329 research outputs found

    Innovative converged service and its adoption, use and diffusion: a holistic approach to diffusion of innovations, combining adoption-diffusion and use-diffusion paradigms

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    This study takes a holistic approach to understanding the diffusion of IPTV services by combining the adoption-diffusion model and the use-diffusion model of innovation. IPTV service, a leading converged application that couples media content with telecom services, was recently launched commercially in Korea. We created a structural model of adoption-diffusion, using the perceived ease-of-use and usefulness of TAM (Technology Acceptance Model) as mediating variables, and a structural model of usediffusion, with the rate of use and the variety of use as mediating variables. To empirically analyze these models, non-users of IPTV were surveyed using the adoptiondiffusion model to identify factors influencing their intention to subscribe to the service. Meanwhile, users of IPTV were surveyed using the use-diffusion model to determine the factors that influence their satisfaction with the service and their intention to re-use it. Under the adoption-diffusion model, we found that trialability, household innovativeness and perceived risk were the determinants of user satisfaction with IPTV, and perceived ease-of-use, the mediating factor. Under the use-diffusion model, complementarity and communication were shown to be the determinants of users’ satisfaction with IPTV, and variety of use, the mediating factor. We also found that consumers’ intentions to re-use IPTV was strongly influenced by its relative advantages and perceived risks

    Understanding the Adoption of Convergent Services: The Case of IPTV

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    Today, many IT innovations that affect our daily lives originate from digital convergence. This study examines the factors influencing consumers’ adoption of Internet protocol TV (IPTV), a representative convergent service combining communication and media technologies. Using innovation diffusion theory, we developed an adoption model reflecting the unique characteristics and usage contexts of IPTV. The results indicate that relative advantage, compatibility, trialability, content diversity, monetary value, personal innovativeness, and social influence have significant direct effects on the consumer’s adoption of IPTV. In addition, the specific attributes of IPTV—namely, interactivity, content diversity, and monetary value—have significant mediating effects on the consumer’s adoption via relative advantage. These results not only provide practical insights into consumer acceptance of new convergent services but also help practitioners plan their marketing strategies more effectively. Available at: https://aisel.aisnet.org/pajais/vol4/iss1/3

    Conceptualising the role of innovation--attributes for examining consumer adoption of entertainment--related innovations

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    Several enhancements and new features have been introduced in the television entertainment industry to offer the viewers with a high quality viewing experience when it comes to contemporary home entertainment services. Tata SKY’s direct-to-home (DTH) service is one such service that has been recently introduced in the Indian context. For achieving an increased adoption rate of this innovation, it is important to gain an understanding of the behaviour of different factors that influence the potential consumers to form positive intentions about such innovations, in turn attracting them to accept and use of such innovations. This paper, thus aims at developing a theory-based conceptual framework for examining the consumer adoption of entertainment related innovations using the innovationattributes that have been acknowledged in the recent literature as having considerable influences on the acceptance of various innovations. Innovation-attributes from Rogers’ diffusion of innovations theory, Tornatzky and Klein’s meta-analysis, and Moore and Benbasat’s perceived characteristics of innovating theory will be used here to develop a conceptual framework suitable for investigating the adoption of entertainment related innovations

    User Adoption of IPTV: A Research Model

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    The development of Internet Protocol Television (IPTV) is accelerating globally and provides significant revenue opportunities depending on user adoption. Hence, user adoption of IPTV constitutes a field of interest for IPTV providers. This paper extends prior research by proposing a research model for studying the driving forces of users\u27 adoption of IPTV. Examining IPTV as a hedonic IT system, this paper stresses the importance of users\u27 perception of IPTV-specific factors as well as enjoyment for the adoption process, and incorporates a direct link between buying related aspects preceding the intention to use


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    The evolution of eBooks has made the headlines in the media around the world and has led to lively discussions about if and how eBooks will change the world. Any anticipated changes that the emergence of eBooks might cause, will depend on the corresponding use of the new technology. Whereas research has extensively examined the acceptance and use of IS within organizational settings and for utilitarian purposes, less attention has been paid to the acceptance and use of primarily hedonic IS such as eBooks. In this context, this paper asks what drives peoples\u27 eBook use . It introduces the emerging eBook phenomenon and outlines a research model that brings together the user intentions grounded in behavioral disciplines and the business models and strategies executed by the eBook providers. It finds that there is a need of interdisciplinary research at the crossroads of psychology, marketing, strategy, and information systems (IS) in order to understand eBook use

    Standards, IPR and digital TV convergence: theories and empirical evidence

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    none1Media convergence presents a few noticeable dimensions, and requests an interdisciplinary research approach. We conduct a long-run analysis of the main initiatives of technological standardization carried out in the realm of “traditional” (cable, satellite and terrestrial) digital TV, focusing on Europe, to assess the technological determinants of its apparent trends to convergence. This analysis inevitably calls into question IPR strategies and policies. In particular, we investigate how private incentives and the public agenda for interoperability have shaped the on-going convergence of the TV sector toward an “IP-based” meta-platform. Despite the widespread usage of open standards and formats, the real potential for interoperability along the digital TV filière has been modest, and mostly limited to the transmission segment. This is mainly due to the strong proprietary features characterizing the TV sector, where viable content production and provision rests on effective control of content IPR. Further, patent portfolio strategies and control of crucial copyrights become increasingly central for competing in the converging TV sector, where former telecom companies, traditional TV operators and new OTT players strive to become gatekeepers of essential layers of the new IP-based delivery platforms. To sum up, while technological opportunities today do enable pervasive media interoperability and affordable convergence at the user-level, private incentives relentlessly push the industry toward standards fragmentation and the construction of walled gardens.MPRA Working paper series n. 59359, Munich Personal RePEc ArchiveMatteucci NMatteucci, Nicol


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    学位の種別:論文博士University of Tokyo(東京大学

    A Framework of Broadband Adoption & Diffusion (BA&D): Understanding Factors Relevant to Residential Consumers and Small & Medium Enterprises

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    The aim of this paper is to outline various factors reported in the adoption of broadband technologies at consumer as well as company level. These factors are presented here after the collection and analysis of papers examining various perspectives, application levels and geographical locations. In this paper we organize the identified factors in a meaningful manner in order to propose a framework of broadband adoption and diffusion. The proposed framework includes three levels of factors – macro factors, residential consumers’ micro factors and SMEs level micro factors. These three levels of factors are relevant at different levels of development, deployment and diffusion of broadband which are apparent in various developed and developing countries. The paper concludes by suggesting that the proposed framework can be used by future studies as a way to study IT adoption and diffusion phenomena in various application and geographical contexts