187 research outputs found

    Computational Modeling for Abnormal Brain Tissue Segmentation, Brain Tumor Tracking, and Grading

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    This dissertation proposes novel texture feature-based computational models for quantitative analysis of abnormal tissues in two neurological disorders: brain tumor and stroke. Brain tumors are the cells with uncontrolled growth in the brain tissues and one of the major causes of death due to cancer. On the other hand, brain strokes occur due to the sudden interruption of the blood supply which damages the normal brain tissues and frequently causes death or persistent disability. Clinical management of these brain tumors and stroke lesions critically depends on robust quantitative analysis using different imaging modalities including Magnetic Resonance (MR) and Digital Pathology (DP) images. Due to uncontrolled growth and infiltration into the surrounding tissues, the tumor regions appear with a significant texture variation in the static MRI volume and also in the longitudinal imaging study. Consequently, this study developed computational models using novel texture features to segment abnormal brain tissues (tumor, and stroke lesions), tracking the change of tumor volume in longitudinal images, and tumor grading in MR images. Manual delineation and analysis of these abnormal tissues in large scale is tedious, error-prone, and often suffers from inter-observer variability. Therefore, efficient computational models for robust segmentation of different abnormal tissues is required to support the diagnosis and analysis processes. In this study, brain tissues are characterized with novel computational modeling of multi-fractal texture features for multi-class brain tumor tissue segmentation (BTS) and extend the method for ischemic stroke lesions in MRI. The robustness of the proposed segmentation methods is evaluated using a huge amount of private and public domain clinical data that offers competitive performance when compared with that of the state-of-the-art methods. Further, I analyze the dynamic texture behavior of tumor volume in longitudinal imaging and develop post-processing frame-work using three-dimensional (3D) texture features. These post-processing methods are shown to reduce the false positives in the BTS results and improve the overall segmentation result in longitudinal imaging. Furthermore, using this improved segmentation results the change of tumor volume has been quantified in three types such as stable, progress, and shrinkage as observed by the volumetric changes of different tumor tissues in longitudinal images. This study also investigates a novel non-invasive glioma grading, for the first time in literature, that uses structural MRI only. Such non-invasive glioma grading may be useful before an invasive biopsy is recommended. This study further developed an automatic glioma grading scheme using the invasive cell nuclei morphology in DP images for cross-validation with the same patients. In summary, the texture-based computational models proposed in this study are expected to facilitate the clinical management of patients with the brain tumors and strokes by automating large scale imaging data analysis, reducing human error, inter-observer variability, and producing repeatable brain tumor quantitation and grading

    Dynamic low-level context for the detection of mild traumatic brain injury.

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    Mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI) appears as low contrast lesions in magnetic resonance (MR) imaging. Standard automated detection approaches cannot detect the subtle changes caused by the lesions. The use of context has become integral for the detection of low contrast objects in images. Context is any information that can be used for object detection but is not directly due to the physical appearance of an object in an image. In this paper, new low-level static and dynamic context features are proposed and integrated into a discriminative voxel-level classifier to improve the detection of mTBI lesions. Visual features, including multiple texture measures, are used to give an initial estimate of a lesion. From the initial estimate novel proximity and directional distance, contextual features are calculated and used as features for another classifier. This feature takes advantage of spatial information given by the initial lesion estimate using only the visual features. Dynamic context is captured by the proposed posterior marginal edge distance context feature, which measures the distance from a hard estimate of the lesion at a previous time point. The approach is validated on a temporal mTBI rat model dataset and shown to have improved dice score and convergence compared to other state-of-the-art approaches. Analysis of feature importance and versatility of the approach on other datasets are also provided

    Visual and Contextual Modeling for the Detection of Repeated Mild Traumatic Brain Injury.

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    Currently, there is a lack of computational methods for the evaluation of mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI) from magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Further, the development of automated analyses has been hindered by the subtle nature of mTBI abnormalities, which appear as low contrast MR regions. This paper proposes an approach that is able to detect mTBI lesions by combining both the high-level context and low-level visual information. The contextual model estimates the progression of the disease using subject information, such as the time since injury and the knowledge about the location of mTBI. The visual model utilizes texture features in MRI along with a probabilistic support vector machine to maximize the discrimination in unimodal MR images. These two models are fused to obtain a final estimate of the locations of the mTBI lesion. The models are tested using a novel rodent model of repeated mTBI dataset. The experimental results demonstrate that the fusion of both contextual and visual textural features outperforms other state-of-the-art approaches. Clinically, our approach has the potential to benefit both clinicians by speeding diagnosis and patients by improving clinical care

    Uncovering convolutional neural network decisions for diagnosing multiple sclerosis on conventional MRI using layer-wise relevance propagation

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    Machine learning-based imaging diagnostics has recently reached or even superseded the level of clinical experts in several clinical domains. However, classification decisions of a trained machine learning system are typically non-transparent, a major hindrance for clinical integration, error tracking or knowledge discovery. In this study, we present a transparent deep learning framework relying on convolutional neural networks (CNNs) and layer-wise relevance propagation (LRP) for diagnosing multiple sclerosis (MS). MS is commonly diagnosed utilizing a combination of clinical presentation and conventional magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), specifically the occurrence and presentation of white matter lesions in T2-weighted images. We hypothesized that using LRP in a naive predictive model would enable us to uncover relevant image features that a trained CNN uses for decision-making. Since imaging markers in MS are well-established this would enable us to validate the respective CNN model. First, we pre-trained a CNN on MRI data from the Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative (n = 921), afterwards specializing the CNN to discriminate between MS patients and healthy controls (n = 147). Using LRP, we then produced a heatmap for each subject in the holdout set depicting the voxel-wise relevance for a particular classification decision. The resulting CNN model resulted in a balanced accuracy of 87.04% and an area under the curve of 96.08% in a receiver operating characteristic curve. The subsequent LRP visualization revealed that the CNN model focuses indeed on individual lesions, but also incorporates additional information such as lesion location, non-lesional white matter or gray matter areas such as the thalamus, which are established conventional and advanced MRI markers in MS. We conclude that LRP and the proposed framework have the capability to make diagnostic decisions of..

    Multiple classifier fusion and optimization for automatic focal cortical dysplasia detection on magnetic resonance images

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    In magnetic resonance (MR) images, detection of focal cortical dysplasia (FCD) lesion as a main pathological cue of epilepsy is challenging because of the variability in the presentation of FCD lesions. Existing algorithms appear to have sufficient sensitivity in detecting lesions but also generate large numbers of false-positive (FP) results. In this paper, we propose a multiple classifier fusion and optimization schemes to automatically detect FCD lesions in MR images with reduced FPs through constructing an objective function based on the F-score. Thus, the proposed scheme obtains an improved tradeoff between minimizing FPs and maximizing true positives. The optimization is achieved by incorporating the genetic algorithm into the work scheme. Hence, the contribution of weighting coefficients to different classifications can be effectively determined. The resultant optimized weightings are applied to fuse the classification results. A set of six typical FCD features and six corresponding Z-score maps are evaluated through the mean F-score from multiple classifiers for each feature. From the experimental results, the proposed scheme can automatically detect FCD lesions in 9 out of 10 patients while correctly classifying 31 healthy controls. The proposed scheme acquires a lower FP rate and a higher F-score in comparison with two state-of-the-art methods

    Deep Learning Technique for Detecting and Analysing Ischemic Stroke Using MRI Images

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    The quantitative analysis of cerebral MRI images plays a pivotal role in stroke diagnosis and treatment. Deep learning, particularly CNNs, with their robust learning capabilities, offer an effective tool for lesion detection. To address the unique properties of stroke injuries and automate detection processes, we compiled a dataset of brain MRI images from various medical sources, representing patients affected by ischemic strokes. Different deep learning-based networks, including “Single Shot Multibox Detector (SSD)”, “Region-based CNN with ResNet101 (RCNN-ResNet101)”, “RCNN with VGG16 (RCNN- VGG16)”, and “YOLOV3”, were employed for automated lesion detection. The evaluation focused on achieving optimal precision in comparison to existing methods across Diffused Weight, Flair, and T1 modalities of MRI datasets. The developed technique involves extracting deep features during the encoding stage, followed by the minimization of features using fully connected layers. Significant handcrafted features, such as Local Binary Pattern (LBP) and Gray Level Co-occurrence Matrix (GLCM), were incorporated alongside deep features. The concatenation of these features was implemented to maximize the dimension of the feature vector. This concatenated vector was then used to train and test the performance of various classifiers. Binary classification was employed to categorize brain images into normal or stroke affected. Initially, SoftMax was used as the default classifier. The performance of each classifier was individually evaluated, and the best-performing classifier was selected to confirm the overall effectiveness of the proposed technique. This all-encompassing strategy not only leverages deep learning for automatic lesion detection but also integrates handcrafted features and diverse classifiers to improve the precision and dependability of stroke detection across various brain MRI image modalities

    Multiple Sclerosis Classification Using Deep Learning Techniques

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    The diagnosis of Multiple sclerosis with different types is a big challenge for the doctor and takes more time in real life. We develop two deep learning techniques in order to classify the MS type. The MS has four types: MS-axial, control-axial, MS-sagittal, and control-sagittal. After that, we apply many preprocessing steps to the dataset in order to make it suitable to feed to the classification process like convert the target class label to numeric. We used four evaluation metrics to compare deep learning models: VGG19 and VGG16: recall, f1-score, accuracy, and precision. The results showed that the VGG19 gave better results compared with the VGG19 model in terms of four evaluation metrics of accuracy = 98.6%. The results indicated that we can rely on VGG19 in the classification process for many MS types
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