10 research outputs found

    k-Skip-n-Gram-RF: A Random Forest Based Method for Alzheimer's Disease Protein Identification

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    In this paper, a computational method based on machine learning technique for identifying Alzheimer's disease genes is proposed. Compared with most existing machine learning based methods, existing methods predict Alzheimer's disease genes by using structural magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) technique. Most methods have attained acceptable results, but the cost is expensive and time consuming. Thus, we proposed a computational method for identifying Alzheimer disease genes by use of the sequence information of proteins, and classify the feature vectors by random forest. In the proposed method, the gene protein information is extracted by adaptive k-skip-n-gram features. The proposed method can attain the accuracy to 85.5% on the selected UniProt dataset, which has been demonstrated by the experimental results

    Exposing the Causal Effect of Body Mass Index on the Risk of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: A Mendelian Randomization Study

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    Introduction: High body mass index (BMI) is a positive associated phenotype of type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM). Abundant studies have observed this from a clinical perspective. Since the rapid increase in a large number of genetic variants from the genome-wide association studies (GWAS), common SNPs of BMI and T2DM were identified as the genetic basis for understanding their associations. Currently, their causality is beginning to blur.Materials and Methods: To classify it, a Mendelian randomisation (MR), using genetic instrumental variables (IVs) to explore the causality of intermediate phenotype and disease, was utilized here to test the effect of BMI on the risk of T2DM. In this article, MR was carried out on GWAS data using 52 independent BMI SNPs as IVs. The pooled odds ratio (OR) of these SNPs was calculated using inverse-variance weighted method for the assessment of 5 kg/m2 higher BMI on the risk of T2DM. The leave-one-out validation was conducted to identify the effect of individual SNPs. MR-Egger regression was utilized to detect potential pleiotropic bias of variants.Results: We obtained the high OR (1.470; 95% CI 1.170 to 1.847; P = 0.001), low intercept (0.004, P = 0.661), and small fluctuation of ORs {from -0.039 [(1.412 ā€“ 1.470) / 1.470)] to 0.075 [(1.568ā€“ 1.470) / 1.470)] in leave-one-out validation.Conclusion: We validate the causal effect of high BMI on the risk of T2DM. The low intercept shows no pleiotropic bias of IVs. The small alterations of ORs activated by removing individual SNPs showed no single SNP drives our estimate

    Construction of Complex Features for Computational Predicting ncRNA-Protein Interaction

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    Non-coding RNA (ncRNA) plays important roles in many critical regulation processes. Many ncRNAs perform their regulatory functions by the form of RNA-protein complexes. Therefore, identifying the interaction between ncRNA and protein is fundamental to understand functions of ncRNA. Under pressures from expensive cost of experimental techniques, developing an accuracy computational predictive model has become an indispensable way to identify ncRNA-protein interaction. A powerful predicting model of ncRNA-protein interaction needs a good feature set of characterizing the interaction. In this paper, a novel method is put forward to generate complex features for characterizing ncRNA-protein interaction (named CFRP). To obtain a comprehensive description of ncRNA-protein interaction, complex features are generated by non-linear transformations from the traditional k-mer features of ncRNA and protein sequences. To further reduce the dimensions of complex features, a group of discriminative features are selected by random forest. To validate the performances of the proposed method, a series of experiments are carried on several widely-used public datasets. Compared with the traditional k-mer features, the CFRP complex features can boost the performances of ncRNA-protein interaction prediction model. Meanwhile, the CFRP-based prediction model is compared with several state-of-the-art methods, and the results show that the proposed method achieves better performances than the others in term of the evaluation metrics. In conclusion, the complex features generated by CFRP are beneficial for building a powerful predicting model of ncRNA-protein interaction

    Predicting Ion Channels Genes and Their Types With Machine Learning Techniques

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    Motivation: The number of ion channels is increasing rapidly. As many of them are associated with diseases, they are the targets of more than 700 drugs. The discovery of new ion channels is facilitated by computational methods that predict ion channels and their types from protein sequences.Methods: We used the SVMProt and the k-skip-n-gram methods to extract the feature vectors of ion channels, and obtained 188- and 400-dimensional features, respectively. The 188- and 400-dimensional features were combined to obtain 588-dimensional features. We then employed the maximum-relevance-maximum-distance method to reduce the dimensions of the 588-dimensional features. Finally, the support vector machine and random forest methods were used to build the prediction models to evaluate the classification effect.Results: Different methods were employed to extract various feature vectors, and after effective dimensionality reduction, different classifiers were used to classify the ion channels. We extracted the ion channel data from the Universal Protein Resource (UniProt, http://www.uniprot.org/) and Ligand-Gated Ion Channel databases (http://www.ebi.ac.uk/compneur-srv/LGICdb/LGICdb.php), and then verified the performance of the classifiers after screening. The findings of this study could inform the research and development of drugs

    Deep Neural Network Models for Predicting Chemically Induced Liver Toxicity Endpoints From Transcriptomic Responses

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    Improving the accuracy of toxicity prediction models for liver injuries is a key element in evaluating the safety of drugs and chemicals. Mechanism-based information derived from expression (transcriptomic) data, in combination with machine-learning methods, promises to improve the accuracy and robustness of current toxicity prediction models. Deep neural networks (DNNs) have the advantage of automatically assembling the relevant features from a large number of input features. This makes them especially suitable for modeling transcriptomic data, which typically contain thousands of features. Here, we gaged gene- and pathway-level feature selection schemes using single- and multi-task DNN approaches in predicting chemically induced liver injuries (biliary hyperplasia, fibrosis, and necrosis) from whole-genome DNA microarray data. The single-task DNN models showed high predictive accuracy and endpoint specificity, with Matthews correlation coefficients for the three endpoints on 10-fold cross validation ranging from 0.56 to 0.89, with an average of 0.74 in the best feature sets. The DNN models outperformed Random Forest models in cross validation and showed better performance than Support Vector Machine models when tested in the external validation datasets. In the cross validation studies, the effect of the feature selection scheme was negligible among the studied feature sets. Further evaluation of the models on their ability to predict the injury phenotype per se for non-chemically induced injuries revealed the robust performance of the DNN models across these additional external testing datasets. Thus, the DNN models learned features specific to the injury phenotype contained in the gene expression data

    Gradient Boosting Decision Tree-Based Method for Predicting Interactions Between Target Genes and Drugs

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    Determining the target genes that interact with drugsā€”drugā€“target interactionsā€”plays an important role in drug discovery. Identification of drugā€“target interactions through biological experiments is time consuming, laborious, and costly. Therefore, using computational approaches to predict candidate targets is a good way to reduce the cost of wet-lab experiments. However, the known interactions (positive samples) and the unknown interactions (negative samples) display a serious class imbalance, which has an adverse effect on the accuracy of the prediction results. To mitigate the impact of class imbalance and completely exploit the negative samples, we proposed a new method, named DTIGBDT, based on gradient boosting decision trees, for predicting candidate drugā€“target interactions. We constructed a drugā€“target heterogeneous network that contains the drug similarities based on the chemical structures of drugs, the target similarities based on target sequences, and the known drugā€“target interactions. The topological information of the network was captured by random walks to update the similarities between drugs or targets. The paths between drugs and targets could be divided into multiple categories, and the features of each category of paths were extracted. We constructed a prediction model based on gradient boosting decision trees. The model establishes multiple decision trees with the extracted features and obtains the interaction scores between drugs and targets. DTIGBDT is a method of ensemble learning, and it effectively reduces the impact of class imbalance. The experimental results indicate that DTIGBDT outperforms several state-of-the-art methods for drugā€“target interaction prediction. In addition, case studies on Quetiapine, Clozapine, Olanzapine, Aripiprazole, and Ziprasidone demonstrate the ability of DTIGBDT to discover potential drugā€“target interactions

    Application of Machine Learning in Microbiology

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    Microorganisms are ubiquitous and closely related to peopleā€™s daily lives. Since they were first discovered in the 19th century, researchers have shown great interest in microorganisms. People studied microorganisms through cultivation, but this method is expensive and time consuming. However, the cultivation method cannot keep a pace with the development of high-throughput sequencing technology. To deal with this problem, machine learning (ML) methods have been widely applied to the field of microbiology. Literature reviews have shown that ML can be used in many aspects of microbiology research, especially classification problems, and for exploring the interaction between microorganisms and the surrounding environment. In this study, we summarize the application of ML in microbiology

    Identification of Triple-Negative Breast Cancer Genes and a Novel High-Risk Breast Cancer Prediction Model Development Based on PPI Data and Support Vector Machines

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    Triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC) is a special subtype of breast cancer that is difficult to treat. It is crucial to identify breast cancer-related genes that could provide new biomarkers for breast cancer diagnosis and potential treatment goals. In the development of our new high-risk breast cancer prediction model, seven raw gene expression datasets from the NCBI gene expression omnibus (GEO) database (GSE31519, GSE9574, GSE20194, GSE20271, GSE32646, GSE45255, and GSE15852) were used. Using the maximum relevance minimum redundancy (mRMR) method, we selected significant genes. Then, we mapped transcripts of the genes on the protein-protein interaction (PPI) network from the Search Tool for the Retrieval of Interacting Genes (STRING) database, as well as traced the shortest path between each pair of proteins. Genes with higher betweenness values were selected from the shortest path proteins. In order to ensure validity and precision, a permutation test was performed. We randomly selected 248 proteins from the PPI network for shortest path tracing and repeated the procedure 100 times. We also removed genes that appeared more frequently in randomized results. As a result, 54 genes were selected as potential TNBC-related genes. Using 14 out the 54 genes, which are potential TNBC associated genes, as input features into a support vector machine (SVM), a novel model was trained to predict high-risk breast cancer. The prediction accuracy of normal tissues and TNBC tissues reached 95.394%, and the predictions of Stage II and Stage III TNBC reached 86.598%, indicating that such genes play important roles in distinguishing breast cancers, and that the method could be promising in practical use. According to reports, some of the 54 genes we identified from the PPI network are associated with breast cancer in the literature. Several other genes have not yet been reported but have functional resemblance with known cancer genes. These may be novel breast cancer-related genes and need further experimental validation. Gene ontology (GO) enrichment and Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG) enrichment analyses were performed to appraise the 54 genes. It was indicated that cellular response to organic cyclic compounds has an influence in breast cancer, and most genes may be related with viral carcinogenesis

    Identification of miR-200c and miR141-Mediated lncRNA-mRNA Crosstalks in Muscle-Invasive Bladder Cancer Subtypes

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    Basal and luminal subtypes of muscle-invasive bladder cancer (MIBC) have distinct molecular profiles and heterogeneous clinical behaviors. The interactions between mRNAs and lncRNAs, which might be regulated by miRNAs, have crucial roles in many cancers. However, the miRNA-dependent crosstalk between lncRNA and mRNA in specific MIBC subtypes still remains unclear. In this study, we first classified MIBC into two conservative subtypes using miRNA, mRNA and lncRNA expression data derived from The Cancer Genome Atlas. Then we investigated subtype-related biological pathways and evaluated the subtype classification performance using Decision Trees, Random Forest and eXtreme Gradient Boosting (XGBoost). At last, we explored potential miRNA-mediated lncRNA-mRNA crosstalks based on co-expression analysis. Our results show that: (1) the luminal subtype is primarily characterized by upregulation of metabolism-related pathways while the basal subtype is predominantly characterized by upregulation of epithelial-mesenchymal transition, metastasis, and immune system process-related pathways; (2) the XGBoost prediction model is consistently robust for classification of the molecular subtypes of MIBC across four datasets (The area under the ROC curve > 0.9); (3) the expression levels of the molecules in the miR-200c and miR141-mediated lncRNA-mRNA crosstalks differ considerably between the two subtypes and have close relationships with the prognosis of MIBC. The miR-200c and miR-141-dependent mRNA-lncRNA crosstalks might be of great significance in tumorigenesis and tumor progression and may serve as the novel prognostic predictors and classification markers of MIBC subtypes

    Developing a Multi-Dose Computational Model for Drug-Induced Hepatotoxicity Prediction Based on Toxicogenomics Data

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