110 research outputs found

    A Decision Support System for Performance Evaluation: A Combined D-ANP & ANN Approach

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    In this study, a novel performance evaluation approach combining DEMATEL, ANP and ANN methods is proposed. The influenced weights for the evaluation criteria are calculated by D-ANP and following this the final ranking of the stores is obtained by utilizing historical data in artificial neural networks

    Developing a DEMATEL method to prioritize distribution centers in supply chain

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    During the past two decades, there have been significant numbers of studies focusing on supply chain management for evaluating important factors on the success of a supply chain program. In this paper, we present a method to prioritize the locations of distribution centers in a supply chain. The proposed model of this paper uses balanced scorecard (BSC) to categorize the most important attributes affecting the location of distribution centers and the attributes are ranked based on decision making trial and evaluation laboratory (DEMATEL) method. The implementation of the proposed model of this paper is also applied for a real-world case study of oil company and the results are analyzed under different scenarios

    Strategic Environment Analysis Using DEMATEL Method Through Systematic Approach:

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    A combined model for Environmental Analysis (EA) in strategy formulation process is presented in this paper. EA is the critical element in strategic planning. Because of direct effect on quality of results, different quantitative or qualitative approaches have been developed. In this paper, steps of EA using values tools such as System Dynamics, expert panels, DEMATEL method, designed and explained in the integrated model. In first step, all different factors are identified and classified, and then using a questionnaire, related factors are listed. The causal model identifies the main causes and effects. DEMATEL method specifies priorities of each factor. By using the influenced-influencing matrix, key factors will be determined. In all stages, panel of experts plays complementary and approval role. Finally we applied this model in strategic planning processes of an energy research institute in Iran as a case study. Key words: Environmental Analysis; Systems Approach; Causal loop diagram; DEMATEL Method; Expert Panel

    عوامل مدیریتی موثر بر عملکرد مرکز قلب تهران مطالعه ای با رویکرد فازی

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    زمینه و هدف: بیمارستان ها یکی از ارکان اصلی نظام سلامت محسوب شده و بخش مهمی از منابع آن را به خود اختصاص می دهند. اداره صحیح و علمی بیمارستان ها می تواند ضمن افزایش کیفیت خدمات تشخیصی و درمانی، موجب کاهش هزینه‌ های بخش سلامت شود. مدیریت اثربخش بیمارستان، درگام اول نیازمند شناسایی عوامل مؤثر برعملکرد بیمارستان و اولویت بندی این عوامل و درگام بعدی انتخاب و اجرای مداخلات مناسب می باشد. در این پژوهش، عوامل مدیریتی مؤثر بر عملکرد مرکز قلب تهران شناسایی و رتبه بندی شده اند. مواد و روش‌ ها : در این پژوهش که در نیمه اول سال 1389 انجام شده، ابتدا عوامل مدیریتی مؤثر بر عملکرد مرکز قلب تهران به روش کیفی شناسایی و سپس به روش کمّی به عوامل تأثیرگذار و تأثیرپذیر تفکیک و بر اساس شدت تأثیرگذاری، رتبه بندی شدند. جامعه پژوهش شامل مدیران ارشد و میانی مرکز قلب تهران بود. درمرحله شناسایی عوامل مدیریتی، داده ها از طریق مصاحبه، تکمیل پرسشنامه و مطالعه متون مرتبط جمع آوری و با استفاده از نرم افزارSPSS با تست آماری "One Sample t-test" آزمون شدند. در مرحله بررسی تأثیرمتقابل عوامل بر یکدیگر، داده ها از طریق تکمیل پرسشنامه، جمع آوری و با استفاده از نرم افزارهای Excel و MATLAB با تکنیک دیماتل فازی (Fuzzy DEMATEL) تحلیل شدند. نتایج: در این پژوهش 9 عامل مدیریتی مؤثر بر عملکرد مرکزقلب تهران شناسایی شدند و با اندازه گیری شاخص (Di-Ri) ، 7 عامل برحسب مقدار مثبت این شاخص، تأثیرگذار و 2 عامل بر حسب مقدار منفی این شاخص، تأثیرپذیر شناخته شدند. همچنین بر اساس مقدار عددی شاخص (Di+Ri)، عوامل مدیریتی به ترتیب شدت تأثیرگذاری عبارت بودند از: تفویض اختیار(3/16) ، تعهدو مسؤولیت پذیری مدیران(2/96)، اختیارات متناسب با مسؤولیت(2/67)، انگیزه مدیران(2/61)، فرآیندگرایی(2/26)، رویکرد سیستمی(2/25 ) و ثبات مدیریت (1/68 ). نتیجه گیری: توجه وتمرکز برروی عوامل مدیریتی تأثیرگذار مانند تفویض اختیار، تعهد و مسؤولیت پذیری مدیران، تناسب اختیارات ومسؤولیت ها ، ثبات مدیریت و نیز انگیزش مدیران، در بهبود عملکرد بیمارستان مؤثر است

    Integration of DEMATEL-Based ANP with BOCR Merits for Hospital Sustainability: Evidence from Hospitals in Panama

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    Assessments studies are conducted to determine a business’ needs to achieve desired conditions. In the case of businesses, such goal is to profit and create value through goods or services. This research focusses on healthcare businesses, such as hospitals, where besides trying to make profit, must care for its patients’ safety and well-being. A novel assessment method will be proposed, in which the criteria interdependencies will be considered, instead of considering them independent. The study makes use of the BOCR analysis, where both positive and negative aspects are considered to get more comprehensive results. The interdependencies will then be assessed using the DANP Method, which will generate a causal diagram showing the total influence of one factor into the others, as well as their influential weights. Through this new application, we can demonstrate which factors are most important, most likely to occur, or have more impact on the business infrastructure

    Evaluating sustainability in organisations with a fuzzy logic approach

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    Purpose - To determine whether the organisations more strategically committed to its stakeholders present better social and financial performance and, based on this relationship, know the state of the art of the Spanish sectors’ approach to the sustainable development. Design/methodology/approach - This paper analyses the sustainability approach of a sample of 52 Spanish listed firms. This process is based on the study of different indexes generated in order to evaluate the company’s commitment through its stakeholders, the social and financial performance of these organisations, and the relationship between them. Previous results showed a positive and not significant relationship between these variables and a positive financial performance. This paper replicates a former research by introducing a fuzzy- logic- based methodology in order to generate the aforementioned indexes. Findings -The current results support the conclusions formerly obtained and simultaneously demonstrate that the big Spanish companies are at an incipient stage of development of a clearly sustainability - oriented management. Research limitations/implications - The unavailability of a long series of organisations sustainability information is an obstacle for a broader analysis. This research could motivate the usefulness of the fuzzy logic methodology for analysing the business sustainability approach and to develop studies on the corporate social performance. Originality/value - The use of fuzzy logic methodology for the generation of indexes related to the organisations social responsibility and sustainability result

    Dynamically Assessing the Intertwined Influences of ISD Project Risk Factors

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    This study aims to adopt an approach for assessing the mutual influences of risk factors on information system development project transferring from initialization to the control phases. Given that risks evolve dynamically, the variations of the degrees of risk influences throughout the development process of information system project must be analyzed so that effective risk management strategies can be devised in a cost-effective way at the right stage. Therefore, our study applies Decision Making Trial and Evaluation Laboratory to quantitatively assess the interdependencies among the risk factors for each project development phase. An application conducted in a private, medium-scale university in Taiwan is demonstrated. The results suggest the directions for possible improvements of risk management during university information system development process