127 research outputs found

    Transition systems, metric spaces and ready sets in the semantics of uniform concurrency

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    AbstractTransition systems as proposed by Hennessy and Plotkin are defined for a series of three languages featuring concurrency. The first has shuffle and local nondeterminacy, the second synchronization merge and local nondeterminacy, and the third synchronization merge and global nondeterminacy. The languages are all uniform in the sense that the elementary actions are uninterpreted. Throughout, infinite behaviour is taken into account and modelled with infinitary languages in the sense of Nivat. A comparison with denotational semantics is provided. For the first two languages, a linear time model suffices; for the third language a branching time model with processes in the sense of de Bakker and Zucker is described. In the comparison an important role is played by an intermediate semantics in the style of Hoare and Olderog's specification oriented semantics. A variant on the notion of ready set is employed here. Precise statements are given relating the various semantics terms of a number of abstraction operators

    Safe and Verifiable Design of Concurrent Java Programs

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    The design of concurrent programs has a reputation for being difficult, and thus potentially dangerous in safetycritical real-time and embedded systems. The recent appearance of Java, whilst cleaning up many insecure aspects of OO programming endemic in C++, suffers from a deceptively simple threads model that is an insecure variant of ideas that are over 25 years old [1]. Consequently, we cannot directly exploit a range of new CASE tools -- based upon modern developments in parallel computing theory -- that can verify and check the design of concurrent systems for a variety of dangers\ud such as deadlock and livelock that otherwise plague us during testing and maintenance and, more seriously, cause catastrophic failure in service. \ud Our approach uses recently developed Java class\ud libraries based on Hoare's Communicating Sequential Processes (CSP); the use of CSP greatly simplifies the design of concurrent systems and, in many cases, a parallel approach often significantly simplifies systems originally approached sequentially. New CSP CASE tools permit designs to be verified against formal specifications\ud and checked for deadlock and livelock. Below we introduce CSP and its implementation in Java and develop a small concurrent application. The formal CSP description of the application is provided, as well as that of an equivalent sequential version. FDR is used to verify the correctness of both implementations, their\ud equivalence, and their freedom from deadlock and livelock

    A formal model of asynchronous communication and its use in mechanically verifying a biphase mark protocol

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    In this paper we present a formal model of asynchronous communication as a function in the Boyer-Moore logic. The function transforms the signal stream generated by one processor into the signal stream consumed by an independently clocked processor. This transformation 'blurs' edges and 'dilates' time due to differences in the phases and rates of the two clocks and the communications delay. The model can be used quantitatively to derive concrete performance bounds on asynchronous communications at ISO protocol level 1 (physical level). We develop part of the reusable formal theory that permits the convenient application of the model. We use the theory to show that a biphase mark protocol can be used to send messages of arbitrary length between two asynchronous processors. We study two versions of the protocol, a conventional one which uses cells of size 32 cycles and an unconventional one which uses cells of size 18. We conjecture that the protocol can be proved to work under our model for smaller cell sizes and more divergent clock rates but the proofs would be harder

    A Historical Perspective on Runtime Assertion Checking in Software Development

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    This report presents initial results in the area of software testing and analysis produced as part of the Software Engineering Impact Project. The report describes the historical development of runtime assertion checking, including a description of the origins of and significant features associated with assertion checking mechanisms, and initial findings about current industrial use. A future report will provide a more comprehensive assessment of development practice, for which we invite readers of this report to contribute information

    07361 Abstracts Collection -- Programming Models for Ubiquitous Parallelism

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    From 02.09. to 07.09.2007, the Dagstuhl Seminar 07361 ``Programming Models for Ubiquitous Parallelism\u27\u27 was held in the International Conference and Research Center (IBFI), Schloss Dagstuhl. During the seminar, several participants presented their current research, and ongoing work and open problems were discussed. Abstracts of the presentations given during the seminar as well as abstracts of seminar results and ideas are put together in this paper. The first section describes the seminar topics and goals in general. Links to extended abstracts or full papers are provided, if available
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