19,672 research outputs found

    Metamodel-based model conformance and multiview consistency checking

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    Model-driven development, using languages such as UML and BON, often makes use of multiple diagrams (e.g., class and sequence diagrams) when modeling systems. These diagrams, presenting different views of a system of interest, may be inconsistent. A metamodel provides a unifying framework in which to ensure and check consistency, while at the same time providing the means to distinguish between valid and invalid models, that is, conformance. Two formal specifications of the metamodel for an object-oriented modeling language are presented, and it is shown how to use these specifications for model conformance and multiview consistency checking. Comparisons are made in terms of completeness and the level of automation each provide for checking multiview consistency and model conformance. The lessons learned from applying formal techniques to the problems of metamodeling, model conformance, and multiview consistency checking are summarized

    Passive CO<sub>2</sub> removal in urban soils:evidence from brownfield sites

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    Management of urban brownfield land can contribute to significant removal of atmospheric CO2 through the development of soil carbonate minerals. However, the potential magnitude and stability of this carbon sink is poorly quantified as previous studies address a limited range of conditions and short durations. Furthermore, the suitability of carbonate-sequestering soils for construction has not been investigated. To address these issues we measured total inorganic carbon, permeability and ground strength in the top 20 cm of soil at 20 brownfield sites in northern England, between 2015 and 2017. Across all sites accumulation occurred at a rate of 1–16 t C ha−1 yr−1, as calcite (CaCO3), corresponding to removal of approximately 4–59 t CO2 ha−1 yr−1, with the highest rate in the first 15 years after demolition. C and O stable isotope analysis of calcite confirms the atmospheric origin of the measured inorganic carbon. Statistical modelling found that pH and the content of fine materials (combined silt and clay content) were the best predictors of the total inorganic carbon content of the samples. Measurement of permeability shows that sites with carbonated soils possess a similar risk of run-off or flooding to sandy soils. Soil strength, measured as in-situ bearing capacity, increased with carbonation. These results demonstrate that the management of urban brownfield land to retain fine material derived from concrete crushing on site following demolition will promote calcite precipitation in soils, and so offers an additional CO2 removal mechanism, with no detrimental effect on drainage and possible improvements in strength. Given the large area of brownfield land that is available for development, the contribution of this process to CO2 removal by urban soils needs to be recognised in CO2 mitigation policies

    Strategic Human Resource Management Practices: An Exploratory Survey of French Organisations

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    Strategic Human Resource Management (SHRM) have been amply discussed in both academic circles and business press. Most of our notion of SHRM are from the work done in the US and from the body of literature known as "High Performance Work Practices". This paper tries to contribute to the debate by understanding the changes in strategic HRM practices (Role and Structure of HR Department, Recruitment, Retraining & Redeployment, Performance Appraisal, Compensation, and Rightsizing) in France in the last 5 years and try to answer specifically the question of how strategic HRM practices have changed in French organizations to enhance corporate performance. A multi-respondent survey of 28 French organizations are analyzed to find the changes in SHRM in French organizations. The responses yielded a variety of HRM variables relating to role and structure of the HRM department, recruitment, performance appraisal, retraining and redeployment and rightsizingSHRM; Performance; Change; France

    Awareness of computer ergonomic

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    Computer ergonomic is a medium of interaction between human and computer equipment that serves to prevent health problems to users. However, most users do not have formal knowledge on the importance of computer ergonomic. Therefore, a survey on whether computer users are aware of the importance of computer ergonomic had been carried out. The survey was conducted at Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM), with a total of 270 respondents which consists of 17 academic staff, 19 non-academic staff and 234 students from Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia. The results of this questionnaire were analysed using SPSS. From part I: The awareness of the correct sitting position, the respondent answered 7 questions for ‘no’ out of 9 questions. For part II: The awareness of computer ergonomic, the respondents answered ‘no’ for 4 questions out of 6 questions. Finally, for part III: The problems face by the respondents, respondents answered ‘no’ to 5 questions out of 8 questions. Many respondents suggested that exposure to computer ergonomic should be started from the primary school level. Most respondents said that the government or company do not provide exposure to computer ergonomic to their employees. They also stated that the lack of knowledge about computer ergonomic is the main cause why the users do not practice the science of ergonomic when using the computer. In conclusion, since users do not know the importance of computer ergonomic and they suggest that the computer ergonomic should be taught from school level

    Environmental Impacts of Diverting Crop Residues to Fuel Use

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    Shortage of fuel wood has lead many rural people to switch to using agricultural residues as an alternative energy source. However this has not always been met with universal acclaim due to the role of residues as fertilisers. Although crop residues and animal manure as a nutrient source has been superseded by inorganic fertilizers in most intensive farming systems, they\ud continue to be the main source of crop nutrient replacement in most developing countries. There has developed wide spread assumption that the removal of all crop residues from the fields must therefore be prevented since this will be detrimental to crop productivity. This is a gross simplification on several fronts

    Three Studies of B2B Salespeople as Collectors of Competitive Intelligence

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    PhD thesis in Social SciencesB2B salespeople’s ability to collect competitive intelligence from the marketplace affects organizational and individual competitive advantage and, in turn, firm and salesperson performance. The collection, sharing and use of this information are of potential strategic interest, and individual information collection is an important part of market orientation. The complexity and rate of change of industrial markets are increasing due to factors such as rapid technological development, and firms need to adapt to shifting market conditions faster than ever before, heightening the need for CI collection. Boundary spanners like salespeople spend a large part of their time outside their organizations meeting customers and competitors and thus are in a unique position to collect information from the market. The overall objective of this thesis is to increase the understanding of different aspects of salesperson information collection. This is addressed through three subobjectives: one, investigating what motivates salespeople to collect information beyond factors with a direct effect; two, determining how information collection leads to salesperson learning in a digital setting; and three, identifying the types of information collected by salespeople and strategies for motivating salespeople to collect information needed by the organization. The main contribution of subobjective one is the finding that the effects of known drivers of motivation for collecting information may vary with the salesperson’s personality characteristics, which are represented here by the personality trait locus of control. This variation might explain, at least in part, why only a few salespeople consistently collect information, despite attempts to include all salespeople. The main contribution of subobjective two is the development of a theoretical framework for listening in a digital setting before meeting customers physically. A model of how social media affects salesperson learning and knowledge building is presented, thus adding to the growing effort to understand how salespeople can use social media to increase their knowledge from the information they collect. The main contribution of subobjective three is the finding that the information salespeople collect is tactical, for their own interest, and of little value to customers and the sales organization. To increase the value of the type of information salespeople collect, this thesis argues for a stronger focus on the relationship between sales managers and their salespeople. The use of sales managers as a motivational factor for collecting more specific information through the sales force has received scarce treatment in the literature on the motivation of salespeople to collect information

    Carting Away the Oceans 9

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    The Carting Away the Oceans report, released annually since 2008, identifies which major grocery chains are leaders in sustainable seafood and which are falling behind.The findings are telling.In the latest update, Whole Foods, Wegmans, Hy-Vee, and Safeway topped the list for their sustainable seafood practices. Roundy's, Publix, A&P, and Save Mart were the worst ranked companies. Publix and Kroger, both top ten supermarkets based on their annual sales, sell more Red List species than any other U.S. grocery chain.Applauding industry leaders and exposing those lagging behind is key to getting supermarkets to take responsibility and play their part in protecting our oceans and the people who depend on the

    Law, Legitimacy and Coercion: One View from Law and Economics

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    Realism and imagination in the teaching of English

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    In the imagination of many of those establishing language policies, especially educational ones, English can be ordered and controlled. Intentions about the type of English to be taught may be expressed, and curriculum requirements may specify the variety of English required of learners. However, the imagined learner, the imagined teacher, and the imagined setting of use are often at odds with the reality of the learner's exposure to English, and of the learner's plausible occasions of use. This is one of many areas in which there is a failure to come to grips with the impact of the globalisation of English
