2,749 research outputs found

    Screening Heuristics for the Evaluation of Covert Network Node Insertion Scenarios

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    The majority of research on covert networks uses social network analysis (SNA) to determine critical members of the network to either kill or capture for the purpose of network destabilization. This thesis takes the opposite approach and evaluates potential scenarios for inserting an agent into a covert network for information gathering purposes or future disruption operations. Due to the substantial number of potential insertion scenarios in a large network, this research proposes three screening heuristics that leverage SNA measures to reduce the solution space before applying a simple search heuristic

    Understanding Terrorist Network Topologies and Their Resilience Against Disruption

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    This article investigates the structural position of covert (terrorist or criminal) networks. Using the secrecy versus information tradeoff characterization of covert networks it is shown that their network structures are generally not small-worlds, in contradistinction to many overt social networks. This finding is backed by empirical evidence concerning Jemaah Islamiyah's Bali bombing and a heroin distribution network in New York. The importance of this finding lies in the strength such a topology provides. Disruption and attack by counterterrorist agencies often focuses on the isolation and capture of highly connected individuals. The remarkable result is that these covert networks are well suited against such targeted attacks as shown by the resilience properties of secrecy versus information balanced networks. This provides an explanation of the survival of global terrorist networks and food for thought on counterterrorism strategy policy.terror networks;terrorist cells;network structure;counterterrorism

    One-Mode Projection Analysis and Design of Covert Affiliation Networks

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    Subject classifications: Terrorism; Counterinsurgency; Intelligence; Defense; Covert networks; Affiliation networks.

    Understanding Terrorist Network Topologies and Their Resilience Against Disruption

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    This article investigates the structural position of covert (terrorist or criminal) networks. Using the secrecy versus information tradeoff characterization of covert networks it is shown that their network structures are generally not small-worlds, in contradistinction to many overt social networks. This finding is backed by empirical evidence concerning Jemaah Islamiyah's Bali bombing and a heroin distribution network in New York. The importance of this finding lies in the strength such a topology provides. Disruption and attack by counterterrorist agencies often focuses on the isolation and capture of highly connected individuals. The remarkable result is that these covert networks are well suited against such targeted attacks as shown by the resilience properties of secrecy versus information balanced networks. This provides an explanation of the survival of global terrorist networks and food for thought on counterterrorism strategy policy.

    Drug-therapy networks and the predictions of novel drug targets

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    Recently, a number of drug-therapy, disease, drug, and drug-target networks have been introduced. Here we suggest novel methods for network-based prediction of novel drug targets and for improvement of drug efficiency by analysing the effects of drugs on the robustness of cellular networks.Comment: This is an extended version of the Journal of Biology paper containing 2 Figures, 1 Table and 44 reference

    Using meta-networks to identify key intervention points in nuclear WMD development

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    The ability to identify key intervention points in the nuclear WMD development process is vital for the development of effective intervention strategies against nuclear proliferation efforts. This paper describes research in progress to investigate nuclear weapons development as a meta-network of people, knowledge, resources, locations and tasks, and to design a software tool which will be capable of identifying the key intervention points of the process based upon the available information

    Buffered Qualitative Stability explains the robustness and evolvability of transcriptional networks

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    The gene regulatory network (GRN) is the central decision‐making module of the cell. We have developed a theory called Buffered Qualitative Stability (BQS) based on the hypothesis that GRNs are organised so that they remain robust in the face of unpredictable environmental and evolutionary changes. BQS makes strong and diverse predictions about the network features that allow stable responses under arbitrary perturbations, including the random addition of new connections. We show that the GRNs of E. coli, M. tuberculosis, P. aeruginosa, yeast, mouse, and human all verify the predictions of BQS. BQS explains many of the small- and large‐scale properties of GRNs, provides conditions for evolvable robustness, and highlights general features of transcriptional response. BQS is severely compromised in a human cancer cell line, suggesting that loss of BQS might underlie the phenotypic plasticity of cancer cells, and highlighting a possible sequence of GRN alterations concomitant with cancer initiation. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.7554/eLife.02863.00

    Predicting Hierarchical Structure in Small World Social Networks

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    Understanding and combatting terrorist networks: Coupling social media mining with social network analysis

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    Throughout the past decade the methods employed by terrorist organisations have changed drastically. One of these key changes has been associated with the rise of social media such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and blogging in general. Terrorist organisations appear to be using the wide reach and vast network capabilities created by social media to disseminate propaganda, radicalise susceptible individuals, recruit potential fighters and communicate strategic and operational objectives. However, this growing terrorist presence on Social Media can also offer invaluable insights into the social networks of terrorist organisations through the use of Social Media Mining and Social Network Analysis. By coupling these two techniques together, researchers can gain a greater understanding of how to combat and possibly destabilise complex terrorist social networks and aid in the fight against radicalisation and terrorism