47,318 research outputs found


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    In the first quarter of 2006 Chicago Board Options Exchange (CBOE) introduced, as one of the listed products, options on its implied volatility index (VIX). This opened the challenge of developing a pricing framework that can simultaneously handle European options, forward-starts, options on the realized variance and options on the VIX. In this paper we propose a new approach to this problem using spectral methods. We define a stochastic volatility model with jumps and local volatility, which is almost stationary, and calibrate it to the European options on the S&P 500 for a broad range of strikes and maturities. We then extend the model, by lifting the corresponding Markov generator, to keep track of relevant path information, namely the realized variance. The lifted generator is too large a matrix to be diagonalized numerically. We overcome this diculty by developing a new semi-analytic algorithm for block-diagonalization. This method enables us to evaluate numerically the joint distribution between the underlying stock price and the realized variance which in turn gives us a way of pricing consistently the European options, general accrued variance payos as well as forward-starts and VIX options.Volatility derivatives; operator methods

    Goal-oriented sensitivity analysis for lattice kinetic Monte Carlo simulations

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    In this paper we propose a new class of coupling methods for the sensitivity analysis of high dimensional stochastic systems and in particular for lattice Kinetic Monte Carlo. Sensitivity analysis for stochastic systems is typically based on approximating continuous derivatives with respect to model parameters by the mean value of samples from a finite difference scheme. Instead of using independent samples the proposed algorithm reduces the variance of the estimator by developing a strongly correlated-"coupled"- stochastic process for both the perturbed and unperturbed stochastic processes, defined in a common state space. The novelty of our construction is that the new coupled process depends on the targeted observables, e.g. coverage, Hamiltonian, spatial correlations, surface roughness, etc., hence we refer to the proposed method as em goal-oriented sensitivity analysis. In particular, the rates of the coupled Continuous Time Markov Chain are obtained as solutions to a goal-oriented optimization problem, depending on the observable of interest, by considering the minimization functional of the corresponding variance. We show that this functional can be used as a diagnostic tool for the design and evaluation of different classes of couplings. Furthermore the resulting KMC sensitivity algorithm has an easy implementation that is based on the Bortz-Kalos-Lebowitz algorithm's philosophy, where here events are divided in classes depending on level sets of the observable of interest. Finally, we demonstrate in several examples including adsorption, desorption and diffusion Kinetic Monte Carlo that for the same confidence interval and observable, the proposed goal-oriented algorithm can be two orders of magnitude faster than existing coupling algorithms for spatial KMC such as the Common Random Number approach

    [SADE] A Maple package for the Symmetry Analysis of Differential Equations

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    We present the package SADE (Symmetry Analysis of Differential Equations) for the determination of symmetries and related properties of systems of differential equations. The main methods implemented are: Lie, nonclassical, Lie-B\"acklund and potential symmetries, invariant solutions, first-integrals, N\"other theorem for both discrete and continuous systems, solution of ordinary differential equations, reduction of order or dimension using Lie symmetries, classification of differential equations, Casimir invariants, and the quasi-polynomial formalism for ODE's (previously implemented in the package QPSI by the authors) for the determination of quasi-polynomial first-integrals, Lie symmetries and invariant surfaces. Examples of use of the package are given

    Sparse Automatic Differentiation for Large-Scale Computations Using Abstract Elementary Algebra

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    Most numerical solvers and libraries nowadays are implemented to use mathematical models created with language-specific built-in data types (e.g. real in Fortran or double in C) and their respective elementary algebra implementations. However, built-in elementary algebra typically has limited functionality and often restricts flexibility of mathematical models and analysis types that can be applied to those models. To overcome this limitation, a number of domain-specific languages with more feature-rich built-in data types have been proposed. In this paper, we argue that if numerical libraries and solvers are designed to use abstract elementary algebra rather than language-specific built-in algebra, modern mainstream languages can be as effective as any domain-specific language. We illustrate our ideas using the example of sparse Jacobian matrix computation. We implement an automatic differentiation method that takes advantage of sparse system structures and is straightforward to parallelize in MPI setting. Furthermore, we show that the computational cost scales linearly with the size of the system.Comment: Submitted to ACM Transactions on Mathematical Softwar

    Current-density functional for disordered systems

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    The effective action for the current and density is shown to satisfy an evolution equation, the functional generalization of Callan-Symanzik equation. The solution describes the dependence of the one-particle irreducible vertex functions on the strength of the quenched disorder and the annealed Coulomb interaction. The result is non-perturbative, no small parameter is assumed. The a.c. conductivity is obtained by the numerical solution of the evolution equation on finite lattices in the absence of the Coulomb interaction. The static limit is performed and the conductivity is found to be vanishing beyond a certain threshold of the impurity strength.Comment: final version, 28 pages, 17 figures, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Asymptotic symmetry and conservation laws in 2d Poincar\'e gauge theory of gravity

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    The structure of the asymptotic symmetry in the Poincar\'e gauge theory of gravity in 2d is clarified by using the Hamiltonian formalism. The improved form of the generator of the asymptotic symmetry is found for very general asymptotic behaviour of phase space variables, and the related conserved quantities are explicitly constructed.Comment: 22 pages, Plain Te
