18,962 research outputs found

    Future bathroom: A study of user-centred design principles affecting usability, safety and satisfaction in bathrooms for people living with disabilities

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    Research and development work relating to assistive technology 2010-11 (Department of Health) Presented to Parliament pursuant to Section 22 of the Chronically Sick and Disabled Persons Act 197

    Applying A Methodology For Educating Students With Special Needs: A Case Study

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    The introduction of innovative educational technologies opens up new ways of interacting with students. We propose to exploit this potential to help in the education of children with special needs. We analyze the state of the art of tools supporting the teaching process, focusing on the omissions of existing research. We propose a new framework to help throughout the whole teaching process and describe its application to Proyecto Aprender (Learn Project), an educational resource targeting children with learning difficulties. Finally, we outline some conclusions and current/future research lines

    A framework for accessible m-government implementation

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    The great popularity and rapid diffusion of mobile technologies at worldwide level has also been recognised by the public sector, leading to the creation of m-government. A major challenge for m-government is accessibility – the provision of an equal service to all citizens irrespective of their psychical, mental or technical capabilities. This paper sketches the profiles of six citizen groups: Visually Impaired, Hearing Impaired, Motor Impaired, Speech Impaired, Cognitive Impaired and Elderly. M-government examples that target the aforementioned groups are discussed and a framework for accessible m-government implementation with reference to the W3C Mobile Web Best Practices is proposed

    Critical Success Factors for Positive User Experience in Hotel Websites: Applying Herzberg's Two Factor Theory for User Experience Modeling

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    This research presents the development of a critical success factor matrix for increasing positive user experience of hotel websites based upon user ratings. Firstly, a number of critical success factors for web usability have been identified through the initial literature review. Secondly, hotel websites were surveyed in terms of critical success factors identified through the literature review. Thirdly, Herzberg's motivation theory has been applied to the user rating and the critical success factors were categorized into two areas. Finally, the critical success factor matrix has been developed using the two main sets of data.Comment: Journal articl

    E-Inclusion: From Assistive Technology to Smart Environments

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    With main reference to research activities carried out in Europe, the paper describes the impact of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in supporting the integration of people in the society. It starts from its immediate use in assistive technology for granting communication and access to information to people with limitations of activities (e.g., blind, and deaf people). Then it describes the change of attitudes due to the technical developments in the field and the approach of international organizations (UN and WHO), leading to the proposal of Design for All (DfA) and to the concept that technology must be used to guarantee the well-being of all people. This is made possible by the developments of technology leading to the emergence of intelligent environments, where technology can be interconnected to support all people in any activity. Some prototypes developed to show the present feasibility of interesting support applications are shortly described, pointing out the possibility of improvement due to Artificial Intelligence.Mit Hauptbezug auf die in Europa durchgefĂŒhrten ForschungsaktivitĂ€ten beschreibt dieses Kapitel die Auswirkungen der Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologie (IKT) bei der UnterstĂŒtzung der Integration von Menschen in die Gesellschaft. Er beginnt mit dem unmittelbaren Einsatz der IKT als Hilfsmittel, um Menschen mit eingeschrĂ€nkten AktivitĂ€ten (z. B. Blinde und Gehörlose) Kommunikation und Zugang zu Informationen zu ermöglichen. Anschließend wird der Wandel der Einstellungen beschrieben, der durch die technischen Entwicklungen in diesem Bereich und den Ansatz internationaler Organisationen (UN und WHO) ausgelöst wurde und zum Vorschlag des Design for All (DfA) und zum Konzept fĂŒhrte, dass die Technologie genutzt werden muss, um das Wohlbefinden aller Menschen zu gewĂ€hrleisten. Ermöglicht wird dies durch die technologischen Entwicklungen, die zur Entstehung intelligenter Umgebungen fĂŒhren, in denen Technologien miteinander verbunden werden können, um alle Menschen bei jeder TĂ€tigkeit zu unterstĂŒtzen. Einige Prototypen, die entwickelt wurden, um die Machbarkeit interessanter UnterstĂŒtzungsanwendungen zu demonstrieren, werden kurz beschrieben, wobei auf die Möglichkeit von Verbesserungen durch kĂŒnstliche Intelligenz hingewiesen wird

    Assessing the value of the information provision for enhancing the autonomy of mobility impaired users. Madrid pilot Site Study.

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    A City is the space where every person acquires the citizen condition, which demands access to multiple services and facilities, and develops social relations in a free and equal condition of options. A lack of accessibility limits independency and autonomy. Thus, the relationship between “sustainable development” and “accessibility for all” becomes clearer, and both goals reinforce each other. In this sense, information plays a key role in order to overcome existing barriers, specially for people who rarely use public transport, have impaired mobility, or make a particular journey for the first time. The impact and benefits is linked with public transport as a “facilitator” of mobility, and, in particular, for the aim of intermodality. The usefulness of information that should be provided (both the information itself and how is offered) to mobility impaired users (MI users) is discussed on this paper based on following of the ASK-IT project that has being carry out on Madrid. The work was done in close cooperation with representatives of all different types of MI user groups
