244,789 research outputs found


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    Udin Khaerudin. NIM 1502352. Pengembangan Model Contextual Teaching and Learning Berbasis Nilai Budaya Wirausaha untuk meningkatkan Soft Skill Peserta didik (Penelitian dan Pengembangan pada Pembelajaran Ekonomi di SMA). Disertasi. Program Studi Pendidikan Ekonomi. Sekolah Pascasarjana. Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (UPI) Bandung. 2020. Masalah yang menjadi fokus dalam penelitian ini adalah rendahnya soft skill peserta didik pada pembelajaran Ekonomi di SMA. Untuk mengatasi permasalahan tersebut diperlukan upaya agar dapat meningkatkan soft skill peserta didik, salah satunya adalah dengan menerapkan model CTL Berbasis Nilai Budaya Wirausaha. Istilah berbasis nilai budaya wirausaha digunakan karena mengakomodir aspek kearifan lokal, sosial dan pendidikan kharakter. penelitian ini berupaya untuk memberikan gagasan mengenai konsep model pembelajaran kontekstual berbasis nilai budaya wirausaha yang memberikan peserta didik pengalaman langsung dengan berperan aktif dalam kegiatan di lingkungan sekolah maupun masyarakat. peserta didik akan mengidentifikasi nilai-nilai budaya wirausaha menjadi sebuah lembar observasi yang akan di diskusikan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk dapat: 1) Menghasilkan suatu kesimpulan tentang gambaran pengembangan model CTL Berbasis Nilai Budaya Wirausaha dilihat dari perencanaan dan pembelajaran Ekonomi, kemampuan dan kinerja guru, serta kemampuan dan aktivitas belajar peserta didik, 2) Mengembangkan model CTL Berbasis Nilai Budaya Wirausaha dalam meningkatkan soft skill peserta didik pada Pembelajaran Ekonomi di SMA, 3) Mengetahui efektivitas penerapan model CTL Berbasis Nilai Budaya Wirausaha dalam meningkatkan soft skill peserta didik pada Pembelajaran Ekonomi di SMA. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian dan pengembangan atau Research and Development (R&D). Dalam proses pengembangan model CTL BNBW telah mengikuti tahapan model pengembangan Borg & Gall (Research and Development) yang dimodifikasi meliputi 6 langkah berikut: 1) Penelitian dan pengumpulan data, 2) Perencanaan, 3) Pengembangan format produk awal, 4) Uji Coba Lapangan Terbatas, 5) Merevisi hasil uji coba, dan 6) Uji pelaksanaan lapangan (uji luas). Dalam penelitian ini yang dijadikan subyek penelitian adalah peserta didik kelas X IPS di SMAN 3 Kuningan (36 orang), SMAN 1 Lebakwangi (36 orang), SMAN 1 Ciawigebang (36 orang), dan SMAN 1 Kadugede (36 orang) seluruhnya sebanyak 144 peserta didik. Temuan dalam penelitian ini adalah sebagai berikut. 1) Gambaran pengembangan model Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) dilihat dari perencanaan dan pembelajaran Ekonomi, kemampuan dan kinerja guru, serta kemampuan dan aktivitas belajar peserta didik. a) Perencanaan dan pembelajaran Ekonomi belum dilaksanakan secara maksimal; b) Kemampuan dan kinerja guru Ekonomi belum mampu dan terampil dalam mengaplikasikan model CTL BNBW; c) Aktivitas belajar peserta didik belum meningkat secara signifikan, 2) Pengembangan Model CTL Berbasis Nilai Budaya Wirausaha untuk meningkatkan soft skill peserta didik pada Pembelajaran Ekonomi di SMA meliputi: a) menggunakan konstruk aspek sosial (kemampuan berkomunikasi, kerjasama tim, dan pengelolaan informasi), b) menggunakan konstruk aspek Berbasis Nilai Budaya Wirausaha (gotong royong, kekeluargaan, kesetiakawanan, dan “silih asah, silih asih dan silih asuh” dapat meningkatkan soft skill peserta didik, dan c) menggunakan konstruk aspek pendidikan karakter (kemampuan menyelesaikan masalah dan keterampilan kepemimpinan); 3) Bukti empiris menunjukkan bahwa model CTL BNBW ini efektif meningkatkan soft skill peserta didik pada Pembelajaran Ekonomi di SMA. Hal tersebut mendukung Teori Keunggulan Kompetitif Adam Smith pada tahun 1776 dalam bukunya The Wealth of Nation, dia menjelaskan bahwa negara-negara tumbuh kaya melalui perubahan dalam pembagian kerja. Kata Kunci: Model Contextual Teaching and Learning, Nilai Budaya Wirausaha, Soft Skill, Pembelajaran Ekonomi Udin Khaerudin. NIM 1502352. Development of a Contextual Teaching and Learning Model Based on Entrepreneurial Cultural Values to improve Soft Skills of Students (Research and Development in Economic Learning in SMA). Dissertation. Economic Education Study Program. Graduate School. Indonesian Education University (UPI) Bandung. 2020. The problem that is the focus of this research is the low soft skills of students in learning Economics in SMA. To overcome these problems, efforts are needed to improve the soft skills of students, one of which is by applying the CTL model based on entrepreneurial cultural values. The term value-based entrepreneurial culture is used because it accommodates aspects of local wisdom, social and character education. This study seeks to provide an idea of the concept of a Contextual learning model based on entrepreneurial cultural values that provides students with direct experience by taking an active role in activities in the school environment and society. students will identify the values of entrepreneurial culture into an observation sheet that will be discussed. The purpose of this study is to be able to: 1) Produce a conclusion about the development of a CTL model based on Entrepreneurial Cultural Values in terms of economic planning and learning, teacher performance and ability, as well as students' learning abilities and activities, 2) Developing CTL models based on entrepreneurial cultural values in improving the soft skills of students in Economic Learning in SMA, 3) Knowing the effectiveness of the application of the CTL model based on entrepreneurial culture values in improving the soft skills of students in Economic Learning in SMA. The research method used is research and development or Research and Development (R&D). In the process of developing the CTL model, BNBW has followed the modified stages of the Borg & Gall (Research and Development) development model including the following 6 steps: 1) Research and data collection, 2) Planning, 3) Development of initial product formats, 4) Limited Field Trials , 5) Revising the test results, and 6) Field implementation tests (broad test). In this study, the subjects of the study were students of class X IPS at SMAN 3 Kuningan (36 people), SMAN 1 Lebakwangi (36 people), SMAN 1 Ciawigebang (36 people), and SMAN 1 Kadugede (36 people), a total of 144 participants. students. The findings in this study are as follows. 1) An overview of the development of the Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) model seen from the planning and learning of Economics, the ability and performance of teachers, as well as the abilities and learning activities of students. a) Economic planning and learning has not been implemented optimally; b) The ability and performance of Economy teachers are not yet capable and skilled in applying the BNBW CTL model; c) Student learning activities have not increased significantly, 2) Development of a CTL Model Based on Entrepreneurial Cultural Values to improve the soft skills of students in Economic Learning in SMA includes: a) using social aspect constructs (communication skills, teamwork, and information management) , b) using the construct of aspects based on the values of entrepreneurial culture (mutual cooperation, kinship, solidarity, and "compassion, compassion and compassion" can improve the soft skills of students, and c) using the construct of character education aspects (problem solving skills and skills leadership); 3) Empirical evidence shows that the BNBW CTL model is effective in improving the soft skills of students in Economic Learning in SMA. This supports Adam Smith's Theory of Competitive Advantage in 1776 in his book The Wealth of Nation, he explained that countries grow rich through changes in the division of labor. Keywords: Contextual Teaching and Learning Model, Entrepreneurial Cultural Values, Soft Skills, Economic Learnin

    Low empathising and high systemising tendencies in higher education computing students: the affordances of virtual worlds in their education

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    Background. The increasing societal reliance on emerging technologies is demanding much more from those planning a career in the computing industry than technical ability alone. Many contemporary job roles require business contact, increasing the relevance of soft skills to competent practice. However, the association between those who are inherently drawn to a career in computing and low empathising, high systemising tendencies may present a barrier to future professional success. It is therefore important that the needs of such students are considered as part of their higher education experience, in order to ensure that the development of essential soft skills can be addressed as early as possible. Aim. To evaluate the ability of virtual world (VW) technology, through its characteristics of immersion, identity and interaction, to foster the soft skills recognised as presenting the most difficulty for those with a low empathising, high systemising disposition. Method. A variety of bespoke scenarios were developed for a VW and introduced to an undergraduate Applied Computing programme. These were based on technical activities but with a focus on managing non-routine situations, improving communication, embracing play and imagination as well as developing social relationships. Associations were made between the students’ cognitive style and their scholastic performance, including their own perception of the intervention. Consideration was also given to the observations of others, such as higher education unit lecturers, support staff, volunteer VW scenario participants and employers. Result. Achievement for all students was generally found to be better in areas of the course incorporating VW activities. Those with low empathising, high systemising traits considered their communication to have improved the most, followed by their ability to tackle non-routine situations, albeit with some delay in their reaction to the latter. A positive, but less significant, impact was reported for the other skills. However, the contribution of VW activities appeared to be transformational in some students experiencing more severe difficulties in these areas. Discussion. The research provided evidence of the VW as an engaging environment for developing non-technical skills through technical experiences, but raised a number of adoption concerns. While these techniques, applicable to other Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) areas or indeed any subject discipline that requires an emphasis on sought-after soft skills, could still be implemented by other methods in the real world, the activities may not be as effective as they are in avatar-based VWs

    Innovative teaching strategies: enhancing the soft-skilloriented approach through integrated onsite-online learning environments

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    ABSTRACT The integration of ICT in Higher Education requires reflective design by teachers. In particular, from recent international research on the subject, it emerges that the perspective of the TPCK framework (Technological, Pedagogical, Content Knowledge) can favour an effective design reasoning of teachers. Teaching practice requires the implementation of innovative organizational models for the creation of learning environments that offer continuity between classroom and distance learning (Hybrid Instruction Solution). The empirical mix-method research involved a group of volunteer teachers of different teachings. The objective was to design and implement innovative teaching solutions using ICT in onsite/online environments to enhance specific soft skills in students. The results of a questionnaire (CAWI) given to incoming and outgoing teachers from the experience of designing and conducting the didactic action will be presented. the TPCK perspective design of integrated learning environments and the reasoned choice of coherent methodologies seem to make a soft-skilloriented didactics feasible

    In a Highly Outsourced Environment, What are Companies Doing Around Staff Development or Their IT Workforce?

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    [Excerpt] IT skills are more necessary than ever for competitive strategic initiatives. With the rise of shadow IT (unauthorized IT within organizations) and the ever-increasing skills gap in the IT labor market, companies need to invest in training and developing their IT technicians’ skills, no matter where they sit. With IT workers being a large part of the contingent workforce, they are susceptible to becoming underdeveloped and often lack the skills required to succeed in their positions. Typically, organizations have been focused on hard skills, but soft skills have become a requirement for IT departments. In typical working arrangements, soft IT skills are learned through on the job experience. Experiences such as relevant training and mentoring mechanisms offer opportunities for IT professionals to develop and refine their soft and hard skills. However, in highly outsourced environments these skills are less likely to be developed. Furthermore, with the development of new and exciting fields such as cloud, AI, and blockchain, IT technicians must develop new, rare, and difficult skills. According to Gartner, 20% of companies will need to allocate 10% of their IT staff on AI-related projects by 2020. With very little available talent in this space, this need will be difficult to fill

    Work-related teaching and learning methods to foster generic skills in Higher Education. An Italian experience

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    open5siWithin the framework of modernisation of higher education systems in Europe, universities are invited to go beyond a knowledge-based perspective focused on disciplinary approaches and to be more concentrated on encouraging generic skills to deal with today’s complex and unpredictable career paths. The literature about Work-Related Learning and Work-Integrated Learning offers evidence to research regarding contributions of work-related experiences to the development of generic skills. The first part of the article presents a literature review carried out following the matching among three main keywords: work-related learning, generic skills, and higher education. Resources focused on the integration/teaching of generic skills in formal curriculum or in co-curriculum work-related activities and they were collected in order to explore the link between work-related learning in higher education and the development of generic skills. The focus is to identify valuable considerations to improve teaching strategies and methods. The second part presents an Italian work-related experience developed within the course of “Organizational Intervention Research Methods,” which involved 22 master’s degree students. The work-related assignment will be described in addition to the content analysis process of the 22 collected texts and the findings about the development of generic skills.openDaniela, Frison; Concetta, Tino; Jonathan, W., Tyner; Monica, FedeliFrison, Daniela; Tino, Concetta; Jonathan, W.; Tyner, ; Fedeli, Monic

    Tabletop prototyping of serious games for ‘soft skills’ training

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    Serious games offer a relatively low cost, highly engaging alternative to traditional forms of soft skills training. The current paper describes an approach taken to designing a serious game for the training of soft skills. A tabletop prototype of the game was created and evaluated with a group of 24 participants. Initial findings suggest that the game successfully created an environment in which it was advantageous to engage in appropriate collaborative decision making behaviors, as well as providing built-in opportunities for a tutor to guide under-performing groups

    Where do graduates Develop their Enterprise Skills? The Value of the Contribution of Higher Education Institutions’ Context

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    This study investigates the value of the contribution of HEIs’ context in developing graduates enterprise skills. HEIs are under pressure to develop more enterprising graduates, particularly with the increasing numbers of graduates seeking employment and the growing dissatisfaction of employers. This study explores where graduates develop enterprise skills through investigating the impact of HE and employment contexts on their development. The paper draws on a qualitative study in the social constructionist paradigm within the pharmacy context, where interviews were conducted with pharmacy academics and employers. Results show that ability to demonstrate skills in one context does not necessarily mean ability to demonstrate them in another since the development and demonstration of enterprise skills is impacted by the contexts in which they are developed and demonstrated. The study adds value by highlighting the significant role of both HE and employment contexts in developing enterprise skills, while emphasising that these skills become more transferable through exposure to more contexts

    Something for everyone? The different approaches of academic disciplines to Open Educational Resources and the effect on widening participation

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    This article explores the relationship between academic disciplines‘ representation in the United Kingdom Open University‘s (OU) OpenLearn open educational resources (OER) repository and in the OU‘s fee-paying curriculum. Becher‘s (1989) typology was used to subdivide the OpenLearn and OU fee-paying curriculum content into four disciplinary categories: Hard Pure (e.g., Science), Hard Applied (e.g., Technology), Soft Pure (e.g., Arts) and Soft Applied (e.g., Education). It was found that while Hard Pure and Hard Applied disciplines enjoy an increased share of the OER curriculum, Soft Applied disciplines are under-represented as OER. Possible reasons for this disparity are proposed and Becher‘s typology is adapted to be more appropriate to 21st-century higher education

    An organization overview of pedagogical practice in work-integrated education

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    Tertiary curriculum design has increasingly emphasized work-integrated learning (WIL) opportunities. This qualitative study provides an overview of a variety of WIL activities at Massey University, New Zealand. Descriptive comments, provided through interviews with fifteen academic supervisors from disciplines ranging from the applied sciences through social sciences to business, education and creative arts, highlight the following six factors to be considered in the resourcing of WIL programs. Themes related to set-up include placement requirements, support, selection, location, and risk management issues. Student preparation involves pre-requisite theoretical knowledge, general career preparation (CV & interview skills) and readiness for practice. With respect to supervision, an on-campus academic mentor and a work-place supervisor are both important to the student. Competencies linked to team work and professional standards include self-confidence, communication and people skills. The teaching pedagogies used include lectures and labs, oral presentations, scenario-based-learning and project work. Assessment involved a learning contract, reflective journal, oral presentation, and final report
