6 research outputs found

    Detection of virgin olive oil adulteration using low field unilateral NMR

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    The detection of adulteration in edible oils is a concern in the food industry, especially for the higher priced virgin olive oils. This article presents a low field unilateral nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) method for the detection of the adulteration of virgin olive oil that can be performed through sealed bottles providing a non-destructive screening technique. Adulterations of an extra virgin olive oil with different percentages of sunflower oil and red palm oil were measured with a commercial unilateral instrument, the profile NMR-Mouse. The NMR signal was processed using a 2-dimensional Inverse Laplace transformation to analyze the transverse relaxation and self-diffusion behaviors of different oils. The obtained results demonstrated the feasibility of detecting adulterations of olive oil with percentages of at least 10% of sunflower and red palm oils

    Low-cost magnetic resonance sensors for process monitoring in the food industry<span></span>

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    Low-cost magnetic resonance (MR) sensors have in recent years been used to investigate a number of systems by measuring the relaxation times T1 and T2eff. These measured parameters vary in line with changes in many systems giving the investigator a useful non-invasive probe. While the use of MR for in-line or on-line process monitoring in the food industry is not a novel concept, much of the work conducted previously has involved acquiring spatially resolved data which requires a magnetic resonance imaging system. These are both expensive to purchase and maintain, occupy large amounts of space and present problems with safety. In this work we show the value that a very inexpensive magnet and coil geometry (<€200) can bring to process monitoring. A MR sensor utilising an eight-element Halbach cylinder with internal diameter of 10mm has been constructed giving a highly uniform magnetic field yielding a strong signal-to-noise ratio. It is shown to be useful for assessing the relaxation times of a range of relevant samples

    Non-invasive measurements of the dry solids content of whole potatoes using unilateral magnetic resonance: towards automation

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    Crisps or chips are considered a popular snack food around the world and at their most fundamental are potatoes which are sliced and then fried. It has been known for some time that during their production industrially, controlling the final oil content requires prior knowledge of the dry solids of the potatoes to modify the temperature and frying time to give the best product. The dry weight of a batch of potatoes is most commonly performed using a buoyancy measurement. In preliminary experiments, we have found evidence that such a measurement, whilst representative of the average dry solids, does not offer the most appropriate measurement since the variation within the batch is significant. We present an investigation into the properties of intact potatoes using magnetic resonance relaxation measurements and relate these to the dry solids content. This preliminary study will lay the groundwork for the development of an online process monitoring device based around a unilateral sensor to allow batch sorting of incoming potatoes

    Оценка качества биологически активной добавки к пище, содержащей экстракт сои

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    БИОЛОГИЧЕСКИ АКТИВНЫЕ ДОБАВКИРАСТЕНИЙ ЭКСТРАКТЫ /ХИМИЗОФЛАВОНЫЖИРНЫЕ КИСЛОТЫЖИРНЫЕ КИСЛОТЫ НАСЫЩЕННЫЕХРОМАТОГРАФИЯ ЖИДКОСТНАЯ /ИСПСПЕКТРАЛЬНЫЙ АНАЛИЗ /ИСППроведен анализ биологически активной добавки к пище, содержащей экстракты сои, крапивы и семян тыквы, а также высушенный сок плодов американской клюквы

    Detección de la adulteración de aceite de oliva mediante relaxometría magnética nuclear de campo bajo y espectroscopía UV-Vis sobre mezcla de aceite de oliva con diversos aceites comestibles

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    Adulteration of olive oil using unhealthy substitutes is considered a threat for public health. Low-field (LF) proton (1H) nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) relaxometry and ultra-violet (UV) visible spectroscopy are used to detect adulteration of olive oil. Three different olive oil with different oleoyl acyl contents were mixed with almond, castor, corn, and sesame oils with three volumetric ratios, respectively. In addition, Arbequina olive oil was mixed with canola, flax, grape seed, peanut, soybean, and sunflower seed oils with three volumetric ratios. Transverse magnetization relaxation time (T2) curves were fitted with bi-exponential decaying functions. T2 times of each mixture of olive oils and castor oils, and olive oils and corn oils changed systematically as a function of volumetric ratio. To detect the adulteration in the mixtures with almond and sesame oils, both LF 1H NMR relaxometry and UV-Vis spectroscopy were needed, where UV-Vis-spectroscopy detected the adulteration qualitatively. In the mixtures of Arbequina olive oil and flax, peanut, soybean, and sunflower seed oils, both T21 and T22 values became longer systematically as the content of the olive oil was decreased. The unique UV-Vis maximum absorbance of flax oil at 320.0 nm shows the adulteration of olive oil qualitatively.La adulteración del aceite de oliva con sustituyentes menos saludables es una amenaza para la salud pública. En este trabajo, la detección de la adulteración del aceite de oliva se demuestra utilizando tanto relaxometría magnética nuclear de campo bajo (LF) de protones (1H) (RMN) y espectroscopía visible y ultra-violeta (UV). Tres muestras de aceites de oliva con diferentes contenidos en oleico se mezclaron con aceites de almendra, ricino, maíz y sésamo con tres relaciones volumétricas. Además, el de arbequina de California se mezcló con cánola, lino, semilla de uva, cacahuete, soja y aceites de girasol con tres relaciones volumétricas. Las curvas de tiempo de relajación de magnetización transversal (T2) fueron completadas con funciones de decaimiento biexponencial. Los tiempos T2 determinados para cada mezcla de aceite de oliva con ricino y maíz cambian sistemáticamente conforme las relaciones volumétricas. Para detectar la adulteración de los aceites de oliva con aceites de almendra y de sésamo, se necesitan tanto relaxometría LF 1H RMN como la espectroscopía UV-Vis. En las mezclas de aceite de oliva arbequina con aceites de lino, maní, soja y girasol, ambos valores T21 y T22 se hicieron mayores sistemáticamente conforme el porcentaje de aceite de oliva se reduce en la mezcla. El máximo de absorbancia UV-Vis del aceite de lino a 320,0 nm demostrará la adulteración del aceite de oliva cualitativamente