308 research outputs found

    Processing and Linking Audio Events in Large Multimedia Archives: The EU inEvent Project

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    In the inEvent EU project [1], we aim at structuring, retrieving, and sharing large archives of networked, and dynamically changing, multimedia recordings, mainly consisting of meetings, videoconferences, and lectures. More specifically, we are developing an integrated system that performs audiovisual processing of multimedia recordings, and labels them in terms of interconnected “hyper-events ” (a notion inspired from hyper-texts). Each hyper-event is composed of simpler facets, including audio-video recordings and metadata, which are then easier to search, retrieve and share. In the present paper, we mainly cover the audio processing aspects of the system, including speech recognition, speaker diarization and linking (across recordings), the use of these features for hyper-event indexing and recommendation, and the search portal. We present initial results for feature extraction from lecture recordings using the TED talks. Index Terms: Networked multimedia events; audio processing: speech recognition; speaker diarization and linking; multimedia indexing and searching; hyper-events. 1

    Predicting continuous conflict perception with Bayesian Gaussian processes

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    Conflict is one of the most important phenomena of social life, but it is still largely neglected by the computing community. This work proposes an approach that detects common conversational social signals (loudness, overlapping speech, etc.) and predicts the conflict level perceived by human observers in continuous, non-categorical terms. The proposed regression approach is fully Bayesian and it adopts Automatic Relevance Determination to identify the social signals that influence most the outcome of the prediction. The experiments are performed over the SSPNet Conflict Corpus, a publicly available collection of 1430 clips extracted from televised political debates (roughly 12 hours of material for 138 subjects in total). The results show that it is possible to achieve a correlation close to 0.8 between actual and predicted conflict perception

    SALSA: A Novel Dataset for Multimodal Group Behavior Analysis

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    Studying free-standing conversational groups (FCGs) in unstructured social settings (e.g., cocktail party ) is gratifying due to the wealth of information available at the group (mining social networks) and individual (recognizing native behavioral and personality traits) levels. However, analyzing social scenes involving FCGs is also highly challenging due to the difficulty in extracting behavioral cues such as target locations, their speaking activity and head/body pose due to crowdedness and presence of extreme occlusions. To this end, we propose SALSA, a novel dataset facilitating multimodal and Synergetic sociAL Scene Analysis, and make two main contributions to research on automated social interaction analysis: (1) SALSA records social interactions among 18 participants in a natural, indoor environment for over 60 minutes, under the poster presentation and cocktail party contexts presenting difficulties in the form of low-resolution images, lighting variations, numerous occlusions, reverberations and interfering sound sources; (2) To alleviate these problems we facilitate multimodal analysis by recording the social interplay using four static surveillance cameras and sociometric badges worn by each participant, comprising the microphone, accelerometer, bluetooth and infrared sensors. In addition to raw data, we also provide annotations concerning individuals' personality as well as their position, head, body orientation and F-formation information over the entire event duration. Through extensive experiments with state-of-the-art approaches, we show (a) the limitations of current methods and (b) how the recorded multiple cues synergetically aid automatic analysis of social interactions. SALSA is available at http://tev.fbk.eu/salsa.Comment: 14 pages, 11 figure

    Speaker segmentation and clustering

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    This survey focuses on two challenging speech processing topics, namely: speaker segmentation and speaker clustering. Speaker segmentation aims at finding speaker change points in an audio stream, whereas speaker clustering aims at grouping speech segments based on speaker characteristics. Model-based, metric-based, and hybrid speaker segmentation algorithms are reviewed. Concerning speaker clustering, deterministic and probabilistic algorithms are examined. A comparative assessment of the reviewed algorithms is undertaken, the algorithm advantages and disadvantages are indicated, insight to the algorithms is offered, and deductions as well as recommendations are given. Rich transcription and movie analysis are candidate applications that benefit from combined speaker segmentation and clustering. © 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Annotation and detection of conflict escalation in political debates

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    Conflict escalation in multi-party conversations refers to an increase in the intensity of conflict during conversations. Here we study annotation and detection of conflict escalation in broadcast political debates towards a machine-mediated conflict management system. In this regard, we label conflict escalation using crowd-sourced annotations and predict it with automatically extracted conversational and prosodic features. In particular, to annotate the conflict escalation we deploy two different strategies, i.e., indirect inference and direct assessment; the direct assessment method refers to a way that annotators watch and compare two consecutive clips during the annotation process, while the indirect inference method indicates that each clip is independently annotated with respect to the level of conflict then the level conflict escalation is inferred by comparing annotations of two consecutive clips. Empirical results with 792 pairs of consecutive clips in classifying three types of conflict escalation, i.e., escalation, de-escalation, and constant, show that labels from direct assessment yield higher classification performance (45.3% unweighted accuracy (UA)) than the one from indirect inference (39.7% UA), although the annotations from both methods are highly correlated (r�=0.74 in continuous values and 63% agreement in ternary classes)

    Overlapped Speech Detection in Multi-Party Meetings

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    Detection of simultaneous speech in meeting recordings is a difficult problem due both to the complexity of the meeting itself and the environment surrounding it. The system proposes the use of gammatone-like spectrogram-based linear predictor coefficients on distant microphone channel data for overlap detection functions. The framework utilized the Augmented Multiparty Interaction (AMI) conference corpus to assess model performance. The proposed system offers enhancements over base line feature set models for classification

    Audio-based classroom activity detection for primary school lessons

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    Classroom Activity Detection (CAD) is a challenging task, especially for primary school lessons, where student participation is fragmented, short, and often concurrent with teacher speech and background noise. This thesis proposes and evaluates three CAD models: two based on supervised audio classification (trained on a proprietary dataset that was annotated for this work), and one based on unsupervised diarization. These models are assessed through the visualization of the estimated label density, rather than typical CAD segment visualizations. This approach proves to be more effective in dealing with the highly fragmented segments observed in this specific use case. The main metric to compare these models is the correlation coefficient between estimated and ground-truth label densities. The density and correlation are used to evaluate the accuracy of the models in capturing the temporal distribution of the different classroom activities. Complimentary to that, another metric that is also used is the error in the total time estimated for each label (e.g., estimated Teacher Talking Time or TTT). The supervised models, based on an LSTM neural network and a decision tree classifier, achieve similar classification performance, outperforming the unsupervised diarization pipeline. Even a small amount of training data is enough for the supervised models to achieve the performance of the diarization system, and they generalize well to previously unseen voices. The unsupervised diarization model does not require training data for this particular task, but its performance is not as good as the supervised models to detect the teacher’s voice. Additionally, it cannot distinguish properly between the labels “single student” and “group work”. Overall, the supervised CAD models proposed in this thesis demonstrate promising results for primary school lessons, even with limited training data. These models could be used to develop valuable tools to support classroom observation and evaluation.Beca de Maestría ANI

    Unsupervised video indexing on audiovisual characterization of persons

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    Cette thèse consiste à proposer une méthode de caractérisation non-supervisée des intervenants dans les documents audiovisuels, en exploitant des données liées à leur apparence physique et à leur voix. De manière générale, les méthodes d'identification automatique, que ce soit en vidéo ou en audio, nécessitent une quantité importante de connaissances a priori sur le contenu. Dans ce travail, le but est d'étudier les deux modes de façon corrélée et d'exploiter leur propriété respective de manière collaborative et robuste, afin de produire un résultat fiable aussi indépendant que possible de toute connaissance a priori. Plus particulièrement, nous avons étudié les caractéristiques du flux audio et nous avons proposé plusieurs méthodes pour la segmentation et le regroupement en locuteurs que nous avons évaluées dans le cadre d'une campagne d'évaluation. Ensuite, nous avons mené une étude approfondie sur les descripteurs visuels (visage, costume) qui nous ont servis à proposer de nouvelles approches pour la détection, le suivi et le regroupement des personnes. Enfin, le travail s'est focalisé sur la fusion des données audio et vidéo en proposant une approche basée sur le calcul d'une matrice de cooccurrence qui nous a permis d'établir une association entre l'index audio et l'index vidéo et d'effectuer leur correction. Nous pouvons ainsi produire un modèle audiovisuel dynamique des intervenants.This thesis consists to propose a method for an unsupervised characterization of persons within audiovisual documents, by exploring the data related for their physical appearance and their voice. From a general manner, the automatic recognition methods, either in video or audio, need a huge amount of a priori knowledge about their content. In this work, the goal is to study the two modes in a correlated way and to explore their properties in a collaborative and robust way, in order to produce a reliable result as independent as possible from any a priori knowledge. More particularly, we have studied the characteristics of the audio stream and we have proposed many methods for speaker segmentation and clustering and that we have evaluated in a french competition. Then, we have carried a deep study on visual descriptors (face, clothing) that helped us to propose novel approches for detecting, tracking, and clustering of people within the document. Finally, the work was focused on the audiovisual fusion by proposing a method based on computing the cooccurrence matrix that allowed us to establish an association between audio and video indexes, and to correct them. That will enable us to produce a dynamic audiovisual model for each speaker

    Multi-Input Multi-Output Target-Speaker Voice Activity Detection For Unified, Flexible, and Robust Audio-Visual Speaker Diarization

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    Audio-visual learning has demonstrated promising results in many classical speech tasks (e.g., speech separation, automatic speech recognition, wake-word spotting). We believe that introducing visual modality will also benefit speaker diarization. To date, Target-Speaker Voice Activity Detection (TS-VAD) plays an important role in highly accurate speaker diarization. However, previous TS-VAD models take audio features and utilize the speaker's acoustic footprint to distinguish his or her personal speech activities, which is easily affected by overlapped speech in multi-speaker scenarios. Although visual information naturally tolerates overlapped speech, it suffers from spatial occlusion, low resolution, etc. The potential modality-missing problem blocks TS-VAD towards an audio-visual approach. This paper proposes a novel Multi-Input Multi-Output Target-Speaker Voice Activity Detection (MIMO-TSVAD) framework for speaker diarization. The proposed method can take audio-visual input and leverage the speaker's acoustic footprint or lip track to flexibly conduct audio-based, video-based, and audio-visual speaker diarization in a unified sequence-to-sequence framework. Experimental results show that the MIMO-TSVAD framework demonstrates state-of-the-art performance on the VoxConverse, DIHARD-III, and MISP 2022 datasets under corresponding evaluation metrics, obtaining the Diarization Error Rates (DERs) of 4.18%, 10.10%, and 8.15%, respectively. In addition, it can perform robustly in heavy lip-missing scenarios.Comment: Under review of IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processin