2,048 research outputs found

    Oil spill detection using optical sensors: a multi-temporal approach

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    Oil pollution is one of the most destructive consequences due to human activities in the marine environment. Oil wastes come from many sources and take decades to be disposed of. Satellite based remote sensing systems can be implemented into a surveillance and monitoring network. In this study, a multi-temporal approach to the oil spill detection problem is investigated. Change Detection (CD) analysis was applied to MODIS/Terra and Aqua and OLI/Landsat 8 images of several reported oil spill events, characterized by different geographic location, sea conditions, source and extension of the spill. Toward the development of an automatic detection algorithm, a Change Vector Analysis (CVA) technique was implemented to carry out the comparison between the current image of the area of interest and a dataset of reference image, statistically analyzed to reduce the sea spectral variability between different dates. The proposed approach highlights the optical sensors’ capabilities in detecting oil spills at sea. The effectiveness of different sensors’ resolution towards the detection of spills of different size, and the relevance of the sensors’ revisiting time to track and monitor the evolution of the event is also investigated

    Land cover change analysis in Mexico using 30m Landsat and 250m MODIS data

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    Improving the RST-OIL algorithm for oil spill detection under severe sun glint conditions

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    In recent years, the risk related to oil spill accidents has significantly increased due to a global growth in offshore extraction and oil maritime transport. To ensure sea safety, the implementation of a monitoring system able to provide real-time coverage of large areas and a timely alarm in case of accidents is of major importance. Satellite remote sensing, thanks to its inherent peculiarities, has become an essential component in such a system. Recently, the general Robust Satellite Technique (RST) approach has been successfully applied to oil spill detection (RST-OIL) using optical band satellite data. In this paper, an advanced configuration of RST-OIL is presented, and we aim to extend its applicability to a larger set of observation conditions, referring, in particular, to those in the presence of severe sun glint effects that generate some detection limits to the RST-OIL standard algorithm. To test such a configuration, the DeepWater Horizon platform accident from April 2010 was selected as a test case. We analyzed a time series of Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) images that are usually significantly affected by sun glint in the Gulf of Mexico area. The accuracy of the achieved results was evaluated for comparison with a well-established satellite methodology based on microwave data, which confirms the potential of the proposed approach in identifying the oil presence on the scene with good accuracy and reliability, even in these severe conditions

    Analyzing the phenologic dynamics of kudzu (Pueraria montana) infestations using remote sensing and the normalized difference vegetation index.

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    Non-native invasive species are one of the major threats to worldwide ecosystems. Kudzu (Pueraria montana) is a fast-growing vine native to Asia that has invaded regions in the United States making management of this species an important issue. Estimated normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) values for the years 2000 to 2015 were calculated using data collected by Landsat and MODIS platforms for three infestation sites in Kentucky. The STARFM image-fusing algorithm was used to combine Landsat- and MODIS-derived NDVI into time series with a 30 m spatial resolution and 16 day temporal resolution. The fused time series was decomposed using the Breaks for Additive Season and Trend (BFAST) algorithm. Results showed that fused NDVI could be estimated for the three sites but could not detect changes over time. Combining this method with field data collection and other types of analyses may be useful for kudzu monitoring and management

    Responses of Land Surface Phenology to Wildfire Disturbances in the Western United States Forests

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    Land surface phenology (LSP) characterizes the seasonal dynamics in the vegetation communities observed for a satellite pixel and it has been widely associated with global climate change. However, LSP and its long-term trend can be influenced by land disturbance events, which could greatly interrupt the LSP responses to climate change. Wildfire is one of the main disturbance agents in the western United States (US) forests, but its impacts on LSP have not been investigated yet. To gain a comprehensive understanding of the LSP responses to wildfires in the western US forests, this dissertation focused on three research objectives: (1) to perform a case study of wildfire impacts on LSP and its trend by comparing the burned and a reference area, (2) to investigate the distribution of wildfire impacts on LSP and identify control factors by analyzing all the wildfires across the western US forests, and (3) to quantify the contributions of land cover composition and other environmental factors to the spatial and interannual variations of LSP in a recently burned landscape. The results reveal that wildfires play a significant role in influencing spatial and interannual variations in LSP across the western US forests. First, the case study showed that the Hayman Fire significantly advanced the start of growing season (SOS) and caused an advancing SOS trend comparing with a delaying trend in the reference area. Second, summarizing \u3e800 wildfires found that the shifts in LSP timing were divergent depending on individual wildfire events and burn severity. Moreover, wildfires showed a stronger impact on the end of growing season (EOS) than SOS. Last, LSP trends were interrupted by wildfires with the degree of impact largely dependent on the wildfire occurrence year. Third, LSP modeling showed that land cover composition, climate, and topography co-determine the LSP variations. Specifically, land cover composition and climate dominate the LSP spatial and interannual variations, respectively. Overall, this research improves the understanding of wildfire impacts on LSP and the underlying mechanism of various factors driving LSP. This research also provides a prototype that can be extended to investigate the impacts on LSP from other disturbances

    Detecting clear-cuts and decreases in forest vitality using MODIS NDVI time series

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    This paper examines the potential of MODIS-NDVI time series for detecting clear-cuts in a coniferous forest stand in the south of France. The proposed approach forms part of a survey monitoring the status of forest health and evaluating the forest decline phenomena observed over the last few decades. One of the prerequisites for this survey was that a rapid and easily reproducible method had to be developed that differentiates between forest clear-cuts and changes in forest health induced by environmental factors such as summer droughts. The proposed approach is based on analysis of the breakpoints detected within NDVI time series, using the "Break for Additive Seasonal and Trend" (BFAST) algorithm. To overcome difficulties detecting small areas on the study site, we chose a probabilistic approach based on the use of a conditional inference tree. For model calibration, clear-cut reference data were produced at MODIS resolution (250 m). According to the magnitude of the detected breakpoints, probability classes for the presence of clear-cuts were defined, from greater than 90% to less than 3% probability of a clear-cut. One of the advantages of the probabilistic model is that it allows end users to choose an acceptable level of uncertainty depending on the application. In addition, the use of BFAST allows events to be dated, thus making it possible to perform a retrospective analysis of decreases in forest vitality in the study area

    Spectral Characteristics and Mapping of Rice Fields using Multi-Temporal Landsat and MODIS Data: A Case of District Narowal

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    Availability of remote sensed data provides powerful access to the spatial and temporal information of the earth surface Real-time earth observation data acquired during a cropping season can assist in assessing crop growth and development performance As remote sensed data is generally available at large scale rather than at field-plot level use of this information would help to improve crop management at broad-scale Utilizing the Landsat TM ETM ISODATA clustering algorithm and MODIS Terra the normalized difference vegetation index NDVI and enhanced vegetation index EVI datasets allowed the capturing of relevant rice cropping differences In this study we tried to analyze the MODIS Terra EVI NDVI February 2000 to February 2013 datasets for rice fractional yield estimation in Narowal Punjab province of Pakistan For large scale applications time integrated series of EVI NDVI 250-m spatial resolution offer a practical approach to measure crop production as they relate to the overall plant vigor and photosynthetic activity during the growing season The required data preparation for the integration of MODIS data into GIS is described with a focus on the projection from the MODIS Sinusoidal to the national coordinate systems However its low spatial resolution has been an impediment to researchers pursuing more accurate classification results and will support environmental planning to develop sustainable land-use practices These results have important implications for parameterization of land surface process models using biophysical variables estimated from remotely sensed data and assist for forthcoming rice fractional yield assessmen

    A review of ocean color remote sensing methods and statistical techniques for the detection, mapping and analysis of phytoplankton blooms in coastal and open oceans

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    The need for more effective environmental monitoring of the open and coastal ocean has recently led to notable advances in satellite ocean color technology and algorithm research. Satellite ocean color sensors' data are widely used for the detection, mapping and monitoring of phytoplankton blooms because earth observation provides a synoptic view of the ocean, both spatially and temporally. Algal blooms are indicators of marine ecosystem health; thus, their monitoring is a key component of effective management of coastal and oceanic resources. Since the late 1970s, a wide variety of operational ocean color satellite sensors and algorithms have been developed. The comprehensive review presented in this article captures the details of the progress and discusses the advantages and limitations of the algorithms used with the multi-spectral ocean color sensors CZCS, SeaWiFS, MODIS and MERIS. Present challenges include overcoming the severe limitation of these algorithms in coastal waters and refining detection limits in various oceanic and coastal environments. To understand the spatio-temporal patterns of algal blooms and their triggering factors, it is essential to consider the possible effects of environmental parameters, such as water temperature, turbidity, solar radiation and bathymetry. Hence, this review will also discuss the use of statistical techniques and additional datasets derived from ecosystem models or other satellite sensors to characterize further the factors triggering or limiting the development of algal blooms in coastal and open ocean waters
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