16,976 research outputs found

    Determinant Equivalence Test over Finite Fields and over Q

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    Polynomial-Time Algorithms for Quadratic Isomorphism of Polynomials: The Regular Case

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    Let f=(f_1,,f_m)\mathbf{f}=(f\_1,\ldots,f\_m) and g=(g_1,,g_m)\mathbf{g}=(g\_1,\ldots,g\_m) be two sets of m1m\geq 1 nonlinear polynomials over K[x_1,,x_n]\mathbb{K}[x\_1,\ldots,x\_n] (K\mathbb{K} being a field). We consider the computational problem of finding -- if any -- an invertible transformation on the variables mapping f\mathbf{f} to g\mathbf{g}. The corresponding equivalence problem is known as {\tt Isomorphism of Polynomials with one Secret} ({\tt IP1S}) and is a fundamental problem in multivariate cryptography. The main result is a randomized polynomial-time algorithm for solving {\tt IP1S} for quadratic instances, a particular case of importance in cryptography and somewhat justifying {\it a posteriori} the fact that {\it Graph Isomorphism} reduces to only cubic instances of {\tt IP1S} (Agrawal and Saxena). To this end, we show that {\tt IP1S} for quadratic polynomials can be reduced to a variant of the classical module isomorphism problem in representation theory, which involves to test the orthogonal simultaneous conjugacy of symmetric matrices. We show that we can essentially {\it linearize} the problem by reducing quadratic-{\tt IP1S} to test the orthogonal simultaneous similarity of symmetric matrices; this latter problem was shown by Chistov, Ivanyos and Karpinski to be equivalent to finding an invertible matrix in the linear space Kn×n\mathbb{K}^{n \times n} of n×nn \times n matrices over K\mathbb{K} and to compute the square root in a matrix algebra. While computing square roots of matrices can be done efficiently using numerical methods, it seems difficult to control the bit complexity of such methods. However, we present exact and polynomial-time algorithms for computing the square root in Kn×n\mathbb{K}^{n \times n} for various fields (including finite fields). We then consider \\#{\tt IP1S}, the counting version of {\tt IP1S} for quadratic instances. In particular, we provide a (complete) characterization of the automorphism group of homogeneous quadratic polynomials. Finally, we also consider the more general {\it Isomorphism of Polynomials} ({\tt IP}) problem where we allow an invertible linear transformation on the variables \emph{and} on the set of polynomials. A randomized polynomial-time algorithm for solving {\tt IP} when f=(x_1d,,x_nd)\mathbf{f}=(x\_1^d,\ldots,x\_n^d) is presented. From an algorithmic point of view, the problem boils down to factoring the determinant of a linear matrix (\emph{i.e.}\ a matrix whose components are linear polynomials). This extends to {\tt IP} a result of Kayal obtained for {\tt PolyProj}.Comment: Published in Journal of Complexity, Elsevier, 2015, pp.3

    Classification of unital simple Leavitt path algebras of infinite graphs

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    We prove that if E and F are graphs with a finite number of vertices and an infinite number of edges, if K is a field, and if L_K(E) and L_K(F) are simple Leavitt path algebras, then L_K(E) is Morita equivalent to L_K(F) if and only if K_0^\textnormal{alg} (L_K(E)) \cong K_0^\textnormal{alg} (L_K(F)) and the graphs EE and FF have the same number of singular vertices, and moreover, in this case one may transform the graph E into the graph F using basic moves that preserve the Morita equivalence class of the associated Leavitt path algebra. We also show that when K is a field with no free quotients, the condition that E and F have the same number of singular vertices may be replaced by K_1^\textnormal{alg} (L_K(E)) \cong K_1^\textnormal{alg} (L_K(F)), and we produce examples showing this cannot be done in general. We describe how we can combine our results with a classification result of Abrams, Louly, Pardo, and Smith to get a nearly complete classification of unital simple Leavitt path algebras - the only missing part is determining whether the "sign of the determinant condition" is necessary in the finite graph case. We also consider the Cuntz splice move on a graph and its effect on the associated Leavitt path algebra.Comment: Version IV Comments: We have made some substantial revisions, which include extending our classification results to Leavitt path algebras over arbitrary fields. This is the version that will be published. Version III Comments: Some typos and errors corrected. New section (Section 10) has been added. Some references added. Version II Comments: Some typos correcte

    QCD at non-zero density and canonical partition functions with Wilson fermions

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    We present a reduction method for Wilson Dirac fermions with non-zero chemical potential which generates a dimensionally reduced fermion matrix. The size of the reduced fermion matrix is independent of the temporal lattice extent and the dependence on the chemical potential is factored out. As a consequence the reduced matrix allows a simple evaluation of the Wilson fermion determinant for any value of the chemical potential and hence the exact projection to the canonical partition functions.Comment: 22 pages, 11 figures, 1 table; references added, figure size reduce

    Quaternary quadratic lattices over number fields

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    We relate proper isometry classes of maximal lattices in a totally definite quaternary quadratic space (V,q) with trivial discriminant to certain equivalence classes of ideals in the quaternion algebra representing the Clifford invariant of (V,q). This yields a good algorithm to enumerate a system of representatives of proper isometry classes of lattices in genera of maximal lattices in (V,q)

    Black Box Galois Representations

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    We develop methods to study 22-dimensional 22-adic Galois representations ρ\rho of the absolute Galois group of a number field KK, unramified outside a known finite set of primes SS of KK, which are presented as Black Box representations, where we only have access to the characteristic polynomials of Frobenius automorphisms at a finite set of primes. Using suitable finite test sets of primes, depending only on KK and SS, we show how to determine the determinant detρ\det\rho, whether or not ρ\rho is residually reducible, and further information about the size of the isogeny graph of ρ\rho whose vertices are homothety classes of stable lattices. The methods are illustrated with examples for K=QK=\mathbb{Q}, and for KK imaginary quadratic, ρ\rho being the representation attached to a Bianchi modular form. These results form part of the first author's thesis.Comment: 40 pages, 3 figures. Numerous minor revisions following two referees' report

    Evans function and Fredholm determinants

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    We explore the relationship between the Evans function, transmission coefficient and Fredholm determinant for systems of first order linear differential operators on the real line. The applications we have in mind include linear stability problems associated with travelling wave solutions to nonlinear partial differential equations, for example reaction-diffusion or solitary wave equations. The Evans function and transmission coefficient, which are both finite determinants, are natural tools for both analytic and numerical determination of eigenvalues of such linear operators. However, inverting the eigenvalue problem by the free state operator generates a natural linear integral eigenvalue problem whose solvability is determined through the corresponding infinite Fredholm determinant. The relationship between all three determinants has received a lot of recent attention. We focus on the case when the underlying Fredholm operator is a trace class perturbation of the identity. Our new results include: (i) clarification of the sense in which the Evans function and transmission coefficient are equivalent; and (ii) proof of the equivalence of the transmission coefficient and Fredholm determinant, in particular in the case of distinct far fields.Comment: 26 page