedures. The proposed methods are tested on a different robotic platform involving da Vinci Research Kit robot (dVRK) and a new microsurgical robotic platform. Finally, the integration of new sensors and instruments in surgical robots are considered, including a multi-functional tool for dexterous tissues manipulation and different visual sensing technologies

    Robotic Assistant Systems for Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery

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    Recently, there has been a significant movement in otolaryngology-head and neck surgery (OHNS) toward minimally invasive techniques, particularly those utilizing natural orifices. However, while these techniques can reduce the risk of complications encountered with classic open approaches such as scarring, infection, and damage to healthy tissue in order to access the surgical site, there remain significant challenges in both visualization and manipulation, including poor sensory feedback, reduced visibility, limited working area, and decreased precision due to long instruments. This work presents two robotic assistance systems which help to overcome different aspects of these challenges. The first is the Robotic Endo-Laryngeal Flexible (Robo-ELF) Scope, which assists surgeons in manipulating flexible endoscopes. Flexible endoscopes can provide superior visualization compared to microscopes or rigid endoscopes by allowing views not constrained by line-of-sight. However, they are seldom used in the operating room due to the difficulty in precisely manually manipulating and stabilizing them for long periods of time. The Robo-ELF Scope enables stable, precise robotic manipulation for flexible scopes and frees the surgeon’s hands to operate bimanually. The Robo-ELF Scope has been demonstrated and evaluated in human cadavers and is moving toward a human subjects study. The second is the Robotic Ear Nose and Throat Microsurgery System (REMS), which assists surgeons in manipulating rigid instruments and endoscopes. There are two main types of challenges involved in manipulating rigid instruments: reduced precision from hand tremor amplified by long instruments, and difficulty navigating through complex anatomy surrounded by sensitive structures. The REMS enables precise manipulation by allowing the surgeon to hold the surgical instrument while filtering unwanted movement such as hand tremor. The REMS also enables augmented navigation by calculating the position of the instrument with high accuracy, and combining this information with registered preoperative imaging data to enforce virtual safety barriers around sensitive anatomy. The REMS has been demonstrated and evaluated in user studies with synthetic phantoms and human cadavers