123,002 research outputs found

    Motorcycle rider safety project: summary report

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    Motorcycle trauma is a serious issue in Queensland and throughout Australia; the fatality rate per 100 million kilometres travelled for motorcycle riders in Australia is nearly 30 times the rate for drivers of other vehicles (Australian Transport Safety Bureau, 2002). In 2009, the then Queensland Transport (later the Department of Transport and Main Roads or TMR) appointed CARRS-Q to provide a three-year program of Road Safety Research Services for Motorcycle Rider Safety. Funding for this research originated from the Motor Accident Insurance Commission. This program of research was undertaken to produce knowledge to assist TMR to improve motorcycle safety by further strengthening the licensing and training system to make learner riders safer by developing a pre-learner package (Deliverable 1), and by evaluating the Q-Ride CAP program to ensure that it is maximally effective and contributes to the best possible training for new riders (Deliverable 2), and identifying potential new licensing components that will reduce the incidence of risky riding and improve higher-order cognitive skills in new riders (Deliverable 3)

    Strategic Human Capital Management: NRC Could Better Manage the Size and Composition of Its Workforce by Further Incorporating Leading Practices

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    [Excerpt] After the passage of the Energy Policy Act of 2005, which included tax incentives for nuclear energy, NRC significantly expanded its workforce to meet the demands of an anticipated increase in workload that ultimately did not occur. More recently, a forecast for reduced growth in the nuclear industry prompted NRC to develop plans for changing its structure and workforce to better respond to changes in the nuclear industry. Strategic human capital planning is one of several actions the agency is taking. The explanatory statement accompanying the Consolidated Appropriations Act for fiscal year 2016 included a provision for GAO to report on NRC’s workforce management. GAO examined NRC’s strategic human capital management efforts and the extent to which these efforts incorporate leading practices. GAO reviewed NRC’s strategic workforce plan and other related documents and interviewed knowledgeable NRC officials

    An information technology competency model and curriculum

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    This paper addresses the progress made by the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) and the IEEE Computer Society (IEEE-CS) in developing a competency model and curricular guidelines for four-year degree programs in information technology. The authors are members of an international task group representative of academic institutions, industry, and professional organizations. The task group is to develop a competency model, called IT2017, for information technology education within two years based on earlier guidelines and other perspectives. This paper provides a brief background of the project, some activities undertaken, the progress made, and expectations for future developments. IT2017 seeks to produce a futuristic model of academic excellence so information technology graduates will be prepared for new technological challenges in a global economy

    Effective Systems Engineering Training

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    The need for systems engineering training is steadily increasing, as both the defense and commercial markets take on more complex "systems of systems" work. A variety of universities and commercial training vendors have assembled courses of various lengths, format, and content to meet this need. This presentation looks at the requirements for systems engineering training, and discusses techniques for increasing its effectiveness. Several format and content options for meeting these requirements are compared and contrasted, and an experience-based curriculum is shown


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    Undergraduate programs in agribusiness education have attracted much interest in recent years. Many university facilities have developed agribusiness educational programs and others are considering the development of such programs. As these programs evolve throughout the country, there are many questions which relate to the structure and future directions of these educational efforts. A review of the issues related to agribusiness program development is presented. A planning process that can be used to focus on the many agribusiness educational issues and provide insight into agribusiness program development in outlined.Teaching/Communication/Extension/Profession,

    Core Competencies for Undergraduate Community-Engaged Researchers

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    Undergraduate community-engaged research (UCEnR) is a growing trend which VCU has proactively pursued by providing grants for UCEnR projects and assimilating UCEnR into interdisciplinary curricula. However, a definitive sense of core competencies for undergraduate community-engaged researchers has not yet been established. To that end, this literature review answers the question, What skills should UCEnR students have

    Are all competencies equal in the eyes of residents? A multicenter study of emergency medicine residents’ interest in feedback

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    Introduction: Feedback, particularly real-time feedback, is critical to resident education.  The emergency medicine (EM) milestones were developed in 2012 to enhance resident assessment and many programs utilize them to provide focused resident feedback. The purpose of this study was to evaluate EM residents’ level of interest in receiving real-time feedback on each of the 23 milestone sub-competencies.Methods: This was a multicenter cross sectional study of EM residents. Participants were surveyed on their level of interest in receiving real-time on-shift feedback on each of the 23 milestone sub-competencies. Anonymous paper or computerized surveys were distributed to residents at three 4-year training programs and three 3-year training programs with a total of 223 resident respondents. Residents rated their level of interest in each milestone on a 6-point semantic differential response scale. Average level of interest was calculated for each of the 23 sub-competencies, both as an average of all 223 respondents as well as by individual postgraduate year (PGY) level of training. One-way ANOVA analysis was performed to determine statistical significance.Results: The overall survey response rate across all institutions was 82%. Emergency stabilization had the highest mean rating (5.47/6) while technology had the lowest rating (3.24/6). However, none of the 23 milestone sub-competencies were statistically significant based on ANOVA analysis.Conclusion: It is unclear whether residents ascribe much more value to certain sub-competency domains than others.  Further studies are necessary to determine whether residents’ sub-competency valuations need to be considered when developing an assessment or feedback program focusing on the 23 EM milestones

    The Needs Analysis of Training for Elementary School Teachers (Prior Analysis to the Research of Professional and Pedagogical Competencies Development in Civics Education)

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    ABSTRACT Purpose–Research on teacher training needs analysis in order to study the development of pedagogical and professional elementary school teachers competencies in Civic education aims to describe the level of pedagogical and professional’ elementary school teachers competencies gap and to describe the elementary teacher training needs in order to develop pedagogical and professional deficit. Method–This study is a descriptive research. The study sites spread across the elementary school teachers in 8 subdistricts which are Suruh, Bancak, Bringin, Pabelan, Tengaran, Kaliwungu, Getasan and Ambarawa. The sample consists of 72 teachers, taken by purposive clusters sampling. Data collection technique is using self-evaluation in the form of questionnaire that has been tested for the validity and reliability. Analysis showed that the corrected item-total correlation is 0,794 for the highest and 0,221 for the lowest. Reliability test results showed that the alpha reliability coefficient is 0.945. Moreover, the techniques of data analysis are using descriptive statistical analysis and gap analysis. Findings –The result of the analysis shows that there are1) the gap of teachers’ pedagogic competency is 23.07 %, 2) the gap of teachers professional competency is 30 % , dan 3) the gap of pedagogic and professional competencies includes;(a) developing the curriculum which is related to Civics Education, (b) conducting assesment and evaluation of the process and result of learning process, (c) using the result of assesment and evaluation for the sake of teaching and learning, (d) Doing refective action (Class Action Research) to enhance teaching and learning process, (e) mastering the concept and principle of protection and development of Human Rights and also fair and proper law enforcement, (f) developing the material of civics education creatively, (g) developing sustainable profesionalism through reflective action, (h) using information technology and communication for self developing action. Significance–This research discusses about the gap of elementary school teachers’ competencies, spesifically civics education. Gap occurs when there is discrepancy between ideal competencies and empirical competencies of teachers’ performance. The results of this research are useful for designing training in teachers’ competence

    Developing student’s accounting competencies using Astin’s I-E-O model: an identification of key educational inputs based on Indonesian student perspectives

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    This paper discusses a model for developing Students’ Accounting Competencies (SAC) using Astin’s Input-Environment-Outcome (I-E-O) model. SAC based on AICPA core competency is considered important due to business and environment changes. Student Motivation, Student Previous Achievement, Student Demographic Characteristics, Learning Facilities, and Comfort of Class Size are educational inputs. Student Engagement and SAC are proxies for Environment and Outcome respectively. Empirically, the aforementioned educational inputs except Student Demographic Characteristics are important inputs for improving SAC. Student Engagement effectively mediates the influence of inputs on SAC. The I-E-O model is appropriate for analysing relationships among a single input, Student Engagement, and SAC. This model becomes less powerful for analysing simultaneous relationships among multiple inputs, Student Engagement, and SAC. Future research on using other assessments for gauging SAC, identifying other significant inputs, identifying the impact of real class size on Student Engagement and SAC, and developing Student Engagement for accounting courses are required

    Behaviors That Eliminate Health Disparities for Racial and Ethnic Minorities: A Narrative Systematic Review

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    Within the health care provider-health care recipient relationship the communication must be culturally competent to eliminate barriers to equitable health care for all Americans. This assertion has conceptual grounding in Public Law 106-129 (the Health Care Research and Quality Act of 1999) and Public Law 106-525 (the Minority Health and Health Disparities Research and Education Act of 2000). This narrative systematic review examines this assertion by using selection and exclusion criteria to gather interventions, assessments, and testimonies conducted from 2000-2007. Reports that were not eliminated via these criteria were analyzed to determine the effect of specific practices that were undertaken in interventions, assessments, and testimonies. Which practices does research propose as indispensable to efforts to eliminate health disparities for racial and ethnic minority health care recipients? Findings indicate that culturally competent behaviors by providers and recipients promote effective intercultural communication that eliminates health care disparities, and removes obstacles to care
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