84 research outputs found

    Investigación cualitativa del impacto de los errores de software en los usuarios

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    El presente trabajo de investigación consiste en una investigación cualitativa que busca indagar acerca del impacto de los errores de software en los usuarios a partir de un estudio de caso correspondiente al desarrollo de un sistema de información de aplicación a nivel nacional. El estudio hace una revisión del estado del arte acerca del tratamiento del usuario desde el punto de vista humano / emocional / emotivo, buscando así indagar en herramientas que permitan mejorar el proceso de desarrollo involucrando a las emociones humanas. A partir de la pregunta inicial ¿cómo influyen los errores de software en los usuarios?, se desarrolla una línea de investigación que toma en cuenta factores de usabilidad considerados dentro de los estándares de desarrollo, los métodos y herramientas utilizados para el registro de requisitos y su alineamiento con las características del usuario final, la caracterización de los usuarios y los elementos personales de los usuarios que deben ser tomados en cuenta durante el proceso de desarrollo. Así se busca responder a la pregunta motivadora del estudio que es ¿cómo influyen los errores de software en los usuarios?, que busca medir el impacto a través de elementos indirectos que se miden a través de las consecuencias en el usuario y su entorno laboral. Durante la investigación se estudiaron los criterios tomados en cuenta por los estándares de desarrollo de la organización a través de una revisión documentaria y entrevistas con los actores involucrados. Asimismo, se analizaron los métodos y procedimientos utilizados por el equipo de desarrollo para el registro de requisitos y cómo estos están alineados con las características del usuario final y sus características personales. Finalmente se identificaron herramientas que puedan aportar a la caracterización de los usuarios a fin de incorporar buenas prácticas destinadas a evitar errores en etapas tempranas de desarrollo. Como resultados de la investigación, se sugiere la incorporación de herramientas que permitan explorar el lado humano del usuario y sus emociones, considerándolos como fuentes valiosas de información para el desarrollo de la solución tecnológica y como una forma de evitar errores de software futuros. Asimismo, el impacto de los errores detectados se hace visible en los ámbitos personal y profesional, impactando en el clima laboral, productividad del equipo usuario y crecimiento institucional. La investigación se realizó en el contexto del desarrollo de la herramienta informática SIGMO diseñada y gestionada por el Ministerio de Educación y que tiene alcance a nivel nacional a partir de la participación de usuarios con permisos y roles diferenciados.Tesi

    Frustration: A common user experience

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    Eye of the Blamestorm: An Exploration of User Blame Assessment within Compound Digital Platforms

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    More and more IS-enabled technologies are being used within the context of ecosystems that include both hardware and software components that act together as a central platform; we term these ecosystems digital compound platform ecosystems. However, given the interconnectedness of components within these platforms, if an ambiguously sourced failure occurs within one of these ecosystems, users may blame and/or take action against components in the ecosystem that were not actually at fault. This study considers antecedents of both blame and discontinuance intent within such ecosystems given a system failure of ambiguous origins. We test manipulations for border strength, goal directedness, and resolution duration to understand their impact. We find that all three of these manipulations have an effect on user assessment of blame and discontinuance intent. Further, we establish that blame is not a required condition for discontinuance intent to occur

    Emotions in the Electronic Educational Space

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    The study of the role of emotions in education has already established traditions. The relevance of studying emotions in the electronic educational space stems from the expansion of distance education both in Russia and in other countries. System analysis allows us to identify many functions that emotions perform in learning, which include: motivational, meaning-formative, regulatory, communicative, directing, activating, the function of increasing creative potential, integrative, socializing, goal-setting. The retransmission of emotions in the electronic educational space has its own characteristics. Text information plays an important role in e-education. Therefore, the linguistics of emotions, discursive emotions and forms of verbalization of emotiongenic information are of great importance. The concepts of “emotional design” are of methodological importance for the study of emotions in the electronic educational space. The study revealed the different significance of cognitive and transactional emotiongenic factors of electronic space design for students. The most important cognitive emotiongenic factors were named: brightness and accessibility of visual signs, traditions and “customs”, feedback, reliability of the electronic system. The most significant transactional emotiongenic factors were: social communication, visualization, individualization in the design of the site, retransmission of values through the electronic educational space. The significance of emotiongenic factors differs on ZOOM, MOODLE, and LMS. The study of emotions when working in the electronic space allows us to identify areas of University information educational environment development

    Computing emotion awareness through galvanic skin response and facial electromyography

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    To improve human-computer interaction (HCI), computers need to recognize and respond properly to their user’s emotional state. This is a fundamental application of affective computing, which relates to, arises from, or deliberately influences emotion. As a first step to a system that recognizes emotions of individual users, this research focuses on how emotional experiences are expressed in six parameters (i.e., mean, absolute deviation, standard deviation, variance, skewness, and kurtosis) of not baseline-corrected physiological measurements of the galvanic skin response (GSR) and of three electromyography signals: frontalis (EMG1), corrugator supercilii (EMG2), and zygomaticus major (EMG3). The 24 participants were asked to watch film scenes of 120 seconds, which they rated afterward. These ratings enabled us to distinguish four categories of emotions: negative, positive, mixed, and neutral. The skewness and kurtosis of the GSR, the skewness of the EMG2, and four parameters of EMG3, discriminate between the four emotion categories. This, despite the coarse time windows that were used. Moreover, rapid processing of the signals proved to be possible. This enables tailored HCI facilitated by an emotional awareness of systems

    Anyone Can Become a Troll: Causes of Trolling Behavior in Online Discussions

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    In online communities, antisocial behavior such as trolling disrupts constructive discussion. While prior work suggests that trolling behavior is confined to a vocal and antisocial minority, we demonstrate that ordinary people can engage in such behavior as well. We propose two primary trigger mechanisms: the individual's mood, and the surrounding context of a discussion (e.g., exposure to prior trolling behavior). Through an experiment simulating an online discussion, we find that both negative mood and seeing troll posts by others significantly increases the probability of a user trolling, and together double this probability. To support and extend these results, we study how these same mechanisms play out in the wild via a data-driven, longitudinal analysis of a large online news discussion community. This analysis reveals temporal mood effects, and explores long range patterns of repeated exposure to trolling. A predictive model of trolling behavior shows that mood and discussion context together can explain trolling behavior better than an individual's history of trolling. These results combine to suggest that ordinary people can, under the right circumstances, behave like trolls.Comment: Best Paper Award at CSCW 201

    Beautiful and damned. Combined effect of content quality and social ties on user engagement

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    User participation in online communities is driven by the intertwinement of the social network structure with the crowd-generated content that flows along its links. These aspects are rarely explored jointly and at scale. By looking at how users generate and access pictures of varying beauty on Flickr, we investigate how the production of quality impacts the dynamics of online social systems. We develop a deep learning computer vision model to score images according to their aesthetic value and we validate its output through crowdsourcing. By applying it to over 15B Flickr photos, we study for the first time how image beauty is distributed over a large-scale social system. Beautiful images are evenly distributed in the network, although only a small core of people get social recognition for them. To study the impact of exposure to quality on user engagement, we set up matching experiments aimed at detecting causality from observational data. Exposure to beauty is double-edged: following people who produce high-quality content increases one's probability of uploading better photos; however, an excessive imbalance between the quality generated by a user and the user's neighbors leads to a decline in engagement. Our analysis has practical implications for improving link recommender systems.Comment: 13 pages, 12 figures, final version published in IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (Volume: PP, Issue: 99

    Usability of Electronic Records Management System (ERMS) of the Republic of Turkey Ministry of Health

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    Bu çalışmanın amacı Türkiye’nin en önemli kurumlarından olan Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Sağlık Bakanlığı örneğinde elektronik belge yönetim sisteminin (EBYS) kullanılabilirliğini değerlendirmektir. Çalışmada nicel ve nitel yöntem bir arada kullanılmıştır. EBYS’nin kullanılabilirliği görev tabanlı bir uygulamanın yanı sıra, sistem-kullanıcı etkileşimlerini değerlendirmeye odaklanan görüşmeler doğrultusunda analiz edilmiştir. Bulgular, katılımcıların TC Sağlık Bakanlığı EBYS’sini tatmin edici ve güvenilir bir sistem olarak değerlendirdiğini, bununla birlikte sistemin bazı zayıf yönleri olduğunu düşündüklerini göstermiştir. Katılımcılara göre eğitim videoları ve kullanıcı geri bildirimleri başta olmak üzere kullanılabilirliği artıracak bir takım iyileştirmeler kaçınılmaz görülmektedir. Alanyazına katkı sağlaması beklenen bu çalışma sonunda ulaşılan vargıların, araştırmacılar ve sistem geliştiriciler için örnek bir EBYS - kullanıcı deneyimi ortaya koyacağı düşünülmektedir.The purpose of this study is to evaluate the usability of ERMS concerning the case of the Republic of Turkey Ministry of Health, which is one of the most important institutions of Turkey. Quantitative and qualitative methods are used together in the study. Usability of ERMS, alongside a task-based application, is analyzed by interviews based on evaluating system & user interactions. Findings showed that participants evaluate the Republic of Turkey Ministry of Health ERMS satisfying and trustworthy while it has some weak points. According to participants, a sort of enhancements, particularly educational videos and user feedback, which will increase usability, seemed inevitable. It’s thought that outputs of this study, which is expected to contribute to the literature, can provide an exemplary ERMS - user experience for researchers and system developers