4 research outputs found

    Generation of Two-Voice Imitative Counterpoint from Statistical Models

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    Generating new music based on rules of counterpoint has been deeply studied in music informatics. In this article, we try to go further, exploring a method for generating new music based on the style of Palestrina, based on combining statistical generation and pattern discovery. A template piece is used for pattern discovery, and the patterns are selected and organized according to a probabilistic distribution, using horizontal viewpoints to describe melodic properties of events. Once the template is covered with patterns, two-voice counterpoint in a florid style is generated into those patterns using a first-order Markov model. The template method solves the problem of coherence and imitation never addressed before in previous research in counterpoint music generation. For constructing the Markov model, vertical slices of pitch and rhythm are compiled over a large corpus of dyads from Palestrina masses. The template enforces different restrictions that filter the possible paths through the generation process. A double backtracking algorithm is implemented to handle cases where no solutions are found at some point within a generation path. Results are evaluated by both information content and listener evaluation, and the paper concludes with a proposed relationship between musical quality and information content. Part of this research has been presented at SMC 2016 in Hamburg, Germany

    Applying modern psychometric techniques to melodic discrimination testing: Item response theory, computerised adaptive testing, and automatic item generation

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    Modern psychometric theory provides many useful tools for ability testing, such as item response theory, computerised adaptive testing, and automatic item generation. However, these techniques have yet to be integrated into mainstream psychological practice. This is unfortunate, because modern psychometric techniques can bring many benefits, including sophisticated reliability measures, improved construct validity, avoidance of exposure effects, and improved efficiency. In the present research we therefore use these techniques to develop a new test of a well-studied psychological capacity: melodic discrimination, the ability to detect differences between melodies. We calibrate and validate this test in a series of studies. Studies 1 and 2 respectively calibrate and validate an initial test version, while Studies 3 and 4 calibrate and validate an updated test version incorporating additional easy items. The results support the new test’s viability, with evidence for strong reliability and construct validity. We discuss how these modern psychometric techniques may also be profitably applied to other areas of music psychology and psychological science in general

    Methodological contributions by means of machine learning methods for automatic music generation and classification

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    189 p.Ikerketa lan honetan bi gai nagusi landu dira: musikaren sorkuntza automatikoa eta sailkapena. Musikaren sorkuntzarako bertso doinuen corpus bat hartu da abiapuntu moduan doinu ulergarri berriak sortzeko gai den metodo bat sortzeko. Doinuei ulergarritasuna hauen barnean dauden errepikapen egiturek ematen dietela suposatu da, eta metodoaren hiru bertsio nagusi aurkeztu dira, bakoitzean errepikapen horien definizio ezberdin bat erabiliz.Musikaren sailkapen automatikoan hiru ataza garatu dira: generoen sailkapena, familia melodikoen taldekatzea eta konposatzaileen identifikazioa. Musikaren errepresentazio ezberdinak erabili dira ataza bakoitzerako, eta ikasketa automatikoko hainbat teknika ere probatu dira, emaitzarik hoberenak zeinek ematen dituen aztertzeko.Gainbegiratutako sailkapenaren alorrean ere binakako sailkapenaren gainean lana egin da, aurretik existitzen zen metodo bat optimizatuz. Hainbat datu baseren gainean probatu da garatutako teknika, baita konposatzaile klasikoen piezen ezaugarriez osatutako datu base batean ere

    Developing and evaluating computational models of musical style

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    Stylistic composition is a creative musical activity, in which students as well as renowned composers write according to the style of another composer or period. We describe and evaluate two computational models of stylistic composition, called Racchman-Oct2010 (random constrained chain of Markovian nodes, October 2010) and Racchmaninof-Oct2010 (Racchman with inheritance of form). The former is a constrained Markov model, and the latter embeds this model in an analogy based design system. Racchmaninof-Oct2010 applies a pattern discovery algorithm called SIACT and a perceptually validated formula for rating pattern importance, to guide the generation of a new target design from an existing source design. A listening study is reported concerning human judgments of music excerpts that are, to varying degrees, in the style of mazurkas by Frédéric Chopin (1810–1849). The listening study acts as an evaluation of the two computational models and a third, benchmark system, called Experiments in Musical Intelligence. Judges’ responses indicate that some aspects of musical style, such as phrasing and rhythm, are being modeled effectively by our algorithms. Judgments are also used to identify areas for future improvements. We discuss the broader implications of this work for the fields of engineering and design, where there is potential to make use of our models of hierarchical repetitive structure