15 research outputs found

    All that glitters...: Interannotator agreement in natural language processing

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    Evaluation has emerged as a central concern in natural language processing (NLP) over the last few decades. Evaluation is done against a gold standard, a manually linguistically annotated dataset, which is assumed to provide the ground truth against which the accuracy of the NLP system can be assessed automatically. In this article, some methodological questions in connection with the creation of gold standard datasets are discussed, in particular (non-)expectations of linguistic expertise in annotators and the interannotator agreement measure standardly but unreflectedly used as a kind of quality index of NLP gold standards

    Increasing the Recall of Corpus Annotation Error Detection

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    Proceedings of the Sixth International Workshop on Treebanks and Linguistic Theories. Editors: Koenraad De Smedt, Jan Hajič and Sandra Kübler. NEALT Proceedings Series, Vol. 1 (2007), 19-30. © 2007 The editors and contributors. Published by Northern European Association for Language Technology (NEALT) http://omilia.uio.no/nealt . Electronically published at Tartu University Library (Estonia) http://hdl.handle.net/10062/4476

    LAUDATIO-Repository: Accessing a heterogeneous field of linguistic corpora with the help of an open access repository

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    International audienceAn open access to digital historical research data for historical linguistics enables a fruitful exchange of research sources and research methods. To achieve this goal the LAUDATIO-Repository provides a long-term open access to historical corpus linguistic data. By developing the LAUDATIO-Repository we also want to explore how to build repositories that are useful for a set of well defined communities but are also flexible enough to be used and extended to serve other communities not considered beforehand. Considering the user community's needs requires a clear understanding of the community's user scenarios and research

    Building and querying parallel treebanks

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    This paper describes our work on building a trilingual parallel treebank. We have annotated constituent structure trees from three text genres (a philosophy novel, economy reports and a technical user manual). Our parallel treebank includes word and phrase alignments. The alignment information was manually checked using a graphical tool that allows the annotator to view a pair of trees from parallel sentences. This tool comes with a powerful search facility which supersedes the expressivity of previous popular treebank query engines

    Graphical error mining for linguistic annotated corpora

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    Corpora contain linguistically annotated data. Producing these annotations is a complex process that easily leads to inconsistencies within the annotation. Since corpora are used to evaluate automatic language processing systems the evaluation may suffer when there are too many errors within the data. This thesis focuses on finding erroneous annotations within corpora. To detect sequence annotation errors within part-of-speech tags we implemented the algorithm introduced by Dickinson and Meurers (2003). Additionally for structured annotations we choose the approach shown in Boyd et al.(2008) that targets inconsistency within dependency structures. We designed and built a graphical user interface (GUI) that is easy to handle and user-friendly. Implementing state-of-the-art algorithms for error detection with an user-friendly interface increase the operation domain because the algorithms can be used by a wider audience without deeper knowledge of computers. It provides even non-expert users with the capability to find inconsistent pos tags and dependency structures within a corpus. We evaluate the system using the German TIGER corpus and the English Penn Treebank. For the TIGER corpus we also perform a manual evaluation where we sample 115 6-grams and check manually if these contain errors. We find that 94.96% are erroneous and it is easy to decide the correct tag as a human. For 4.20% we can say that these are errors but determining the correct tag is very to difficult. In total we detect errors with a precision of 99.16%. Only one case (0.84%) is not caused by inconsistency but constitutes genuine ambiguity

    Annotation, exploitation and evaluation of parallel corpora

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    Exchange between the translation studies and the computational linguistics communities has traditionally not been very intense. Among other things, this is reflected by the different views on parallel corpora. While computational linguistics does not always strictly pay attention to the translation direction (e.g. when translation rules are extracted from (sub)corpora which actually only consist of translations), translation studies are amongst other things concerned with exactly comparing source and target texts (e.g. to draw conclusions on interference and standardization effects). However, there has recently been more exchange between the two fields – especially when it comes to the annotation of parallel corpora. This special issue brings together the different research perspectives. Its contributions show – from both perspectives – how the communities have come to interact in recent years