2,774 research outputs found

    Model Checking: Verification or Debugging?

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    Interoperability-Guided Testing of QUIC Implementations using Symbolic Execution

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    The main reason for the standardization of network protocols, like QUIC, is to ensure interoperability between implementations, which poses a challenging task. Manual tests are currently used to test the different existing implementations for interoperability, but given the complex nature of network protocols, it is hard to cover all possible edge cases. State-of-the-art automated software testing techniques, such as Symbolic Execution (SymEx), have proven themselves capable of analyzing complex real-world software and finding hard to detect bugs. We present a SymEx-based method for finding interoperability issues in QUIC implementations, and explore its merit in a case study that analyzes the interoperability of picoquic and QUANT. We find that, while SymEx is able to analyze deep interactions between different implementations and uncovers several bugs, in order to enable efficient interoperability testing, implementations need to provide additional information about their current protocol state.Comment: 6 page

    Towards Model Checking Real-World Software-Defined Networks (version with appendix)

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    In software-defined networks (SDN), a controller program is in charge of deploying diverse network functionality across a large number of switches, but this comes at a great risk: deploying buggy controller code could result in network and service disruption and security loopholes. The automatic detection of bugs or, even better, verification of their absence is thus most desirable, yet the size of the network and the complexity of the controller makes this a challenging undertaking. In this paper we propose MOCS, a highly expressive, optimised SDN model that allows capturing subtle real-world bugs, in a reasonable amount of time. This is achieved by (1) analysing the model for possible partial order reductions, (2) statically pre-computing packet equivalence classes and (3) indexing packets and rules that exist in the model. We demonstrate its superiority compared to the state of the art in terms of expressivity, by providing examples of realistic bugs that a prototype implementation of MOCS in UPPAAL caught, and performance/scalability, by running examples on various sizes of network topologies, highlighting the importance of our abstractions and optimisations


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    Several newly emerged wireless technologies (e.g., Internet-of-Things, Bluetooth, NFC)ā€”extensively backed by the tech industryā€”are being widely adopted and have resulted in a proliferation of diverse smart appliances and gadgets (e.g., smart thermostat, wearables, smartphones), which has ensuingly shaped our modern digital life. These technologies include several communication protocols that usually have stringent requirements stated in their specifications. Failing to comply with such requirements can result in incorrect behaviors, interoperability issues, or even security vulnerabilities. Moreover, lack of robustness of the protocol implementation to malicious attacksā€”exploiting subtle vulnerabilities in the implementationā€”mounted by the compromised nodes in an adversarial environment can limit the practical utility of the implementation by impairing the performance of the protocol and can even have detrimental effects on the availability of the network. Even having a compliant and robust implementation alone may not suffice in many cases because these technologies often expose new attack surfaces as well as new propagation vectors, which can be exploited by unprecedented malware and can quickly lead to an epidemic

    Remote-scope Promotion: Clarified, Rectified, and Verified

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    Modern accelerator programming frameworks, such as OpenCL, organise threads into work-groups. Remote-scope promotion (RSP) is a language extension recently proposed by AMD researchers that is designed to enable applications, for the first time, both to optimise for the common case of intra-work-group communication (using memory scopes to provide consistency only within a work-group) and to allow occasional inter-work-group communication (as required, for instance, to support the popular load-balancing idiom of work stealing). We present the first formal, axiomatic memory model of OpenCL extended with RSP. We have extended the Herd memory model simulator with support for OpenCL kernels that exploit RSP, and used it to discover bugs in several litmus tests and a work-stealing queue, that have been used previously in the study of RSP. We have also formalised the proposed GPU implementation of RSP. The formalisation process allowed us to identify bugs in the description of RSP that could result in well-synchronised programs experiencing memory inconsistencies. We present and prove sound a new implementation of RSP that incorporates bug fixes and requires less non-standard hardware than the original implementation. This work, a collaboration between academia and industry, clearly demonstrates how, when designing hardware support for a new concurrent language feature, the early application of formal tools and techniques can help to prevent errors, such as those we have found, from making it into silicon

    Reliable massively parallel symbolic computing : fault tolerance for a distributed Haskell

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    As the number of cores in manycore systems grows exponentially, the number of failures is also predicted to grow exponentially. Hence massively parallel computations must be able to tolerate faults. Moreover new approaches to language design and system architecture are needed to address the resilience of massively parallel heterogeneous architectures. Symbolic computation has underpinned key advances in Mathematics and Computer Science, for example in number theory, cryptography, and coding theory. Computer algebra software systems facilitate symbolic mathematics. Developing these at scale has its own distinctive set of challenges, as symbolic algorithms tend to employ complex irregular data and control structures. SymGridParII is a middleware for parallel symbolic computing on massively parallel High Performance Computing platforms. A key element of SymGridParII is a domain specific language (DSL) called Haskell Distributed Parallel Haskell (HdpH). It is explicitly designed for scalable distributed-memory parallelism, and employs work stealing to load balance dynamically generated irregular task sizes. To investigate providing scalable fault tolerant symbolic computation we design, implement and evaluate a reliable version of HdpH, HdpH-RS. Its reliable scheduler detects and handles faults, using task replication as a key recovery strategy. The scheduler supports load balancing with a fault tolerant work stealing protocol. The reliable scheduler is invoked with two fault tolerance primitives for implicit and explicit work placement, and 10 fault tolerant parallel skeletons that encapsulate common parallel programming patterns. The user is oblivious to many failures, they are instead handled by the scheduler. An operational semantics describes small-step reductions on states. A simple abstract machine for scheduling transitions and task evaluation is presented. It defines the semantics of supervised futures, and the transition rules for recovering tasks in the presence of failure. The transition rules are demonstrated with a fault-free execution, and three executions that recover from faults. The fault tolerant work stealing has been abstracted in to a Promela model. The SPIN model checker is used to exhaustively search the intersection of states in this automaton to validate a key resiliency property of the protocol. It asserts that an initially empty supervised future on the supervisor node will eventually be full in the presence of all possible combinations of failures. The performance of HdpH-RS is measured using five benchmarks. Supervised scheduling achieves a speedup of 757 with explicit task placement and 340 with lazy work stealing when executing Summatory Liouville up to 1400 cores of a HPC architecture. Moreover, supervision overheads are consistently low scaling up to 1400 cores. Low recovery overheads are observed in the presence of frequent failure when lazy on-demand work stealing is used. A Chaos Monkey mechanism has been developed for stress testing resiliency with random failure combinations. All unit tests pass in the presence of random failure, terminating with the expected results

    Design Solutions For Modular Satellite Architectures

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    The cost-effective access to space envisaged by ESA would open a wide range of new opportunities and markets, but is still many years ahead. There is still a lack of devices, circuits, systems which make possible to develop satellites, ground stations and related services at costs compatible with the budget of academic institutions and small and medium enterprises (SMEs). As soon as the development time and cost of small satellites will fall below a certain threshold (e.g. 100,000 to 500,000 ā‚¬), appropriate business models will likely develop to ensure a cost-effective and pervasive access to space, and related infrastructures and services. These considerations spurred the activity described in this paper, which is aimed at: - proving the feasibility of low-cost satellites using COTS (Commercial Off The Shelf) devices. This is a new trend in the space industry, which is not yet fully exploited due to the belief that COTS devices are not reliable enough for this kind of applications; - developing a flight model of a flexible and reliable nano-satellite with less than 25,000ā‚¬; - training students in the field of avionics space systems: the design here described is developed by a team including undergraduate students working towards their graduation work. The educational aspects include the development of specific new university courses; - developing expertise in the field of low-cost avionic systems, both internally (university staff) and externally (graduated students will bring their expertise in their future work activity); - gather and cluster expertise and resources available inside the university around a common high-tech project; - creating a working group composed of both University and SMEs devoted to the application of commercially available technology to space environment. The first step in this direction was the development of a small low cost nano-satellite, started in the year 2004: the name of this project was PiCPoT (Piccolo Cubo del Politecnico di Torino, Small Cube of Politecnico di Torino). The project was carried out by some departments of the Politecnico, in particular Electronics and Aerospace. The main goal of the project was to evaluate the feasibility of using COTS components in a space project in order to greatly reduce costs; the design exploited internal subsystems modularity to allow reuse and further cost reduction for future missions. Starting from the PiCPoT experience, in 2006 we began a new project called ARaMiS (Speretta et al., 2007) which is the Italian acronym for Modular Architecture for Satellites. This work describes how the architecture of the ARaMiS satellite has been obtained from the lesson learned from our former experience. Moreover we describe satellite operations, giving some details of the major subsystems. This work is composed of two parts. The first one describes the design methodology, solutions and techniques that we used to develop the PiCPoT satellite; it gives an overview of its operations, with some details of the major subsystems. Details on the specifications can also be found in (Del Corso et al., 2007; Passerone et al, 2008). The second part, indeed exploits the experience achieved during the PiCPoT development and describes a proposal for a low-cost modular architecture for satellite

    Solvent-Free Synthesis of Metal Coordination Compounds Using Ball Mills

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    Mechanochemistry utilizes mechanical energy to promote chemical reactions to completion. Samples ground with a ball mill are placed under consistent pressure and temperature, which allows for increased surface area, shorter reaction times and overall better control of reaction conditions compared to the use of a mortar and pestle. Many synthetic techniques to prepare metal coordination compounds use a solvent. The solvent promotes the reactions by providing a route for reagents to interact. While solvents facilitate reactions, there is interest in reducing or eliminating solvents altogether during the synthesis process due to potential instability of a solvent under certain experimental conditions and costs. Solvents can also hinder the isolation of the final product due to issues of solubility; and solvent coordination to the metal ion resulting in the solvent needing to be removed. Additionally, eliminating solvents can minimize safety concerns. This so-called ā€œgreen chemistryā€ approach to synthesis involves the development of a solvent-free method which creates less waste, more economically and environmentally friendly. The research investigated the use of a solvent-free methodology employing a ball mill to synthesize metal coordination compounds using organic chelating agents, including EDTA, DTPA, 1,10-Phenanthroline and Bipyridyl with metal cations of interest including Cobalt(II), Nickel(II), Copper(II), and Iron(III). Additionally, the research investigated the role reagent parameters (e.g. type of metal salt to ligand ratio, rigidity of chelating agent, hydrate salts vs anhydrous salts, etc.) play in the synthesis of metal coordination complexes. Analysis of the complexes included solid state infrared spectroscopy, coupled with elemental analysis to characterize products formed from reactions under ball mill synthesis
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