130,423 research outputs found

    Production of Innovations within Farmer–Researcher Associations Applying Transdisciplinary Research Principles

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    Small-scale farmers in sub-Saharan West Africa depend heavily on local resources and local knowledge. Science-based knowledge is likely to aid decision-making in complex situations. In this presentation, we highlight a FiBL-coordinated research partnership between three national producer organisations and national agriculture research bodies in Mali, Burkina Faso, and Benin. The partnership seeks to compare conventional, GMObased, and organic cotton systems as regards food security and climate change

    Emerging prenatal genetic tests : developing a health technology assessment (HTA) framework for informed decision-making

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    Delphi Process In preparation for the first Delphi exercise, a list of questions was produced from the academic literature, webbased sources and interviews with experts. These questions were structured into broad dimensions and a draft questionnaire piloted. A final list of 73 questions formed the basis of the first Delphi survey. Participants were asked to grade the perceived importance of each question for inclusion in HTA reports on new prenatal genetic tests (4 = Essential; 3 = Desirable, but not essential; 2 = Useful but should not be required; 1 = Of little/ no importance; 0 = I have no basis for judgement). Secondly, they were asked to indicate whether a question should be addressed during test development or whether the question could be addressed later once the technology is ready for implementation. Finally, Panel members were encouraged to identify any other questions which appeared to be missing from the initial list. For copy of questionnaire, see Annex 1: Delphi Round 1 Questionnaire. Respondents were also asked to provide personal details to give some indication of their HTA experience and specialist expertise. Analysis of responses demonstrated that SAFE Delphi panel members represent a highly experienced, multidisciplinary international group of experts with the knowledge required to define which key questions should be addressed in HTA reports on new prenatal genetic tests. Delphi Responses Responses were received from 77/90 (86%) of Panel members. These were analysed with a cut-off of 75% (±3%) applied as an indicator of Panel consensus for all questions. Thus, any question which three out of four respondents rated as essential or desirable was retained, whilst those not achieving this level of agreement were provisionally excluded. In addition, mean scores were also calculated (excluding 0 = I have no basis for judgement) for each question. A mean score >3.25 ± 0.05 was taken as an indication that the Panel had identified a particular question as being of the highest priority to address in HTA

    Managing Climatic Risks to Combat Land Degradation and Enhance Food security: Key Information Needs

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    This paper discusses the key information needs to reduce the negative impacts of weather variability and climate change on land degradation and food security, and identifies the opportunities and barriers between the information and services needed. It suggests that vulnerability assessments based on a livelihood concept that includes climate information and key socio-economic variables can overcome the narrow focus of common one-dimensional vulnerability studies. Both current and future climatic risks can be managed better if there is appropriate policy and institutional support together with technological interventions to address the complexities of multiple risks that agriculture has to face. This would require effective partnerships among agencies dealing with meteorological and hydrological services, agricultural research, land degradation and food security issues. In addition a state-of-the-art infrastructure to measure, record, store and disseminate data on weather variables, and access to weather and seasonal climate forecasts at desired spatial and temporal scales would be needed

    Climate change adaptation and vulnerability assessment of water resources systems in developing countries: a generalized framework and a feasibility study in Bangladesh

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    Water is the primary medium through which climate change influences the Earth’s ecosystems and therefore people’s livelihoods and wellbeing. Besides climatic change, current demographic trends, economic development and related land use changes have direct impact on increasing demand for freshwater resources. Taken together, the net effect of these supply and demand changes is affecting the vulnerability of water resources. The concept of ‘vulnerability’ is not straightforward as there is no universally accepted approach for assessing vulnerability. In this study, we review the evolution of approaches to vulnerability assessment related to water resources. From the current practices, we identify research gaps, and approaches to overcome these gaps a generalized assessment framework is developed. A feasibility study is then presented in the context of the Lower Brahmaputra River Basin (LBRB). The results of the feasibility study identify the current main constraints (e.g., lack of institutional coordination) and opportunities (e.g., adaptation) of LBRB. The results of this study can be helpful for innovative research and management initiatives and the described framework can be widely used as a guideline for the vulnerability assessment of water resources systems, particularly in developing countries

    Evaluation of Public Housing Programmes in Nigeria: A Theoretical and Conceptual Approach

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    The aim of this paper is to develop and test a theoretical and conceptual framework for an alternative approach to evaluation of public housing programmes in Nigeria. It seeks to address limitations of existing approaches where one theory or discipline has the upper hand in evaluating public housing programmes. This paper proposes a broad-based framework for assessing relationships between input, output and outcomes of public housing programmes through a realistic approach to evaluation based on objective-oriented theory, theory-driven evaluation paradigm and conceptual issues. This approach allows for the use of logical framework to explain the complex connections between underlying programme theory and outcomes. The distinct features of this alternative evaluation approach include: an open-ended evaluation approach; housing providers and residents participation; broad-based and a multi-faceted data gathering approaches and analysis in distinguishing the outcome of different housing delivery strategies in public housing programmes

    Science and Technology Governance and Ethics - A Global Perspective from Europe, India and China

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    This book analyzes the possibilities for effective global governance of science in Europe, India and China. Authors from the three regions join forces to explore how ethical concerns over new technologies can be incorporated into global science and technology policies. The first chapter introduces the topic, offering a global perspective on embedding ethics in science and technology policy. Chapter Two compares the institutionalization of ethical debates in science, technology and innovation policy in three important regions: Europe, India and China. The third chapter explores public perceptions of science and technology in these same three regions. Chapter Four discusses public engagement in the governance of science and technology, and Chapter Five reviews science and technology governance and European values. The sixth chapter describes and analyzes values demonstrated in the constitution of the People’s Republic of China. Chapter Seven describes emerging evidence from India on the uses of science and technology for socio-economic development, and the quest for inclusive growth. In Chapter Eight, the authors propose a comparative framework for studying global ethics in science and technology. The following three chapters offer case studies and analysis of three emerging industries in India, China and Europe: new food technologies, nanotechnology and synthetic biology. Chapter 12 gathers all these threads for a comprehensive discussion on incorporating ethics into science and technology policy. The analysis is undertaken against the backdrop of different value systems and varying levels of public perception of risks and benefits. The book introduces a common analytical framework for the comparative discussion of ethics at the international level. The authors offer policy recommendations for effective collaboration among the three regions, to promote responsible governance in science and technology and a common analytical perspective in ethics

    Climate change and disaster impact reduction

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    Based on papers presented at the 'UK - South Asia Young Scientists and Practitioners Seminar on Climate Change and Disaster Impact Reduction' held at Kathmandu, Nepal on 5-6 June, 2008

    Tropical river fisheries valuation: a global synthesis and critical review

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    River fisheries / Inland fisheries / Economic impact / Cost benefit analysis / Developing countries / River basin management / Wetlands / Valuation
