25 research outputs found

    Variations and Application Conditions Of the Data Type »Image« - The Foundation of Computational Visualistics

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    Few years ago, the department of computer science of the University Magdeburg invented a completely new diploma programme called 'computational visualistics', a curriculum dealing with all aspects of computational pictures. Only isolated aspects had been studied so far in computer science, particularly in the independent domains of computer graphics, image processing, information visualization, and computer vision. So is there indeed a coherent domain of research behind such a curriculum? The answer to that question depends crucially on a data structure that acts as a mediator between general visualistics and computer science: the data structure "image". The present text investigates that data structure, its components, and its application conditions, and thus elaborates the very foundations of computational visualistics as a unique and homogenous field of research. Before concentrating on that data structure, the theory of pictures in general and the definition of pictures as perceptoid signs in particular are closely examined. This includes an act-theoretic consideration about resemblance as the crucial link between image and object, the communicative function of context building as the central concept for comparing pictures and language, and several modes of reflection underlying the relation between image and image user. In the main chapter, the data structure "image" is extendedly analyzed under the perspectives of syntax, semantics, and pragmatics. While syntactic aspects mostly concern image processing, semantic questions form the core of computer graphics and computer vision. Pragmatic considerations are particularly involved with interactive pictures but also extend to the field of information visualization and even to computer art. Four case studies provide practical applications of various aspects of the analysis

    MOG 2007:Workshop on Multimodal Output Generation: CTIT Proceedings

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    This volume brings together presents a wide variety of work offering different perspectives on multimodal generation. Two different strands of work can be distinguished: half of the gathered papers present current work on embodied conversational agents (ECA’s), while the other half presents current work on multimedia applications. Two general research questions are shared by all: what output modalities are most suitable in which situation, and how should different output modalities be combined

    Human-machine communication for educational systems design

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    This book contains the papers presented at the NATO Advanced Study Institute (ASI) on the Basics of man-machine communication for the design of educational systems, held August 16-26, 1993, in Eindhoven, The Netherland

    Human-machine communication for educational systems design

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    Advances in Clinical Neurophysiology

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    Including some of the newest advances in the field of neurophysiology, this book can be considered as one of the treasures that interested scientists would like to collect. It discusses many disciplines of clinical neurophysiology that are, currently, crucial in the practice as they explain methods and findings of techniques that help to improve diagnosis and to ensure better treatment. While trying to rely on evidence-based facts, this book presents some new ideas to be applied and tested in the clinical practice. Advances in Clinical Neurophysiology is important not only for the neurophysiologists but also for clinicians interested or working in wide range of specialties such as neurology, neurosurgery, intensive care units, pediatrics and so on. Generally, this book is written and designed to all those involved in, interpreting or requesting neurophysiologic tests

    Cognitive Foundations for Visual Analytics

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    In this report, we provide an overview of scientific/technical literature on information visualization and VA. Topics discussed include an update and overview of the extensive literature search conducted for this study, the nature and purpose of the field, major research thrusts, and scientific foundations. We review methodologies for evaluating and measuring the impact of VA technologies as well as taxonomies that have been proposed for various purposes to support the VA community. A cognitive science perspective underlies each of these discussions

    Tangible auditory interfaces : combining auditory displays and tangible interfaces

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    Bovermann T. Tangible auditory interfaces : combining auditory displays and tangible interfaces. Bielefeld (Germany): Bielefeld University; 2009.Tangible Auditory Interfaces (TAIs) investigates into the capabilities of the interconnection of Tangible User Interfaces and Auditory Displays. TAIs utilise artificial physical objects as well as soundscapes to represent digital information. The interconnection of the two fields establishes a tight coupling between information and operation that is based on the human's familiarity with the incorporated interrelations. This work gives a formal introduction to TAIs and shows their key features at hand of seven proof of concept applications

    Positionnement visuel pour la réalité augmentée en environnement plan

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    Mesurer en temps réel la pose d'une caméra relativement à des repères tridimensionnels identifiés dans une image vidéo est un, sinon le pilier fondamental de la réalité augmentée. Nous proposons de résoudre ce problème dans des environnements bâtis, à l'aide de la visionpar ordinateur. Nous montrons qu'un système de positionnement plus précis que le GPS, et par ailleurs plus stable, plus rapide et moins coûteux en mémoire que d'autres systèmes de positionnement visuel introduits dans la littérature, peut êtreobtenu en faisant coopérer : approche probabiliste et géométrie aléatoire (détection a contrario des points de fuite del'image), apprentissage profond (proposition de boites contenant des façades, élaboration d'un descripteur de façades basé sur un réseau deneurones convolutifs), inférence bayésienne (recalage par espérance-maximisation d'un modèle géométrique et sémantique compactdes façades identifiées) et sélection de modèle (analyse des mouvements de la caméra par suivi de plans texturés). Nous décrivonsde plus une méthode de modélisation in situ, qui permet d'obtenir de manière fiable, de par leur confrontation immédiate à la réalité, des modèles 3D utiles au calcul de pose tel que nous l'envisageons

    History of Computer Art

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    A large text presents the history of Computer Art. The history of the artistic uses of computers and computing processes is reconstructed from its beginnings in the fifties to its present state. It points out hypertextual, modular and generative modes to use computing processes in Computer Art and features examples of early developments in media like cybernetic sculptures, video tools, computer graphics and animation (including music videos and demos), video and computer games, pervasive games, reactive installations, virtual reality, evolutionary art and net art. The functions of relevant art works are explained more detailed than is usual in such histories. From October 2011 to December 2012 the chapters have been published successively in German (The English translation started in August 2013 and was completed in June 2014)

    Visual search and VDUS

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    This wide-ranging study explored various parameters of visual search in relation to computer screen displays. Its ultimate goal was to help identify factors which could result in improvements in commercially available displays within the 'real world’. Those improvements are generally reflected in suggestions for enhancing efficiency of locatabolity of information through an acknowledgement of the visual and cognitive factors involved. The thesis commenced by introducing an ergonomics approach to the presentation of information on VDUs. Memory load and attention were discussed. In the second chapter, literature on general and theoretical aspects of visual search (with particular regard for VDUs) was reviewed. As an experimental starting point, three studies were conducted involving locating a target within arrays of varying configurations. A model concerning visual lobes was proposed. Two text-editing studies were then detailed showing superior user performances where conspicuity and the potential for peripheral vision are enhanced. Relevant eye movement data was combined with a keystroke analysis derived from an automated protocol analyser. Results of a further search task showed icons to be more quickly located within an array than textual material. Precise scan paths were then recorded and analyses suggested greater systematicity of search strategies for complex items. This led on to a relatively 'pure' search study involving materials of varying spatial frequencies. Results were discussed in terms of verbal material generally being of higher spatial frequencies and how the ease of resolution and greater cues available in peripheral vision can result in items being accessed more directly. In the final (relatively applied) study, differences in eye movement indices were found across various fonts used. One main conclusion was that eye movement monitoring was a valuable technique within the visual search/VDU research area in illuminating precise details of performance which otherwise, at best, could only be inferred