147 research outputs found

    Towards Securing Peer-to-peer SIP in the MANET Context: Existing Work and Perspectives

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    The Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) is a key building block of many social applications, including VoIP communication and instant messaging. In its original architecture, SIP heavily relies on servers such as proxies and registrars. Mobile Ad hoc NETworks (MANETs) are networks comprised of mobile devices that communicate over wireless links, such as tactical radio networks or vehicular networks. In such networks, no fixed infrastructure exists and server-based solutions need to be redesigned to work in a peer-to-peer fashion. We survey existing proposals for the implementation of SIP over such MANETs and analyze their security issues. We then discuss potential solutions and their suitability in the MANET context

    Security Engineering of Patient-Centered Health Care Information Systems in Peer-to-Peer Environments: Systematic Review

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    Background: Patient-centered health care information systems (PHSs) enable patients to take control and become knowledgeable about their own health, preferably in a secure environment. Current and emerging PHSs use either a centralized database, peer-to-peer (P2P) technology, or distributed ledger technology for PHS deployment. The evolving COVID-19 decentralized Bluetooth-based tracing systems are examples of disease-centric P2P PHSs. Although using P2P technology for the provision of PHSs can be flexible, scalable, resilient to a single point of failure, and inexpensive for patients, the use of health information on P2P networks poses major security issues as users must manage information security largely by themselves. Objective: This study aims to identify the inherent security issues for PHS deployment in P2P networks and how they can be overcome. In addition, this study reviews different P2P architectures and proposes a suitable architecture for P2P PHS deployment. Methods: A systematic literature review was conducted following PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses) reporting guidelines. Thematic analysis was used for data analysis. We searched the following databases: IEEE Digital Library, PubMed, Science Direct, ACM Digital Library, Scopus, and Semantic Scholar. The search was conducted on articles published between 2008 and 2020. The Common Vulnerability Scoring System was used as a guide for rating security issues. Results: Our findings are consolidated into 8 key security issues associated with PHS implementation and deployment on P2P networks and 7 factors promoting them. Moreover, we propose a suitable architecture for P2P PHSs and guidelines for the provision of PHSs while maintaining information security. Conclusions: Despite the clear advantages of P2P PHSs, the absence of centralized controls and inconsistent views of the network on some P2P systems have profound adverse impacts in terms of security. The security issues identified in this study need to be addressed to increase patients\u27 intention to use PHSs on P2P networks by making them safe to use

    Understanding and Hardening Blockchain Network Security Against Denial of Service Attacks

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    This thesis aims to examine the security of a blockchain\u27s communication network. A blockchain relies on a communication network to deliver transactions. Understanding and hardening the security of the communication network against Denial-of-Service (DoS) attacks are thus critical to the well-being of blockchain participants. Existing research has examined blockchain system security in various system components, including mining incentives, consensus protocols, and applications such as smart contracts. However, the security of a blockchain\u27s communication network remains understudied. In practice, a blockchain\u27s communication network typically consists of three services: RPC service, P2P network, and mempool. This thesis examines each service\u27s designs and implementations, discovers vulnerabilities that lead to DoS attacks, and uncovers the P2P network topology. Through systematic evaluations and measurements, the thesis confirms that real-world network services in Ethereum are vulnerable to DoS attacks, leading to a potential collapse of the Ethereum ecosystem. Besides, the uncovered P2P network topology in Ethereum mainnet suggests that critical nodes adopt a biased neighbor selection strategy in the mainnet. Finally, to fix the discovered vulnerabilities, practical mitigation solutions are proposed in this thesis to harden the security of Ethereum\u27s communication network

    Increasing Structured P2P Protocol Resilience to Localized Attacks

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    The Peer-to-Peer (P2P) computing model has been applied to many application fields over the last decade. P2P protocols made their way from infamous - and frequently illicit - file sharing applications towards serious applications, e.g., in entertainment, audio/video conferencing, or critical applications like smart grid, Car-2-Car communication, or Machine-to-Machine communication. Some of the reasons for that are P2P's decentralized design that inherently provides for fault tolerance to non-malicious faults. However, the base P2P scalability and decentralization requirements often result in design choices that negatively impact their robustness to varied security threats. A prominent vulnerability are Eclipse attacks (EA) that aim at information hiding and consequently perturb a P2P overlay's reliable service delivery. This dissertation provides the necessary background to understand the different types and inherent complexity of EAs, the susceptibility of many P2P protocols to EAs, and a mitigation technique for the localized EA variant. The applicability of the proposed mitigation technique has been validated experimentally and shows for a wide range of system parameters and application scenarios good mitigation rates reaching up to 100%

    SoK: Decentralized Finance (DeFi) Attacks

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    Within just four years, the blockchain-based Decentralized Finance (DeFi) ecosystem has accumulated a peak total value locked (TVL) of more than 253 billion USD. This surge in DeFi's popularity has, unfortunately, been accompanied by many impactful incidents. According to our data, users, liquidity providers, speculators, and protocol operators suffered a total loss of at least 3.24 billion USD from Apr 30, 2018 to Apr 30, 2022. Given the blockchain's transparency and increasing incident frequency, two questions arise: How can we systematically measure, evaluate, and compare DeFi incidents? How can we learn from past attacks to strengthen DeFi security? In this paper, we introduce a common reference frame to systematically evaluate and compare DeFi incidents, including both attacks and accidents. We investigate 77 academic papers, 30 audit reports, and 181 real-world incidents. Our data reveals several gaps between academia and the practitioners' community. For example, few academic papers address "price oracle attacks" and "permissonless interactions", while our data suggests that they are the two most frequent incident types (15% and 10.5% correspondingly). We also investigate potential defenses, and find that: (i) 103 (56%) of the attacks are not executed atomically, granting a rescue time frame for defenders; (ii) SoTA bytecode similarity analysis can at least detect 31 vulnerable/23 adversarial contracts; and (iii) 33 (15.3%) of the adversaries leak potentially identifiable information by interacting with centralized exchanges
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