10 research outputs found

    The distributions of functions related to parametric integer optimization

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    We consider the asymptotic distribution of the IP sparsity function, which measures the minimal support of optimal IP solutions, and the IP to LP distance function, which measures the distance between optimal IP and LP solutions. We create a framework for studying the asymptotic distribution of general functions related to integer optimization. There has been a significant amount of research focused around the extreme values that these functions can attain, however less is known about their typical values. Each of these functions is defined for a fixed constraint matrix and objective vector while the right hand sides are treated as input. We show that the typical values of these functions are smaller than the known worst case bounds by providing a spectrum of probability-like results that govern their overall asymptotic distributions.Comment: Accepted for journal publicatio

    Circuit Lower Bounds, Help Functions, and the Remote Point Problem

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    We investigate the power of Algebraic Branching Programs (ABPs) augmented with help polynomials, and constant-depth Boolean circuits augmented with help functions. We relate the problem of proving explicit lower bounds in both these models to the Remote Point Problem (introduced by Alon, Panigrahy, and Yekhanin (RANDOM '09)). More precisely, proving lower bounds for ABPs with help polynomials is related to the Remote Point Problem w.r.t. the rank metric, and for constant-depth circuits with help functions it is related to the Remote Point Problem w.r.t. the Hamming metric. For algebraic branching programs with help polynomials with some degree restrictions we show exponential size lower bounds for explicit polynomials

    The distributions of functions related to parametric integer optimization

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    We consider the asymptotic distribution of the integer program (IP) sparsity function, which measures the minimal support of optimal IP solutions, and the IP to linear program (LP) distance function, which measures the distance between optimal IP and LP solutions. We create a framework for studying the asymptotic distributions of general functions related to integer optimization. There has been a significant amount of research focused on the extreme values that these functions can attain. However, less is known about their typical values. Each of these functions is defined for a fixed constraint matrix and objective vector while the right-hand sides are treated as input. We show that the typical values of these functions are smaller than the known worst case bounds by providing a spectrum of probability-like results that govern their overall asymptotic distributions.Read More: https://epubs.siam.org/doi/10.1137/19M127595

    Algebraic Methods in Computational Complexity

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    From 11.10. to 16.10.2009, the Dagstuhl Seminar 09421 “Algebraic Methods in Computational Complexity “ was held in Schloss Dagstuhl-Leibniz Center for Informatics. During the seminar, several participants presented their current research, and ongoing work and open problems were discussed. Abstracts of the presentations given during the seminar as well as abstracts of seminar results and ideas are put together in this paper. The first section describes the seminar topics and goals in general. Links to extended abstracts or full papers are provided, if available

    Generalized Matrix Factorizations as a Unifying Framework for Pattern Set Mining: Complexity Beyond Blocks

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    Abstract. Matrix factorizations are a popular tool to mine regularities from data. There are many ways to interpret the factorizations, but one particularly suited for data mining utilizes the fact that a matrix product can be interpreted as a sum of rank-1 matrices. Then the factorization of a matrix becomes the task of finding a small number of rank-1 matrices, sum of which is a good representation of the original matrix. Seen this way, it becomes obvious that many problems in data mining can be expressed as matrix factorizations with correct definitions of what a rank-1 matrix and a sum of rank-1 matrices mean. This paper develops a unified theory, based on generalized outer product operators, that encompasses many pattern set mining tasks. The focus is on the computational aspects of the theory and studying the computational complexity and approximability of many problems related to generalized matrix factorizations. The results immediately apply to a large number of data mining problems, and hopefully allow generalizing future results and algorithms, as well.

    Deterministic Approximation Algorithms for the Nearest Codeword Problem

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    Abstract. The Nearest Codeword Problem (NCP) is a basic algorithmic question in the theory of error-correcting codes. Given a point v ∈ F n 2 and a linear space L ⊆ F n 2 of dimension k NCP asks to find a point l ∈ L that minimizes the (Hamming) distance from v. It is well-known that the nearest codeword problem is NP-hard. Therefore approximation algorithms are of interest. The best efficient approximation algorithms for the NCP to date are due to Berman and Karpinski. They are a deterministic algorithm that achieves an approximation ratio of O(k/c) for an arbitrary constant c, and a randomized algorithm that achieves an approximation ratio of O(k / log n). In this paper we present new deterministic algorithms for approximating the NCP that improve substantially upon the earlier work. Specifically, we obtain: – A polynomial time O(n / log n)-approximation algorithm; – An n O(s) time O(k log (s) n / log n)-approximation algorithm, where log (s) n stands for s iterations of log, e.g., log (2) n = log log n; – An n O(log ∗ n) time O(k / log n)-approximation algorithm. We also initiate a study of the following Remote Point Problem (RPP). of dimension k RPP asks to find a point Given a linear space L ⊆ F n 2 v ∈ F n 2 that is far from L. We say that an algorithm achieves a remoteness of r for the RPP if it always outputs a point v that is at least r-far from L. In this paper we present a deterministic polynomial time algorithm that achieves a remoteness of Ω(n log k/k) for all k ≤ n/2. We motivate the remote point problem by relating it to both the nearest codeword problem and the matrix rigidity approach to circuit lower bounds in computational complexity theory.

    Algorithmic Results for Clustering and Refined Physarum Analysis

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    In the first part of this thesis, we study the Binary ℓ0\ell_0-Rank-kk problem which given a binary matrix AA and a positive integer kk, seeks to find a rank-kk binary matrix BB minimizing the number of non-zero entries of A−BA-B. A central open question is whether this problem admits a polynomial time approximation scheme. We give an affirmative answer to this question by designing the first randomized almost-linear time approximation scheme for constant kk over the reals, F2\mathbb{F}_2, and the Boolean semiring. In addition, we give novel algorithms for important variants of ℓ0\ell_0-low rank approximation. The second part of this dissertation, studies a popular and successful heuristic, known as Approximate Spectral Clustering (ASC), for partitioning the nodes of a graph GG into clusters with small conductance. We give a comprehensive analysis, showing that ASC runs efficiently and yields a good approximation of an optimal kk-way node partition of GG. In the final part of this thesis, we present two results on slime mold computations: i) the continuous undirected Physarum dynamics converges for undirected linear programs with a non-negative cost vector; and ii) for the discrete directed Physarum dynamics, we give a refined analysis that yields strengthened and close to optimal convergence rate bounds, and shows that the model can be initialized with any strongly dominating point.Im ersten Teil dieser Arbeit untersuchen wir das Binary ℓ0\ell_0-Rank-kk Problem. Hier sind eine bin{\"a}re Matrix AA und eine positive ganze Zahl kk gegeben und gesucht wird eine bin{\"a}re Matrix BB mit Rang kk, welche die Anzahl von nicht null Eintr{\"a}gen in A−BA-B minimiert. Wir stellen das erste randomisierte, nahezu lineare Aproximationsschema vor konstantes kk {\"u}ber die reellen Zahlen, F2\mathbb{F}_2 und den Booleschen Semiring. Zus{\"a}tzlich erzielen wir neue Algorithmen f{\"u}r wichtige Varianten der ℓ0\ell_0-low rank Approximation. Der zweite Teil dieser Dissertation besch{\"a}ftigt sich mit einer beliebten und erfolgreichen Heuristik, die unter dem Namen Approximate Spectral Cluster (ASC) bekannt ist. ASC partitioniert die Knoten eines gegeben Graphen GG in Cluster kleiner Conductance. Wir geben eine umfassende Analyse von ASC, die zeigt, dass ASC eine effiziente Laufzeit besitzt und eine gute Approximation einer optimale kk-Weg-Knoten Partition f{\"u}r GG berechnet. Im letzten Teil dieser Dissertation pr{\"a}sentieren wir zwei Ergebnisse {\"u}ber Berechnungen mit Hilfe von Schleimpilzen: i) die kontinuierliche ungerichtete Physarum Dynamik konvergiert f{\"u}r ungerichtete lineare Programme mit einem nicht negativen Kostenvektor; und ii) f{\"u}r die diskrete gerichtete Physikum Dynamik geben wir eine verfeinerte Analyse, die st{\"a}rkere und beinahe optimale Schranken f{\"u}r ihre Konvergenzraten liefert und zeigt, dass das Model mit einem beliebigen stark dominierender Punkt initialisiert werden kann