129,223 research outputs found

    Collaboration Between Designers and Marketers In Developing A New Product Development

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    Collaboration development pattern in current industry is effect on organizational performance, one of the collaboration between Designer and Marketer, both sides them have the same goal: “how their products can be sold on the market”, further is how to facilitate future product for sales strategy, ease communicating the product before bought for the consumer (pre buying), easy use for consumer when product have purchased (buying) and ease for selling back the products after consumers buy it (Post Buying). But many companies that don't have any strategy to connecting between designers and marketers when so have not maximal conclusion in sales and product development for they consumer. For this article below discusses the role of collaborating between designers and marketers as well as how to define a collaborative product design on development strategy, in this study shows that the process by using RDE (Rule Developing Experimentation) collaboration system in designing packaging products is very influential to accelerate the process of collaboration between marketing, desiccers and technology as well that it can add benefit to attract the consumer purchases

    Presenting the SCL model: adding value to business strategy through UCD principles

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    This paper presents the Sustainable Consumption Leveraging (SCL) Model and its toolkit, which was developed to help businesses examine their potential for enabling sustainable consumption whilst identifying areas of opportunity to improve their business model and value proposition. The paper begins by establishing the contribution of business towards sustainable consumption and sets out user-centred design (UCD) principles as a valuable approach to leverage sustainable consumption. The relationship between UCD principles and sustainable consumption in a business context was studied through qualitative research. The findings of in-depth interviews with experts, a focus group and a document analysis led to the construction of a theoretical framework, which was used to develop the SCL Model and its toolkit

    Social Sustainability: A design research approach to sustainable development

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    While issues such as clean production and energy efficiency are still central in sustainable development discourse, attention is increasingly on patterns of consumption at multiple levels in society. This opens new opportunities and responsibilities for design research, as we shift from a focus on product lifecycles to people’s lifestyles. It also requires further understanding the ‘social sustainability’ aspects of the environment and development, including the complexity of problematics characterized by uncertainties, contradictions and controversies. In response, we propose a programmatic approach, in which a tentative assemblage of theoretical and experimental strategies frame a common ground for a collaborative and practice-led inquiry. We present a design research program based on two propositions: socio-cultural practices are the basic unit for design, and; transitions, and transition management, are the basic points of design intervention. Rather than affirming the status quo or the prevailing discourse, we argue for design research as a ‘critical practice’, in which cultural diversity, non-humans and multiple futures are considered

    An investigation into hotel group and luxury fashion designer collaborations

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    This article is a preliminary exploration, aiming to identify the drivers of a plethora of developments led by luxury fashion designers. It was found that both luxury fashion designers and the hotel companies realised a strategic fit between brands and products offer, based on the consumer demand for the luxury experience. One common motive amongst the two industries was to capitalise on each other’s brand reputation, particularly known for its capability to provide quality and luxury products. This article also identified that the Chinese market has the potential to grow and could be a lucrative location into which to expand the luxury fashion designers’ hotel concept

    Research Project as Boundary Object: negotiating the conceptual design of a tool for International Development

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    This paper reflects on the relationship between who one designs for and what one designs in the unstructured space of designing for political change; in particular, for supporting “International Development” with ICT. We look at an interdisciplinary research project with goals and funding, but no clearly defined beneficiary group at start, and how amorphousness contributed to impact. The reported project researched a bridging tool to connect producers with consumers across global contexts and show players in the supply chain and their circumstances. We explore how both the nature of the research and the tool’s function became contested as work progressed. To tell this tale, we invoke the idea of boundary objects and the value of tacking back and forth between elastic meanings of the project’s artefacts and processes. We examine the project’s role in India, Chile and other arenas to draw out ways that it functioned as a catalyst and how absence of committed design choices acted as an unexpected strength in reaching its goals

    Value-based Design of Collaboration Processes for e-Commerce

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    Designing cross-organizational e-business applications faces the problem that the collaborating businesses must align their commercial interests without any central decision making authority. The design process must therefore yield a clear view of the commercial value of the collaboration for each economic actor, as well as a clear specification of the activities to be performed by each actor and a specification of information systems to be used by each actor. We present guidelines for designing the value network of the collaboration, which shows the commercial value of the collaboration for each participating actor. We then present guidelines for transforming the value network into process models, which show the feasibility of implementing the value network in the business processes of the actors. Our approach has been developed in different consultancy projects. We illustrate our approach with a consultancy project performed at a company that we will call the Amsterdam Times

    Circular Economy Snapshot: Philips Light as a Service

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    Philips, the Dutch lighting, healthcare and consumer lifestyle company and the world's largest lighting supplier, began its sustainability journey in the early 1990s when it set its first sustainability standards. It began by focusing on technology innovations to reduce packaging and increase energy efficiency of its products. This focus shifted over time to consider end-to-end solutions and how the company could influence consumer choices and behaviour. This resulted in a growing portfolio of green product innovations.By the 2000s the company began setting goals to grow its green product portfolio. In 2007 it set a target that 30% of its turnover would be from green product revenues by 2012. In 2012 it set a new goal of 55% of total sales to be 'green' (as of 2013 the proportion stood at 51%), and embedded the target in the corporate scorecard. About one third of its over $2B annual R&D budget is now directed towards green innovation.Today the company's mission is to make the world healthier and more sustainable through innovation and its goal is to improve the lives of 3 billion people a year by 2025. It committed to this mission in 2012 both as a competitive necessity and with the conviction that companies solving the problem of resource constraints will have an advantage. It believes that customers will increasingly consider natural resources in their buying decisions and will give preference to companies that show responsible behavior

    Modelling the User: How design for sustainable behaviour can reveal different stakeholder perspectives on human nature

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    Copyright @ 2010 TU DelftInfluencing more environmentally friendly and sustainable behaviour is a current focus of many projects, ranging from government social marketing campaigns, education and tax structures to designers’ work on interactive products, services and environments. There is a wide variety of techniques and methods used—we have identified over 100 design patterns in our Design with Intent toolkit—each intended to work via a particular set of cognitive and environmental principles. These approaches make different assumptions about ‘what people are like’: how users will respond to behavioural interventions, and why, and in the process reveal some of the assumptions that designers and other stakeholders, such as clients commissioning a project, make about human nature. In this paper, we discuss three simple models of user behaviour—the Pinball, the Shortcut and the Thoughtful—which emerge from user experience designers’ statements about users while focused on designing for behaviour change. We characterise these models using systems terminology and examine the application of each model to design for sustainable behaviour via a series of examples

    Sustainability principles through educational e-textile kit

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    Innovations in smart textiles technology are on the rise with a promise to add value to the consumer's life (Goodman et al., 2018). However, these innovations and the high development speed involved also raise concerns about environmental issues related to these trends (Van der Velden et al., 2015). Therefore, TTorch project was created which aim is to bring different fields, like electronics and textile engineering, together to create a kit for educational purposes and follow circular economy principles while doing it. TTorch is a creative toy with a development kit for up to 10-year-old children, using e-textile principles. The product kit creates a bridge between engineering and design, by letting the user explore a personal light source and build surroundings to it. The goal of the project is to show how interdisciplinary fields can work together and with that creating different opportunities. This paper gives a short overview of e-textiles, research on e-waste, textile waste and e-textile waste management. Further on it will focus on the necessary collaboration between design, engineering and industry by emphasising difference between core team and network around the core team. The collaboration aim it to create ecological product kit for educational purposes following the concept of STEAM. Discussions will include how collaboration between team members with diverse backgrounds, and surrounding network was necessary to identify specific gap in the market and to evolve the idea from product to development kit

    Sustainable exhibit design: guidelines for designers of small scale interactive and travelling exhibits

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    This study was commissioned as part of Lincolnshire County Council’s FLOWS ‘2B’ Information and Symbols Project and UK match funding for this particular FLOWS Project has been provided by East Midlands Development Agency. The aim of FLOWS is to improve the sustainability of development in flood risk areas through development of ‘good practice’, by improved integration of flood risk information into decision-support systems for spatial planning and water management. FLOWS involves over 40 individual projects which are based in four Work Packages. Lincolnshire County Council is jointly leading Work Package 3 (Spatial Planning) and is also leading on Projects in Work Package 2 (Public Perception/Dissemination). This study has been produced as part of Lincolnshire County Council’s ‘FLOWS 2B Information and Symbols Project’ and in the wider context, is focussing on raising public awareness of flooding and flood risk by exploring innovative methods of disseminating information on the subject of flood risk to the public. This project involves the production of interactive exhibits aimed at raising the awareness of flood risk in Lincolnshire and is a partnership between Lincolnshire County Council and the School of Architecture at the University of Lincoln. A study focussing on creating sustainable exhibitions has been undertaken via the University of Lincoln that will directly inform the FLOWS exhibits. As detailed in the project brief, this study on Sustainable Exhibit Design will investigate best practice in sustainable exhibit design and produce a report setting out guidelines for designers of small interactive and travelling exhibits, guidelines which are directly applicable to the proposed FLOWS exhibit. The report will form a contribution to exhibition design knowledge through wider distribution via the University of Lincoln and FLOWS websites and a conference presentation
