628 research outputs found

    A Metric for Routing in Delay-Sensitive Wireless Sensor Networks

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    A Survey on Efficient Routing Strategies For The Internet of Underwater Things (IoUT)

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    The Internet of Underwater Things (IoUT) is an emerging technology that promised to connect the underwater world to the land internet. It is enabled via the usage of the Underwater Acoustic Sensor Network (UASN). Therefore, it is affected by the challenges faced by UASNs such as the high dynamics of the underwater environment, the high transmission delays, low bandwidth, high-power consumption, and high bit error ratio. Due to these challenges, designing an efficient routing protocol for the IoUT is still a trade-off issue. In this paper, we discuss the specific challenges imposed by using UASN for enabling IoUT, we list and explain the general requirements for routing in the IoUT and we discuss how these challenges and requirements are addressed in literature routing protocols. Thus, the presented information lays a foundation for further investigations and futuristic proposals for efficient routing approaches in the IoUT

    Autonomous indoor wayfinding for individuals with cognitive impairments

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>A challenge to individuals with cognitive impairments in wayfinding is how to remain oriented, recall routines, and travel in unfamiliar areas in a way relying on limited cognitive capacity. While people without disabilities often use maps or written directions as navigation tools or for remaining oriented, this cognitively-impaired population is very sensitive to issues of abstraction (e.g. icons on maps or signage) and presents the designer with a challenge to tailor navigation information specific to each user and context.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>This paper describes an approach to providing distributed cognition support of travel guidance for persons with cognitive disabilities. A solution is proposed based on passive near-field RFID tags and scanning PDAs. A prototype is built and tested in field experiments with real subjects. The unique strength of the system is the ability to provide unique-to-the-user prompts that are triggered by context. The key to the approach is to spread the context awareness across the system, with the context being flagged by the RFID tags and the appropriate response being evoked by displaying the appropriate path guidance images indexed by the intersection of specific end-user and context ID embedded in RFID tags.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We found that passive RFIDs generally served as good context for triggering navigation prompts, although individual differences in effectiveness varied. The results of controlled experiments provided more evidence with regard to applicabilities of the proposed autonomous indoor wayfinding method.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Our findings suggest that the ability to adapt indoor wayfinding devices for appropriate timing of directions and standing orientation will be particularly important.</p

    Transmission Power Adjustment Scheme for Mobile Beacon-Assisted Sensor Localization

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    © 2005-2012 IEEE. Localization, as a crucial service for sensor networks, is an energy-demanding process for both indoor and outdoor scenarios. GPS-based localization schemes are infeasible in remote, indoor areas, and it is not a cost-effective solution for large-scale networks. Single mobile-beacon architecture is recently considered to localize sensor networks with the aim of removing numerous GPS-equipped nodes. The critical issue for the mobile beacon-Assisted localization is to preserve the consumed power to increase the lifetime. This paper presents a novel power control scheme, namely 'Z-power,' for mobile beacon traveling along a predefined path. The proposed scheme takes the advantage of deterministic path traveled by the single beacon to efficiently adjust the transmission power. Based on the extensive results, the proposed power control scheme could successfully improve the beacon and sensors energy consumption about 25.37% and 34.09%, respectively. A significant energy-Accuracy tradeoff was achieved using Z-power, which could successfully keep the same level of accuracy while providing lower energy consumption. Another group of results collected when obstacle-handling algorithm was applied at the presence of obstacles. In this scenario, Z-power improves energy consumption and localization accuracy with the same level of success

    A Fault-Tolerant Mobile Computing Model Based On Scalable Replica

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    The most frequent challenge faced by mobile user is stay connected with online data, while disconnected or poorly connected store the replica of critical data. Nomadic users require replication to store copies of critical data on their mobile machines. Existing replication services do not provide all classes of mobile users with the capabilities they require, which include: the ability for direct synchronization between any two replicas, support for large numbers of replicas, and detailed control over what files reside on their local (mobile) replica. Existing peer-to-peer solutions would enable direct communication, but suffers from dramatic scaling problems in the number of replicas, limiting the number of overall users and impacting performance. Roam is a replication system designed to satisfy the requirements of the mobile user. Roam is based on the Ward Model, replication architecture for mobile environments. Using the Ward Model and new distributed algorithms, Roam provides a scalable replication solution for the mobile user. We describe the motivation, design, and implementation of Roam and report its performance. Replication is extremely important in mobile environments because nomadic users require local copies of important data

    Service Provisioning in Mobile Networks Through Distributed Coordinated Resource Management

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    The pervasiveness of personal computing platforms offers an unprecedented opportunity to deploy large-scale services that are distributed over wide physical spaces. Two major challenges face the deployment of such services: the often resource-limited nature of these platforms, and the necessity of preserving the autonomy of the owner of these devices. These challenges preclude using centralized control and preclude considering services that are subject to performance guarantees. To that end, this thesis advances a number of new distributed resource management techniques that are shown to be effective in such settings, focusing on two application domains: distributed Field Monitoring Applications (FMAs), and Message Delivery Applications (MDAs). In the context of FMA, this thesis presents two techniques that are well-suited to the fairly limited storage and power resources of autonomously mobile sensor nodes. The first technique relies on amorphous placement of sensory data through the use of novel storage management and sample diffusion techniques. The second approach relies on an information-theoretic framework to optimize local resource management decisions. Both approaches are proactive in that they aim to provide nodes with a view of the monitored field that reflects the characteristics of queries over that field, enabling them to handle more queries locally, and thus reduce communication overheads. Then, this thesis recognizes node mobility as a resource to be leveraged, and in that respect proposes novel mobility coordination techniques for FMAs and MDAs. Assuming that node mobility is governed by a spatio-temporal schedule featuring some slack, this thesis presents novel algorithms of various computational complexities to orchestrate the use of this slack to improve the performance of supported applications. The findings in this thesis, which are supported by analysis and extensive simulations, highlight the importance of two general design principles for distributed systems. First, a-priori knowledge (e.g., about the target phenomena of FMAs and/or the workload of either FMAs or DMAs) could be used effectively for local resource management. Second, judicious leverage and coordination of node mobility could lead to significant performance gains for distributed applications deployed over resource-impoverished infrastructures