51 research outputs found

    Feelbook: A social media app for teens designed to foster positive online behavior and prevent cyberbullying

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    This project presents a prototype for a stand-alone social media application designed for teenage users in order to prevent and mitigate mean and cruel online behavior. The purpose of the app is to create a nurturing environment where teenagers use a variety of features designed to help raise self-awareness of their own online behavior, seek support when needed, and learn to control and, when possible, correct aggressive behavior. The prototype is framed by four design principles: design for reflection, design for empathy, design for empowerment, and design for the whole. We conclude by outlining the next steps in our project to develop an application that helps to improve the online experiences of young people. This work has implications for the CHI community because it applies software solutions to tackle a critical social problem that can affect the health and well being of young people

    Human Value Manifest in Instagram: A Visual Content Analysis of DMO Photography

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    The relationship of social media and tourism marketing through image projection by which visual content is produced was well documented. However, minimal research was reported on the human values promoted through the usage of social media in the context of marketing tourism by various elements of Destination Management Organization (DMO), such as government, tourism industry, and official marketing agency. Since visual content was widely used to attract visitors, this paper aims to highlight and discuss the prominent human values within photographs posted on Instagram of the three categories of DMO. Visual content analysis was applied to measure those values promoted through the collected photograph. Findings of this study shown values classified into self-transcendence and conservation categories are more prominent than those of self-enhancement and openness within Instagram of all marketer categories. Both theoretical and managerial implications of this study to tourism study were discussed. Keywords: Instagram, Human Value, Photography, Tourism Marketing DOI: 10.7176/NMMC/80-06 Publication date:May 31st 201

    A Study on the Prevalence of Human Values in Software Engineering Publications, 2015-2018

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    Failure to account for human values in software (e.g., equality and fairness) can result in user dissatisfaction and negative socio-economic impact. Engineering these values in software, however, requires technical and methodological support throughout the development life cycle. This paper investigates to what extent software engineering (SE) research has considered human values. We investigate the prevalence of human values in recent (2015 - 2018) publications at some of the top-tier SE conferences and journals. We classify SE publications, based on their relevance to different values, against a widely used value structure adopted from social sciences. Our results show that: (a) only a small proportion of the publications directly consider values, classified as relevant publications; (b) for the majority of the values, very few or no relevant publications were found; and (c) the prevalence of the relevant publications was higher in SE conferences compared to SE journals. This paper shares these and other insights that motivate research on human values in software engineering

    Values in the Net Neutrality Debate: Applying Content Analysis to Testimonies from Public Hearings

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    The Net neutrality debate is an important telecommunications policy issue that closely tied to technological innovation, economic development, and information access. Existing studies on Net neutrality have focused primarily on technological requirements, economic analysis, and regulatory justifications. Since values, technology, and policy are interrelated, it is important to consider the role of human values in the design and regulation of telecommunications infrastructure. To analyze the role of human values in shaping the Net neutrality debate, this dissertation focuses on a corpus of public hearings related to Net neutrality that provide useful data points that help to expose the values of various stakeholders in the Net neutrality debate. Content analysis of testimonies from Congressional and FCC hearings on Net neutrality is employed to study values expressed by stakeholders. The major findings of this study include (1) the Net neutrality debate can be framed in terms of values expressed by proponents and opponents of Net neutrality; (2) there are differences in values expressed among positions, stakeholder groups, venues, and time periods in the Net neutrality debate; and (3) differences in values expressed by proponents and opponents of Net neutrality have changed over time. This dissertation advances the understanding of values expressed by stakeholders in the Net neutrality debate, informs the process of agenda setting and decision-making related to Net neutrality policy-making, and fills the gap in the connection between IT policy and values research

    Conceptualizing and Operationalizing a Value of Communication Scale for Use in Training and Development Applications

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    In this two-part study, a value of communication (VOC) is conceptualized and operationalized to determine the worth an individual places on communication and its professional development for application in communication center training programs. In Study 1, a survey methodology evaluated the initially proposed VOC scale. An exploratory factor analysis was applied to identify a reliable 8-item single-factor solution and was also compared with other known self-reported communication trait variables to examine the scale’s potential convergent validity. In Study 2, a confirmatory factor analysis was applied using a survey methodology to validate the VOC scale further. Following a set of model modifications, a reliable single-factor 6-item scale was identified and proposed for use in communication training and development applications. The successful confirmation of a valid and reliable scale aims to provide a stable measure that can be utilized to help predict an individual’s willingness to invest time and energy in communication training and development

    Aprendizaje de valores mediado tecnológicamente en Educación Secundaria: una pedagogía dialógica mediante el uso didáctico del cine y las tecnologías de la información

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    La utilización de recursos didácticos multimedia basados en el cine está dotada de una elevada potencialidad de cara a la transmisión de valores. Hemos puesto en práctica un plan de educación en valores a través del cine con el propósito de generar una praxis educativa, de inspiración dialógica, cuyos resultados ofrecemos a partir de las percepciones de docentes y discentes. Los resultados permiten observar como, de un lado, la combinación didáctica de cine y nuevas tecnologías de la información facilita la identificación e internalización de una pluralidad de valores; de otro lado, ha sido posible apreciar una traslación de esos valores a la vida cotidiana de los centros de enseñanza secundaria en los que se ha desarrollado la experiencia. 

    Personal values in the perceptions of volunteer activities among university students

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    Introduction. Student youth is the most active part of society. The development of the student personality is necessary to ensure a stable future society. The study is devoted to revealing the structure of ideas about volunteering among university students. Due to the difficult political and economic situation in the country and in the world as a whole, a multi-level volunteer movement is actively developing: from those supported by administrative structures to individual types of activities shown by individual citizens on their own initiative. The volunteer movement solves both local problems and goes to the national level, through the translation of the value base of its activity. Aim. The present research aims to study the structure of ideas about volunteering in university students and to identify the axiological content in these ideas. With this aim, complexes of semantic markers were identified, indicating groups of values according to the classification of S. Schwartz. This allows using semantic markers for axiological analysis of information. Methodology and research methods. As a method, an associative experiment modified for the research tasks, was used. 159 university students were interviewed in Ekaterinburg, Kurgan, and Tyumen. 1431 associations related to volunteering were analysed. Results. The weight of a value and its position in the hierarchy was determined by the number of associations that correlate with this value semantically. In the first place, there is the value of security, in terms of the security of another person. In the second place, there is the value of kindness, and, in the third place – the value of universalism. The value of universalism emphasises the voluntariness and disinterestedness of volunteering. This is followed by the value of independence, which expresses the aspect of activity and initiative. The next is the value of tradition. The values of stimulation, achievement, hedonism and conformity are the least expressed in students’ perceptions. The values of security, universalism and kindness are fully reflected in the views of students. The values of independence and tradition are represented by a certain facet, aspect. Other values are represented weakly and diffusely. Such a differentiation of values is connected with the content of volunteering, as well as with the students’ ideas about it. The study shows the fundamental isomorphism of the content of activity, ideas about this activity and the relevance of the hierarchy of personal values. Scientific novelty. The ideas about volunteering are considered through the prism of personal values. A hierarchically organised profile of values associated with volunteering is revealed. Practical significance. Many organisations are in need of volunteer help but are having difficulties recruiting and retaining volunteers. The value of the current research is to understand what can attract and retain volunteers.Введение. Студенческая молодежь является наиболее активной частью общества. Развитие личности студентов необходимо для обеспечения стабильного будущего социума. Исследование посвящено выявлению представлений о волонтерской деятельности у студентов университетов. В связи со сложной политической и экономической обстановкой в стране и в мире в целом, активно разворачивается разноуровневое волонтерское движение: от поддерживаемого административными структурами до индивидуальных видов активностей, проявляемых отдельными гражданами по собственной инициативе. Волонтерское движение решает как локальные задачи, так и выходит на общегосударственный уровень, через трансляцию ценностного основания своей деятельности. Цель статьи – исследование структуры представлений о волонтерстве у студентов университетов и выявление аксиологического содержания в этих представлениях. Для этого выявлялись комплексы семантических маркеров, указывающих на группы ценностей по классификации Ш. Шварца. Это позволяет использовать семантические маркеры для аксиологического анализа информации. Методология, методы и методики исследования. В качестве метода использован ассоциативный эксперимент, модифицированный под задачи исследования. Было опрошено 159 студентов университетов г. Екатеринбурга, г. Кургана, г. Тюмени. Была проанализирована 1431 ассоциация, связанная с волонтерской деятельностью. Результаты. Весомость ценности и ее положение в иерархии определялось количеством ассоциаций, которые соотносятся с этой ценностью семантически. На первом месте находится ценность безопасности, в аспекте безопасности другого человека. На втором месте находится ценность доброты, а на третьем – ценность универсализма. Ценностью универсализма подчеркивается добровольность и бескорыстность волонтерской деятельности. Далее следует ценность самостоятельности, в которой выражен аспект активности и инициативности. Следующей выступает ценность традиции. Наименее выражены в представлениях студентов ценности стимуляции, достижения, гедонизма и конформности. Ценности безопасности, универсализма и доброты отражены в представлениях студентов практически в полном объеме своего содержания. Ценности самостоятельности и традиции представлены определенной гранью, аспектом. Остальные ценности представлены слабо и диффузно. Такая дифференциация ценностей связана с содержанием волонтерской деятельности, а также с представлениями о ней студенческой молодежи. Исследование показывает принципиальную изоморфность содержания деятельности, представлений об этой деятельности и релевантность иерархии ценностей личности. Научная новизна. Представления о волонтерстве рассмотрены через призму ценностей личности. Выявлен иерархически организованный профиль ценностей, связанных с волонтерством. Практическая значимость. Многие организации нуждаются в волонтерской помощи, однако испытывают трудности с набором и удержанием волонтеров. Ценность данного исследования в том, чтобы понять, что может привлекать и удерживать волонтеров

    Thematic Analysis of Words that Invoke Values in the Net Neutrality Debate

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    This paper describes an initial analysis of the association of specific vocabulary choices with the invocation of human values in testimonies prepared for public hearings about Net neutrality in the United States. Motivation for this work comes from an interest in understanding what people value and how they express those values in writing. Related work includes research on human values from fields ranging from social psychology to advertising to human-computer interaction. First, human annotators used closed coding to identify human values in testimonies based on a prior meta-analysis of human values. Next, a “values dictionary” was automatically learned that identifies words that are strongly associated with sentences that human annotators coded as being related to specific values. Finally, an open-ended thematic analysis was conducted. The contribution of the paper is to enhance our understanding of how human values are expressed, as well as to introduce and evaluate a new automated tool for facilitating social science research.ye

    Smartphone and privacy concerns: Not so smart

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    Smartphone is one of the most important information technology devices, so people feel the desire to adapt to it in order to keep up with technological developments (Lee, Chang, Lin & Cheng, 2014). Although recent studies have attempted to unravel the behavioral intentions to use smartphones (e.g. Bruner & Kumar, 2005; Liu & Yu, 2017) by analyzing different factors, there is a gap in the axiological dimension of this decision process (Chun, Lee & Kim, 2012). Privacy concern is one of the most relevant issues (Pew Research Center, 2014) and, consequently, this study is set to test in which measure privacy, as an axiological expression, override the hedonic factors associated with the behavioral intention of using smartphones. With a sample of 211 smartphone users we tested in which measure the importance given to privacy acts as a moderator variable in a model that comprehens ease of use, usefulness, and fun as predictors of behavioral intention to use smartphones. Findings show privacy is a key-driver in the behavioral intention of using smartphone, with particular emphasis health-related apps.O smartphone é um dos mais importantes dispositivos de tecnologia da informação e, por isso, os indivíduos sentem o desejo de se adaptar a este de modo a acompanhar os desenvolvimentos tecnológicos (Lee, Chang, Lin & Cheng, 2014). Apesar de estudos recentes terem tentado desvendar as intenções comportamentais da adoção de smartphones (e.g. Bruner & Kumar, 2005; Liu & Yu, 2017), analisando diferentes fatores, há uma lacuna na análise da dimensão axiológica deste processo de decisão (Chun, Lee & Kim, 2012). A preocupação com a privacidade é um dos elementos mais relevantes (Pew Research Center, 2014) e por isso, o presente estudo procura testar em que medida a privacidade, enquanto expressão axiológica, se sobrepõe aos fatores hedónicos associados à intenção comportamental do uso do smartphone. Com uma amostra de 211 utilizadores de smartphones procurámos compreender em que medida a importância da privacidade opera como moderadora num modelo que integra a facilidade de uso, a utilidade, e a diversão enquanto preditoras da intenção comportamental de uso do smartphone. Os resultados mostram que a privacidade é um elemento-chave da intenção comportamental de usar o smartphone, com ênfase particular nas aplicações relacionadas com a saúde