Understanding the Adoption of Convergent Services: The Case of IPTV


Today, many IT innovations that affect our daily lives originate from digital convergence. This study examines the factors influencing consumers’ adoption of Internet protocol TV (IPTV), a representative convergent service combining communication and media technologies. Using innovation diffusion theory, we developed an adoption model reflecting the unique characteristics and usage contexts of IPTV. The results indicate that relative advantage, compatibility, trialability, content diversity, monetary value, personal innovativeness, and social influence have significant direct effects on the consumer’s adoption of IPTV. In addition, the specific attributes of IPTV—namely, interactivity, content diversity, and monetary value—have significant mediating effects on the consumer’s adoption via relative advantage. These results not only provide practical insights into consumer acceptance of new convergent services but also help practitioners plan their marketing strategies more effectively. Available at: https://aisel.aisnet.org/pajais/vol4/iss1/3

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