9 research outputs found

    Protocols for Detection and Removal of Wormholes for Secure Routing and Neighborhood Creation in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks

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    Wireless ad hoc networks are suitable and sometimes the only solution for several applications. Many applications, particularly those in military and critical civilian domains (such as battlefield surveillance and emergency rescue) require that ad hoc networks be secure and stable. In fact, security is one of the main barriers to the extensive use of ad hoc networks in many operations. The primary objective of this dissertation is to propose protocols which will protect ad hoc networks from wormhole attacks - one of the most devastating security attacks - and to improve network stability. Protocols that depend solely on cryptography techniques such as authentication and encryption can prevent/detect several types of security attacks; however, they will not be able to detect or prevent a wormhole attack. This attack on routing in ad hoc networks is also considered to be the main threat against neighborhood discovery protocols. Most of the proposed mechanisms designed to defend against this type of attack are based on location information or time measurements, or require additional hardware or a central entity. Other protocols that relied on connectivity or neighborhood information cannot successfully detect all of the various types and cases of wormhole attacks. In the first part of this dissertation, we present a simple, yet effective protocol to detect wormhole attacks along routes in ad hoc networks. The protocol is evaluated using analysis and simulations. In the second part, we present a secure neighbor creation protocol that can securely discover the neighbors of a node in ad hoc networks, and detect and remove wormhole links, if they exist. The proposed protocols do not require any location information, time synchronization, or special hardware to detect wormhole attacks. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first protocol that makes use of cooperation rules between honest nodes. Use of such rules will reduce the overhead associated with the number of checks to be performed in order to detect wormholes and to create a secure neighborhood. This is also the first protocol, to our knowledge, that addresses the complete removal of bogus links without removing legal links

    Preventing Layer-3 wormhole attacks in ad-hoc networks with multipath DSR

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    Whirlwind: A New Method to Attack Routing Protocol in Mobile Ad Hoc Network

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    Abstract Mobile Ad hoc Network (MANET) is a collection of wireless mobile nodes that dynamically create a network without a fixed infrastructure. However, all the characters make the security problem more serious, denial-of-Service attack is the main challenge in the security of MANET. In this article, we review some routing protocol attacks on Mobile Ad hoc Network. Specially, we propose a new attack method is called Whirlwind which originates one data Whirlwind on network that contain malicious node once the source node discovers a new route. And all data packets are resulted in drop due to over time-life without reaching the desired destination. We have, using the simulation system NS2, evaluated the harms of such attack on AODV protocol

    Performance analysis of wireless intrusion detection systems

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    Wireless intrusion detection system (WIDS) has become a matter of increasing concern in recent years as a crucial element in wireless network security. WIDS monitors 802.11 traffic to identify the intrusive activities, and then alerts the complementary prevention part to combat the attacks. Selecting a reliable WIDS system necessitates inevitably taking into account a credible evaluation of WIDSs performance. WIDS effectiveness is considered the basic factor in evaluating the WIDS performance, thus it receives great attention in this thesis. Most previous experimental evaluations of intrusion detection systems (IDSs) were concerned with the wired IDSs, with an apparent lack of evaluating the wireless IDSs (WIDSs). In this thesis, we try to manipulate three main critiques of most pervious evaluations; lack of comprehensive evaluation methodology, holistic attack classification, and expressive evaluation metrics. In this thesis, we introduce a comprehensive evaluation methodology that covers all the essential dimensions for a credible evaluation of WIDSs performance. The main pivotal dimensions in our methodology are characterizing and generating the evaluation dataset, defining reliable and expressive evaluation metrics, and overcoming the evaluation limitations. Basically, evaluation dataset consists of two main parts; normal traffic (as a background) and malicious traffic. The background traffic, which comprises normal and benign activities in the absence of attacks, was generated in our experimental evaluation tests as real controlled traffic. The second and important part of the dataset is the malicious traffic which is composed of intrusive activities. Comprehensive and credible evaluation of WIDSs necessitates taking into account all possible attacks. While this is operationally impossible, it is necessary to select representative attack test cases that are extracted mainly from a comprehensive classification of wireless attacks. Dealing with this challenge, we have developed a holistic taxonomy of wireless security attacks from the perspective of the WIDS evaluator. The second pivotal dimension in our methodology is defining reliable evaluation metrics. We introduce a new evaluation metric EID (intrusion detection effectiveness) that manipulates the drawbacks of the previously proposed metrics, especially the common drawback of their main notion that leads to measuring a relative effectiveness. The notion of our developed metric EID helps in measuring the actual effectiveness. We also introduce another metric RR (attack recognition rate) to evaluate the ability of WIDS to recognize the attack type. The third important dimension in our methodology is overcoming the evaluation limitations. The great challenge that we have faced in the experimental evaluation of WIDSs is the uncontrolled traffic over the open wireless medium. This uncontrolled traffic affects the accuracy of the measurements. We overcame this problem by constructing an RF shielded testbed to take all the measurements under our control without any interfering from any adjacent stations. Finally, we followed our methodology and conducted experimental evaluation tests of two popular WIDSs (Kismet and AirSnare), and demonstrated the utility of our proposed solutions

    Analyse de performance des systèmes de détection d’intrusion sans-fil

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    La sécurité des réseaux sans fil fait l’objet d’une attention considérable ces dernières années. Toutefois, les communications sans fil sont confrontées à plusieurs types de menaces et d’attaques. Par conséquent, d’importants efforts, visant à sécuriser davantage les réseaux sans fil, ont dû être fournis pour en vue de lutter contre les attaques sans fil. Seulement, croire qu’une prévention intégrale des attaques peut s’effectuer au niveau de la première ligne de défense d’un système (pare-feux, chiffrement, …) n’est malheureusement qu’illusion. Ainsi, l’accent est de plus en plus porté sur la détection des attaques sans fil au travers d’une seconde ligne de défense, matérialisée par les systèmes de détection d’intrusions sans fil (WIDS). Les WIDS inspectent le trafic sans fil, respectant la norme 802.11, ainsi que les activités du système dans le but de détecter des activités malicieuses. Une alerte est ensuite envoyée aux briques chargées de la prévention pour contrer l’attaque. Sélectionner un WIDS fiable dépend principalement de l’évaluation méticuleuse de ses performances. L’efficacité du WIDS est considérée comme le facteur fondamental lors de l’évaluation de ses performances, nous lui accordons donc un grand intérêt dans ces travaux de thèse. La majeure partie des études expérimentales visant l’évaluation des systèmes de détection d’intrusions (IDS) s’intéressait aux IDS filaires, reflétant ainsi une carence claire en matière d’évaluation des IDS sans fil (WIDS). Au cours de cette thèse, nous avons mis l’accent sur trois principales critiques visant la plupart des précédentes évaluations : le manque de méthodologie d’évaluation globale, de classification d’attaque et de métriques d’évaluation fiables. Au cours de cette thèse, nous sommes parvenus à développer une méthodologie complète d’évaluation couvrant toutes les dimensions nécessaires pour une évaluation crédible des performances des WIDSs. Les axes principaux de notre méthodologie sont la caractérisation et la génération des données d’évaluation, la définition de métriques d’évaluation fiables tout en évitant les limitations de l’évaluation. Fondamentalement, les données d’évaluation sont constituées de deux principales composantes à savoir: un trafic normal et un trafic malveillant. Le trafic normal que nous avons généré au cours de nos tests d’évaluation était un trafic réel que nous contrôlions. La deuxième composante des données, qui se trouve être la plus importante, est le trafic malveillant consistant en des activités intrusives. Une évaluation complète et crédible des WIDSs impose la prise en compte de tous les scénarios et types d’attaques éventuels. Cela étant impossible à réaliser, il est nécessaire de sélectionner certains cas d’attaque représentatifs, principalement extraits d’une classification complète des attaques sans fil. Pour relever ce défi, nous avons développé une taxinomie globale des attaques visant la sécurité des réseaux sans fil, d’un point de vue de l’évaluateur des WIDS. Le deuxième axe de notre méthodologie est la définition de métriques fiables d’évaluation. Nous avons introduit une nouvelle métrique d’évaluation, EID (Efficacité de la détection d’intrusion), visant à pallier les limitations des précédentes métriques proposées. Nous avons démontré l’utilité de la métrique EID par rapport aux autres métriques proposées précédemment et comment elle parvenait à mesurer l’efficacité réelle tandis que les précédentes métriques ne mesuraient qu’une efficacité relative. L’EID peut tout aussi bien être utilisé pour l’évaluation de l’efficacité des IDS filaires et sans fil. Nous avons aussi introduit une autre métrique notée RR (Taux de Reconnaissance), pour mesurer l’attribut de reconnaissance d’attaque. Un important problème se pose lorsque des tests d’évaluation des WIDS sont menés, il s’agit des données de trafics incontrôlés sur le support ouvert de transmission. Ce trafic incontrôlé affecte sérieusement la pertinence des mesures. Pour outrepasser ce problème, nous avons construit un banc d’essai RF blindé, ce qui nous a permis de prendre des mesures nettes sans aucune interférence avec quelconque source de trafic incontrôlé. Pour finir, nous avons appliqué notre méthodologie et effectué des évaluations expérimentales relatives à deux WIDSs populaires (Kismet et AirSnare); nous avons démontré à l’issue de ces évaluations pratiques et l’utilité de nos solutions proposées. ABSTRACT : Wireless intrusion detection system (WIDS) has become a matter of increasing concern in recent years as a crucial element in wireless network security. WIDS monitors 802.11 traffic to identify the intrusive activities, and then alerts the complementary prevention part to combat the attacks. Selecting a reliable WIDS system necessitates inevitably taking into account a credible evaluation of WIDSs performance. WIDS effectiveness is considered the basic factor in evaluating the WIDS performance, thus it receives great attention in this thesis. Most previous experimental evaluations of intrusion detection systems (IDSs) were concerned with the wired IDSs, with an apparent lack of evaluating the wireless IDSs (WIDSs). In this thesis, we try to manipulate three main critiques of most pervious evaluations; lack of comprehensive evaluation methodology, holistic attack classification, and expressive evaluation metrics. In this thesis, we introduce a comprehensive evaluation methodology that covers all the essential dimensions for a credible evaluation of WIDSs performance. The main pivotal dimensions in our methodology are characterizing and generating the evaluation dataset, defining reliable and expressive evaluation metrics, and overcoming the evaluation limitations. Basically, evaluation dataset consists of two main parts; normal traffic (as a background) and malicious traffic. The background traffic, which comprises normal and benign activities in the absence of attacks, was generated in our experimental evaluation tests as real controlled traffic. The second and important part of the dataset is the malicious traffic which is composed of intrusive activities. Comprehensive and credible evaluation of WIDSs necessitates taking into account all possible attacks. While this is operationally impossible, it is necessary to select representative attack test cases that are extracted mainly from a comprehensive classification of wireless attacks. Dealing with this challenge, we have developed a holistic taxonomy of wireless security attacks from the perspective of the WIDS evaluator. The second pivotal dimension in our methodology is defining reliable evaluation metrics. We introduce a new evaluation metric EID (intrusion detection effectiveness) that manipulates the drawbacks of the previously proposed metrics, especially the common drawback of their main notion that leads to measuring a relative effectiveness. The notion of our developed metric EID helps in measuring the actual effectiveness. We also introduce another metric RR (attack recognition rate) to evaluate the ability of WIDS to recognize the attack type. The third important dimension in our methodology is overcoming the evaluation limitations. The great challenge that we have faced in the experimental evaluation of WIDSs is the uncontrolled traffic over the open wireless medium. This uncontrolled traffic affects the accuracy of the measurements. We overcame this problem by constructing an RF shielded testbed to take all the measurements under our control without any interfering from any adjacent stations. Finally, we followed our methodology and conducted experimental evaluation tests of two popular WIDSs (Kismet and AirSnare), and demonstrated the utility of our proposed solutions

    A Defense Framework Against Denial-of-Service in Computer Networks

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    Denial-of-Service (DoS) is a computer security problem that poses a serious challenge totrustworthiness of services deployed over computer networks. The aim of DoS attacks isto make services unavailable to legitimate users, and current network architectures alloweasy-to-launch, hard-to-stop DoS attacks. Particularly challenging are the service-level DoSattacks, whereby the victim service is flooded with legitimate-like requests, and the jammingattack, in which wireless communication is blocked by malicious radio interference. Theseattacks are overwhelming even for massively-resourced services, and effective and efficientdefenses are highly needed. This work contributes a novel defense framework, which I call dodging, against service-level DoS and wireless jamming. Dodging has two components: (1) the careful assignment ofservers to clients to achieve accurate and quick identification of service-level DoS attackersand (2) the continuous and unpredictable-to-attackers reconfiguration of the client-serverassignment and the radio-channel mapping to withstand service-level and jamming DoSattacks. Dodging creates hard-to-evade baits, or traps, and dilutes the attack "fire power".The traps identify the attackers when they violate the mapping function and even when theyattack while correctly following the mapping function. Moreover, dodging keeps attackers"in the dark", trying to follow the unpredictably changing mapping. They may hit a fewtimes but lose "precious" time before they are identified and stopped. Three dodging-based DoS defense algorithms are developed in this work. They are moreresource-efficient than state-of-the-art DoS detection and mitigation techniques. Honeybees combines channel hopping and error-correcting codes to achieve bandwidth-efficientand energy-efficient mitigation of jamming in multi-radio networks. In roaming honeypots, dodging enables the camouflaging of honeypots, or trap machines, as real servers,making it hard for attackers to locate and avoid the traps. Furthermore, shuffling requestsover servers opens up windows of opportunity, during which legitimate requests are serviced.Live baiting, efficiently identifies service-level DoS attackers by employing results fromthe group-testing theory, discovering defective members in a population using the minimumnumber of tests. The cost and benefit of the dodging algorithms are analyzed theoretically,in simulation, and using prototype experiments

    On the Development of Real-Time Multi-User Web Applications

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    With the increasing popularity of the World Wide Web (WWW), end-user applications are moving from desktop to the browser. Web applications have several benefits over native applications: web applications have worldwide availability for any browsing capable device without prior installations. In addition, web applications are easy to distribute and update – once deployed, a web application is instantly available worldwide and further modifications to the system are propagated automatically. The current trend seems to be that web applications are offering collaboration, social connections, and user to user interactions as key features. This can be seen, for example, in the popularity of Facebook, Flickr, and Twitter. Despite all the benefits of the Web, web applications are suffering from the shortcomings in underlying technologies. The Web is strongly rooted in information sharing, and the current technical solutions isolate users rather than make them aware of each other. Since the data cannot be pushed from server to a client, the client must always initiate the communication, which causes a considerable impediment for real-time multi-user web applications, like online chats that have several concurrent users continuously interacting with each other. For such systems, it would be practical if the server could push messages to clients. As a further obstacle, most web application frameworks isolate users in their private sessions that only interact indirectly via the database. This main contribution of this thesis is to make the development of real-time multi-user web applications easier. We elaborate on the difficulties in implementation and design and introduce methods of circumventing them. The main argument is that the Web, the available technology stack, and the frameworks are difficult to use for developing real-time multi-user web applications. However, by selecting the proper approach, the problems can be solved. In this thesis, we have divided the frameworks in groups based on how they make separation of concerns between the client and the server. The separation is important as it determines the thickness of the client and thus where to locate the business logic and the application state. In addition, it has effect on the synchronization of the state between the clients. To collect experiences and for backing up our assumptions, we have implemented real-time multi-user web applications for several frameworks and studied how the frameworks should be used for enabling real-time multi-user application development