5 research outputs found

    Pemanfaatan Augmented Reality Sebagai Media Pembelajaran Di Masa Pandemi Pada Mata Kuliah Desain Grafis

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    Pandemi covid-19 yang terjadi di seluruh dunia telah merubah pola dan sistem pembelajaran langsung atau tatap muka menjadi daring atau online. Perubahan ini tentu mengalami banyak kendala terutama dalam proses pemahaman konsep yang membutuhkan tingkat visualisasi yang tinggi, khususnya pada mata kuliah desain grafis. Salah satu konsep yang membutuhkan tingkat visual tinggi adalah konsep rancang bangun atau desain eksterior 3D. Materi ini jika hanya diajarkan melalui buku teks, gambar ataupun secara daring tentu hasil pembelajaran tidak akan maksimal. Penelitian ini bertujuan membuat media pembelajaran desain grafis berbasis Augmented Reality untuk mendukung proses pembelajaran pada masa pandemi covid-19. Aplikasi Assemblr yang dimanfaatkan dalam pembuatan media pembelajaran ini dapat diakses secara realtime melalui Smartphone Android kapanpun dan dimanapun sehingga mahasiswa dapat belajar secara mandiri. Fungsi, objek dan menu yang disediakan dalam Aplikasi Assemblr sangat banyak, mudah digunakan, dan sangat mendukung untuk pembelajaran desain grafis.  Penelitian ini menghasilkan sebuah media pembelajaran interaktif  yang menarik dan menyenangkan pada pembelajaran desain grafis, karena hasil rancangan atau desain dapat ditampilkan langsung dalam bentuk 3D dan Augmented realit

    HAPPY: Hip Arthroscopy Portal Placement Using Augmented Reality

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    Correct positioning of the endoscope is crucial for successful hip arthroscopy. Only with adequate alignment can the anatomical target area be visualized and the procedure be successfully performed. Conventionally, surgeons rely on anatomical landmarks such as bone structure, and on intraoperative X-ray imaging, to correctly place the surgical trocar and insert the endoscope to gain access to the surgical site. One factor complicating the placement is deformable soft tissue, as it can obscure important anatomical landmarks. In addition, the commonly used endoscopes with an angled camera complicate hand-eye coordination and, thus, navigation to the target area. Adjusting for an incorrectly positioned endoscope prolongs surgery time, requires a further incision and increases the radiation exposure as well as the risk of infection. In this work, we propose an augmented reality system to support endoscope placement during arthroscopy. Our method comprises the augmentation of a tracked endoscope with a virtual augmented frustum to indicate the reachable working volume. This is further combined with an in situ visualization of the patient anatomy to improve perception of the target area. For this purpose, we highlight the anatomy that is visible in the endoscopic camera frustum and use an automatic colorization method to improve spatial perception. Our system was implemented and visualized on a head-mounted display. The results of our user study indicate the benefit of the proposed system compared to baseline positioning without additional support, such as an increased alignment speed, improved positioning error and reduced mental effort. The proposed approach might aid in the positioning of an angled endoscope, and may result in better access to the surgical area, reduced surgery time, less patient trauma, and less X-ray exposure during surgery

    Distance mis-estimations can be reduced with specific shadow locations

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    Shadows in physical space are copious, yet the impact of specific shadow placement and their abundance is yet to be determined in virtual environments. This experiment aimed to identify whether a target’s shadow was used as a distance indicator in the presence of binocular distance cues. Six lighting conditions were created and presented in virtual reality for participants to perform a perceptual matching task. The task was repeated in a cluttered and sparse environment, where the number of cast shadows (and their placement) varied. Performance in this task was measured by the directional bias of distance estimates and variability of responses. No significant difference was found between the sparse and cluttered environments, however due to the large amount of variance, one explanation is that some participants utilised the clutter objects as anchors to aid them, while others found them distracting. Under-setting of distances was found in all conditions and environments, as predicted. Having an ambient light source produced the most variable and inaccurate estimates of distance, whereas lighting positioned above the target reduced the mis-estimation of distances perceived

    Design and Evaluation of Neurosurgical Training Simulator

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    Surgical simulators are becoming more important in surgical training. Consumer smartphone technology has improved to allow deployment of VR applications and are now being targeted for medical training simulators. A surgical simulator has been designed using a smartphone, Google cardboard 3D glasses, and the Leap Motion (LM) hand controller. Two expert and 16 novice users were tasked with completing the same pointing tasks using both the LM and the medical simulator NeuroTouch. The novice users had an accuracy of 0.2717 bits (SD 0.3899) and the experts had an accuracy of 0.0925 bits (SD 0.1210) while using the NeuroTouch. Novices and experts improved their accuracy to 0.3585 bits (SD 0.4474) and 0.4581 bits (SD 0.3501) while using the LM. There were some tracking problems with the AR display and LM. Users were intrigued by the AR display and most preferred the LM, as they found it to have better usability

    CyPhER : a digital thread framework towards human-systems symbiosis

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    Cyber-physical twinning is an important area of study across multiple diverse fields. Creating more symbiotic human-machine partnerships facilitates extended reality. This thesis presents a flexible digital thread framework, CyPhER (Cyber Physical Extended Reality), as a platform and application agnostic solution for human-systems symbiosis. This framework includes software, techniques, and a reference architecture to allow for implementation in any field where cyber-physical twinning is possible. This thesis contains case studies carried out with industry partners in the domains of vocational education and robotics. These case studies demonstrate extended reality enabling human-systems symbiosis within their fields. When moving between these fields, CyPhER itself evolved, improving in terms of performance and capability. These applications required CyPhER to be deployed on a range of platforms spanning operating systems and form factors, which influenced its performance across these devices. Having flexibility in this approach allows CyPhER to address barriers in terms of computing apparatus in each field, such as edge devices. A cyber-physical extended reality is beneficial as a teaching aid, supporting a symbiotic process where both students and tutors can benefit from a teaching environment which utilises both the real and virtual worlds. It also benefits the field of automation, allowing for a symbiotic partnership between the human operator and systems. This is achieved through bidirectional interactions between robots and humans to enable enhanced operational decision support. Approaching these applications with a cyber-physical solution has enabled gains in usability, flexibility, and scalability in each field, abstracting complex systems with extended reality features to enable symbiosis between systems and the humans that control them. This is demonstrated in the consideration of control display gains in human-system interaction, which addresses the interaction barrier between the human and the system.Funded by Heriot-Watt Universit