5 research outputs found

    Deep Learning Assisted Automated Assessment of Thalassaemia from Haemoglobin Electrophoresis Images

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    Haemoglobin (Hb) electrophoresis is a method of blood testing used to detect thalassaemia. However, the interpretation of the result of the electrophoresis test itself is a complex task. Expert haematologists, specifically in developing countries, are relatively few in number and are usually overburdened. To assist them with their workload, in this paper we present a novel method for the automated assessment of thalassaemia using Hb electrophoresis images. Moreover, in this study we compile a large Hb electrophoresis image dataset, consisting of 103 strips containing 524 electrophoresis images with a clear consensus on the quality of electrophoresis obtained from 824 subjects. The proposed methodology is split into two parts: (1) single-patient electrophoresis image segmentation by means of the lane extraction technique, and (2) binary classification (normal or abnormal) of the electrophoresis images using state-of-the-art deep convolutional neural networks (CNNs) and using the concept of transfer learning. Image processing techniques including filtering and morphological operations are applied for object detection and lane extraction to automatically separate the lanes and classify them using CNN models. Seven different CNN models (ResNet18, ResNet50, ResNet101, InceptionV3, DenseNet201, SqueezeNet and MobileNetV2) were investigated in this study. InceptionV3 outperformed the other CNNs in detecting thalassaemia using Hb electrophoresis images. The accuracy, precision, recall, f1-score, and specificity in the detection of thalassaemia obtained with the InceptionV3 model were 95.8%, 95.84%, 95.8%, 95.8% and 95.8%, respectively. MobileNetV2 demonstrated an accuracy, precision, recall, f1-score, and specificity of 95.72%, 95.73%, 95.72%, 95.7% and 95.72% respectively. Its performance was comparable with the best performing model, InceptionV3. Since it is a very shallow network, MobileNetV2 also provides the least latency in processing a single-patient image and it can be suitably used for mobile applications. The proposed approach, which has shown very high classification accuracy, will assist in the rapid and robust detection of thalassaemia using Hb electrophoresis images. 2022 by the authors.A part of the research was funded by the Higher Education Commission of Pakistan through its funded project of Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare, Intelligent Information Processing Lab, National Center of Artificial Intelligence.Scopu

    Single-trial extraction of event-related potentials (ERPs) and classification of visual stimuli by ensemble use of discrete wavelet transform with Huffman coding and machine learning techniques

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    BackgroundPresentation of visual stimuli can induce changes in EEG signals that are typically detectable by averaging together data from multiple trials for individual participant analysis as well as for groups or conditions analysis of multiple participants. This study proposes a new method based on the discrete wavelet transform with Huffman coding and machine learning for single-trial analysis of evenal (ERPs) and classification of different visual events in the visual object detection task.MethodsEEG single trials are decomposed with discrete wavelet transform (DWT) up to the level of decomposition using a biorthogonal B-spline wavelet. The coefficients of DWT in each trial are thresholded to discard sparse wavelet coefficients, while the quality of the signal is well maintained. The remaining optimum coefficients in each trial are encoded into bitstreams using Huffman coding, and the codewords are represented as a feature of the ERP signal. The performance of this method is tested with real visual ERPs of sixty-eight subjects.ResultsThe proposed method significantly discards the spontaneous EEG activity, extracts the single-trial visual ERPs, represents the ERP waveform into a compact bitstream as a feature, and achieves promising results in classifying the visual objects with classification performance metrics: accuracies 93.60, sensitivities 93.55, specificities 94.85, precisions 92.50, and area under the curve (AUC) 0.93 using SVM and k-NN machine learning classifiers.ConclusionThe proposed method suggests that the joint use of discrete wavelet transform (DWT) with Huffman coding has the potential to efficiently extract ERPs from background EEG for studying evoked responses in single-trial ERPs and classifying visual stimuli. The proposed approach has O(N) time complexity and could be implemented in real-time systems, such as the brain-computer interface (BCI), where fast detection of mental events is desired to smoothly operate a machine with minds

    Peripheral Blood Smear Analyses Using Deep Learning

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    Peripheral Blood Smear (PBS) analysis is a vital routine test carried out by hematologists to assess some aspects of humans’ health status. PBS analysis is prone to human errors and utilizing computer-based analysis can greatly enhance this process in terms of accuracy and cost. Recent approaches in learning algorithms, such as deep learning, are data hungry, but due to the scarcity of labeled medical images, researchers had to find viable alternative solutions to increase the size of available datasets. Synthetic datasets provide a promising solution to data scarcity, however, the complexity of blood smears’ natural structure adds an extra layer of challenge to its synthesizing process. In this thesis, we propose a method- ology that utilizes Locality Sensitive Hashing (LSH) to create a novel balanced dataset of synthetic blood smears. This dataset, which was automatically annotated during the gener- ation phase, covers 17 essential categories of blood cells. The dataset also got the approval of 5 experienced hematologists to meet the general standards of making thin blood smears. Moreover, a platelet classifier and a WBC classifier were trained on the synthetic dataset. For classifying platelets, a hybrid approach of deep learning and image processing tech- niques is proposed. This approach improved the platelet classification accuracy and macro- average precision from 82.6% to 98.6% and 76.6% to 97.6% respectively. Moreover, for white blood cell classification, a novel scheme for training deep networks is proposed, namely, Enhanced Incremental Training, that automatically recognises and handles classes that confuse and negatively affect neural network predictions. To handle the confusable classes, we also propose a procedure called "training revert". Application of the proposed method has improved the classification accuracy and macro-average precision from 61.5% to 95% and 76.6% to 94.27% respectively. In addition, the feasibility of using animal reticulocyte cells as a viable solution to com- pensate for the deficiency of human data is investigated. The integration of animal cells is implemented by employing multiple deep classifiers that utilize transfer learning in differ- ent experimental setups in a procedure that mimics the protocol followed in experimental medical labs. Moreover, three measures are defined, namely, the pretraining boost, the dataset similarity boost, and the dataset size boost measures to compare the effectiveness of the utilized experimental setups. All the experiments of this work were conducted on a novel public human reticulocyte dataset and the best performing model achieved 98.9%, 98.9%, 98.6% average accuracy, average macro precision, and average macro F-score re- spectively. Finally, this work provides a comprehensive framework for analysing two main blood smears that are still being conducted manually in labs. To automate the analysis process, a novel method for constructing synthetic whole-slide blood smear datasets is proposed. Moreover, to conduct the blood cell classification, which includes eighteen blood cell types and abnormalities, two novel techniques are proposed, namely: enhanced incremental train- ing and animal to human cells transfer learning. The outcomes of this work were published in six reputable international conferences and journals such as the computers in biology and medicine and IEEE access journals

    Detecting Red Blood Cells Morphological Abnormalities Using Genetic Algorithm and Kmeans

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    Vision is the most advanced of our senses, so it is not surprising that images play the single most important role in human perception. Computer-aided diagnosis is another important application of pattern recognition, aiming at assisting doctors in making diagnostic decisions. Many diseases which are not blood diseases in origin have hematological abnormalities and manifestation (have symptoms appeared on the blood). CBC (cell blood count test) for instance, is still the first test to be requested by the physicians or become in their mind. Blood abnormality can be in white blood cells, red blood cells and plasma. In this thesis, red blood cells are the suggested for detecting it is abnormality. The abnormality of blood cells shapes can't be detected easily, where the CBC (cell blood count) device give a count number and percentages not a description of the shapes of the blood cells, when the blood cells shapes wanted to be known, hematologist asked to view the blood films under the microscope which is time consuming task besides that the human error risk is high. Since the number of abnormal cells to normal cells in a given blood sample give a measure of the disease severity, detecting one cell with potential abnormality can give premature warning for future illness that can be avoided or treated earlier. This case can't be detected by hematologist. Computer involved in such task to save time and effort besides minimizing human error. This thesis name is "DETECTING RED BLOOD CELLS MORPHOLOGICAL ABNORMALITIES USING GENETIC ALGORITHM AND KMEANS". In this thesis, the thesis divided into four phases. First phase data collection where blood samples was drawn from healthy and sick people and then blood films made and viewed under microscope and an images captured for these blood films. Second phase preprocessing phase where the images prepared for the next phase. Third phase feature extraction was executed where these features are spatial domain and frequency domain features. Fourth phase is the classification phase where the features fed into the classifier to be classified. An acceptable detection rate is achieved by the proposed system. The genetic algorithm classifier success rate was 92.31% and the K-means classifier success rate was 94.00%