6,951 research outputs found

    Solution of a uniqueness problem in the discrete tomography of algebraic Delone sets

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    We consider algebraic Delone sets Λ\varLambda in the Euclidean plane and address the problem of distinguishing convex subsets of Λ\varLambda by X-rays in prescribed Λ\varLambda-directions, i.e., directions parallel to nonzero interpoint vectors of Λ\varLambda. Here, an X-ray in direction uu of a finite set gives the number of points in the set on each line parallel to uu. It is shown that for any algebraic Delone set Λ\varLambda there are four prescribed Λ\varLambda-directions such that any two convex subsets of Λ\varLambda can be distinguished by the corresponding X-rays. We further prove the existence of a natural number cΛc_{\varLambda} such that any two convex subsets of Λ\varLambda can be distinguished by their X-rays in any set of cΛc_{\varLambda} prescribed Λ\varLambda-directions. In particular, this extends a well-known result of Gardner and Gritzmann on the corresponding problem for planar lattices to nonperiodic cases that are relevant in quasicrystallography.Comment: 21 pages, 1 figur

    The cross covariogram of a pair of polygons determines both polygons, with a few exceptions

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    The cross covariogram g_{K,L} of two convex sets K and L in R^n is the function which associates to each x in R^n the volume of the intersection of K and L+x. Very recently Averkov and Bianchi [AB] have confirmed Matheron's conjecture on the covariogram problem, that asserts that any planar convex body K is determined by the knowledge of g_{K,K}. The problem of determining the sets from their covariogram is relevant in probability, in statistical shape recognition and in the determination of the atomic structure of a quasicrystal from X-ray diffraction images. We prove that when K and L are convex polygons (and also when K and L are planar convex cones) g_{K,L} determines both K and L, up to a described family of exceptions. These results imply that, when K and L are in these classes, the information provided by the cross covariogram is so rich as to determine not only one unknown body, as required by Matheron's conjecture, but two bodies, with a few classified exceptions. These results are also used by Bianchi [Bia] to prove that any convex polytope P in R^3 is determined by g_{P,P}.Comment: 26 pages, 9 figure

    Embedding SnS^n into Rn+1R^{n+1} with given integral Gauss curvature and optimal mass transport on SnS^n

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    In his book on Convex Polyhedra (section 7.2), A.D. Aleksandrov raised a general question of finding variational statements and proofs of existence of polytopes with given geometric data. The first goal of this paper is to give a variational solution to the problem of existence and uniqueness of a closed convex hypersurface in Euclidean space with prescribed integral Gauss curvature. Our solution includes the case of a convex polytope. This problem was also first considered by Aleksandrov and below it is referred to as Aleksandrov's problem. The second goal of this paper is to show that in variational form the Aleksandrov problem is closely connected with the theory of optimal mass transport on a sphere with cost function and constraints arising naturally from geometric considerations

    Global Okounkov bodies for Bott-Samelson varieties

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    We use the theory of Mori dream spaces to prove that the global Okounkov body of a Bott-Samelson variety with respect to a natural flag of subvarieties is rational polyhedral. In fact, we prove more generally that this holds for any Mori dream space which admits a flag of Mori dream spaces satisfying a certain regularity condition. As a corollary, Okounkov bodies of effective line bundles over Schubert varieties are shown to be rational polyhedral. In particular, it follows that the global Okounkov body of a flag variety G/BG/B is rational polyhedral. As an application we show that the asymptotic behaviour of dimensions of weight spaces in section spaces of line bundles is given by the counting of lattice points in polytopes.Comment: A new and simpler definition of a good flag is introduced, and Bott-Samelson varieties are shown to admit such flag

    Symmetries and Paraparticles as a Motivation for Structuralism

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    This paper develops an analogy proposed by Stachel between general relativity (GR) and quantum mechanics (QM) as regards permutation invariance. Our main idea is to overcome Pooley's criticism of the analogy by appeal to paraparticles. In GR the equations are (the solution space is) invariant under diffeomorphisms permuting spacetime points. Similarly, in QM the equations are invariant under particle permutations. Stachel argued that this feature--a theory's `not caring which point, or particle, is which'--supported a structuralist ontology. Pooley criticizes this analogy: in QM the (anti-)symmetrization of fermions and bosons implies that each individual state (solution) is fixed by each permutation, while in GR a diffeomorphism yields in general a distinct, albeit isomorphic, solution. We define various versions of structuralism, and go on to formulate Stachel's and Pooley's positions, admittedly in our own terms. We then reply to Pooley. Though he is right about fermions and bosons, QM equally allows more general types of symmetry, in which states (vectors, rays or density operators) are not fixed by all permutations (called `paraparticle states'). Thus Stachel's analogy is revived.Comment: 45 pages, Latex, 3 Figures; forthcoming in British Journal for the Philosophy of Scienc