7 research outputs found

    A Tutorial on Speckle Reduction in Synthetic Aperture Radar Images

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    Speckle is a granular disturbance, usually modeled as a multiplicative noise, that affects synthetic aperture radar (SAR) images, as well as all coherent images. Over the last three decades, several methods have been proposed for the reduction of speckle, or despeckling, in SAR images. Goal of this paper is making a comprehensive review of despeckling methods since their birth, over thirty years ago, highlighting trends and changing approaches over years. The concept of fully developed speckle is explained. Drawbacks of homomorphic filtering are pointed out. Assets of multiresolution despeckling, as opposite to spatial-domain despeckling, are highlighted. Also advantages of undecimated, or stationary, wavelet transforms over decimated ones are discussed. Bayesian estimators and probability density function (pdf) models in both spatial and multiresolution domains are reviewed. Scale-space varying pdf models, as opposite to scale varying models, are promoted. Promising methods following non-Bayesian approaches, like nonlocal (NL) filtering and total variation (TV) regularization, are reviewed and compared to spatial- and wavelet-domain Bayesian filters. Both established and new trends for assessment of despeckling are presented. A few experiments on simulated data and real COSMO-SkyMed SAR images highlight, on one side the costperformance tradeoff of the different methods, on the other side the effectiveness of solutions purposely designed for SAR heterogeneity and not fully developed speckle. Eventually, upcoming methods based on new concepts of signal processing, like compressive sensing, are foreseen as a new generation of despeckling, after spatial-domain and multiresolution-domain method

    Contourlet Domain Image Modeling and its Applications in Watermarking and Denoising

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    Statistical image modeling in sparse domain has recently attracted a great deal of research interest. Contourlet transform as a two-dimensional transform with multiscale and multi-directional properties is known to effectively capture the smooth contours and geometrical structures in images. The objective of this thesis is to study the statistical properties of the contourlet coefficients of images and develop statistically-based image denoising and watermarking schemes. Through an experimental investigation, it is first established that the distributions of the contourlet subband coefficients of natural images are significantly non-Gaussian with heavy-tails and they can be best described by the heavy-tailed statistical distributions, such as the alpha-stable family of distributions. It is shown that the univariate members of this family are capable of accurately fitting the marginal distributions of the empirical data and that the bivariate members can accurately characterize the inter-scale dependencies of the contourlet coefficients of an image. Based on the modeling results, a new method in image denoising in the contourlet domain is proposed. The Bayesian maximum a posteriori and minimum mean absolute error estimators are developed to determine the noise-free contourlet coefficients of grayscale and color images. Extensive experiments are conducted using a wide variety of images from a number of databases to evaluate the performance of the proposed image denoising scheme and to compare it with that of other existing schemes. It is shown that the proposed denoising scheme based on the alpha-stable distributions outperforms these other methods in terms of the peak signal-to-noise ratio and mean structural similarity index, as well as in terms of visual quality of the denoised images. The alpha-stable model is also used in developing new multiplicative watermark schemes for grayscale and color images. Closed-form expressions are derived for the log-likelihood-based multiplicative watermark detection algorithm for grayscale images using the univariate and bivariate Cauchy members of the alpha-stable family. A multiplicative multichannel watermark detector is also designed for color images using the multivariate Cauchy distribution. Simulation results demonstrate not only the effectiveness of the proposed image watermarking schemes in terms of the invisibility of the watermark, but also the superiority of the watermark detectors in providing detection rates higher than that of the state-of-the-art schemes even for the watermarked images undergone various kinds of attacks

    Image Simulation in Remote Sensing

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    Remote sensing is being actively researched in the fields of environment, military and urban planning through technologies such as monitoring of natural climate phenomena on the earth, land cover classification, and object detection. Recently, satellites equipped with observation cameras of various resolutions were launched, and remote sensing images are acquired by various observation methods including cluster satellites. However, the atmospheric and environmental conditions present in the observed scene degrade the quality of images or interrupt the capture of the Earth's surface information. One method to overcome this is by generating synthetic images through image simulation. Synthetic images can be generated by using statistical or knowledge-based models or by using spectral and optic-based models to create a simulated image in place of the unobtained image at a required time. Various proposed methodologies will provide economical utility in the generation of image learning materials and time series data through image simulation. The 6 published articles cover various topics and applications central to Remote sensing image simulation. Although submission to this Special Issue is now closed, the need for further in-depth research and development related to image simulation of High-spatial and spectral resolution, sensor fusion and colorization remains.I would like to take this opportunity to express my most profound appreciation to the MDPI Book staff, the editorial team of Applied Sciences journal, especially Ms. Nimo Lang, the assistant editor of this Special Issue, talented authors, and professional reviewers

    A precise bare simulation approach to the minimization of some distances. Foundations

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    In information theory -- as well as in the adjacent fields of statistics, machine learning, artificial intelligence, signal processing and pattern recognition -- many flexibilizations of the omnipresent Kullback-Leibler information distance (relative entropy) and of the closely related Shannon entropy have become frequently used tools. To tackle corresponding constrained minimization (respectively maximization) problems by a newly developed dimension-free bare (pure) simulation method, is the main goal of this paper. Almost no assumptions (like convexity) on the set of constraints are needed, within our discrete setup of arbitrary dimension, and our method is precise (i.e., converges in the limit). As a side effect, we also derive an innovative way of constructing new useful distances/divergences. To illustrate the core of our approach, we present numerous examples. The potential for widespread applicability is indicated, too; in particular, we deliver many recent references for uses of the involved distances/divergences and entropies in various different research fields (which may also serve as an interdisciplinary interface)