187 research outputs found

    Digital and Mixed Domain Hardware Reduction Algorithms and Implementations for Massive MIMO

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    Emerging 5G and 6G based wireless communications systems largely rely on multiple-input-multiple-output (MIMO) systems to reduce inherently extensive path losses, facilitate high data rates, and high spatial diversity. Massive MIMO systems used in mmWave and sub-THz applications consists of hundreds perhaps thousands of antenna elements at base stations. Digital beamforming techniques provide the highest flexibility and better degrees of freedom for phased antenna arrays as compared to its analog and hybrid alternatives but has the highest hardware complexity. Conventional digital beamformers at the receiver require a dedicated analog to digital converter (ADC) for every antenna element, leading to ADCs for elements. The number of ADCs is the key deterministic factor for the power consumption of an antenna array system. The digital hardware consists of fast Fourier transform (FFT) cores with a multiplier complexity of (N log2N) for an element system to generate multiple beams. It is required to reduce the mixed and digital hardware complexities in MIMO systems to reduce the cost and the power consumption, while maintaining high performance. The well-known concept has been in use for ADCs to achieve reduced complexities. An extension of the architecture to multi-dimensional domain is explored in this dissertation to implement a single port ADC to replace ADCs in an element system, using the correlation of received signals in the spatial domain. This concept has applications in conventional uniform linear arrays (ULAs) as well as in focal plane array (FPA) receivers. Our analysis has shown that sparsity in the spatio-temporal frequency domain can be exploited to reduce the number of ADCs from N to where . By using the limited field of view of practical antennas, multiple sub-arrays are combined without interferences to achieve a factor of K increment in the information carrying capacity of the ADC systems. Applications of this concept include ULAs and rectangular array systems. Experimental verifications were done for a element, 1.8 - 2.1 GHz wideband array system to sample using ADCs. This dissertation proposes that frequency division multiplexing (FDM) receiver outputs at an intermediate frequency (IF) can pack multiple (M) narrowband channels with a guard band to avoid interferences. The combined output is then sampled using a single wideband ADC and baseband channels are retrieved in the digital domain. Measurement results were obtained by employing a element, 28 GHz antenna array system to combine channels together to achieve a 75% reduction of ADC requirement. Implementation of FFT cores in the digital domain is not always exact because of the finite precision. Therefore, this dissertation explores the possibility of approximating the discrete Fourier transform (DFT) matrix to achieve reduced hardware complexities at an allowable cost of accuracy. A point approximate DFT (ADFT) core was implemented on digital hardware using radix-32 to achieve savings in cost, size, weight and power (C-SWaP) and synthesized for ASIC at 45-nm technology

    Diseño y aplicaciones de sistemas de antenas inteligentes para redes inalámbricas en el contexto de la internet de las cosas

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    [SPA] Esta tesis doctoral se presenta bajo la modalidad de compendio de publicaciones. Las antenas de onda de fuga (LWA) consisten en una estructura de guía de onda que permite la fuga de parte de la potencia a lo largo de la estructura. Por esta razón, la radiación de la antena se produce por la fuga de energía. Para producir una radiación coherente, es necesario controlar esta tasa de radiación a lo largo de la estructura radiante. Así, ajustando con precisión la tasa de radiación, se controla la forma del diagrama de radiación. Las LWAs han sido ampliamente estudiadas por la comunidad científica debido a sus ventajas, tales como, red de alimentación simple, alta directividad y escaneo en frecuencia pasivo. Sin embargo, presentan ciertas desventajas entre las cuales, la más importante a destacar es el efecto de beam-squinting. Éste se produce por la propiedad dispersiva inherente a este tipo de antenas. Además, presentan dificultades a la hora de generar radiación coherente en las direcciones broadside y endfire, aumentando la complejidad del diseńo para la radiación en dichas direcciones. Las LWA han sido relativamente poco utilizadas en aplicaciones prácticas hasta la fecha, a pesar de sus ventajas. Las pocas aplicaciones en las que se han utilizado son los radares de onda continua modulada en frecuencia y los sistemas de enfoque controlado en frecuencia de campo cercano. Esta tesis propone el uso de las LWAs en aplicaciones prácticas aprovechando las ventajas mencionadas anteriormente y teniendo en cuenta los inconvenientes de este tipo de antenas para que su uso no sea limitado. Recientemente, las LWAs han sido propuestas para aplicaciones de localización de bajo coste, ya que permiten el diseńo de estructuras planas con haces directivos. Además, debido al aumento exponencial del uso de la tecnología, es necesario encontrar nuevas tecnologías para una transmisión de datos mayor, más rápida y más eficiente, manteniendo bajos costes de fabricación. Por lo tanto las LWAs pueden ser una solución crucial al mezclar bajos costes de fabricación, alta integrabilidad en diferentes sistemas debido a su tecnología impresa planar y alta directividad al mismo tiempo que se aprovecha su característica dispersiva que proporciona un escaneo pasivo en frecuencia. En este contexto, la principal aportación de esta Tesis consiste en el estudio, análisis, diseńo e integración de LWAs en aplicaciones reales y prácticas. Esta Tesis presenta las siguientes tres contribuciones principales, definidas en los tres bloques principales de este documento: • Estudio y análisis de LWAs para su uso en sistemas de estimación de dirección de llegada basados en técnicas de amplitud de monopulso. Comparar las características y prestaciones de las LWAs junto con las antenas comerciales más utilizadas. Para ello, diseńar y fabricar las HWM-LWAs con el fin de comparar sus prestaciones con las antenas de panel adquiridas comercialmente. Dado que cada aplicación requiere el diseńo de una HWM-LWA nueva y diferente, estudiar y proponer una técnica eficiente de análisis y diseńo de antenas para obtener fácilmente diagramas de radiación monopulso escaneados en frecuencia. • Una vez analizado que las HWM-LWA son una solución factible para su uso en aplicaciones reales de localización debido a sus diversas ventajas. Integrar las HWM-LWAs diseńadas en sistemas digitales para estimación del ángulo de llegada en interiores. Por lo tanto, diseńar, desarrollar, configurar e integrar las LWAs en diferentes sistemas basados en las bandas de frecuencia Wi-Fi ISM de 2,4 GHz y 5 GHz. Finalmente, comparar los resultados de estimación obtenidos con otras soluciones propuestas para corroborar que los LWAs pueden ser utilizados en aplicaciones reales. • Asimismo, debido a su bajo coste de fabricación y a su principal propiedad de escaneo en frecuencia. Ampliar el uso de las LWAs para la localización angular en redes de sensores inalámbricas (WSN) utilizando la banda de frecuencias UHF de 900 MHz. Utilizando así etiquetas RFID pasivas. También estudiar su aplicabilidad en WSNs utilizando etiquetas LoRa activas. Este documento se presenta como una Tesis por compendio, por lo que se presentarán y explicarán brevemente los 4 artículos de revistas que se han publicado durante el programa de doctorado. Además, también se presentarán algunos artículos de conferencias y otros trabajos en revisión para exponer algunas de las investigaciones que no han sido publicadas en revistas hasta la fecha de depósito de tesis. El documento está organizado como se indica a continuación: En la Introducción, se presenta una contextualización del estado del arte y una explicación rigurosa sobre las LWAs y las aplicaciones anteriormente mencionadas. Las dos partes siguientes se vi dedican a presentar y explicar brevemente los trabajos publicados que contribuyen a esta Tesis. En la parte II, se presentan los cuatro artículos que conforman el compendio. Esto es, el análisis de las LWAs para la estimación de la dirección del ángulo de llegada y la integración de las LWAs en sistemas de localización digital usando el protocolo Wi-Fi en el Capítulo 1, la banda de frecuencias ISM UHF 900 MHz se utiliza junto con los HWM-LWAs en el Capítulo 2, luego se implementa en un sistema en tiempo real para la estimación de la dirección de llegada de múltiples tags pasivos en el Capítulo 3 y la integración de LoRa en el Capítulo 4. Finalmente, en la Parte III, se discuten las conclusiones generales y las futuras líneas de investigación. [ENG] This doctoral dissertation has been presented in the form of thesis by publication. Leaky-Wave Antennas (LWA) consist on a waveguide structure which allows the leakage of part of the power along the structure. For this reason, the radiation of the antenna is produced by the leakage of power. In order to produce coherent radiation, it is necessary to control this leakage rate along the radiating structure. Thus, precisely adjusting the leakage rate, the shape of the radiation pattern is controlled. LWAs have been widely studied by the scientific community due to their advantages, such as, simple feeding network, high directivity and passive frequency-scanning performance. However, they present certain disadvantages among which, the most important to highlight is the beam-squinting effect. TThis is due to the inherent dispersion property of this type of antenna. In addition, LWAs present difficulties when generating coherent radiation in broadside and endfire directions, increasing the complexity of the design for radiation in these directions. LWAs have been relatively unused in practical applications to date, despite of their benefits. The few applications in which they have been used are frequency modulated continuous wave radars and near-field frequency controlled focusing systems.This thesis proposes the use of LWAs in practical applications by exploiting the advantages mentioned above while taking into account the drawbacks of this type of antennas so that their use is not limited. Recently, LWAs have been proposed for low-cost localization applications, as they allow the design of planar structures with directive beams. In addition, due to the exponential increase in the use of technology, it is necessary to find new technologies for higher, faster and more efficient data transmission while maintaining low manufacturing costs. Therefore, LWAs can be a crucial solution mixing low manufacturing costs, high integrability in different systems due to their planar printed technology and high directivity while taking advantage of their dispersive characteristic that provides passive frequency scanning. In this context, the main contribution of this Thesis consist of the study, analysis, design and integration of LWAs in real and practical applications. This Thesis presents the following three main contributions, defined in the three main blocks of this document: • Study and analysis of LWAs for its use in direction of arrival estimation systems based on monopulse amplitude techniques. Compare the characteristics and performance of LWAs along with widely used commercial antennas. For this purpose, design and manufacture the HWM-LWAs in order to compare their performance with commercially acquired panel antennas. Since each application requires the design of a new and different HWM-LWA, a main objective of this block is to study and propose an efficient antenna analysis and design technique to facilitate obtaining frequency-scanned monopulse patterns. • Once analyzed that LWAs are a feasible solution for its use in real localization applications due to their several advantages, integrate the designed half-width microstrip (HWM-LWAs) in digital indoor angle-of-arrival estimation systems. Therefore, design, develop, configure and integrate LWAs in different systems based on the Wi-Fi ISM 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz frequency bands. Finally, compare the obtained estimation results with other proposed solutions to corroborate that LWAs can be used in real applications. • Extending the use of antennas for angular localization in sensor networks using the 900 MHz UHF frequency band: the main properties of low manufacturing cost and passive frequency beam scanning can be used in other applications. Thus, the localization estimation of passive RFID tags is studied, as well as their application in Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) using active tags with LORA technology. This document is presented as a Thesis by compilation, so the 4 journal articles that have been published during the Ph.D program will be presented and briefly explained. Besides, some conference articles and other work under review will be also presented to expose some of the research that has not been published in journals. The document is organized as outlined hereafter: In Part I, a state-of-the-art contextualization, a rigorous explanation about LWAs and the previous applications mentioned above is presented. The next two parts are dedicated to present and briefly explain the published works included in this Thesis and their main contributions. In Part II the explanation of the four papers which compose the compendium are presented. This is, LWAs analysis for direction of arrival estimation and the integration of LWAs in digital Wi-Fi localization systems in chapter 1, the UHF 900 MHz ISM frequency band is used in conjunction with HWM-LWAs in chapter 2, then, it is implemented in a real time system for direction of arrival estimation of multi RFID tags in chapter 3 and LoRa integration in chapter 4. Finally, in Part III, the overall conclusions and the future research lines are discussed.Esta tesis doctoral se presenta bajo la modalidad de compendio de publicaciones. Está formada por un total de cuatro artículos. Article 1.-: A. Gil-Martinez, M. Poveda-Garcia, J. A. Lopez-Pastor, J. C. Sanchez-Aarnoutse and J. L. Gomez-Tornero, Wi-Fi Direction Finding with Frequency-Scanned Antenna and Channel Hopping Scheme IEEE sensors Journal, , vol. 22, no. 6, pp. 5210-5222, 2022. DOI: 10.1109/JSEN.2021.3122232. Article 2.-: A. Gil-Martinez, M. Poveda-Garcia, D. Cañete-Rebenaque, and J. L. Gomez-Tornero, Frequency-Scanned Monopulse Antenna for RSSI-based Direction Finding of UHF RFID tags IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters,, vol. 21, no. 1, pp. 158-162, 2022. DOI: 10.1109/LAWP.2021.3122232. Article 3.-: A. Gil-Martinez, M. Poveda-Garcia, J. Garcia-Fernandez, M. Campo-Valera, D. Cañete-Rebenaque, and J. L. Gomez-Tornero, Direction Finding of RFID tags in UHF Band Using a Passive Beam-Scanning Leaky-Wave Antenna IEEE Journal of Radio Frequency Identi cation, doi: 10.1109/JRFID.2021.3122233. Article 4.-: J. L. Gomez-Tornero, A. Gil-Martinez, M. Poveda-Garcia and D. Cañete-Rebenaque, ARIEL: Passive Beam-Scanning Antenna TeRminal for Iridiscent and E cient LEO Satellite Connectivity in IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, doi: 10.1109/LAWP.2022.3193040.Escuela Internacional de Doctorado de la Universidad Politécnica de CartagenaUniversidad Politécnica de CartagenaPrograma Doctorado en Tecnologías de la Información y las Comunicacione

    Orbital Angular Momentum Waves: Generation, Detection and Emerging Applications

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    Orbital angular momentum (OAM) has aroused a widespread interest in many fields, especially in telecommunications due to its potential for unleashing new capacity in the severely congested spectrum of commercial communication systems. Beams carrying OAM have a helical phase front and a field strength with a singularity along the axial center, which can be used for information transmission, imaging and particle manipulation. The number of orthogonal OAM modes in a single beam is theoretically infinite and each mode is an element of a complete orthogonal basis that can be employed for multiplexing different signals, thus greatly improving the spectrum efficiency. In this paper, we comprehensively summarize and compare the methods for generation and detection of optical OAM, radio OAM and acoustic OAM. Then, we represent the applications and technical challenges of OAM in communications, including free-space optical communications, optical fiber communications, radio communications and acoustic communications. To complete our survey, we also discuss the state of art of particle manipulation and target imaging with OAM beams

    Advanced Radio Frequency Antennas for Modern Communication and Medical Systems

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    The main objective of this book is to present novel radio frequency (RF) antennas for 5G, IOT, and medical applications. The book is divided into four sections that present the main topics of radio frequency antennas. The rapid growth in development of cellular wireless communication systems over the last twenty years has resulted in most of world population owning smartphones, smart watches, I-pads, and other RF communication devices. Efficient compact wideband antennas are crucial in RF communication devices. This book presents information on planar antennas, cavity antennas, Vivaldi antennas, phased arrays, MIMO antennas, beamforming phased array reconfigurable Pabry-Perot cavity antennas, and time modulated linear array

    1-D broadside-radiating leaky-wave antenna based on a numerically synthesized impedance surface

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    A newly-developed deterministic numerical technique for the automated design of metasurface antennas is applied here for the first time to the design of a 1-D printed Leaky-Wave Antenna (LWA) for broadside radiation. The surface impedance synthesis process does not require any a priori knowledge on the impedance pattern, and starts from a mask constraint on the desired far-field and practical bounds on the unit cell impedance values. The designed reactance surface for broadside radiation exhibits a non conventional patterning; this highlights the merit of using an automated design process for a design well known to be challenging for analytical methods. The antenna is physically implemented with an array of metal strips with varying gap widths and simulation results show very good agreement with the predicted performance

    Beam scanning by liquid-crystal biasing in a modified SIW structure

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    A fixed-frequency beam-scanning 1D antenna based on Liquid Crystals (LCs) is designed for application in 2D scanning with lateral alignment. The 2D array environment imposes full decoupling of adjacent 1D antennas, which often conflicts with the LC requirement of DC biasing: the proposed design accommodates both. The LC medium is placed inside a Substrate Integrated Waveguide (SIW) modified to work as a Groove Gap Waveguide, with radiating slots etched on the upper broad wall, that radiates as a Leaky-Wave Antenna (LWA). This allows effective application of the DC bias voltage needed for tuning the LCs. At the same time, the RF field remains laterally confined, enabling the possibility to lay several antennas in parallel and achieve 2D beam scanning. The design is validated by simulation employing the actual properties of a commercial LC medium

    Antenna System Design for 5G and Beyond – A Modal Approach

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    Antennas are one of the key components that empower a new generation of wireless technologies, such as 5G and new radar systems. It has been shown that antenna design strategies based on modal theories represent a powerful systematic approach to design practical antenna systems with high performance. In this thesis, several innovative multi-antenna systems are proposed for wireless applications in different frequency bands: from sub-6 GHz to millimeter-wave (mm-wave) bands. The thesis consists of an overview (Part I) and six scientific papers published in peer-reviewed international journals (Part II). Part I provides the overall framework of the thesis work: It presents the background and motivation for the problems at hand, the fundamental modal theories utilized to address these problems, as well as subject-specific research challenges. Brief conclusions and future outlook are also provided. The included papers of Part II can be divided into two tracks with different 5G and beyond wireless applications, both aiming for higher data rates.In the first track, Papers [I] to [IV] investigate different aspects of antenna system design for smart-phone application. Since Long Term Evolution (LTE) (so-called 3.5G) was deployed in 2009, mobile communication systems have utilized multiple-input multiple-output antenna technology (MIMO) technology to increase the spectral efficiency of the transmission channel and provide higher data rates in existing and new sub-6 GHz bands. However, MIMO requires multi-antennas at both the base stations and the user equipment (mainly smartphones) and it is very challenging to implement sub-6 GHz multi-antennas within the limited space of smartphones. This points to the need for innovative design strategies. The theory of characteristic modes (TCM) is one type of modal theory in the antenna community, which has been shown to be a versatile tool to analyze the inherent resonance properties of an arbitrarily shaped radiating structure. Characteristic modes (CMs) have the useful property of their fields being orthogonal over both the source region and the sphere at infinity. This property makes TCM uniquely suited for electrically compact MIMO antenna design.In the second track, Papers [V]-[VI] investigate new integrated antenna arrays and subarrays for the two wireless applications, which are both implemented in a higher part of the mm-wave frequency range (i.e. E-band). Furthermore, a newly developed high resolution multi-layer “Any-Layer” PCB technology is investigated to realize antenna-in-package solutions for these mmwave antenna system designs. High gain and high efficiency antennas are essential for high-speed wireless point-to-point communication systems. To meet these requirements, Paper [V] proposes directive multilayer substrate integrated waveguide (SIW) cavity-backed slot antenna array and subarray. As a background, the microwave community has already shown the benefits of modal theory in the design and analysis of closed structures like waveguides and cavities. Higher-order cavity modes are used in the antenna array design process to facilitate lower loss, simpler feeding network, and lower sensitivity to fabrication errors, which are favorable for E-band communication systems. However, waveguide/cavity modes are confined to fields within the guided media and can only help to design special types of antennas that contain those structures. As an example of the versatility of TCM, Paper [VI] shows that apart from smartphone antenna designs proposed in Papers [I]-[IV], TCM can alsobe used to find the desirable modes of the linear antenna arrays. Furthermore, apart from E-band communications, the proposed series-fed patch array topology in Paper [VI] is a good candidate for application in 79 GHz MIMO automotive radar due to its low cost, compact size, ability to suppress surface waves, as well as relatively wide impedance and flat-gain bandwidths

    Low-Cost Beam Steerable Antennas Using Parasitic Elements

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    Beam steerable antennas are considered as a possible solution for meeting challenges in military and civilian systems such as satellite communication networks, automotive collision avoidance radar, base stations and biomedical applications. Phased array antennas are a natural choice as the foundation for many steerable antenna platform due to its exibility and gain scalability. The implementation of a phased array requires a large number of electronic components, tending to drive the cost of phased arrays and limit their usage to military applications. The electrically steerable parasitic array radiator (ESPAR) has been introduced as an antenna which is capable of adaptively controlling its beam pattern using parasitic elements loaded with varactors. ESPAR has attracted the attention of researchers from the desire for electrically scanned beams with inexpensive fabrication and has found as a suitable candidate for communication systems applications, including advanced radars, cellular base stations and space communications. The ultimate goal of this research is to design and propose state of the art designs in the �eld of ESPAR that can satisfy the requirements of today's advanced communication systems, which should be cost-e�ective and can compete with other rival technologies. Considering the potentials of ESPAR, it can be proved that it is a good candidate for modern wireless communications. The thesis presents several contributions related to the design and analysis of ESPAR technology using dielectric resonator antenna (DRA) as the main radiator element. First, the thesis presents solutions to alleviate the problems associated in implementing a large ESPAR. The large array is useful in many applications since some required recon�gurable radiation characteristics may not be achievable with a single ESPAR element. The proposed structure consists of 240 perforated DRAs, whichare uniformly excited by a parallel-series feeding network. By employing the perforation technique, the need for aligning and bonding individual DRA is eliminated. The subarrays are placed in an interleaved arrangement to suppress the grating lobes. The proposed large ESPAR can incredibly reduce the number of phase shifter by 80% in comparison with the conventional phased array, which makes it inexpensive. Second, the thesis investigates potentials of ESPAR for massive multi-input multiple output (MIMO) communication. Massive MIMO technology has attracted tremendous interest due to its capabilities in enhancing the data transmission capacity, increasing the reliability, and reducing the multipath fading. However, in this technology for feeding each individual antenna, one radio frequency chain is required that can increase the power consumption and complexity of the structure. Moreover, to obtain decorrelated channels and to reduce mutual coupling, the antenna should be spaced suffciently far from each other that imposes increased physical dimensions. In contrast to the conventional MIMO structures, in ESPAR only one RF chain is needed and the small size constraint turns to be an advantage as the mutual coupling is exploited to form the desired signals. Furthermore, by controlling the tunable loads at each parasitic antenna element, different radiation patterns can be formed which can signi�cantly improve the performance of a MIMO antenna system operating in a changing environment. Thus, by using the advantages of ESPAR, a design approach to address the size and cost issues is proposed through this work. The proposed design is validated by simulation and measurement of a prototype, and results include the antenna and MIMO �gure of merits such as radiation patterns, efficiency, S-parameters, signal correlations, total active reection coeffcient (TARC), and channel capacity. These results have demonstrated that the proposed ESPAR design can be successfully implemented for a massive MIMO structure. Finally, the thesis presents an effective method to design a ESPAR with a circularly polarized (CP) beam-scanning feature. Circular polarization is an ideal polarization due to its advantages in signal propagation properties, which can address the di�culties associated with mobility, inclement weather conditions, and immunity to multi path distortion. In this work, the CP beam steering is achieved by adopting a sequential rotation approach for placing the parasitic antennas that are loaded with tunable varactors. The proposed CP-ESPAR technique eliminates the need of expensive phase shifters, which signi�cantly reduces cost and fabrication complexity. For performance evaluation, a prototype of the proposed antenna is designed, fabricated, and measured. It is observed that the proposed antenna has a monotonic CP beam scanning from { 22 to 22 operating at 10.5 GHz

    New broadband, low cost and compact MIMO radar frontends

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    En esta disertación industrial, se han abordado una variedad de nuevas ideas. En el capítulo 2, se expone una breve introducción a la teoría básica de los radares tipo MIMO, así como también conceptos esenciales como FMCW, TDM o la estimación de ángulos. En el siguiente capítulo, un radar de tipo MIMO es presentado. En el varias tarjetas de circuitos impresos son apiladas, creando de esta forma, una agrupación de antenas de gran ancho de banda bidimensional. Mis trabajo es presentado en este capítulo, así también como las imágenes radar finales. Al final, el incremento de resolución debido a la técnica MIMO se demuestra exitosamente. Una iteración de el prototipo es presentado en el capítulo 4. Este radar sustituye las múltiples tarjetas impresas por una sola, la cual contiene RSPA basadas en cavidades de aire. Este circuito se ha diseñado con dos cadenas de conmutadores independientes, de tal forma que se dos formas de onda podrían ser enviadas de forma simultánea. Por ello, un radar en tiempo real, como por ejemplo un radar OFMD puede ser probado con este hardware. La característica zona vacía de los radares MIMO ha sido ocupada con una segunda funcionalidad. Primero, con antenas espirales para las comunicaciones y después a cámara, la cual mejora la detección, clasificación y el rastreo de objetivos. El capítulo 5 introduce novedosos componentes de RF, de muy ancho de banda e integrables con tarjetas de circuito impreso como un Divisor Wilkinson y una antena impresa en 3D. Estos componentes han sido diseñado, fabricado y medido de forma satisfactoria. El gran ancho de banda objetivo permite a estos componentes operar para múltiples funciones. El capítulo 6 introduce nuevos componentes clave de bajas pérdidas como el acoplador Moreno y la antena de guía de ondas ranurada en una nueva y prometedora tecnología. ESIW reduce las pérdidas de las guías de ondas integradas eliminando el dieléctrico interno. Estos componentes han sido diseñados, fabricados y medidos. Los prototipos producidos son un primer paso antes de un refinamiento final antes de introducir el producto al mercado. Además, se han explorado tecnología más disruptivas para futuros proyectos.In this industrial dissertation, a variety of new and creative ideas has been adressed. In Chapter 2, a brief introduction to an existing MIMO radar theory as well as to the neccessary basic concepts of FMCW, TDM and angle estimation has been given. After that, in Chapter 3 a complete and fully functional MIMO radar has been presented. The sandwich approach enabled to stack PCBs to make up a modular bi-dimensional array of very wideband TSA antennas. My contributions to this radar have been presented in detail as well as the final imaging results, in which the increment of the resolution due to the MIMO technique has succesfully been tested. A next iteration of the portotype has been introduced in Chapter 4. This radar replaces the multiple stacked PCBs by a single one, which is populated with air-cavity-based RSPAs. This PCB has been designed with two independent switch chains, in such a manner that the two different waveforms can be sent simultaneously. Therefore, a real time radar, as for instance OFMD can be tested with this hardware. The characteristic inoccupied space at the center of a bidimentional MIMO array is filled with a second funtionality. Firstly, spiral antennas for communication have been designed, integrated and tested. Secondly, the spiral antennas have been cut off. In the remaining hole, a camara, which improves the detection, clasification and tracking of targets, has been placed. Chapter 5 presents new, very broadband (4-40 GHz) and integrable-with-PCBs RF components as a Wilkinson divider and a 3D printed TEM horn antenna. These components have succesfuly been designed, fabricated and tested. The targeted wide frequency range allows the usage of these components for multiple functions. In Chapter 6 new low losses key components as the Moreno cross-guide coupler and slotted waveguide antenna are presented in a new very promising technology. ESIW reduces the loss of the integrated waveguides (SIW) by removing the inner dielectric, following a very interesting fabrication process. These two components have been, designed, fabricated and measured. On one hand, the produced prototypes are the first step towards further Airbus refinement before introducing a product to the market. On the other hand, some disruptive technologies and components have been explored in order to keep track of the following advances in terms of innovation.En aquesta dissertació industrial, s'han abordat una varietat de noves idees. En el capítol 2, s'exposa una breu introducció a la teoria bàsica dels radars tipus MIMO i conceptes essencials com FMCW, TDM o l'estimació d'angles. En el següent capítol, un radar de tipus MIMO és presentat. Diverses targetes de circuits impresos són apilades, creant d'aquesta manera, una agrupació d'antenes bidimensional de gran ample de banda. El meu treball és presentat en aquest capítol, així també com les imatges radar finals. Al final, l'increment de resolució a causa de la tècnica MIMO es demostra amb èxit. La següent iteració del prototip és presentada al capítol 4. Aquest radar substitueix les múltiples targetes impreses per una sola, la qual conté RSPA basades en cavitats d'aire. Aquest circuit s'ha dissenyat amb dues cadenes de commutadors independents, de tal manera que dues formes d'ona podrien ser enviades de forma simultània. Per això, un radar en temps real, com per exemple un radar OFMD pot ser provat amb aquest radar. La característica zona buida dels radars MIMO ha estat ocupada amb una segona funcionalitat. Primer, amb antenes espirals per a les comunicacions i després per a càmera, la qual millora la detecció, classificació i el rastreig d'objectius. El capítol 5 introdueix nous components de RF, de molt ample de banda i integrables amb targetes de circuit imprès com un Divisor Wilkinson i una antena impresa en 3D. Aquests components han estat dissenyats, fabricats i mesurats de forma satisfactòria. El gran ample de banda objectiu permet a aquests components operar per a múltiples funcions. El capítol 6 introdueix nous components clau de baixes pèrdues com el acoblador Moreno i l'antena de guia d'ones ranurada en una nova i prometedora tecnologia. ESIW redueix les pèrdues de les guies d'ones integrades eliminant el dielèctric intern. Aquests components han estat dissenyats, fabricats i mesurats. Els prototips produïts són un primer pas abans d'un refinament final abans d'introduir el producte al mercat. A més, s'han explorat tecnologia més disruptives per a futurs projectes.Miralles Navarro, E. (2018). New broadband, low cost and compact MIMO radar frontends [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/107960TESI