81 research outputs found

    On Modified l_1-Minimization Problems in Compressed Sensing

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    Sparse signal modeling has received much attention recently because of its application in medical imaging, group testing and radar technology, among others. Compressed sensing, a recently coined term, has showed us, both in theory and practice, that various signals of interest which are sparse or approximately sparse can be efficiently recovered by using far fewer samples than suggested by Shannon sampling theorem. Sparsity is the only prior information about an unknown signal assumed in traditional compressed sensing techniques. But in many applications, other kinds of prior information are also available, such as partial knowledge of the support, tree structure of signal and clustering of large coefficients around a small set of coefficients. In this thesis, we consider compressed sensing problems with prior information on the support of the signal, together with sparsity. We modify regular l_1 -minimization problems considered in compressed sensing, using this extra information. We call these modified l_1 -minimization problems. We show that partial knowledge of the support helps us to weaken sufficient conditions for the recovery of sparse signals using modified ` 1 minimization problems. In case of deterministic compressed sensing, we show that a sharp condition for sparse recovery can be improved using modified ` 1 minimization problems. We also derive algebraic necessary and sufficient condition for modified basis pursuit problem and use an open source algorithm known as l_1 -homotopy algorithm to perform some numerical experiments and compare the performance of modified Basis Pursuit Denoising with the regular Basis Pursuit Denoising

    Sparse-Based Estimation Performance for Partially Known Overcomplete Large-Systems

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    We assume the direct sum o for the signal subspace. As a result of post- measurement, a number of operational contexts presuppose the a priori knowledge of the LB -dimensional "interfering" subspace and the goal is to estimate the LA am- plitudes corresponding to subspace . Taking into account the knowledge of the orthogonal "interfering" subspace \perp, the Bayesian estimation lower bound is de- rivedfortheLA-sparsevectorinthedoublyasymptoticscenario,i.e. N,LA,LB -> \infty with a finite asymptotic ratio. By jointly exploiting the Compressed Sensing (CS) and the Random Matrix Theory (RMT) frameworks, closed-form expressions for the lower bound on the estimation of the non-zero entries of a sparse vector of interest are derived and studied. The derived closed-form expressions enjoy several interesting features: (i) a simple interpretable expression, (ii) a very low computational cost especially in the doubly asymptotic scenario, (iii) an accurate prediction of the mean-square-error (MSE) of popular sparse-based estimators and (iv) the lower bound remains true for any amplitudes vector priors. Finally, several idealized scenarios are compared to the derived bound for a common output signal-to-noise-ratio (SNR) which shows the in- terest of the joint estimation/rejection methodology derived herein.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures, Journal of Signal Processin
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