126 research outputs found

    Determining the feasibility of a method for improving bandwidth utilization of cable networks

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    While the cable television industry has made significant investments in infrastructure to improve the number and quality of services delivered to their end customers, they still face the problem of limited bandwidth of signals down the last mile of coaxial cable to the subscriber premises. This thesis investigates an approach devised by the author to overcome this limitation. The method involves clustering of channels in both the upstream and downstream directions in a DOCSIS compliant cable system. A model of this approach is made and the theoretical maximum throughput is calculated for several scenarios. Results are compared to performance of existing systems. It is found that proposed approach yields significantly more throughput for a given RF bandwidth than others in the comparison

    Análise técnico-económica de redes de acesso : ferramentas de decisão

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    Mestrado em Engenharia Electrónica e TelecomunicaçõesO recente crescimento de consumo de internet e televisão por cabo desencadeou a necessidade de novas redes de acesso. O mundo das telecomunicações tornou-se num negócio competitivo entre as operadoras. As estratégias de competitividade são agora com baseadas em qualidade do serviço e na acessibilidade dos preços a todas as categorias da população. Para garantir estes requisitos é necessário inovar em equipamentos e meios de distribuição. A implantação de novas redes de acesso tornou-se crucial na sociedade, mas a recente crise económica mundial forçou um dimensionamento cuidado para garantir o máximo lucro possível no negócio. Portanto esta dissertação apresenta uma análise económica e financeira da implementação de uma rede HFC. Mostra a estrutura da rede e as suas características tecnológicas, além disso explica como lidar com problemas no dimensionamento da rede: a incerteza espacial associada ao processo de adesão dos utilizadores e como lidar com consumo em excesso de largura de banda, também causado pelos utilizadores. Por fim realiza o estudo da instalação da rede HFC em três tipos diferentes de cenários e expondo os resultados económicos obtidos, permitindo a conclusão sobre a viabilidade destes projetos.The recent growth in Data Traffic and Cable Tv consumption triggered the need for new access networks and the world of Telecommunications has become a very competitive business among service providers. The strategies of competitiveness are now based on quality of services and affordable prices to all classes of the population. To guarantee these requirements, an equipment and distribution facilities innovation was necessary. The deployment of Next Generation Access Networks (NGA) has become crucial in society, but the recent world economic crisis has forced a careful dimensioning to produce the most profit possible with small investments. This dissertation presents a techno-economic analysis of a HFC network implementation. The network structure and technologic characteristics are presented, along with explanation of how to deal with problems in the network dimensioning: as spatial uncertainty associated with the adhesion process of the users and the surplus consumption of bandwidth by them. Finally, the study of the network implementation in three different sorts of areas is shown and the economic results obtained are exposed, providing the viability of these projects

    Deployment of PON in Europe and Deep Data Analysis of GPON

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    This chapter discusses the extensibility of fiber to the x (FTTx) households, specifically in the territory of the European Union. The Czech Republic has made a commitment to other member states to provide connectivity of at least 100 Mbit/s for half of the households by 2020. Although Internet access in the Czech Republic is mostly dominated by wireless fidelity (WiFi), this technology is not capable of meeting the demanding current demands at a reasonable price. As a result, passive optical networks are on the rise in access networks and in mobile cell networks by fiber to the antenna (FTTA). Passive optical networks use much more complex networks. In cooperation with Orange Slovakia, the analysis of the transmitted data was conducted. The optical network unit management and control interface (OMCI) channel data, as well as the activation data associated with specific end units, were analyzed. We propose a complete analysis of the end-unit-related activation process, download, and initialization of the data image for setting the end units and voice over Internet protocol (VoIP) parameters. Finally, we performed an analysis of the transmission of dying gasp messages

    Supporting strategic decisions in fiber-to-the-home deployments: techno-economic modeling in a multi-actor setting

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    Law and the Open Internet

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    The FCC has issued a new set of Internet access regulations and policies (namely Preserving the Open Internet Broadband Industry Practices, Report and Order, FCC 10-201, rel. Dec. 23, 2010), which would prohibit broadband service providers like AT&T or Comcast from discriminating against unaffiliated content providers. The FCC\u27s proceedings, and the network neutrality debate, concentrate on two economic questions: (1) whether to broadband service providers can or will steer traffic to affiliated content limiting consumer access, and (2) how to preserve the Internet\u27s capacity for creativity and innovation. Yet despite the prominence of economics in the debate, economic theory cannot answer these questions. The debate also misapplies normative, legal concepts of discrimination and equal treatment onto Internet traffic management engineering. These concepts worked in a circuit switched telephone network in which equality can exist at switch points, but make little sense in the packet-switched Internet in which equality of outcomes of Internet experience is what matters. With its narrow focus, the debate has also missed the fact that actual Internet disputes, such as the BitTorrent-Comcast Order, involve many legal concerns, such as privacy, that have little to do with discrimination as such. We, therefore, argue for a bottom up approach to regulation, analogous to fair use in copyright law, with case specific adjudications creating a common law of acceptable network practice
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