613 research outputs found

    A intelligent particle swarm optimization for short-term traffic flow forecasting using on-road sensor systems

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    On-road sensor systems installed on freeways are used to capture traffic flow data for short-term traffic flow predictors for traffic management, in order to reduce traffic congestion and improve vehicular mobility. This paper intends to tackle the impractical time-invariant assumptions which underlie the methods currently used to develop short-term traffic flow predictors: i) the characteristics of current data captured by on-road sensors are assumed to be time-invariant with respect to those of the historical data, which is used to developed short-term traffic flow predictors; and ii) the configuration of the on-road sensor systems is assumed to be time-invariant. In fact, both assumptions are impractical in the real world, as the current traffic flow characteristics can be very different from the historical ones, and also the on-road sensor systems are time-varying in nature due to damaged sensors or component wear. Therefore, misleading forecasting results are likely to be produced when short-term traffic flow predictors are designed using these two time-invariant assumptions. To tackle these time-invariant assumptions, an intelligent particle swarm optimization algorithm, namely IPSO, is proposed to develop short-term traffic flow predictors by integrating the mechanisms of particle swarm optimization, neural network and fuzzy inference system, in order to adapt to the time-varying traffic flow characteristics and the time-varying configurations of the on-road sensor systems. The proposed IPSO was applied to forecast traffic flow conditions on a section of freeway in Western Australia, whose traffic flow information can be captured on-line by the on-road sensor system. These results clearly demonstrate the effectiveness of using the proposed IPSO for real-time traffic flow forecasting based on traffic flow data captured by on-road sensor systems

    On-road sensor configuration design for traffic flow prediction using fuzzy neural networks and Taguchi method

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    On-road sensors provide proactive traffic control centers with current traffic flow conditions in order to forecast the future conditions. However, the number of on-road sensors is usually huge, and not all traffic flow conditions captured by these sensors are useful for predicting future traffic flow conditions. The inclusion of all captured traffic flow conditions is an ineffective means of predicting future traffic flow. Therefore, the selection of appropriate on-road sensors, which are significantly correlated to future traffic flow, is essential, although the trial and error method is generally used for the selection. In this paper, the Taguchi method, which is a robust and systematic optimization approach for designing reliable and high-quality models, is proposed for determinations of appropriate on-road sensors, in order to capture useful traffic flow conditions for forecasting. The effectiveness of the Taguchi method is demonstrated by developing a traffic flow predictor based on the architecture of fuzzy neural networks which can perform well on traffic flow forecasting. The case study was conducted based on traffic flow data captured by on-road sensors located on a Western Australia freeway. The advantages of using the Taguchi method can be indicated: (a) traffic flow predictors with high accuracy can be designed; and (b) development time of traffic flow predictors is reasonable

    Integrated Approach for Diversion Route Performance Management during Incidents

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    Non-recurrent congestion is one of the critical sources of congestion on the highway. In particular, traffic incidents create congestion in unexpected times and places that travelers do not prepare for. During incidents on freeways, route diversion has been proven to be a useful tactic to mitigate non-recurrent congestion. However, the capacity constraints created by the signals on the alternative routes put limits on the diversion process since the typical time-of-day signal control cannot handle the sudden increase in the traffic on the arterials due to diversion. Thus, there is a need for proactive strategies for the management of the diversion routes performance and for coordinated freeway and arterial (CFA) operation during incidents on the freeway. Proactive strategies provide better opportunities for both the agency and the traveler to make and implement decisions to improve performance. This dissertation develops a methodology for the performance management of diversion routes through integrating freeway and arterials operation during incidents on the freeway. The methodology includes the identification of potential diversion routes for freeway incidents and the generation and implementation of special signal plans under different incident and traffic conditions. The study utilizes machine learning, data analytics, multi-resolution modeling, and multi-objective optimization for this purpose. A data analytic approach based on the long short term memory (LSTM) deep neural network method is used to predict the utilized alternative routes dynamically using incident attributes and traffic status on the freeway and travel time on both the freeway and alternative routes during the incident. Then, a combination of clustering analysis, multi- resolution modeling (MRM), and multi-objective optimization techniques are used to develop and activate special signal plans on the identified alternative routes. The developed methods use data from different sources, including connected vehicle (CV) data and high- resolution controller (HRC) data for congestion patterns identification at the critical intersections on the alternative routes and signal plans generation. The results indicate that implementing signal timing plans to better accommodate the diverted traffic can improve the performance of the diverted traffic without significantly deteriorating other movements\u27 performance at the intersection. The findings show the importance of using data from emerging sources in developing plans to improve the performance of the diversion routes and ensure CFA operation with higher effectiveness

    Estimation of origin-destination matrix from traffic counts: the state of the art

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    The estimation of up-to-date origin-destination matrix (ODM) from an obsolete trip data, using current available information is essential in transportation planning, traffic management and operations. Researchers from last 2 decades have explored various methods of estimating ODM using traffic count data. There are two categories of ODM; static and dynamic ODM. This paper presents studies on both the issues of static and dynamic ODM estimation, the reliability measures of the estimated matrix and also the issue of determining the set of traffic link count stations required to acquire maximum information to estimate a reliable matrix

    Estimation of origin-destination matrix from traffic counts: the state of the art

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    The estimation of up-to-date origin-destination matrix (ODM) from an obsolete trip data, using current available information is essential in transportation planning, traffic management and operations. Researchers from last 2 decades have explored various methods of estimating ODM using traffic count data. There are two categories of ODM; static and dynamic ODM. This paper presents studies on both the issues of static and dynamic ODM estimation, the reliability measures of the estimated matrix and also the issue of determining the set of traffic link count stations required to acquire maximum information to estimate a reliable matrix

    Prediction of Short-term Traffic Variables using Intelligent Swarm-based Neural Networks

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    This paper presents an innovative algorithm integrated with particle swarm optimization and artificial neural networks to develop short-term traffic flow predictors, which are intended to provide traffic flow forecasting information for traffic management in order to reduce traffic congestion and improve mobility of transportation. The proposed algorithm aims to address the issues of development of short-term traffic flow predictors which have not been addressed fully in the current literature namely that: a) strongly non-linear characteristics are unavoidable in traffic flow data; b) memory space for implementation of short-term traffic flow predictors is limited; c) specification of model structures for short-term traffic flow predictors which do not involve trial and error methods based on human expertise; d) adaptation to newly-captured, traffic flow data is required. The proposed algorithm was applied to forecast traffic flow conditions on a section of freeway in Western Australia, whose traffic flow information is newly-captured. These results clearly demonstrate the effectiveness of using the proposed algorithm for real-time traffic flow forecasting

    Optimization of path based sensor spacing on a freeway segment for travel time prediction during incidents

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    Congestion on freeways is increasing and a key source of it is non-recurring incidents. Accurate vehicle travel time predictions are needed during these incidents in order for roadway users to make informed trip decisions. Path based sensors are becoming a leading technology in gathering real-time travel time data. The data is used to make travel time predictions that are then provided through various means, such as dynamic message signs, to roadway users. These types of sensor are located at stationary points along a roadway and collect individual vehicle travel time data from vehicles as they drive pass the sensors. The accuracy of the predictions, in terms of representing future travel times, is dependent on many factors including the sensor spacing along the roadway, the duration and location of a traffic incident, and the uncongested and congested traffic speeds and traffic flows. Understanding the relationship between the travel time prediction accuracy and the different variables is necessary to optimize sensor spacing. In addition, because incidents occur at different times of the day, have varying durations, occur at different locations, and cause different capacity reductions depending on the severity of the incident, the sensor spacing cannot be based on one incident scenario. Instead, multiple incident scenarios, along with the probability of each occurring, needs to be taken into account. Path based sensor spacing during incidents on a freeway segment is optimized in this dissertation. In addition, the marginal benefit of additional sensors is calculated. A mathematical model and a solution methodology are developed. The mathematical model applies macroscopic traffic principles and shock wave theory. It calculates the travel time prediction error by sensor spacing during an incident on a freeway segment. The solution algorithm consists of four main steps. First, historical incident data for the roadway are gathered. Second, the mathematical model is applied to determine the average travel time prediction error by sensor spacing for each of the historical incidents. Third, the weighted average travel time prediction error by sensor spacing is calculated, which considers all the possible incidents and the frequency of each occurring. Fourth, the optimal spacing is chosen which minimizes the weighted average error. The applicability of the model and solution methodology is demonstrated through a case study of a ten mile freeway segment in Northern New Jersey

    A state of the art of sensor location, flow observability, estimation, and prediction problems in traffic networks

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    A state-of-the-art review of flow observability, estimation, and prediction problems in traffic networks is performed. Since mathematical optimization provides a general framework for all of them, an integrated approach is used to perform the analysis of these problems and consider them as different optimization problems whose data, variables, constraints, and objective functions are the main elements that characterize the problems proposed by different authors. For example, counted, scanned or “a priori” data are the most common data sources; conservation laws, flow nonnegativity, link capacity, flow definition, observation, flow propagation, and specific model requirements form the most common constraints; and least squares, likelihood, possible relative error, mean absolute relative error, and so forth constitute the bases for the objective functions or metrics. The high number of possible combinations of these elements justifies the existence of a wide collection of methods for analyzing static and dynamic situations
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