12 research outputs found


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan media pembelajaran Special’s Pop up book kimia pangan sebagai sumber belajar mandiri untuk anak tunarungu SLB dan mengetahui kualitas dari media pembelajaran kimia Special’s Pop up book yang telah disusun. Penelitian Research and Development (R&D) mengadaptasi desain pengembangan ADDIE terdiri dari lima tahapan: analyze, design, development, implementation, dan evaluation.. Instrumen berupa angket penilaian media popup untuk lima guru, dan angket respon peserta didik terhadap media pop-up. Teknik analisis yang digunakan antara lain konversi skor menjadi nilai skala lima, menghitung rerata skor, mengubah skor rata-rata, menentukan nilai produk dan menentukan kualitas Special’s Pop up book. Hasil penelitian yang pertama berupa media pembelajaran yang dikembangkan dengan model ADDIE yaitu analisis, desain, pengembangan, implementasi, dan evaluasi. Hasil penelitian yang kedua yaitu kualitas media pembelajaran yang telah dikembangkan pada aspek materi memperoleh skor rata-rata 27,2 dengan persentase keidealan sebesar 90,67%, pada aspek penyajian memperoleh skor rata-rata 73,8 dengan persentase keidealan sebesar 92,25% dan aspek bahasa dan gambar memperoleh skor rata-rata sebesar 53,2 dengan persentase keidealan 88,67%. Seluruh aspek termasuk dalam kategori Sangat Baik (SB)

    Attitudes Towards Use of Hypermedia in Hearing Impaired Students’ Pedagogy

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    This study investigated the attitudes on use of hypermedia based on constructivist learning context. Traditional methods and tools applied in classrooms are not found to be attractive or thrilling resulting to boredom, fatigue and negative attitude towards learning. New technologies such as hypermedia proved to be successful for improving the ability of deaf children in pedagogical process promoting attention, interest and attitude. While using hypermedia can be viewed as a new platform for delivery, there are still many teachers who look to hypermedia as a replacement of their current teaching methods. The objectives of the study were to; investigate students’ attitude towards the use of hypermedia and establish teachers’ attitude on use of hypermedia. The study was informed by constructivist theory emphasizes learner-centered learning. The study assumed a pragmatic research paradigm adopting mixed methods using quasi experimental approach involving Solomon four nonequivalent control group design.  The sample size consisted of 79 students and 10 teachers. Data instrument was questionnaire. Data were analyzed through inferential statistic chi- square and descriptive include; tables, mean, frequency, percentage and standard deviation. The results indicate that hypermedia impact positively; students were positive and satisfied with hypermedia because it is found to be enjoyable, motivating, interactive, promotes understanding, encourages autonomy and foster learning than traditional learning. Teachers agreed that hypermedia leads to greater understanding of abstract topics. The findings of this study may create awareness and need for integrating hypermedia in pedagogy to improve attitude, thus helping learners to focus attention that promotes teachers’ instructional technique. Keywords: Hypermedia, Attitude, Pedagogy, Hearing Impaired, Geomorpholog

    Teachers' instructional design for e-learning of deaf and hard of hearing students

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    The purpose of this study was to examine teachers ’ e-learning instructional design and practices for deaf/hard of hearing students during the COVID-19 period. For this reason, this study is assumed to serve as a reference point for the development of accessible e-learning instruction for teachers of deaf/hard of hearing students. This study is a quantitative research in survey design. During the COVID-19 pandemic, education and communication were maintained thanks to e-learning, which has become an integral part of education. Since it was intended to establish the attitudes, thoughts, and behaviors of the sample over a specific time period, a cross-sectional design was used. The data collection tool was an online survey developed by the researcher. The participants of the study were 138 teachers. However, neither before nor throughout the COVID-19 period, 13 of the participating teachers had no experience with e-learning. Therefore, they did not answer the questions related to e-learning in the third part of the survey. Descriptive statistics were used to analyze the data.  As a result, it was determined that teachers of deaf/hard of hearing students were unprepared for the e-learning process. They require assistance with the instructional design for e-learning

    Providing insights into health data science education through artificial intelligence

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    We would like to thank the Precision Medicine programme of the University of Edinburgh, as well as the Medical Research Council, for their support of this project aimed at enhancing health data science education. Additionally, we would like to express our appreciation to the Coursera platform and the students who participated in the course, whose contribution was invaluable to this research. This work was supported by the Medical Research Council [grant number MR/N013166/1].Background: Health Data Science (HDS) is a novel interdisciplinary field that integrates biological, clinical, and computational sciences with the aim of analysing clinical and biological data through the utilisation of computational methods. Training healthcare specialists who are knowledgeable in both health and data sciences is highly required, important, and challenging. Therefore, it is essential to analyse students’ learning experiences through artificial intelligence techniques in order to provide both teachers and learners with insights about effective learning strategies and to improve existing HDS course designs. Methods: We applied artificial intelligence methods to uncover learning tactics and strategies employed by students in an HDS massive open online course with over 3,000 students enrolled. We also used statistical tests to explore students’ engagement with different resources (such as reading materials and lecture videos) and their level of engagement with various HDS topics. Results: We found that students in HDS employed four learning tactics, such as actively connecting new information to their prior knowledge, taking assessments and practising programming to evaluate their understanding, collaborating with their classmates, and repeating information to memorise. Based on the employed tactics, we also found three types of learning strategies, including low engagement (Surface learners), moderate engagement (Strategic learners), and high engagement (Deep learners), which are in line with well-known educational theories. The results indicate that successful students allocate more time to practical topics, such as projects and discussions, make connections among concepts, and employ peer learning. Conclusions: We applied artificial intelligence techniques to provide new insights into HDS education. Based on the findings, we provide pedagogical suggestions not only for course designers but also for teachers and learners that have the potential to improve the learning experience of HDS students.Peer reviewe

    Assistive technologies for severe and profound hearing loss: beyond hearing aids and implants

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    Assistive technologies offer capabilities that were previously inaccessible to individuals with severe and profound hearing loss who have no or limited access to hearing aids and implants. This literature review aims to explore existing assistive technologies and identify what still needs to be done. It is found that there is a lack of focus on the overall objectives of assistive technologies. In addition, several other issues are identified i.e. only a very small number of assistive technologies developed within a research context have led to commercial devices, there is a predisposition to use the latest expensive technologies and a tendency to avoid designing products universally. Finally, the further development of plug-ins that translate the text content of a website to various sign languages is needed to make information on the internet more accessible

    Infográficos acessíveis para surdos : recomendações

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    Orientadora: Profª Drª Vania R. UlbrichtCoorientadora: Profª Drª Carolina CalomenoDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Artes, Comunicação e Design, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Design. Defesa: Curitiba, 09/03/2017Inclui referências : f. 103-108Resumo: A literatura envolvendo infografia e acessibilidade trata desses temas, em sua maioria, de maneira isolada, havendo uma lacuna teórica a respeito de sua interação. A escassez de bibliografia agrava-se quando envolve o público surdo. Diante desse quadro e do potencial pedagógico encontrado na infografia, esta pesquisa tem como objetivo propor recomendações para o desenvolvimento de objetos de aprendizagem na forma de infográficos acessíveis para surdos. Para alcançar a meta colocada, procedeu-se a uma revisão sistemática, que embasou a fundamentação teórica, passando pelo desenvolvimento de um infográfico aplicado a um objeto de aprendizagem, que, por fim, foi utilizado com estudantes surdos em uma avaliação da compreensão. A revisão sistemática da literatura visou a estabelecer uma base teórica sobre a relação entre infografia, educação, acessibilidade e surdos, compondo a fundamentação teórica. Nessa etapa, foram discutidas diretrizes e recomendações para o desenvolvimento de materiais acessíveis, as quais foram reunidas em mapas mentais, empregados para guiar o desenvolvimento do infográfico utilizado posteriormente. O desenvolvimento do infográfico reuniu metodologias encontradas na literatura e passou por uma consulta com especialistas antes que fosse aplicado na avaliação. Para essa etapa, seis estudantes surdos voluntariaram-se para a pesquisa, tendo sido divididos em dois grupos: um utilizando o objeto de aprendizagem com o infográfico e o outro não, visando a analisar a compreensão dos sujeitos em relação ao conteúdo apresentado. Após a utilização dos materiais, os estudantes foram entrevistados, revelando informações sobre a percepção e compreensão do material e comprovando a eficácia da infografia nos objetos de aprendizagem. Os dados coletados foram confrontados com a fundamentação teórica, a fim de concluir o objetivo inicial deste trabalho, gerando as recomendações para o desenvolvimento de infografia acessível para surdos, em forma de objetos de aprendizagem. Palavras-chave: Infografia. Acessibilidade. Surdo. Objeto de aprendizagem.Abstract: Literature involving infographics and accessibility deals, mostly, with these themes in an isolated way, with a theoretical gap in its interaction. The scarcity of bibliography is aggravated when it involves the deaf public. Given this framework, and the pedagogical potential found in the infographics, this research aims to propose recommendations for the development of learning objects in the form of accessible infographic for the deaf. In order to reach the goal, this work began with a systematic review, based on the theoretical basis, through the development of an infographic applied to a learning object that was finally used with deaf students in a comprehension evaluation. The systematic review of the literature sought to establish a theoretical basis on the relationship between infographics, education, accessibility and deaf people, composing the theoretical foundation. In this stage, guidelines and recommendations for the development of accessible materials were discussed, which were gathered in mind maps used to guide the development of the infographic used later in the comprehension evaluation proposed by this research. The development of the infographic met the methodologies found in the literature, and underwent a consultation with specialists before it was applied in the evaluation. For this stage, six deaf students volunteered for the research, being divided into two groups, one using the learning object with the infographic and the other without, seeking to analyze their understanding of the presented content. After the materials were used the students were interviewed, revealing points about the perception and understanding of the material, and proving the effectiveness of the infographics in the learning objects. These collected data were confronted with the theoretical basis, in order to conclude the initial objective of this work, generating the recommendations for the development of accessible infographics for the deaf in the form of learning objects. Keywords: Infographic. Accessibility. Deaf. Learning object

    Improving Accessibility of e-Learning Templates for Students with Disabilities

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    Because of the effective development of contemporary technologies, also during the recent COVID-19 pandemic, students with disabilities have been increasingly integrated into the society, work, and academic environment. Accordingly, the question of how to provide accessible graphical design of e-learning materials for various categories of students with disabilities and how to comply with international accessibility standards is becoming more and more prominent. The purpose of the study was to propose recommendations for the design of e-learning materials to achieve the preparation of effective study materials for students with hearing and visual loss, as well as autism spectrum disorders. According to their needs and requirements, recommendations for the graphic design of accessible e-learning materials have been designed, developed, implemented, and evaluated. The findings revealed a higher level of acceptance of adapted material for all experimental groups and can be helpful for teachers and other professionals educating students with disabilities

    Design and development of e-learning environment for deaf students in learning nuclear energy

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    This research aims to develop an e-learning environment for deaf students in learning Nuclear Energy. The performance level of deaf students, as well as learning patterns that have emerged from their activities within the developed e-learning environment were examined. This research utilizes a quantitative research design by using questionnaires and performance tests, as well as additional qualitative data from interviews. Data was attained from two different sets of questionnaires, the log data files from the e-learning, performance tests, and the interview sessions. Questionnaires were initially distributed to 52 deaf students from a school in Johor Bahru to examine their e-learning readiness. Next, an e-learning environment for the deaf students was developed with the implementation of sign language videos as the main feature. The same 52 deaf students were given another questionnaire to examine the usability and motivation to learn using the developed e-learning environment. After that, 20 Form four deaf students were involved in using the developed e-learning environment in order to examine their performance and learning patterns that emerged from their activities within the e-learning environment. Data were analyzed through descriptive analysis (mean and standard deviation), inferential analysis (paired-samples t-test, effect size, and power analysis) and data mining (decision tree). Data mining analysis using the decision tree technique was used to examine the learning patterns by the deaf students when using the developed e-learning environment based on their performance level. The results from descriptive analysis show that the deaf students have a moderate level of elearning readiness, as well as the usability and motivation to learn using the developed e-learning environment. The results from the paired-samples t-test show that there is a statistically significant difference between the pre-test and the post-test scores (p<0.05). The meta-analysis of the t-test shows that the treatment has a large effect size on the deaf students’ performance, while the results from the power analysis show that if this treatment is repeated, similar results will be acquired. Eleven learning patterns were emerged based on three increment categories of the deaf students’ performance. This research found that the learning patterns of deaf students who achieved the best increment category of performance accessed the sign language videos more frequently compared to other deaf students

    Recomendações de acessibilidade para surdos dos tipos de questões usadas na avaliação baseada em computador em ambientes virtuais de aprendizagem

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    Orientadora : Profª. Drª. Laura Sánchez GarcíaDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciências Exatas, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Informática. Defesa: Curitiba, 24/02/2015Inclui referênciasResumo: Os tipos de questões que são usadas na Avaliação Baseada em Computador (CBA, do inglês Computer-Based Assessment) em Ambientes Virtuais de Aprendizagem (AVAs) possuem problemas de acessibilidade no contexto de estudantes surdos. Devido a esses problemas, a interação dos estudantes surdos com os tipos de questões fica comprometida e, dessa maneira, os estudantes surdos podem ficar impedidos de utilizar os tipos de questões em AVAs como os demais estudantes. Esta dissertação de mestrado apresenta um conjunto de recomendações de acessibilidade para surdos dos tipos de questões usadas na CBA em AVAs. Este conjunto de recomendações é composto por recomenda- ções que foram encontradas em trabalhos da literatura relacionados com o tema desta pesquisa e classi_cados em três categorias (i.e. "Acessibilidade em AVAs para surdos", "Acessibilidade para projeto de Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação (TICs) para alfabetização de surdos" e "Acessibilidade em CBA"). Algumas das recomendações foram mantidas na íntegra, enquanto outras foram adaptadas e reescritas no contexto dos tipos de questões usadas em AVAs. O conjunto de recomendações construído no presente trabalho é composto por recomendações de acessibilidade para seis tipos de questões (i.e. Associação, Dissertação, Lacuna, Múltipla escolha, Resposta curta e Verdadeiro/Falso). As recomendações estão classi_cadas de acordo com cada um dos seis tipos de questões e sua correspondente aplicação em perguntas e respostas. Além das recomendações, foram definidos três perfis (i.e. "Professor(a)", "Estudante" e "Desenvolvedor(a)") e para cada recomendação foram sugeridos usos para cada um dos três perfis. O conjunto de recomendações deste trabalho foi avaliado por especialistas em TI e por professoras surdas. Os resultados dessa avaliação determinaram posicionamentos positivos tanto sobre a utilidade do uso das recomendações, como em relação à sua precisão, clareza e completude, no contexto de hipótese. Palavras-chave: Acessibilidade. Ambientes virtuais de aprendizagem. Avaliação baseada em computador. Surdos. Testes baseados em computador. Tipos de questões.Abstract: The types of questions available for Computer-Based Assessment (CBA) in Virtual Learning Environments (VLEs) still present accessibility issues in the context of deaf students. Due to these problems, the interaction of deaf students can be impaired and, consequently, deaf students can be prevented of using types of questions in VLEs as others students do. This master's thesis presents a set of accessibility recommendations for the deaf of the types of questions used in CBA in VLEs. The set of recommendations is composed of recommendations that were retrieved from studies available in the literature related to the theme of this research, and classified in three categories (i.e. "VLEs accessibility for the deaf", "Accessibility for designing Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) for deaf literacy", and "Accessibility in CBA". Some of these recommendations were fully maintained while others were adapted and rewritten considering the context of the types of questions used in VLEs. The set of recommendations generated in this research consists of accessibility recommendations for six types of questions (i.e. Association, Essay, Fill in the blank, Multiple choice, Short answer and True/False). The recommendations are classified according to each of the six types of questions and their relevance to questions and answers for each type of question. In addition to the recommendations, the research considered three profiles (i.e. "Teacher", "Student", and "Developer") and added usage suggestions to all the recommendations for each of the profiles. The set of recommendations proposed by this research was evaluated by IT experts and by deaf teachers. The evaluation results determined positive feedback both regarding the usefulness of the recommendations like their accuracy, in the hypothesis context. Key-words: Accessibility. Computer-based assessment. Computer-based testing. Deaf. Types of questions. Virtual learning environments