548 research outputs found

    Modelling and analysing user views of telecommunications services

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    User views of calls are modelled by behaviour trees, which are synchronised to form a network of users. High level presentations of the models are given using process algebra and an explicit theory of features, including precedences. These precedences abstractly encapsulate the possible state spaces which result from different combinations of features. The high level presentation supports incremental development of features and testing and experimentation through animation. Interactions which are not detected during the experimentation phase may be found through static analysis of the high level presentation, through dynamic analysis of the under-lying low level transition system, and through verification of temporal properties through model-checking. In each case, interactions are resolved through manipulation of the feature precedences

    Web Services: A Process Algebra Approach

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    It is now well-admitted that formal methods are helpful for many issues raised in the Web service area. In this paper we present a framework for the design and verification of WSs using process algebras and their tools. We define a two-way mapping between abstract specifications written using these calculi and executable Web services written in BPEL4WS. Several choices are available: design and correct errors in BPEL4WS, using process algebra verification tools, or design and correct in process algebra and automatically obtaining the corresponding BPEL4WS code. The approaches can be combined. Process algebra are not useful only for temporal logic verification: we remark the use of simulation/bisimulation both for verification and for the hierarchical refinement design method. It is worth noting that our approach allows the use of any process algebra depending on the needs of the user at different levels (expressiveness, existence of reasoning tools, user expertise)

    Applying formal methods to standard development: the open distributed processing experience

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    Since their introduction, formal methods have been applied in various ways to different standards. This paper gives an account of these applications, focusing on one application in particular: the development of a framework for creating standards for Open Distributed Processing (ODP). Following an introduction to ODP, the paper gives an insight into the current work on formalising the architecture of the Reference Model of ODP (RM-ODP), highlighting the advantages to be gained. The different approaches currently being taken are shown, together with their associated advantages and disadvantages. The paper concludes that there is no one all-purpose approach which can be used in preference to all others, but that a combination of approaches is desirable to best fulfil the potential of formal methods in developing an architectural semantics for OD

    TURTLE-P: a UML profile for the formal validation of critical and distributed systems

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    The timed UML and RT-LOTOS environment, or TURTLE for short, extends UML class and activity diagrams with composition and temporal operators. TURTLE is a real-time UML profile with a formal semantics expressed in RT-LOTOS. Further, it is supported by a formal validation toolkit. This paper introduces TURTLE-P, an extended profile no longer restricted to the abstract modeling of distributed systems. Indeed, TURTLE-P addresses the concrete descriptions of communication architectures, including quality of service parameters (delay, jitter, etc.). This new profile enables co-design of hardware and software components with extended UML component and deployment diagrams. Properties of these diagrams can be evaluated and/or validated thanks to the formal semantics given in RT-LOTOS. The application of TURTLE-P is illustrated with a telecommunication satellite system

    Review of Estelle and LOTOS with respect to critical computer applications

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    Man rated NASA space vehicles seem to represent a set of ultimate critical computer applications. These applications require a high degree of security, integrity, and safety. A variety of formal and/or precise modeling techniques are becoming available for the designer of critical systems. The design phase of the software engineering life cycle includes the modification of non-development components. A review of the Estelle and LOTOS formal description languages is presented. Details of the languages and a set of references are provided. The languages were used to formally describe some of the Open System Interconnect (OSI) protocols

    Process algebra for performance evaluation

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    This paper surveys the theoretical developments in the field of stochastic process algebras, process algebras where action occurrences may be subject to a delay that is determined by a random variable. A huge class of resource-sharing systems – like large-scale computers, client–server architectures, networks – can accurately be described using such stochastic specification formalisms. The main emphasis of this paper is the treatment of operational semantics, notions of equivalence, and (sound and complete) axiomatisations of these equivalences for different types of Markovian process algebras, where delays are governed by exponential distributions. Starting from a simple actionless algebra for describing time-homogeneous continuous-time Markov chains, we consider the integration of actions and random delays both as a single entity (like in known Markovian process algebras like TIPP, PEPA and EMPA) and as separate entities (like in the timed process algebras timed CSP and TCCS). In total we consider four related calculi and investigate their relationship to existing Markovian process algebras. We also briefly indicate how one can profit from the separation of time and actions when incorporating more general, non-Markovian distributions

    Formal verification: further complexity issues and applications

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    Prof. Giacomo Cioffi (Università di Roma "La Sapienza"), Prof. Fabio Panzieri (Università di Bologna), Dott.ssa Carla Limongelli (Università di Roma Tre)

    A design model for Open Distributed Processing systems

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    This paper proposes design concepts that allow the conception, understanding and development of complex technical structures for open distributed systems. The proposed concepts are related to, and partially motivated by, the present work on Open Distributed Processing (ODP). As opposed to the current ODP approach, the concepts are aimed at supporting a design trajectory with several, related abstraction levels. Simple examples are used to illustrate the proposed concepts