507 research outputs found

    Efficient Interconnectivity Among Networks Under Security Constraint

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    Interconnectivity among networks is essential for enhancing communication capabilities of networks such as the expansion of geographical range, higher data rate, etc. However, interconnections may initiate vulnerability (e.g., cyber attacks) to a secure network due to introducing gateways and opportunities for security attacks such as malware, which may propagate from the less secure network. In this paper, the interconnectivity among subnetworks is maximized under the constraint of security risk. The dynamics of propagation of security risk is modeled by the evil-rain influence model and the SIR (Susceptible-Infected-Recovered) epidemic model. Through extensive numerical simulations using different network topologies and interconnection patterns, it is shown that the efficiency of interconnectivity increases nonlinearly and vulnerability increases linearly with the number of interconnections among subnetworks. Finally, parametric models are proposed to find the number of interconnections for any given efficiency of interconnectivity and vulnerability of the secure network

    Improving measures of topological robustness in networks of networks and suggestion of a novel way to counter both failure propagation and isolation

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    The study of interdependent complex networks in the last decade has shown how cascading failure can result in the recursive and complete fragmentation of all connected systems from the destruction of a comparatively small number of nodes. Existing "network of networks" approaches are still in infancy and have shown limits when trying to model the robustness of real-world systems, due to simplifying assumptions regarding network interdependencies and post-attack viability. In order to increase the realism of such models, we challenge such assumptions by validating the following four hypotheses through experimental results obtained from computer based simulations. Firstly, we suggest that, in the case of network topologies vulnerable to fragmentation, replacing the standard measure of robustness based on the size of the one largest remaining connected component by a new measure allowing secondary components to remain viable when measuring post-attack viability can make a significant improvement to the model. Secondly, we show that it is possible to influence the way failure propagation is balanced between coupled networks while keeping the same overall robustness score by allowing nodes in a given network to have multiple counter parts in another network. Thirdly, we challenge the generalised assumption that partitioning between networks is a good way to increase robustness and that isolation is a force as equally destructive as the iterative propagation of cascading failure. This result significantly alters where the optimum robustness lies in the balance between isolation and inter-network coupling in such interconnected systems. Finally, we propose a solution to the consequent problem of seemingly ever increasing vulnerability of interdependent networks to both cascading failure and isolation: the use of permutable nodes that would give such systems rewiring capabilities. This last concept could have wide implications when trying to improve the topological resilience of natural or engineered interdependent networks

    The State-of-the-Art Survey on Optimization Methods for Cyber-physical Networks

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    Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) are increasingly complex and frequently integrated into modern societies via critical infrastructure systems, products, and services. Consequently, there is a need for reliable functionality of these complex systems under various scenarios, from physical failures due to aging, through to cyber attacks. Indeed, the development of effective strategies to restore disrupted infrastructure systems continues to be a major challenge. Hitherto, there have been an increasing number of papers evaluating cyber-physical infrastructures, yet a comprehensive review focusing on mathematical modeling and different optimization methods is still lacking. Thus, this review paper appraises the literature on optimization techniques for CPS facing disruption, to synthesize key findings on the current methods in this domain. A total of 108 relevant research papers are reviewed following an extensive assessment of all major scientific databases. The main mathematical modeling practices and optimization methods are identified for both deterministic and stochastic formulations, categorizing them based on the solution approach (exact, heuristic, meta-heuristic), objective function, and network size. We also perform keyword clustering and bibliographic coupling analyses to summarize the current research trends. Future research needs in terms of the scalability of optimization algorithms are discussed. Overall, there is a need to shift towards more scalable optimization solution algorithms, empowered by data-driven methods and machine learning, to provide reliable decision-support systems for decision-makers and practitioners

    Resilience-Driven Post-Disruption Restoration of Interdependent Critical Infrastructure Systems Under Uncertainty: Modeling, Risk-Averse Optimization, and Solution Approaches

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    Critical infrastructure networks (CINs) are the backbone of modern societies, which depend on their continuous and proper functioning. Such infrastructure networks are subjected to different types of inevitable disruptive events which could affect their performance unpredictably and have direct socioeconomic consequences. Therefore, planning for disruptions to CINs has recently shifted from emphasizing pre-disruption phases of prevention and protection to post-disruption studies investigating the ability of critical infrastructures (CIs) to withstand disruptions and recover timely from them. However, post-disruption restoration planning often faces uncertainties associated with the required repair tasks and the accessibility of the underlying transportation network. Such challenges are often overlooked in the CIs resilience literature. Furthermore, CIs are not isolated from each other, but instead, most of them rely on one another for their proper functioning. Hence, the occurrence of a disruption in one CIN could affect other dependent CINs, leading to a more significant adverse impact on communities. Therefore, interdependencies among CINs increase the complexity associated with recovery planning after a disruptive event, making it a more challenging task for decision makers. Recognizing the inevitability of large-scale disruptions to CIs and their impacts on societies, the research objective of this work is to study the recovery of CINs following a disruptive event. Accordingly, the main contributions of the following two research components are to develop: (i) resilience-based post-disruption stochastic restoration optimization models that respect the spatial nature of CIs, (ii) a general framework for scenario-based stochastic models covering scenario generation, selection, and reduction for resilience applications, (iii) stochastic risk-related cost-based restoration modeling approaches to minimize restoration costs of a system of interdependent critical infrastructure networks (ICINs), (iv) flexible restoration strategies of ICINs under uncertainty, and (v) effective solution approaches to the proposed optimization models. The first research component considers developing two-stage risk-related stochastic programming models to schedule repair activities for a disrupted CIN to maximize the system resilience. The stochastic models are developed using a scenario-based optimization technique accounting for the uncertainties of the repair time and travel time spent on the underlying transportation network. To assess the risks associated with post-disruption scheduling plans, a conditional value-at-risk metric is incorporated into the optimization models through the scenario reduction algorithm. The proposed restoration framework is illustrated using the French RTE electric power network. The second research component studies the restoration problem for a system of ICINs following a disruptive event under uncertainty. A two-stage mean-risk stochastic restoration model is proposed to minimize the total cost associated with ICINs unsatisfied demands, repair tasks, and flow. The model assigns and schedules repair tasks to network-specific work crews with consideration of limited time and resources availability. Additionally, the model features flexible restoration strategies including a multicrew assignment for a single component and a multimodal repair setting along with the consideration of full and partial functioning and dependencies between the multi-network components. The proposed model is illustrated using the power and water networks in Shelby County, Tennessee, United States, under two hypothetical earthquakes. Finally, some other topics are discussed for possible future work

    Criticality of infrastructure networks under consideration of resilience-based maintenance strategies using the example of inland waterways

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    Transportation infrastructures as backbone of modern, globalized, and networked societies ensure flows of people and goods and thus sustain social and economic prosperity. Concurrently, more and more infrastructure construction assets are facing the problem of systematic obsolescence due to deficient structural conditions, maintenance backlogs, and a lack of or misallocation of resources for the construction and maintenance of infrastructure buildings. This problem construct necessitates a resilience-based maintenance strategy for the asset portfolio. In particular, inland navigation as a mode of transport features large transport volumes and few redundancies. Combined with its increasing importance due to its comparatively high environmental friendliness, a predestined, yet in the literature underrepresented research subject results. This dissertation aims to investigate essential factors of infrastructure management and thereby identify the potential for improvement in the complex construct of maintenance management and related areas. The emphasis is on enhancing the resilience of inland waterways as a complex System-of-Systems with all its interdependencies. Thus, a holistic risk and resilience assessment is essential and is underlined with the aspects infrastructure availability and business decisions (Study A, B, C and D) and stakeholder communication and risk analysis (Study E, F, G) which are addressed by seven studies published as companion articles. Study A deals with assessing the reliability of transport infrastructure networks as part of supply chains, highlighting the importance of available and thus maintained infrastructure assets for functioning supply chains. Study B aims to identify critical warning times before closures of transport infrastructure networks and therefore suggests a mixed-methods approach, making it possible to derive and evaluate critical thresholds. Study C examines the corresponding company decisions, i.e., decisions as reaction towards neglected maintenance of public transport infrastructure, which comprises risk coping strategies, examined by empirical investigations. Study D extends this problem observation by showing that companies could see incentives for outsourcing if they face a lack of access to available transport infrastructure. Hence, the study analyzes facility relocation problems in dependence on infrastructure availability. Study E heads toward stakeholder communication and risk analysis and examines the processes across stakeholders, using an approach of collaborative serious gaming, which simultaneously enhances situation awareness and communication among stakeholders. Study F provides the implementation of a systemic approach and its visualization as a GIS-based risk dashboard, shedding light on interdependencies among critical infrastructures and cascading effects. Study G closes with an examination of the evaluation of the potential of infrastructure funds. For this purpose, the study conducts an online survey to determine investors’ willingness to pay for various fund mechanisms, integrating the option of private coverage. Despite the geographic focus of the case studies on Germany, valuable insights can be gained for infrastructure management that can also apply to other countries. In addition to the case study findings, general recommendations for infrastructure owners are derived. As a result, it can be stated that it is essential that maintenance strategies have to be more resilience-based than traditional strategies, which are mainly based on fixed time intervals for maintenance. Moreover, the application of both serious gaming and GIS visualization can help to enhance situation awareness and thus the resilience of infrastructure systems. An essential finding for which this dissertation provides methodological approaches is that considering the local area’s attractiveness for business locations should receive more attention regarding investment decisions. Thereby a focus should be set on the realistic threat of relocations as response to deteriorating infrastructure conditions. Eventually, public debates should strengthen the knowledge about infrastructure and its funding, while deficits in alongside mechanisms in infrastructure funding must be encountered. Consequently, this dissertation provides insights into the potential of infrastructure management. Mainly, it offers the potential to improve the resilience of the waterway transportation system and address stakeholders accordingly

    Optimizing resilience decision-support for natural gas networks under uncertainty

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    2019 Summer.Includes bibliographical references.Community resilience in the aftermath of a hazard requires the functionality of complex, interdependent infrastructure systems become operational in a timely manner to support social and economic institutions. In the context of risk management and community resilience, critical decisions should be made not only in the aftermath of a disaster in order to immediately respond to the destructive event and properly repair the damage, but preventive decisions should to be made in order to mitigate the adverse impacts of hazards prior to their occurrence. This involves significant uncertainty about the basic notion of the hazard itself, and usually involves mitigation strategies such as strengthening components or preparing required resources for post-event repairs. In essence, instances of risk management problems that encourage a framework for coupled decisions before and after events include modeling how to allocate resources before the disruptive event so as to maximize the efficiency for their distribution to repair in the aftermath of the event, and how to determine which network components require preventive investments in order to enhance their performance in case of an event. In this dissertation, a methodology is presented for optimal decision making for resilience assessment, seismic risk mitigation, and recovery of natural gas networks, taking into account their interdependency with some of the other systems within the community. In this regard, the natural gas and electric power networks of a virtual community were modeled with enough detail such that it enables assessment of natural gas network supply at the community level. The effect of the industrial makeup of a community on its natural gas recovery following an earthquake, as well as the effect of replacing conventional steel pipes with ductile HDPE pipelines as an effective mitigation strategy against seismic hazard are investigated. In addition, a multi objective optimization framework that integrates probabilistic seismic risk assessment of coupled infrastructure systems and evolutionary algorithms is proposed in order to determine cost-optimal decisions before and after a seismic event, with the objective of making the natural gas network recover more rapidly, and thus the community more resilient. Including bi-directional interdependencies between the natural gas and electric power network, strategic decisions are pursued regarding which distribution pipelines in the gas network should be retrofitted under budget constraints, with the objectives to minimizing the number of people without natural gas in the residential sector and business losses due to the lack of natural gas in non-residential sectors. Monte Carlo Simulation (MCS) is used in order to propagate uncertainties and Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Assessment (PSHA) is adopted in order to capture uncertainties in the seismic hazard with an approach to preserve spatial correlation. A non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm (NSGA-II) approach is utilized to solve the multi-objective optimization problem under study. The results prove the potential of the developed methodology to provide risk-informed decision support, while being able to deal with large-scale, interdependent complex infrastructure considering probabilistic seismic hazard scenarios
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