3,332 research outputs found

    A Consensus on the Definition and Knowledge Base for Computer Graphics

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    Despite several decades of historical innovation, measurable impacts, and multiple specializations the existing knowledge base for Computer Graphics (CG) lacks consensus, and numerous definitions for it have been published based on distinct contexts. Disagreement among post-secondary academics has divided CG programs into three contextual areas that emphasize different topics. This division has resulted in the decontextualization of CG education, and CG programs now face several challenges in meeting the needs of industry. Employing the Delphi Method, this investigation explored the perceptions among post-secondary educators and industry professionals about the definition of CG and how it is identified in terms of characteristics and context. The outcomes of this investigation identified CG in the technological paradigm, and provided a road map towards a true definition and distinct knowledge base necessary for establishing CG as a formal computing discipline

    Curriculum renewal for interprofessional education in health

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    In this preface we comment on four matters that we think bode well for the future of interprofessional education in Australia. First, there is a growing articulation, nationally and globally, as to the importance of interprofessional education and its contribution to the development of interprofessional and collaborative health practices. These practices are increasingly recognised as central to delivering effective, efficient, safe and sustainable health services. Second, there is a rapidly growing interest and institutional engagement with interprofessional education as part of pre-registration health professional education. This has changed substantially in recent years. Whilst beyond the scope of our current studies, the need for similar developments in continuing professional development (CPD) for health professionals was a consistent topic in our stakeholder consultations. Third, we observe what might be termed a threshold effect occurring in the area of interprofessional education. Projects that address matters relating to IPE are now far more numerous, visible and discussed in terms of their aggregate outcomes. The impact of this momentum is visible across the higher education sector. Finally, we believe that effective collaboration is a critical mediating process through which the rich resources of disciplinary knowledge and capability are joined to add value to existing health service provision. We trust the conceptual and practical contributions and resources presented and discussed in this report contribute to these developments.Office of Learning and Teaching Australi

    Virtual worlds to enhance student engagement

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    Both the School of Education and the discipline of Criminology at Deakin University have been using the 3-dimensional environment Second Life to deliver curriculum content and to engage students with each other and with teaching staff. The nature of this platform is facilitating more proactive student engagement with technology, including increased student competence in sharing artwork, problem solving and general discussion of complex criminological issues. In this paper, we provide some examples of how we are using Second Life in our curriculum offerings in Education and Criminology as a tool to promote greater engagement, particularly for students undertaking their courses by distance. We outine how the immersive nature of this platform can enhance the level of student interaction to produce a deeper form of engagement with our Unit material than is possible through conventional text and web-based document repositories

    Õpilaste enesetĂ”hususe parandamine ainealaste ja aineĂŒleste raamteemade ning 21. sajandi oskuste omandamisel loodusteaduste tĂ€hendusrikka Ă”ppimise edendamiseks

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    VĂ€itekirja elektrooniline versioon ei sisalda publikatsiooneKogu maailm vajab haritud inimesi, kellel on loodusteaduslik kompetentsus, et lahendada esile kerkinud probleeme nii teaduses, meditsiinis, poliitikas kui ka teistes olulistes valdkondades. Loodusteaduste Ă”petamisel on jĂ€tkuvalt probleemiks, et tundides pööratakse suurt tĂ€helepanu ainesisu omandamisele, mitte eluks vajalike oskuste kujundamisele, mis on viinud selleni, et loodusteaduslikud Ă”ppeained on muutunud Ă”pilaste jaoks vĂ€hem huvitavaks ning et Ă”pilastel tekivad killustunud teadmised. Ka varasemast uuringust „Loodusteaduslik kirjaoskus gĂŒmnaasiumiĂ”pilaste karjÀÀrivaliku mĂ”jutajana (LoTeGĂŒm)“ selgus, et gĂŒmnaasiumiĂ”pingute jooksul kasvavad Ă”pilaste aineteadmised, kuid oskus neid teadmisi rakendada probleemide lahendamisel ja otsuste tegemisel jÀÀb tagasihoidlikuks vĂ”i koguni ei muutu ĂŒldse. SeetĂ”ttu on oluline uurida viise, mis toetaks Ă”pilaste tĂ€henduslikku Ă”ppimist loodusainete valdkonnas. Õppimine on Ă”pilasele tĂ€henduslik siis, kui see kannab mingisugust pĂŒsivat muutust, mis on Ă”ppija igapĂ€evaelus oluline ka pĂ€rast Ă”pinguid. Doktoritöös uuritakse gĂŒmnaasiumiĂ”pilaste tajutud enesetĂ”husust raamteemade kasutamisel, sealhulgas 21. sajandi oskustega seoses. Bandura (1986) on defineerinud tajutud enesetĂ”husust kui inimese hinnangut oma vĂ”imetele teha ja korraldada vajalikke tegevuskĂ€ike eesmĂ€rgiga saavutada oodatud sooritustulemusi. Mitmed uuringud on nĂ€idanud, et Ă”pilase kĂ”rgem tajutud enesetĂ”husus aitab oluliselt kaasa soovitud Ă”pitulemuste saavutamisele, kuna Ă”pilasel on suurem usk oma suutlikkusse. Doktoritöö fookuses on loodusteadustega seotud raamteemad, mida defineeritakse kui teemasid, mis on teaduse ja ĂŒhiskonna poolt hetkeliselt kokku lepitud ning mis on Ă”pilasele olulised nii igapĂ€evaelus kui ka tulevikus. Sellised raamteemad on nĂ€iteks energia muundumine ja geneetiline mitmekesisus, mis moodustavad ĂŒhtse teadusliku raamistiku Eesti riiklikus Ă”ppekavas olevatele teemadele. Raamteemad on olulised loodusnĂ€htuste (nt virmalised, vikerkaar, maavĂ€rin) vĂ”i ka protsesside (nt fotosĂŒntees, kÀÀrimine, hingamine) selgitamiseks ning mĂ”istmiseks. Samuti vĂ”imaldavad raamteemad eri valdkondadest pĂ€rit teadmisi vĂ”i ainealaseid (distsiplinaarseid) ja interdistsiplinaarseid teadmisi seostada ning seejuures toetada Ă”pilaste sisukat Ă”ppimist ja teema mĂ”istmist. Peaks ju iga gĂŒmnaasiumiĂ”pilase jaoks olema Ă”ppekavas toodu seostatud ja loogiline, olenemata sellest, millise karjÀÀri ta tulevikus valib. Doktoritöö eesmĂ€rk on vĂ€lja selgitada raamteemade kaartide kui Ă”petamis- ja Ă”ppimisviisi kasutamise efektiivsus, mis hĂ”lbustab loodusteaduste Ă”ppimise lĂ”imimist ja aitab edendada Ă”pilaste tajutud enesetĂ”husust tĂ€hendusliku Ă”ppimise suunas. Doktoritöö jĂ€relduste pĂ”hjal saab esitada mitmeid soovitusi, kuidas toetada Ă”pilaste tĂ€henduslikku Ă”ppimist.Student meaningful learning through science education has recent much attention in recent years. Meaningful learning is seen as the process of interpreting situations in light of previous knowledge and experiences (Odden & Russ, 2019). In this way, emphasis is placed on promoting students’ independence, identifying their own world view and stimulating their willingness to succeed in life through developing self-efficacy. Perceived self-efficacy is taken to be an indicator of a person’s belief in the ability to succeed in a specific situation, or accomplishment of a task, based on acquired situational connections (Bandura, 1986). Where the perception is weak, or self-efficacy not established, this can be expected to lead to concerns in science learning, for example students acquisition of fragmented science knowledge. Learning in science education, increasing focuses on seeking ways to integrate different science subjects [Life science (biology), Earth science (geography), chemistry and physics] to support student meaningful conceptualisation about the world. This lack of meaningful learning has been exacerbated by the concern of emphasising students gaining of fragmental knowledge in learning through science topics. It has also led to situations where students cannot see the ‘bigger picture’ (complete overview of learned knowledge) of the learning and lack coherence of progression towards overarching disciplinary core ideas (the fundamental ideas that are necessary for conceptualising science). Also, it is important to develop interdisciplinary core ideas, which are transferrable across science fields e.g. models and systems, and which are much broader in scope and are not solely rooted in science. The aim of this study was to determine the effectiveness of student-led expansion of disciplinary core idea (DCI) and interdisciplinary core idea (ICI) maps which can contribute to promote students’ promotion of meaningful science learning. Findings showed that Students have high perceived self-efficacy towards acquiring Life Science and Earth Science related disciplinary core ideas. The findings also indicated that students had a lower self-efficacy towards acquiring more abstract disciplinary core ideas related to Chemistry and Physics. Students have high perceived self-efficacy towards acquiring interdisciplinary core ideas, such as Models and Systems. Student perceived self-efficacy was found to be lower in relation to the problem-solving skills and critical thinking. A concern was raised since many challenging problems required strong problem-solving skills and critical thinking, which were also important to different careers. The essential characteristics for to promote student meaningful learning are: disciplinary and interdisciplinary core ideas, 21st century skills, dimensions of knowledge, knowledge integration (through mind mapping and concept mapping), and DCI and ICI maps. Students’ ability to expand DCI and ICI maps was seen as effective and supported their learning in Life Science, Earth Science, and Models and Systems. Students seemed to be able to recall what they had learned in these areas more easily.https://www.ester.ee/record=b551454

    Synergy For Science Learning: An Interdisciplinary Partnership to Improve the Quality of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics Education

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    Synergy is the interaction of two or more elements to produce a combined impact greater than the sum of their separate effects. In this paper, synergy for science learning came from the amalgamation of separate, independent science education contributors. Synergy for science learning thus was created by three resulting elements: content and applications, designed by the College of Engineering and College of Liberal Arts and Sciences; research-based pedagogy, developed by the Colleges of Education and College of Liberal Arts and Sciences; and dynamic classroom implementation, guided by action research and delivered by the partnership school districts

    The Effectiveness of Integrating CALL Into Iranian EFL Contexts Challenges and Opportunities

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    Computer and its software-programs are educational instruments that succor and facilitate instructors, teachers, and students to perform conveniently and achieve their predetermined EFL/ESL teaching and learning goals and tasks in contrast to traditional methods.  This study attempts to investigate impacts of integrating CALL in Iranian EFL contexts. Researcher to collect qualitative and quantitative data, has employed mixed method strategy, and also descriptive style. As Creswell states, mixed method is the best way for research fulfillment. Total participants are 87 Iranian high school students that were dived into two separate groups. Control group (35) students that have been traditionally taught or teacher-based strategy, and experimental group (52) students that have been educated just via CALL. Subsequently, observations and findings predict and reveal that computer is useful for teacher and leaner groups to teach and learn receptive and productive L2 skills like listening, speaking, reading, and writing

    Communication Crossroads: Assertiveness Pedagogy for College Writers with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder

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    This study seeks to explore the phenomenon of why some adults with attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) have difficulties in communicating in groups at school and work, despite the integration of collaboration within the curricula of college oral and written communication courses. The purpose of this multiple case study was to explore a sample of college writers\u27 with ADHD perceptions on difficulties with their writing, as well as to evaluate an intervention which utilized communication-based classroom scenarios. The research employed qualitative methods to investigate the phenomenon under study. Participants in the study consisted of a criterion-sampled group of 10 individuals from Clemson University aged 18 and over, had documented evidence of ADHD, and were previously and/or currently enrolled in a college writing course. Findings from this project inform higher educational practice across several disciplines

    Proceedings of the ECCS 2005 satellite workshop: embracing complexity in design - Paris 17 November 2005

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    Embracing complexity in design is one of the critical issues and challenges of the 21st century. As the realization grows that design activities and artefacts display properties associated with complex adaptive systems, so grows the need to use complexity concepts and methods to understand these properties and inform the design of better artifacts. It is a great challenge because complexity science represents an epistemological and methodological swift that promises a holistic approach in the understanding and operational support of design. But design is also a major contributor in complexity research. Design science is concerned with problems that are fundamental in the sciences in general and complexity sciences in particular. For instance, design has been perceived and studied as a ubiquitous activity inherent in every human activity, as the art of generating hypotheses, as a type of experiment, or as a creative co-evolutionary process. Design science and its established approaches and practices can be a great source for advancement and innovation in complexity science. These proceedings are the result of a workshop organized as part of the activities of a UK government AHRB/EPSRC funded research cluster called Embracing Complexity in Design (www.complexityanddesign.net) and the European Conference in Complex Systems (complexsystems.lri.fr). Embracing complexity in design is one of the critical issues and challenges of the 21st century. As the realization grows that design activities and artefacts display properties associated with complex adaptive systems, so grows the need to use complexity concepts and methods to understand these properties and inform the design of better artifacts. It is a great challenge because complexity science represents an epistemological and methodological swift that promises a holistic approach in the understanding and operational support of design. But design is also a major contributor in complexity research. Design science is concerned with problems that are fundamental in the sciences in general and complexity sciences in particular. For instance, design has been perceived and studied as a ubiquitous activity inherent in every human activity, as the art of generating hypotheses, as a type of experiment, or as a creative co-evolutionary process. Design science and its established approaches and practices can be a great source for advancement and innovation in complexity science. These proceedings are the result of a workshop organized as part of the activities of a UK government AHRB/EPSRC funded research cluster called Embracing Complexity in Design (www.complexityanddesign.net) and the European Conference in Complex Systems (complexsystems.lri.fr)
