12 research outputs found

    The Effect of Motivation on Teacher Performance: Mediating Role of Knowledge Sharing

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    This study investigates the potential mediating impact of knowledge sharing on the relationship between motivation and teacher performance. A study uses a sample of 53 high school teachers in Bandung to investigate the mediating effect of knowledge sharing on the relationship between motivation and teacher performance. The study incorporated motivation and knowledge sharing as independent variables, while teacher performance was the dependent variable. The research commenced by assessing the credibility and consistency of the measuring tools. Subsequently, the data were examined by applying the Structural Equation Modeling-Partial Least Squares (SEM-PLS) methodology to gain insights into the intermediary function of the research variables. The study revealed that knowledge sharing serves as a mediator between motivation and teacher performance. The findings suggest that teachers' internal drive can positively impact their performance by facilitating the exchange of knowledge. The results suggest that educators possess a substantial intrinsic drive to disseminate information, positively impacting their overall efficacy. It is essential to acknowledge that additional variables that should have been analyzed in the present research could influence teacher development.    &nbsp

    Capacidades docentes que mejoran el desarrollo integral del alumno en la FCAT-UAT

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    Los estudiantes de nivel universitario requieren un desarrollo integral que involucre diversas áreas cómo son el manejar competencias blandas, dominar el trabajo en equipo, tener capacidad de asimilar errores y trascender. Para ello se requiere que se encuentren apoyados por instructores o maestros que cuenten con una importante vocación y ética docente. El objetivo de esta investigación es encontrar cuáles son las capacidades que apoyan el desarrollo integral de los jóvenes universitarios. Mediante una investigación documental, la determinación de un cuestionario y una prueba piloto se diseñó un instrumento de investigación validado y confiable que permitió investigar a una muestra censal consistente en 137 profesores de la Facultad de comercio y administración de Tampico y los resultados encontraron en los valores beta con un 0.303 de  los aspectos personales, 0.084 de los aspectos psicológicos y el 0.227 de la cultura de los docentes influyen positivamente en el desarrollo integral del alumno. Mientras que los aspectos legales tienen una beta negativa de -0.146 lo que parece indicar la ausencia de justicia en la sociedad actual

    An investigation of the department of computer education and instructional technology students’ instructional design competencies

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    Bilgisayar ve Öğretim Teknolojileri Eğitimi (BÖTE) bölümü mezunlarının öğretim tasarımı yeterliklerini de içine alan geniş bir yelpazede görevleri yerine getirmeleri beklenmektedir. Ancak BÖTE öğretim programı içerisinde öğretim tasarımı yeterliklerine yoğunlaşan yalnızca bir ders bulunmaktadır. Bu nedenle BÖTE bölümlerinde öğretim tasarımı yeterliklerinin ne seviyede kazandırıldığı cevaplanması gereken bir sorudur. Bu araştırmada BÖTE bölümlerinde öğrenim gören öğrencilerin öğretim tasarımı yeterliklerinin belirlenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Bu kapsamda ibstpi® tarafından geliştirilen öğretim tasarımı standartları Türkçe’ye kazandırılmış ve beşli Likert ölçeği yardımıyla BÖTE bölümlerinde öğrenim gören 820 üçüncü ve dördüncü sınıf öğrencisine uygulanmıştır. Elde edilen bulgular katılımcıların öğretim tasarımı yeterlikleri konusunda kendilerini genellikle orta derecede yeterli gördüklerini göstermektedir. Görsel, sözel ve yazılı olarak etkili bir şekilde iletişim kurma, öğrencilerin kendilerini en yeterli gördüğü yeterlik olarak öne çıkmıştır. Bunun yanında öğretimsel olmayan müdahalelerin planlanmasını içeren yeterlik ise öğrencilerin kendilerini en az yeterli gördüğü yeterlik olmuştur. Öğretim Tasarımı dersi aldığını belirten katılımcıların %24’ü öğretim tasarımı sürecinde hiç görev almadığını, %30’u ise kısmen görev aldığını belirtmiştir. Bulgular BÖTE bölümlerinin gelişimi açısından tartışılmış ve bazı öneriler sunulmuştur

    Developing competencies to cope with transitions in later life. Particularities of learning offers for older adults

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    Beyond the transition to retirement, research rarely focuses on transitions in later life. This may be due to the absence of appropriate theoretical models. In order to remedy this, the article contains a theory-based reflection with the aim to work out aspects of educational offers for older people. It links the knowledge about ‘transitions in later life’, ‘skills and competencies’ to concepts of learning in later life. The systematic approach is based on a detailed review of the state of the art of the different concepts in the field of educational science and related academic disciplines. The analysis identifies the crucial aspects of different learning situations which help develop relevant competencies and skills useful for coping with transitions. Based on these reflections we derive some relevant features for programs to help develop older adults’ abilities to cope with transitions

    Competencies for Customer Education Professionals in Software-as-a-Service Organizations: A Multi-Phase Analysis

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    The competencies for instructional design and technology professionals have been welldefined by researchers and professional associations, and a multitude of competency models for training professionals exist. However, much of the research focuses on professionals who conduct employee training (Kang & Ritzhaupt, 2015; Kelly, 2016; Moallem, 1995; Ritzhaupt, Martin, & Daniels, 2010; Sugar et al., 2012), and very little research exists on the requirements for customer education professionals, who often conduct or coordinate external or client-facing training. The purpose of this two-phase qualitative study was to generate a systematic understanding of job requirements for customer education professionals and to provide a foundation for the development of core competencies related to customer education. A multiphase research approach was used to develop the competencies which involved a content analysis of Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) customer education job announcements and a Delphi method for expert feedback. As a result, potential core competencies across three position levels were identified. This should be viewed as the first step in a larger effort to standardize the customer education profession and provides future research opportunities

    Hierarchy-Based Competency Structure and Its Application in E-Evaluation

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    The development of information technologies changes the learning process. The amount of publicly available data of e-learning systems allows personalized studies. Therefore, the tutor sometimes is needed for the student’s evaluation and consultation only. To ensure clear evaluation requirements and objective evaluation process, the learning material, as well as the evaluation system, must be discrete and semantically expressed. The list of mastered competencies and skills is more important to the enterprise; therefore, during the last years, the study process has concentrated on competency evaluation too. However, the current practice, when students’ competencies are summarized and expressed as one quantitative metric (score), do not express the list of students’ competencies and their level. To solve the problem, in this paper, we proposed a method for the design of competencies’ tree. The competency tree has to be formatted based on context modeling principles and analysis of Scope-Commonality-Variability. The usage of competency tree for students’ competencies’ evaluation proposes clearly defined and semantically expressed evaluation method for both human and e-learning evaluation process. This paper presents the results of the empirical experiment to adapt the proposed competency tree design and application for competencies’ e-evaluation method, based on flexibility, adaptability, and granularity of learning material.This article belongs to the Special Issue Smart Learnin

    The educational technologist as a teacher

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    A Review and Analysis of Instructional Design Competencies

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    This dissertation includes a review of the instructional design competencies literature and a mixed-methods study on instructional design (ID) competencies. A literature review was conducted to identify ID competencies reflected in the literature and to compare those competencies to International Board of Standards for Training Performance and Instruction\u27s (ibstpi) 2012 ID competency model. The literature review revealed alignment between the competencies found in the studies and the ibstpi standards. A study was conducted to identify the most important competencies for ID practitioners and to determine the degree to which those competencies align with the 2012 ibstpi ID competencies. The study included two data methodologies: (1) an online survey tool and (2) follow-up interviews. Study data found that the competencies most valued by ID professionals aligned with the 2012 ibstpi ID competency model. The data suggested, however, that the value of individual competencies varied when work setting was considered

    An Instructional Designer Competency Framework for Complex Learning Designs

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    Learning design competency frameworks published by professional organizations, exist for typical instructional design efforts. However, a review of literature revealed a lack of frameworks available for the creation of complex learning designs (CLDs). The goal of this research was to develop a competency framework for the creation of CLDs. Quantitative and qualitative methods were employed in the four phases of the design and development research approach In phase one, a survey based on the Educational Technology Multimedia Competency Survey (ETMCS) was sent to instructional designers who self-reported as having experience creating CLDs. The purpose of phase one was to identify competencies that instructional designers felt were most important to the creation of complex, technology-mediated learning designs. The preliminary CLD framework was constructed during phase two, based on analysis of the ETMCS survey results. Measures of central tendency were used to identify competencies considered essential and desirable. Additionally, competencies were categorized into seven domains In phase three, semi-structured interviews were conducted with a subset of survey participants. The purpose was to gain deeper insight into the participant’s perception of the design complexities involved with each of the competencies included in the preliminary framework. In phase four, the preliminary framework was internally validated using an expert panel employing the Delphi method to build consensus. Three rounds were required to achieve consensus on all competencies within the framework. This consensus resulted in 79 competencies including 30 essential and 49 desirable competencies from the set identified as the preliminary framework during phase two. Several conclusions emerged from the creation of this framework. Though technology is often a trigger for many types of CLDs, specific technologies are certainly desirable, but not essential. The research also revealed that communication and collaboration competencies are almost universally essential due to the complexity of the designs which typically necessitates the formation of multi-discipline teams. Without these competencies, the team’s cross-profession effectiveness is often hindered due to differences in terminology, processes, and team member geographic location