6 research outputs found

    Sfera linguakultury jako niezbędny element integracji

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    The paper addresses the aspect of lingua-culture and its role in teaching Polish among students with migration experiences at a Polish school. Polish as the language of school education serves as a tool used in the process of learning about the world, but it is also a guarantee of efficient social integration. Moving smoothly within the lingua-cultural sphere (deciphering cultural codes hidden in the language) in the case of users of the language who come from a different linguistic and cultural background enables free communication as well as a sense of connection with the host environment. The author supports this proposition with theoretical interpretations (Edward Sapir’s and Claire Kramsch’s views) as well as with practical experience of a foreign language teacher, using the example of selected literary texts (the work of Grzegorz Kasdepke)

    Literatura dla dzieci i młodzieży w Internecie. Analiza zawartości stron internetowych wydawnictw

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    The aim of the article is to analyse the content of websites of selected publishers offering a book addressed to young readers in terms of the presence of a literary text on them. It has been decided to use netnography tools and a functional method to identify the criteria for selecting text extracts from websites; to describe the position of these extracts among the other elements of the website interface; to indicate the extract functions. The websites of the following publishing houses with the highest profits on the sale of books, including those for children and youth in 2013–2015, have been selected for the study: Wydawnictwo Olesiejuk, Wydawnictwo AMEET , Grupa Wydawnicza Foksal, Prószyński Media, Grupa Publicat, Nasza Księgarnia, Wydawnictwo Czarna Owca

    Literatura dla dzieci jako przestrzeń wczesnej edukacji w kontekście kanonu lektur

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    The article evolves around the issuesrelated to the topic and the area of literature for children as well as literary education of a child. The authoress quotes taughts of Jerzy Cieślikowski, Ryszard Waksmund, Alicja Baluch and emphasise show importantis literature in child’s life in terms of its development as related to education. She points to the role of literary works in primary education and explains the meaning of literary work for children as a part of artistic field, upbringing and literature. She accentuates the need for studying epic works of different subjects and form by children more over points to the crucial role of lyric poetry and graphic in books. The researcher acknowledges that the latter on eshardly ever appear in the child’s educational proces. She also considers the relevance of the list of set books proposed within the last several do zen years. She attempts to compare particularlists of set books for the grades I-III in terms of their quality and quantity. The authoress also pays attention to the basics of the list and emphasises the meaning of master pieces that should be inclided in it.Artykuł porusza zagadnienia związane z pojęciem i obszarem literatury dziecięcej oraz wychowaniem literackim dziecka. Autorka przywołuje myśli Jerzego Cieślikowskiego, Ryszarda Waksmunda, Alicji Baluch i podkreśla ważną rolę piśmiennictwa dla dzieci, które rozwijało się wraz z naukami o wychowaniu. Zwraca uwagę na znaczenie utworów literackich we wczesnej edukacji i tłumaczy pojęcie literatury dla dzieci, jako obszaru sztuki, wychowania, piśmiennictwa. Akcentuje potrzebę poznawania przez małe dziecko utworów prozatorskich o różnej tematyce i formie, ale także istotną rolę przypisuje liryce i ilustracji w książkach dla dzieci. Badaczka zwraca uwagę, że te ostatnie prawie nie występują w procesie edukacyjnym dziecka. Do rozważań włącza kontekst proponowanego od kilkudziesięciu lat w polskim szkolnictwie repertuaru lektur. Stara się porównać poszczególne kanony dla klas I–III pod względem ilościowym i jakościowym. Zwraca uwagę na istotę kanonu i podkreśla znaczenie arcydzieł, które powinny się w nim zawierać

    Centralne Biuro Czytelnicze

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    Leczenie literaturą istniało niemal od początku pojawienia się pierwszej książki, nieświadomie znajdowano przecież ukojenie w lekturze, szukano rady i doznawano przy tym wyjątkowych, nie tylko estetycznych przeżyć, ale dopiero w wieku XX uczyniono z procesu czytania odrębną dziedzinę terapii. Autorką pierwszego naukowego opracowania dotyczącego biblioterapii była Caroline Shrodes. Pisząc na temat tego zagadnienia w roku 1949, zauważyła liczne powiązania między przeżyciami estetycznymi a psychologią, ponieważ obie dziedziny poszukują drogi powrotu od marzeń do rzeczywistości. W terapii teksty literackie oraz metafory w nich pomieszczone wykorzystywali między innymi tak znani terapeuci, jak: Milton Erickson, Peseschkian i Brunon Bettelheim

    The language and literacy profile of young Polish children learning English as an additional language in the UK school system

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    Children’s reading comprehension difficulties can lead to lower performance at school and limited access to the curriculum. Reading may be a particular challenge for those children who are learning English as an additional language (EAL). While a number of studies have been conducted on the development of literacy in children, this research aimed to add to a growing avenue of investigation into the population of children learning EAL. The aim of this research project was an in depth examination of the language and literacy performance of the population of Polish children learning EAL in the UK school system both in their first and second language. The three hundred and nineteen children who were assessed in this study were sampled from three language backgrounds: Polish children learning EAL and two monolingual groups of Polish and English native speakers. The children were assessed with a range of standardised and bespoke tools assessing pre-literacy abilities, oral language, decoding, reading comprehension and higher level comprehension skills. This thesis benchmarked the performance of children learning EAL against their monolingual peers in both languages spoken, along with investigating the relationships between reading comprehension, decoding and language comprehension in this language pair and in comparison to their monolingual peers. Cross-language transfer both within and between language and literacy constructs was also investigated in the EAL group. Finally, the issue of low language performance in this group and the necessity of conducting assessment in both languages spoken by the EAL child were explored. The relevance of these findings for this group of EAL learners in the school setting as well as practical implications and future directions were also discussed