31 research outputs found

    A mm-Wave 2D Ultra-Wideband Imaging Radar for Breast Cancer Detection

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    This paper presents the preliminary design of a mm-wave ultra-wideband (UWB) radar for breast cancer detection. A mass screening of women for breast cancer is essential, as the early diagnosis of the tumour allows best treatment outcomes. A mm-wave UWB radar could be an innovative solution to achieve the high imaging resolution required without risks for the patient. The 20–40 GHz frequency band used in the system proposed in this work guarantees high cross/range resolution performances. The developed preliminary architecture employs two monomodal truncated double-ridge waveguides that act as antennas; these radiators are shifted by microstep actuators to form a synthetic linear aperture. The minimum antenna-to-antenna distance achievable, the width of the synthetic aperture, and the minimum frequency step determine the performance of the 2D imaging system. Measures are performed with a mm-wave vector network analyzer driven by an automatic routine, which controls also the antennas shifts. The scattering matrix is then calibrated and the delay-multiply-and-sum (DMAS) algorithm is applied to elaborate a high-resolution 2D image of the targets. Experimental results show that 3 mm cross and 8 mm range resolutions were achieved, which is in line with theoretical expectations and promising for future developments

    Recent Advances in Microwave Imaging for Breast Cancer Detection

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    Breast cancer is a disease that occurs most often in female cancer patients. Early detection can significantly reduce the mortality rate. Microwave breast imaging, which is noninvasive and harmless to human, offers a promising alternative method to mammography. This paper presents a review of recent advances in microwave imaging for breast cancer detection. We conclude by introducing new research on a microwave imaging system with time-domain measurement that achieves short measurement time and low system cost. In the time-domain measurement system, scan time would take less than 1 sec, and it does not require very expensive equipment such as VNA

    Microwave power imaging for ultra-wide band early breast cancer detection

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    Due to the critical need for complementary or/and alternative modalities to current X-ray mammography for early-stage breast cancer detection, a 3D active microwave imaging system has been developed. This thesis presents a detailed method for rapid, high contrast microwave imaging for the purpose of breast survey. In the proposed imaging system, several transmitters polarized in different directions take turns sending out a low-power UWB pulse into the breast; backscattered signals are recorded by a synthetic aperture antenna array. These backscattered signals are passed through a beamformer, which spatially focuses the waveforms to image backscattered energy as a function of location in the breast. A simple Delay-and-Sum algorithm is applied to test the proposed multistatic multi-polarized detection scheme. The obtained 2-D and 3-D numerical results have demonstrated the feasibility and superiority of detecting small malignant breast tumors using our antenna strategy. An improved algorithm of microwave power imaging for detecting small breast tumors within an MRI-derived phantom is also introduced. Our imaging results demonstrate that a high-quality image can be reached without solving the inverse problem. To set up an experimental system for future clinical investigation, we developed two Vivaldi antennas, which have a notable broad band property, good radiation pattern, and a suitable size for breast cancer detection. Finally, an antenna array which consists of eight proposed Vivaldi antennas is introduced. By conveniently moving up/down and rotating this antenna array, it can be used for the multistatic breast cancer imaging and qualified for our multi-polarized scan mode

    Multiple moving target detection with ultra wideband radar using super-resolution algorithms

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    The improvements in microwave electronics opened the way to build microwave components such as low noise amplifiers, samplers and pulse generators that are broadband. As these building blocks are being developed, new applications become subject of research. Ultra wideband radar is one of these subjects. Major applications of ultra wideband radars are behind the wall imaging, biomedical imaging and buried land mine detection. In this study we aimed to locate multiple scatterers that are moving. Even though there are many scatterers in an environment, detection of moving targets is possible using differences of successive radar snapshots. This is generally the case when behind the wall human targets are to be detected. We investigated the effectiveness of various types Multiple Signal Classification (MUSIC) algorithms on the data acquired by our ultra wideband radar prototype. In ideal computer simulations, Time Reversal MUSIC (TRM) algorithm provides successful estimations of both directions and distances of multiple targets. However in practice where non-ideal effects are existent, the performance of TRM algorithm is estimating the target distances degrades. On the other hand, Delay Estimation MUSIC algorithm provides better estimates for the distances of the targets since it is less sensitive to phase noise. Combining the output of TRM algorithm for target directions and the output of Delay Estimation MUSIC method for target distances resulted in successful localization of targets. Experiments are performed using two moving targets in order to test the effectiveness the proposed processing scheme. The problem of detection ambiguities is also considered and several methods to resolve actual targets are presented

    Synchronising coherent networked radar using low-cost GPS-disciplined oscillators

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    This text evaluates the feasibility of synchronising coherent, pulsed-Doppler, networked, radars with carrier frequencies of a few gigahertz and moderate bandwidths of tens of megahertz across short baselines of a few kilometres using low-cost quartz GPSDOs based on one-way GPS time transfer. It further assesses the use of line-of-sight (LOS) phase compensation, where the direct sidelobe breakthrough is used as the phase reference, to improve the GPS-disciplined oscillator (GPSDO) synchronised bistatic Doppler performance. Coherent bistatic, multistatic, and networked radars require accurate time, frequency, and phase synchronisation. Global positioning system (GPS) synchronisation is precise, low-cost, passive and covert, and appears well-suited to synchronise networked radar. However, very few published examples exist. An imperfectly synchronised bistatic transmitter-receiver is modelled. Measures and plots are developed enabling the rapid selection of appropriate synchronisation technologies. Three low-cost, open, versatile, and extensible, quartz-based GPSDOs are designed and calibrated at zero-baselines. These GPSDOs are uniquely capable of acquiring phase-lock four times faster than conventional phase-locked loops (PLLs) and a new time synchronisation mechanism enables low-jitter sub-10 ns oneway GPS time synchronisation. In collaboration with University College London, UK, the 2.4 GHz coherent pulsed-Doppler networked radar, called NetRAD, is synchronised using the University of Cape Town developed GPSDOs. This resulted in the first published example of pulsed-Doppler phase synchronisation using GPS. A tri-static experiment is set up in Simon’s Bay, South Africa, with a maximum baseline of 2.3 km. The Roman Rock lighthouse was used as a static target to simultaneously assess the range, frequency, phase, and Doppler performance of the monostatic, bistatic, and LOS phase corrected bistatic returns. The real-world results compare well to that predicted by the earlier developed bistatic model and zero-baseline calibrations. GPS timing limits the radar bandwidth to less than 37.5 MHz when it is required to synchronise to within the range resolution. Low-cost quartz GPSDOs offer adequate frequency synchronisation to ensure a target radial velocity accuracy of better than 1 km/h and frequency drift of less than the Doppler resolution over integration periods of one second or less. LOS phase compensation, when used in combination with low-cost GPSDOs, results in near monostatic pulsed-Doppler performance with a subclutter visibility improvement of about 30 dB

    Enhanced Microwave Imaging of the Subsurface for Humanitarian Demining Applications

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    © Cranfield University 2020. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the written permission of the copyright ownerThis thesis presents a theoretical analysis and applied evaluation deploying ground penetrat ing radar (GPR) for landmine detection. An original contribution has been made in designing and manufacturing a light-weight, low-cost, fully polarimetric antenna system for GPR, enabling easy transportation and as sembly. This facilitates extensive use by various smaller communities in remote areas. By achieving the goal of supplying various smaller communities with advanced ground pene trating radar technology the technological standard of landmine detection can be improved beyond existing solutions such as metal detection or manual probing. The novel radar system itself allows detection of various subsurface targets of different shapes and sizes, metallic and non-metallic, in a number of different soils, such as sand, loam or gravel and therefore can be used in versatile environments. The GPR system has been realised by designing novel light-weight, 3D printed X-band horn antennas, manufactured from single piece plastic then copper electroplated. These an tennas are 50% lighter than their commercial equivalents. They are incorporated in an an tenna array as a group of four to allow full-polarimetric imaging of the subsurface. High resolution images of landmines and calibration targets were performed in the subsurface over an experimental sand test bed. For performing subsurface measurements in the near-field, four novel gradient-index (GRIN) lenses were designed and 3D printed to be incorporated in the apertures of the X band antennas. The improved target detection from these lenses was proven by scanning the test bed and comparing the imaging data of the antenna array with and without lenses attached. A rigorous theoretical study of different decomposition techniques and their effect on the imaging and detection accuracy for polarimetric surface penetrating data was performed and applied to the gathered imaging data to reliably isolate and detect subsurface targets. Studied decomposition techniques were Pauli decomposition parameters and Yamaguchi polarime try decomposition. It was found that it is paramount to use both algorithms on one set of subsurface data to detect all features of a buried target. A novel temporal imaging technique was developed for exploiting natural occurring changes in soil moisture level, and hence its dielectric properties. Contrary to the previously intro duced imaging techniques this moisture change detection (MCD) mechanism does not rely on knowledge of the used measurement setup or deploying clutter suppression techniques. This time averaged technique uses several images of a moist subsurface taken over a period while the moisture evaporates from the soil. Each image pixel is weighted by the phase change occurring over the evaporation period and a resulting B-scan image reveals the subsurface targets without surrounding clutter. Finally, a multi-static antenna set-up is examined on its capability for suppressing sur face clutter and its limitations are verified by introducing artificial surface clutter in form of pebbles to the scene. The resulting technique was found to suppress up to 30 The GPR antenna system developed in this thesis and the corresponding imaging tech niques have contributed to a significant improvement in subsurface radar imaging perfor mance and target discrimination capabilities. This work will contribute to more efficient landmine clearance in some of the most challenged parts of the world.Ph

    Enhanced microwave imaging of the subsurface for humanitarian demining applications

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    © Cranfield University 2020. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the written permission of the copyright ownerThis thesis presents a theoretical analysis and applied evaluation deploying ground penetrating radar (GPR) for landmine detection. An original contribution has been made in designing and manufacturing a light-weight, low-cost, fully polarimetric antenna system for GPR, enabling easy transportation and assembly. This facilitates extensive use by various smaller communities in remote areas. By achieving the goal of supplying various smaller communities with advanced ground penetrating radar technology the technological standard of landmine detection can be improved beyond existing solutions such as metal detection or manual probing. The novel radar system itself allows detection of various subsurface targets of different shapes and sizes, metallic and non-metallic, in a number of different soils, such as sand, loam or gravel and therefore can be used in versatile environments. The GPR system has been realised by designing novel light-weight, 3D printed X-band horn antennas, manufactured from single piece plastic then copper electroplated. These antennas are 50% lighter than their commercial equivalents. They are incorporated in an antenna array as a group of four to allow full-polarimetric imaging of the subsurface. High resolution images of landmines and calibration targets were performed in the subsurface over an experimental sand test bed. For performing subsurface measurements in the near-field, four novel gradient-index (GRIN) lenses were designed and 3D printed to be incorporated in the apertures of the Xband antennas. The improved target detection from these lenses was proven by scanning the test bed and comparing the imaging data of the antenna array with and without lensesattached. A rigorous theoretical study of different decomposition techniques and their effect on the imaging and detection accuracy for polarimetric surface penetrating data was performed and applied to the gathered imaging data to reliably isolate and detect subsurface targets. Studied decomposition techniques were Pauli decomposition parameters and Yamaguchi polarimetry decomposition. It was found that it is paramount to use both algorithms on one set of subsurface data to detect all features of a buried target. A novel temporal imaging technique was developed for exploiting natural occurring changes in soil moisture level, and hence its dielectric properties. Contrary to the previously introduced imaging techniques this moisture change detection (MCD) mechanism does not rely on knowledge of the used measurement setup or deploying clutter suppression techniques. This time averaged technique uses several images of a moist subsurface taken over a period while the moisture evaporates from the soil. Each image pixel is weighted by the phase change occurring over the evaporation period and a resulting B-scan image reveals the subsurface targets without surrounding clutter. Finally, a multi-static antenna set-up is examined on its capability for suppressing surface clutter and its limitations are verified by introducing artificial surface clutter in form of pebbles to the scene. The resulting technique was found to suppress up to 30 The GPR antenna system developed in this thesis and the corresponding imaging techniques have contributed to a significant improvement in subsurface radar imaging performance and target discrimination capabilities. This work will contribute to more efficient landmine clearance in some of the most challenged parts of the world

    NeXtRAD antenna design: X-Band dual polarised conical horn antenna

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    The purpose of the dissertation is to investigate a design and implementation of a dual polarised X-band antenna. The desired specifications include a centre frequency of 8.5 GHzand a 10_ azimuth-half power beam width in both vertical and horizontal polarisations. Other requirements include peak power handling of 400 W over a 50 MHz instantaneous bandwidth and the facility to be mounted on a standard tripod. The dissertation begins by introducing NeXtRAD, a radar project developed jointly by UCL and UCT, outlines the objective of the study and lists all the requirements to be achieved. After considering several types of antenna, horn antenna has been the most practical when trying to meet project requirements. Two of the horn antennas examined here have been the square and conical horn antennas using square and circular waveguides respectively. Each of these waveguides support dual polarisation as they provide a symmetrical structure in two orthogonal planes of polarisation. The square waveguide is flared into a square horn whereas the circular waveguide is flared into a conical horn to increase the gain and reduce the half-power beamwidth to the required angle